Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION)

Earth-​shattering orgasms without taking my pants off

Find out how your faves com­pare: Fun Factory VIM, Magic Wand Rechargeable, Le Wand Rechargeable, Dame Com, We-​Vibe Wand, and more!


Fun Factory VIM vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable and Doxy

I love long and fill­ing insertable per­verta­bles, but some­times, I want an intense wank with­out tak­ing my pants off. Wand vibra­tors are per­fect for that. And there are plen­ty of cord­less, recharge­able wands on the mar­ket, but they vary wild­ly in vibra­tion depth and breadth.

These features are essential in picking out the best cordless wand massagers:
  • Many speed options to suit dif­fer­ent moods
  • Rumbly ampli­tude
  • The low­est set­ting is a deep purr
  • An easy-​to-​clean and body-​safe sil­i­cone head
  • And, of course, I'm biased towards toys I can insert vagi­nal­ly. I get that that's not every­one, though. You do you.

Read on for a fast-​blast com­par­i­son of 15 dif­fer­ent recharge­able wands — some great, some "meh." It rates them by the above cri­te­ria, price, set­tings, con­trol pan­el, water resis­tance, and head size.

Magic Wand Micro vs. bigger Magic Wands

Rumbly vs. Buzzy Vibrations

[Image: Magic Wand Plus, BMS Factory Swan Wand, We-Vibe Wand, PalmPower Extreme, Pillow Talk Cheeky, Blush Noje W4 side-by-side]

Most peo­ple know that the right vibra­tion strength is essen­tial when shop­ping for a vibra­tor. However, it's not the only thing that affects how a vibra­tor feels. That's where the word "rumbly" comes in. Think of a 2012 Excision show where the boom­ing bass rat­tles the inside of your nose. Now think of a mos­qui­to buzzing in your ear. That's the dif­fer­ence in vibra­tion quality.

The rum­bli­est vibra­tors are big on ampli­tude or range of motion and have a rich, low tim­bre on low­er set­tings — some of which are sub-bass.

It's more intense because the spin­ning weight inside is heav­ier, gen­er­at­ing more force. Additionally, the big­ger a vibra­tor is, the more room there is for oth­er com­po­nents, like the battery.

When you dip rumbly vibra­tors in water, they form big waves and splash. In use, they shake more of the inter­nal clitoris. 

I've includ­ed infor­ma­tion about vibra­tion qual­i­ty, fre­quen­cy, and speed range in this mini-​review round-​up of recharge­able wands.


Best rumbly cordless wand review

Rechargeable wand vibrator comparison & ranking table

This table ranks my favorite cord­less wand mas­sagers. Some things to keep in mind when read­ing the table:

  1. You can scroll hor­i­zon­tal­ly to see more columns, if on a nar­row screen
  2. This table indi­cates prices when you use my coupon codes
  3. Hertz (Hz) rep­re­sents oscil­la­tions per sec­ond, while RPM stands for rev­o­lu­tions per minute. 
    • To get RPM from Hz, mul­ti­ply by 60.
  4. As always, these are based on my sub­jec­tive pref­er­ences, and your mileage may vary. Read each sub­sec­tion to learn more about your options.
NameWhere to Get ItVibration QualityFrequency (Hz)SettingsControlsWaterproof?Head Width
3 patterns with adjustable intensity
3 buttonsSplashproof2.3"
Magic Wand RechargeableSHOPTHUDDY AF45–1054 steady
4 patterns
3 buttonsNo2.3"
BMS Swan Wand ClassicSHOPTHUDDY AF25–70Continuous
3 steady
4 patterns
2 buttonsWaterproof1.5" and 2.0"
Dame ComSHOPModerately rumbly with flutter35–73Continuous
5 steady
4 patterns
3 buttonsWaterproof2"
Lovense Domi 2SHOPTHUDDY50–76Continuous plus customizable patterns in app
3 steady
4 patterns
2 buttons
Bluetooth app
Doxy 3 R / RechargeableSHOPRumbly53–1146 steady
1 pattern
3 buttonsNo1.7"
BMS PalmPower ExtremeSHOPRumbly25–85Continuous
4 steady
3 patterns
2 buttonsSplashproof1.8"
Le Wand RechargeableSHOPRumbly, bordering on zingy73–9410 steady
20 patterns
3 buttonsSplashproof2.3"
Rock Candy SweetensitySHOPRumbly, bordering on zingy80–1058 steady
20 patterns
3 buttonsWaterproof1.7"
BMS PalmPower RechargeSHOPRumbly, bordering on zingy
Continuous1 buttonWaterproof1.6"
Cal Exotics Couture Collection Body Wand KitSHOPZingy105 – 13510 steady1 buttonWaterproof1.6"
Magic Wand MiniSHOPRumbly, bordering on zingy76–1033 steady3 buttonsNo1.9"
Honey Play Box PomiSHOPZingy but veeery strong103–1113 steady speeds
7 patterns
1 buttonWaterproof1.9"
BMS Pillow Talk CheekySHOPRumbly50–85Continuous1 buttonSplashproof1.5"
Orion Your New Favorite WandSHOPZingy64–823 steady
4 patterns
3 buttonsSplashproof2.6"
Magic Wand MicroSHOPRumbly but relatively gentle44-1033 steady
4 patterns
2 buttonsNo1.3"

