Le Wand Rechargeable vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable

[Image: Magic Wand Plus controls next to white Le Wand Rechargeable among plant mat and succulent]

The design­ers behind the Le Wand Rechargeable know that lux­u­ry lies in the lit­tle exte­ri­or details. Everything about its pack­ag­ing is ele­gant, down to the rose gold foil stick­er boast­ing, "XBIZ AWARDS WINNER /​ LUXURY BRAND OF THE YEAR." Below it, the text reads, "DEEP, RUMBLY VIBRATIONS."

No lies detected, but let's be real: the Le Wand Rechargeable is a copy of the Magic Wand Rechargeable.

[Image: Magic Wand Plus and Le Wand Rechargeable side-by-side comparison. They look SUPER similar!]
Side-​by-​side, they look strikingly similar, featuring the same:
  • Head width and body length 
    • Compatible with the same attachments
  • Control pan­el and logo placement
  • Slightly flared handle
  • Charging/​power port

At this point, it's old news that Le Wand copied took inspi­ra­tion from the Magic Wand Rechargeable. That's not the part that piss­es me off. After all, there's only so much pos­si­ble vari­a­tion among wand massagers.

What bothers me about the Le Wand Rechargeable is that:
  1. Le Wand claims that their Rechargeable mod­el is supe­ri­or to the Magic Wand Rechargeable. (BULLSHIT!)
  2. The Le Wand Rechargeable gets end­less acco­lades. That includes the title of "Most Powerful Sex Toy" (Also BULLSHIT!)
  3. It costs sub­stan­tial­ly more than the Magic Wand Plus, Magic Wand Rechargeable, AND orig­i­nal Doxy.

You can give the Le Wands pret­ti­er pack­ag­ing and re-​skinning and a silki­er sil­i­cone head. You can add more fea­tures, like trav­el lock, inter­na­tion­al adapters (US, UK, EU, and AUS), and pat­terns galore.

[Image: Le Wand Rechargeable massager wand vibrator box packaging]

But none of that overrides the Magic Wand Plus and Rechargeable's deepER, rumbliER vibrations.

The Le Wand Rechargeable has NOTHING on them in terms of vibra­tion qual­i­ty. If I hadn't already tried the Doxy Die Cast, upgrad­ed Magic Wands, and We-​Vibe Wand, I'd prob­a­bly be more thor­ough­ly impressed.

For new users with no oth­er frame of ref­er­ence, the Le Wand Rechargeable is pow­er­ful and rumbly. But con­trary to what Cosmopolitan mag­a­zine would tell you, it's not the most pow­er­ful sex toy. Aw HELL, no!

In this Le Wand Rechargeable massager review

[Image: pearl white Le Wand Rechargeable body massager with rose gold accents]

Compared to the Doxy Die Cast, the Le Wand Rechargeable is very "okay."

There's inten­si­ty, but it doesn't have near­ly as much depth — both in terms of ampli­tude and tim­bre. You won't get a rich, thud­dy purr like with the Doxy Die Cast or low­er speeds on the Magic Wand Plus. They're so delight­ful­ly low-​pitched and sub-bass!

The Doxy Die Cast's weight­ed head shakes my entire inter­nal cli­toral com­plex even at low RPMs.

I can't say the same of the Le Wand Rechargeable. It starts at a way high­er pitch (4000 RPM vs. 3000 RPM) and still can't match the Doxy Die Cast's pow­er. There's no com­pe­ti­tion there. And a Doxy Classic cord­ed wand, though cheap­er, is more pow­er­ful. (Just make sure to use a sil­i­cone head cov­er on it!)

[Image: pearl white Le Wand Rechargeable body massager vibrator next to orchids and white lilies]

The Le Wand Rechargeable's vibration quality is rumbly, but not the best.

Mains-​powered wand vibra­tors tend to be more potent than recharge­able and cord­less wands. So I'll be fair and com­pare the Le Wand Rechargeable to my favorite cord­less mas­sagers.

It would prob­a­bly be tied for #2 with the Doxy 3 Rechargeable — which is more com­pact and serves a dif­fer­ent pur­pose. (It leaves more of my vul­va free for pen­e­tra­tion for example!)

Le Wand Rechargeable vs. Magic Wand Plus and BMS Factory Swan Wand

The Le Wand Rechargeable's low­est set­ting is a step more pow­er­ful than the Magic Wand Rechargeable's first. And its high­est is some­where between the Magic Wand Rechargeable's sec­ond and third — almost at the halfway point.

If the Magic Wand Rechargeable's sec­ond set­ting were a 1 and its third set­ting a 10, the Le Wand Rechargeable's high­est inten­si­ty would prob­a­bly be a 3. As for the BMS Factory Swan Wand, its high­est set­ting is com­pa­ra­ble to the Le Wand Rechargeable's 4th out of 10.

