Category: Sex Ed

Ranking the Rumbliest, Most Powerful Wand Vibrators 1

Ranking the Rumbliest, Most Powerful Wand Vibrators

THE UPDATED ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SENSUAL, SEISMIC SORCERY It's true: the Magic Wand is a mys­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, enchant­i­ng users even more with its upgrades under new own­er­ship. But oth­er icon­i­cal­ly orgasm-​​obliging wands have entered the are­na, each with their own…

Rating Realistic Sliding Skin Dildos: RealCock, Jock, Blush, RodeOH 3

Rating Realistic Sliding Skin Dildos: RealCock, Jock, Blush, RodeOH

Giving you the real talk on ultra-​​realistic cocks. If you're look­ing for a dil­do that mim­ics flesh and blood, com­plete with slid­ing skin or mov­able balls for a more immer­sive feel, you're in the right place. I've rat­ed these options…

9 Silicone Pussy Plugs, Compared: G Squeeze, Sensi & MORE 4

9 Silicone Pussy Plugs, Compared: G Squeeze, Sensi & MORE

"Dude, I'm so fuck­ing horny I came like instant­ly upon slip­ping in a pussy plug," I texted my friend. Ever since the icon­ic LuzArte Jollet — a single-​​humped dil­do designed to fill the vagi­na and tes­se­late with the G‑spot's contours…

4 Mental Hang-Ups About Vibrators I've Gotten Over 5

4 Mental Hang-Ups About Vibrators I've Gotten Over

I've used hun­dreds of sex toys, and that has made me more sen­si­tive, more hyper-​​aware of what steps on my "arousal accel­er­a­tor," and more eas­i­ly able to orgasm with a broad­er range of stim­uli. What mate­ri­al­ized was the total opposite…

Fun Factory Has Been Spoiling My Pussy For 10+ Years 6

Fun Factory Has Been Spoiling My Pussy For 10+ Years

Their mar­velous engi­neer­ing set many of my stan­dards from the start — pow­er­ful pul­sators often imi­tat­ed but nev­er dupli­cat­ed, rumbly motors with basslike flut­ter­ing and tap­ping, and more. Collecting insertable per­vert­ibles from Fun Factory for 10+ years has absolute­ly spoiled my…

11 Ways Glass Dildos Changed My Sex Life 7

11 Ways Glass Dildos Changed My Sex Life

Potentially unpop­u­lar opin­ion: glass dil­dos make great first sex toys. At the least, they did for me. Here are 11 rea­sons why glass dil­dos were noth­ing short of rev­o­lu­tion­ary for me, summed up in ear­ly ecsta­t­ic mem­o­ries — from dis­cov­er­ing cer­vi­cal orgasms…

Bathmate HydroMax & Penis Pump 101 Guide 8

Bathmate HydroMax & Penis Pump 101 Guide

Boosting your erec­tions and elec­tri­fy­ing every stroke Bathmate leads the penis pump pack — revered for their respon­sive con­trols, com­fort, and user-​​friendly HydroMax and HydroXtreme mod­els — all FDA-​​approved med­ical devices craft­ed in the UK. Add some range to your…

Flashy, bold, fun color sex toys

Sex Toys for Every Star Sign & Pleasure Persona: A Gift Guide

Toys for your zodi­ac sign, from auda­cious Aries to poet­ic Pisces This stel­lar shop­ping guide pairs sex-​​positive prod­ucts with astrology-​​inspired arche­types — div­ing into the sym­bol­ism and Hellenic plan­et ruler­ship to match your erot­ic ener­gy. Non-​​believer? No prob­lem! You'll likely…

A-spotty silicone vibrators with plenty of insertable length to go deep!

9 Breathtaking A-Spot Vibrators for Deep Penetration, Ranked!

I like my insertable per­vert­ibles long and gen­tly curved — my cervix and its fornix­es crave more than the pop­u­lar G‑spot vibra­tors of yore. Give me depth. Go all the way in with an A‑spot vibra­tor. This list com­pares A‑spotty vibrators…

Review: Uncover Creations Ovipositor Dildo & Tentacle Grinder III 9

Review: Uncover Creations Ovipositor Dildo & Tentacle Grinder III

Abduct to fuck and feed your need to breed I'm shar­ing my fer­al field notes about Uncover Creations' ten­ta­cle sex toys, from mild to wild: Get ready and go as deep as you want. Uncover Creations Tentacle Grinder III Review A silicone…

Fun Factory Nos, Duke, Tiger, and Limba Flex Medium

These Fun Factory Sex Toys Are Even Better Together

HAND-​​PICKED POWER COMBOS FOR CLIT COURTESANS, PENETRATION PRINCESSES, AND ADVENTUROUS AMAB AND BI BABES ALIKE. Fun Factory sex toys deliv­er rumbly AF, award-​​winning motors and a smor­gas­bord of shapes for just about every body. Choose your own adven­ture by mixing…