Let's start with the bona fide wands that peo­ple think of when they hear "pow­er­ful vibrator."

Full-sized and midi-wands

Fun Factory VIM



I repeat: the Fun Factory VIM is THE NEW DEITY IN THIS HOUSE and is IN FUCKING CHARGE of my wands. It's about as strong as the Magic Wand Rechargeable but waaaaay deep­er with its basslike purr. The Vim main­tains its thud­dy thump­ing sen­sa­tion through its 53 to 73 Hz speed range.

Fun Factory VIM best most rumbly rechargeable wand massager

To quote my full-​length VIM review:

[The Fun Factory VIM] imme­di­ate­ly emanat­ed a deep, res­o­nant purr, evok­ing a friend's “Holy shit” reac­tion, even at the first set­ting. Throbbing. Thrumming. Imagine you’re at a music fes­ti­val, and the phat wob­ble bass rever­ber­ates in your res­pi­ra­to­ry sys­tem when you breathe.

That’s how the Fun Factory VIM feels to me. It’s that lev­el of rumbly.

[…] the dif­fer­ence between one quick, sat­is­fy­ing orgasm and mul­ti­ple that over­whelm me with rap­tur­ous dopamine delight. I turn it up, cli­max, turn it way down when I’m sen­si­tive but still on the plateau, insta-​cum again, and repeat, going high­er every time.

The Fun Factory VIM feels so fuck­ing good, what­ev­er I'm in the mood for. Its high­est speed is some­where between the Doxy Die Cast's first and sec­ond set­tings, and the low­est still feels like heav­en right after I cum. Beautifully bassy and deliri­ous­ly deli­cious, the VIM is otherworldly.

The main down­side to the VIM is that its neck is flex­i­ble. That doesn’t change the way I play much, though. With any wand, I use both hands to hold the han­dle: my bot­tom hand pulls the toy against me and top hand push­es to angle — lit­er­al­ly lever­ag­ing with a fulcrum.

No oth­er cord­less wand comes close. The Fun Factory VIM is the new idol and icon in this house.

The LELO Smart Wand Large is about as rumbly as the Fun Factory VIM but way weak­er. And the Magic Wand Rechargeable is great, but its but­tons aren't ide­al, and there's that big gap between the sec­ond and third speeds. Still, the MWR is a clas­sic for a rea­son, and you might choose it over the VIM if you want to use stan­dard wand attach­ments. The VIM takes the cake as a stand­alone toy, though.

It feels so fuck­ing good. It feels so fuck­ing good. I just want to whis­per that to myself over and over again between cunt con­trac­tions. The Fun Factory VIM just feels so fuck­ing good — the best cord­less wand I've ever tried.

Hitachi Magic Wand Rechargeable

I'll talk about the Magic Wand Rechargeable first, then the Mini in a lat­er sec­tion of this post.

Left to right below: Magic Wand Plus, Doxy Die Cast, Magic Wand Mini, and Magic Wand Rechargeable.

Magic Wand Plus Doxy Die Cast Magic Wand Mini Rechargeable Wand massager comparison

The Magic Wand Rechargeable has the same shell and motor as the Magic Wand Plus, so read my full review of that. The Plus and Rechargeable ver­sions start at about 45 Hz (or 2700 RPM), allow­ing me to savor the thud­dy weight.

Their shared three-​button con­trol pan­el increas­es and decreas­es speed quick­ly. At around 63 Hz (3800 RPM), even the sec­ond speed is still rumbly and not espe­cial­ly loud.

I say "around" because the Magic Wand Rechargeable is heav­ier to accom­mo­date the bat­tery. Thus, its vibra­tions don't feel exact­ly as sharp as the Magic Wand Plus's.

Comparison to other rechargeable wands

[Image: We-Vibe Wand with silicone Stroker attachment and Magic Wand with We-Vibe Flutter attachment]

The Doxy Die Cast is the rum­bli­est mains-​powered vibrator.

However, it's hard to top the Magic Wand Rechargeable when it comes to the rum­bli­est recharge­able vibra­tors. The Fun Factory VIM is a tad weak­er but way rumblier.

In terms of pow­er, the BMS Swan Wand Classic's top speed is between the Magic Wand Rechargeable's sec­ond and third set­tings. The PalmPower Extreme also comes close to that, but it doesn't achieve the same lev­el of thuddiness.

And We-Vibe's Wand fea­tures a lower-​pitched purr with more pre­cise speed con­trol than the Magic Wand, but it's not near­ly as pow­er­ful. Its high­est speed is between the upgrad­ed Magic Wands' first and sec­ond speed in strength.

As a bonus, since the Magic Wands are the most well-​known "back mas­sagers," more attach­ments are made to accom­mo­date them. That means you can com­bine pow­er­ful vibra­tion with flut­ter­ing, G‑spotting, tex­tures, penis stroking, and more with­out break­ing the bank.

Downsides of the Magic Wand Rechargeable Massager

Most obvi­ous­ly, Magic Wands are pow­er tools, and that's okay— there's no such thing as a per­fect sex toy for every­body on every occa­sion. Sometimes, it's too much for me, even with the new set­tings added. And there are big jumps in between, espe­cial­ly with the sec­ond and third speeds.

There are three but­tons (on-​off, speed set­ting, and pat­tern), but I don't like how only one but­ton cycles through the speeds.

The Magic Wand Rechargeable is also bulky. If you have mobil­i­ty issues, oth­er wands may be more com­fort­able to hold. You could also con­sid­er get­ting a wand mount to straddle.

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 1

Other fac­tors that might get in the way include its auto­mat­ic shut-​off and lack of water resis­tance. Yeah, it turns off by itself after 20 con­sec­u­tive min­utes of use. It's annoy­ing, but you can imme­di­ate­ly turn it back on.

If you're on a bud­get, get the Magic Wand Plus. The Plus ver­sion is cord­ed and doesn't have pat­tern set­tings, but the price is sub­stan­tial­ly low­er than the Rechargeable. Otherwise, it's hard for a cord­less wand to top the Magic Wand Rechargeable, and I think it's worth every penny.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

Swan Wand Classic by BMS Factory

I can sum up my thoughts on the Swan Wand Classic as, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" If you want a huge insertable vibra­tor, this one's for you. Its tilt will blud­geon your front wall — A‑spot, G‑spot, and every­thing. I just turn into a glazed-​eye pud­dle of sighs and whimpers. 

[Image: BMS Factory Swan Wand rumbly G-spot vibrator in a glass with smaller 1.5" diameter end on the bottom. The bigger 2" diameter end curves over the glasss edge]

The BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic is for those who crave a water­proof and A‑spotty ver­sion of the Magic Wand to insert. The vibra­tions start at a barely-​audible 25 Hz (1500 RPM). It's 2" thick on its big­ger end and 1.5" on the oth­er side.

Both heads have motors that you can inde­pen­dent­ly con­trol. And unlike the oth­er wands on this list, the Swan Wand is explic­it­ly designed for pen­e­tra­tion. Its big head is tapered, with a front-​loaded swell for knead­ing the front wall. It's firm, fill­ing, and leaves me starry-​eyed and blissed out. (Read my old BMS Swan Wand Classic review.)

Even when an inser­tion isn't involved, I love the two-​button con­trol on this thing. Press one but­ton to cycle through three steady speeds, up to 70 Hz (4200 RPM), and 4 pat­terns. Or, for more in-​between inten­si­ties, hold the but­ton down while it slow­ly ramps up. You can turn on just one end, both, or (of course) nei­ther. To turn the unit off, quick­ly press both but­tons simultaneously.

The BMS Swan Wand combines the fine-​tuning of the Pillow Talk Sassy with Hitachi Magic Wand-​like vibrations.
[Image: BMS Factory Swan Wand next to Pillow Talk Cheeky and PalmPower Extreme]

Again, its max­i­mum inten­si­ty (70hz or 4200 RPM) is between the upgrad­ed Magic Wand's sec­ond (63 Hz or 3800 RPM) and third (90hz or 5400 RPM) speeds. But what makes the Swan Wand Classic stand out is that the weight inside — and there­fore the rum­ble — is almost par with the Magic Wand Plus or Rechargeable. Its vibra­tion qual­i­ty is more pro­found than the PalmPower Extreme's, and its wide range starts with a beau­ti­ful sub-​bass purr.

Tthe Swan Wand Classic's PowerBullet™ vibra­tions are thud­dy, its speed range is almost per­fect for me, and it deliv­ers an intense, soul-​snatching stretch for any card-​carrying size royalty.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

COM by Dame Products

I audi­bly insta-​came the first time I tried the Dame Com internally.

— me in my mega-​guide to fist­ing.
Dame Com Wand Massager Review

Oh, fuu­uck. The Dame COM wand's width and shal­low cur­va­ture make it a per­fect­ly girthy A‑spot vibra­tor. It's hel­la G‑spotty, too, and the vibra­tions offer Dame Products' sig­na­ture deep purrrrrrr. I'm get­ting teary-​eyed just think­ing about insert­ing it again and feel­ing it against my cervix. AAAAAAAAAAA.

The Dame COM wand mas­sager mea­sures 2" across the head and dips down to 1.5" at the han­dle. You also get about 8" of insertable length with it.

Admittedly, it's not my favorite as a wand. As with many oth­er Dame Products, the COM wand is mod­er­ate ampli­tude and low pitch. Its tim­bre is deep, but you won't get a lot a lot of pow­er out of it. As an insertable, though? Cue ahe­gao face.

Dame Com Wand Massager Review

There's plen­ty more to adore about the Dame Products COM:

  • You can grad­u­al­ly turn up the speed; there are 5 dis­crete steady inten­si­ties when you quick-​press, but long-​pressing the "up" or "down" but­ton slow­ly ramps it
  • IT'S WATERPROOF! Like, ful­ly sub­mersible, unlike most oth­er wands on this list. Love it!

In short: I don't know whether Dame Products intend­ed for the COM to be insert­ed, but it works beau­ti­ful­ly, and I should prob­a­bly end this sec­tion before it turns pornographic.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

PalmPower Extreme by BMS

[Image: BMS PalmPower Extreme in all black. Also a mirrored image so you can see the angled wand neck AND the control panel.]]

The BMS Factory PalmPower Extreme is anoth­er vibra­tor that uses PowerBullet™ tech­nol­o­gy. Of the PalmPower line, it is the strongest vibra­tor. Compared to the pre­vi­ous, big­ger wands on this list, though, there's a notice­able trade­off. The PalmPower Extreme is light­weight, com­pact, and angled for easy posi­tion­ing — and its motor is less robust than the Swan Wand Classic.

It's still ridicu­lous­ly strong by most sex toy review­ers' stan­dards, but it doesn't have the same "VOOM." Whereas the PalmPower Extreme's speed range is 20–85 Hz, the full-​sized Swan Wand's is 20–70 Hz. I'm under the impres­sion that the former's high­er speeds are com­pen­sato­ry. And under­stand­ably so. The PalmPower Extreme's motor must be small­er to fit in the 1.8" diam­e­ter head, where­as the Swan Wand Classic is 2" across.

If I tried the PalmPower Extreme in iso­la­tion, I prob­a­bly would have praised it for many of the same things as the Swan Wand. They're both intense, and their con­trols are similar:

  • Quickly press a but­ton to cycle through the settings
  • Press-​and-​hold to grad­u­al­ly increase speed
  • Press the oth­er but­ton to turn the vibra­tor off

These par­al­lels make sense— they are made by the same com­pa­ny, after all. If there were more of a cost dif­fer­ence, I'd rec­om­mend the PalmPower Extreme in a heart­beat. But the Swan Wand Classic's price isn't much more.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

LELO Smart Wand 2 Large

Here's how this lux­u­ry wand mas­sager mea­sures up to the competition.

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 2

LELO's Smart Wand 2 Large:

  • Is rum­bli­er than the Magic Wand Rechargeable but not as strong
  • Resonates with a deep purrrrring tim­bre, from about 40 to 74 Hz
  • Has a curved han­dle for angling
  • Comes with com­pre­hen­sive controls

Its deep vibra­tion qual­i­ty makes it super unique. On the flip side, its han­dle vibrates, which might be irri­tat­ing to your wrists and arms, and that's a deal­break­er for me. Pick your poison.

Read my full Smart Wand review.

Or don't.

Le Wand Rechargeable

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 3

Contrary to the Le Wand Rechargeable's acco­lades, it's not the most pow­er­ful sex toy.

It's not even the most pow­er­ful cord­less wand — but it is up there, com­ing close to the Magic Wand Rechargeable, albeit way buzzi­er. And it's about tied with the Doxy 3 Rechargeable (not to be con­fused with my ride-​or-​die, the cord­ed Doxy Die Cast).

Compared to the Magic Wand Rechargeable, the Le Wand:

  • Has more patterns
  • Is buzzi­er
  • Comes with travel-​friendly adapters
  • Is gen­er­al­ly prettier

But most of its draw is cos­met­ic. I wish the Le Wand Rechargeable's design­ers had put more thought into design­ing its con­trol pan­el. What a mess!

Read my full review or get the Le Wand Rechargeable.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

Compact mini-wand vibrators

Reasons to use a mini-wand

[Image: Pink BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky and Blush Noje W4 Wand vibrators on display in cups in front of a mannequin with jacket and enamel pins]

So if big­ger vibra­tor heads deliv­er deep­er vibra­tions, that must mean they're always bet­ter, right? Not nec­es­sar­i­ly— every­body is dif­fer­ent and has dif­fer­ent needs and pri­or­i­ties. For starters, not every­one enjoys broad stim­u­la­tion. Some pre­fer pin­point vibra­tions con­cen­trat­ed in a small­er sur­face area, hence my love for bul­lets. Mini-​wands also tend to be qui­et, light­weight, and travel-friendly.

They take up less space and don't hog the vul­va in use. When prepar­ing to con­sume a mas­sive dil­do like the Tantus Bishop XL, Vixen Randy, or Uberrime Anurian, that's some­thing to keep in mind. (…or when you're about to get fist­ed!)

Powerful vibra­tors help me relax my pelvic floor. But girthy inserta­bles pull my clit clos­er to the vagi­nal open­ing, leav­ing lit­tle room for a bulky wand to access it.

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 4

Lovense Domi 2

My Lovense Domi 2 mini-​review could be made into a micro-​review: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 5

If you're on the fence about the Lovense Domi 2, just get it. It's the most pow­er­ful mini-​wand I've tried. It starts with that love­ly sub-​bass 50 Hz, then 70, then 76. In short: omg, OMFG, and AAAAA. The Lovense Domi 2 mas­sager gives me some of the strongest orgasms I've ever had from exter­nal stim­u­la­tion — not "just" moan­ing and scream­ing, but voice quiv­er­ing and damn near sob­bing from the release.

The Domi 2's two-​button con­trol pan­el lets you access three steady speeds and four pat­terns, BUT THERE'S SO MUCH MORE from the Lovense Bluetooth app:

  • Control over the con­tin­u­ous speed range
  • Record cus­tom patterns
  • Long-​distance video chat and control
  • Ambient sound acti­va­tion, which might be use­ful with a part­ner dirty talking
  • Vibrations sync­ing to your audio files or con­nect­ing to Spotify?!?!?!!?!? 
    • There is a slight delay, so the sync isn't perfect

After a song's crescen­do, it takes a few sec­onds for the Lovense con­trol app to catch up, but that's a quirk I can appre­ci­ate. I synced some pop-​punk music to the Lovense Domi 2 and HOOOH that pro­vid­ed me an almost ille­gal lev­el of fun by myself.

It's not about pick­ing the loud­est, row­di­est death met­al, but rather a song with lots of vari­a­tion. The more intense parts then REALLY catch me off guard and shock me, and that's part of the fun.

Tl;dr AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the Lovense Domi 2 might be my third-​favorite cord­less wand. (After the Fun Factory VIM and Magic Wand Rechargeable, of course.)

Lovense Domi powerful bluetooth remote control wand vibrator review

The down­side: some read­ers have com­ment­ed that the Lovense Domi 2 has a rel­a­tive­ly high defect rate. Lovense does offer a 1‑year war­ran­ty on all their prod­ucts, though. And I think the vibra­tion sen­sa­tion is bomb enough that I'll use the heck out of it and get my money's worth before it dies.

It's up to you what your risk tol­er­ance is, though, and I under­stand not want­i­ng to drop $110+ on a vibra­tor that might break.


Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

BMS PalmPower Recharge & Cal Exotics Couture Collection

These wands cost quite a bit less than the Domi 2 but come close to it in pow­er. JUST GET ONE if you don't care for the Domi 2's frills and want the strongest water­proof com­pact wand you can get — with­out going into lux­u­ry price territory.

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 7

What I love about the BMS PalmPower Recharge & Cal Exotics Couture Collection:

  • Powerful AF
  • Fully water­proof
  • Fantastic bang-​to-​buck ratio
  • Wide speed range
  • Attachments for penetration!!!
  • The Couture Collection Wand is insertable!

They're strik­ing­ly sim­i­lar in shape and size — 1.6" across the round head — but the dif­fer­ences are in their speed settings.

What I don't love about them:

  • The PalmPower Recharge has a stark seam across the head
  • The rabbit-​style attach­ments inher­ent­ly can­not fit every body
  • One-​button con­trol panel

But for the price, the pow­er, the end­less back-​to-​back orgasms? Both are fan­tas­tic. One but­ton is a fine com­pro­mise to get some­thing A‑tier — close to the most pow­er­ful com­pact wands!

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

Doxy 3 Rechargeable

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 8

It's not as pow­er­ful as the Doxy Die Cast (A. K. A. Doxy Lorge), but it's about tied with the Le Wand Rechargeable.

Just make sure you read my com­par­i­son between the Doxy 3 R and Doxy Die Cast to set real­is­tic expec­ta­tions. The Doxy Smol's more tar­get­ed head can­not shake near­ly as much of my inter­nal clitoris.

But thanks to its heavy inter­nal weight, it retains a fan­tas­ti­cal­ly thud­dy vibra­tion qual­i­ty for how petite it is — even with such a wide range of speeds. Plus! Big but­tons that glow blue for breezy use in the dark.

My boyfriend ex and I adored using the Doxy 3 R on both of us at the same time while I was on top, strad­dling him. And its size makes it a delight­ful addi­tion to inter­course. Expensive? Yes. But I've reached for it again and again. We'd choose the Doxy 3 Rechargeable over so-​called "cou­ples' toys" any day.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

Rock Candy Refined Sweetensity & EdenFantasys Sleek Power Wand

I call the Sweetensity wand the opti­miz­er of forced orgasms, plea­sure dom­i­na­tion, and post-​nut sen­si­tiv­i­ty. It’s one of the strongest mini-​wands I’ve ever tried — yes, stronger than the Magic Wand Mini — and I adore it, even with its strange controls.

Its user inter­face isn’t for every­one, but fans of edg­ing and repeat­ed back-​to-​back orgasms might sadis­ti­cal­ly smirk. Because maybe — just maybe — Rock Candy’s uncon­ven­tion­al choic­es here were intentional.

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 9

Rock Candy's Sweetensity is stronger than the Magic Wand Mini, BMS Pillow Talk Sassy, and every­thing past this point in this post. It punch­es above its weight class, stronger than some full-​sized wands like the BMS PalmPower Extreme (but not as rumbly). What's more? It's waterproof!

The most glar­ing down­side is this wand's unusu­al con­trol panel:

  • It starts at the high­est speed and has a mem­o­ry function
  • The mid­dle but­ton cycles through the pat­terns with short press­es and reverts to the high­est set­ting when you long press
  • The speed adjust­ment but­ton decreas­es the inten­si­ty, then cycles back to the highest

Read my full Rock Candy Sweetensity Wand review for why the inter­face may or may not be a good thing.

This mini-​wand isn't for every­body — and cer­tain­ly not for the faint of cli­toris. It's for those who want to cum over and over again, gasp­ing, "Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh."

Magic Wand Mini by Vibratex

YES, THERE IS NOW A MAGIC WAND SMOL, and it's cord­less! It's quite intense for the size and price and has three speeds: 76, 88, and 103 Hz.

Magic Wand Rechargeable vs. Magic Wand Mini

The but­tons are great, but there are three speeds and no oth­er set­tings. While it is strong and rumbly, its breadth feels non-​committal — not strong like a full-​on wand, but not focused like a bul­let. I prob­a­bly won't often reach for the Magic Wand Mini often.

The Magic Wand Mini's 2nd speed strength is com­pa­ra­ble to the Pillow Talk Cheeky's high­est. If you're choos­ing between them, decide whether you'd rather have:

  • A wide, con­tin­u­ous range of inten­si­ties. There's one but­ton to con­trol them, and you can only either go up or turn it off and start from the bottom
  • Three dis­crete speeds with HUGE jumps in between, but three but­tons and the abil­i­ty to tog­gle up and down

If you'd pre­fer the lat­ter, get the Magic Wand Mini.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

Love Not War Koi wand massager

Koi by Love Not War

The Koi mini-​​wand by Love Not War is SHOCKINGLY pow­er­ful for its size. Like, seri­ous­ly, one of the best strength-​​to-​​size ratios I have ever seen, and at 1.38" wide, it's more focused than the Magic Wand Mini.

Plus, the Love Not War Koi is ful­ly water­proof — uncom­mon among trav­el wand massagers.

Love Not War Koi wand massager unscrewed and disassembled

Is it the most pow­er­ful wand? No, but it's up there, rival­ing some wands big­ger than it. Love Not War's Koi is also very travel-​​friendly — fits in a make­up bag — and it packs a punch for how dain­ty it is. I love it!

Get the Love Not War Koi — make sure you get both the bat­tery base and the screw-​on Koi wand mas­sager head.

They're sold sep­a­rate­ly so that you can get mul­ti­ple Love Not War attach­ments for the same base, con­serv­ing resources. Then, recy­cle the alu­minum once you're done for the sake of sustainability.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

Honey Play Box Pomi

This mini-​wand has hard­ly any sub­tle­ty. Suuuper strong, a lil zingy, com­pact, and quite afford­able. Plus, it's waterproof!

Read my full Honey Play Box Pomi review.

Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Comparison & Mini-Reviews: 16 Best Cordless & Compact Wands (2020 EDITION) 10

Pillow Talk Cheeky by BMS Factory

[Image: pink Pillow Talk Cheeky mini-wand vibrator next to Magic Wand Plus]

The Pillow Talk Cheeky is the big­ger sib­ling of the best G‑spot vibra­tor: the Pillow Talk Sassy. Both are about 1.5" max­i­mum width, budget-​friendly, and boast phe­nom­e­nal vibra­tions for their size. It wouldn't be fair to com­pare them to full-​sized wands. Still, the Pillow Talk Cheeky and Sassy's rum­ble out­per­forms comparably-​sized lux­u­ry vibra­tors like the LELO Mona 2. Times are chang­ing; amaz­ing, afford­able sex toys are the future.

As with the previously-​mentioned BMS Factory wand mas­sagers, the Pillow Talk Cheeky has a con­tin­u­ous speed range. The inten­si­ty increas­es when you press and hold. The dif­fer­ence is that one but­ton con­trols every­thing. As such, a quick press turns the vibra­tor on and off. It's more bare-​bones and less intu­itive, but I can't com­plain at its price.

I described the Pillow Talk Cheeky's low­est speed as "purring" in the full review. It's not as low-​pitched or intense as the pre­vi­ous vibra­tors in this list, but still thor­ough­ly respectable. The Pillow Talk Cheeky and Sassy are at a sweet spot. Small and focused enough to get me off quick­ly. Amply rumbly for the size. And cer­tain­ly worth every penny.

Pssst! If you want to take 20% off the Pillow Talk Sassy, use my exclu­sive dis­count code, SUPERSASSY20 at Peepshow Toys. The SUPERSMASHCACHE code works for prac­ti­cal­ly every­thing else, includ­ing the Cheeky.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

You2 Toys Your New Favorite Wand

Your New Favorite Wand by Orion and You 2 Toys

Consider this mini-​wand a "Le Wand Lite" — essen­tial­ly a full-​sized wand head with 2.6" diam­e­ter, but a trun­cat­ed han­dle. It has 3 buzzy but mod­er­ate­ly strong set­tings and 4 pat­terns, all of which are speed-​adjustable, as well! And it's suu­u­u­u­per afford­able as far as wands go — it's not my favorite, but it would make a great intro­duc­to­ry wand for some­one on a budget.

Get the Your New Favorite Rechargeable Wand by Orion.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.

Magic Wand Micro

Say hel­lo to the Magic Wand family's newest bun­dle of joy: the Magic Wand Micro!

Magic Wand Micro power compared to bullet vibrator

Consider it a rumbly bul­let in the shape of a wand — about par with the We-​Vibe Tango in pow­er, but with a flex­i­ble neck and 1.3" wide sil­i­cone head.

The main down­side? One but­ton cycles through all the set­tings (3 steady, 4 patterns).

For such a cute and travel-​friendly (dare I say keychain-​ready) pack­age that deliv­ers easy-​breezy orgasms, I'm will­ing to over­look that!

Read my full Magic Wand Micro review for more on how it com­pares to the competition.

Get your Magic Wand Micro from Bettys' Toy Box and use code SUPER for 10% off.

Jump back to the wand vibra­tor com­par­i­son table.



My thoughts on rechargeable wand massagers by Fun Factory, Vibratex, BMS Factory, and more!
[Image: eggplant purple We-Vibe Wand, black PalmPower Extreme, lily pink Noje W4, pink BMS Pillow Talk Sassy, Swan Wand Classic, Magic Wand Plus wands]

Overall, the Fun Factory VIM has the rum­bli­est strength-​to-​price ratio, though the upgrad­ed Hitachi Magic Wands come close.

Vibratex's Rechargeable ver­sion is the strongest cord­less vibra­tor, with more rum­ble and speed set­tings than the Original. That first set­ting? OOooOOhh, it was love at first touch.

My favorite mini-​wand is the Lovense Domi 2 for its strength and drool-​worthy ver­sa­til­i­ty. The most intensely-​shaped wand for insert­ing is the Dame COM.

We-Vibe's Wand is less pow­er­ful than the Magic Wand Rechargeable, but its pitch is delight­ful­ly deep. Using the joy­stick or We-​Connect app allows users to turn the vibra­tion speed up and down a con­tin­u­ous range— a fea­ture sore­ly lack­ing in oth­er vibra­tors. But it's expen­sive, so a crit­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tion is whether you'll use the sil­i­cone wand attach­ments that come with it.

Rest in peace, We-​Vibe Wand.

Finally, the Magic Wand Mini is my top pick as far as com­pact, con­ve­nient, rumbly, and afford­able mini-​wands go. It's not as strong as the Domi but costs way less, and is far rum­bli­er than the Pomi.

Use my discount codes for 10% off

Get these pow­er­ful wand vibra­tors — or any­thing else — for 10% off at Peepshow Toys with coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE

For Betty's Toy Box, use code SUPER for 10% off

You can also use dis­count code SUPERSMASH10 at Spectrum Boutique for 10% off your first order — or check out as a guest and keep using it.

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4 Responses

  1. nightingale says:

    Have you ever tried Unbound Ollie? It seems like its a full-​size wand and its water­proof but i cant find any reviews about it, hmm.. (there are some only on their site but no any from blog­gers like you, and i am kin­da curi­ous how would it com­pare to oth­er wands)

  2. Jimena says:

    I’ve been want­i­ng a wand for a while, this guide is real­ly helpful!

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