TL;DR I don't hate the Le Wand Rechargeable. I just think it's expensive and overrated for what it is.

The Le Wand Rechargeable's one notable improvement over Hitachi Magic Wand vibrator: more settings!

Steady speeds on the Le Wand Rechargeable

To me, the most sig­nif­i­cant appeal of Le Wand's mas­sagers is the small pow­er incre­ments — it has 10 speed set­tings! If that mat­ters to you, here's a quick com­par­i­son of the Le Wand Rechargeable's inten­si­ty options vs. Magic Wands:

  • Le Wand Rechargeable – 10 speeds rang­ing from 67 Hz to 89 Hz (about 4000 to 5350 RPM)
  • Magic Wand Original – 2 speeds (5000 RPM on low and 6000 RPM on high)
  • Magic Wand Plus – 4 set­tings (2700, 3800, 5400, 6300 RPM)
  • Magic Wand Rechargeable – about the same as the Plus, just slight­ly low­er

Note that, between the upgrad­ed Magic Wands' sec­ond and third set­tings, there's a BIG jump of 1600 RPM. With the Le Wand Rechargeable, there's a nar­row­er range but with tighter adjusta­bil­i­ty. The steps are far more sub­tle, with only about 180 RPM between speeds.

(Want a vibrator with a continuous speed range? Check out the We-​Vibe Wand and other compact rechargeable massagers!)

Le Wand Rechargeable pattern settings

[Image: Le Wand rechargeable pattern settings 1 – 10]

When it comes to exter­nal cli­toral vibra­tors, I don't care about pat­tern set­tings. But if you do, con­sid­er that the Magic Wand Rechargeable also has 4 patterns.

The Le Wand Rechargeable has 20, and I enjoy their fast stac­ca­to and thrum­ming. None of them dip low in inten­si­ty long enough for me to lose my plea­sure plateau or orgasm. Thank goodness.

Unfortunately, 20 pat­terns (that's even more than the Femmefunn Bougie Bullet!) is just too damn much. It gets unruly with a less-​than-​optimal con­trol panel.

UGH!!!!!! The Le Wand Rechargeable's control panel is so aggravating!

It may or may not be a deal­break­er to you — that depends on how famil­iar you are with oth­er wands and which ones. The Doxy Die Cast, Magic Wand Plus, and Magic Wand Rechargeable have three but­tons like the Le Wand Rechargeable does, but with slight­ly dif­fer­ent functions.

Here's a summary of their controls, from top to bottom:
  • Doxy Die Cast and Magic Wand Plus – pow­er, increase, decrease.
  • Magic Wand Rechargeable – pow­er, cycle speeds, cycle patterns
  • Le Wand Rechargeable – on/​increase, cycle pat­terns, decrease/​off.
[Image: Le Wand Rechargeable diagonal on tropical plant leaves and red velvish fabric]

The frustration of pressing the wrong button

Since I loooove my Doxy Die Cast and Magic Wand Plus the most, I'm used to press­ing the mid­dle but­ton when I want to turn the inten­si­ty up. And the Magic Wand Rechargeable's mid­dle but­ton is intu­itive enough when there are only 4 speeds to tog­gle through.

On the Le Wand Rechargeable, that but­ton switch­es to pat­terns. AARRGHGHljdfksjd;gkdfg!!!

I have two main options to turn up the Le Wand Rechargeable from there:
  • Turn it off by decreas­ing it all the way, then turn it back on.
  • Cycle through aaaaal­l­l­ll 19 pat­terns and don't overshoot

Oh, no no no nooooo. If you're going to have THAT many pat­terns, please add anoth­er but­ton to go back to steady set­tings quick­ly. PLEASE.

[Image: Le Wand Rechargeable buttons and control panel diagram from manual]

The Le Wand Rechargeable's SUPER inconvenient "power off."

When I don't want to turn my wand off

Also, what hap­pens when I'm on the Magic Wand Plus's low­est set­ting, and I press the "decrease" but­ton? Nothing — it stays on that steady speed because the "on/​off" but­ton is entire­ly separate.

If I'm on the Le Wand Rechargeable's slow­est speed? The "decrease" but­ton turns vibra­tions off. Since it's higher-​pitched than the oth­er wands, it's hard­er to know when I'm on the low­est set­ting and — OPE! I've turned it off entire­ly! Frustrating!

At least turn­ing it back on is easy, so it's not that egregious.

When I do want to turn it off

There's, unfor­tu­nate­ly, no option but to click-​click-​click-​click-​click to turn down the speed until I get to zero. That sucks if you're try­ing to be dis­creet. With oth­er recharge­able wand vibra­tors, you can usu­al­ly imme­di­ate­ly turn it off.

The We-​Vibe Wand is espe­cial­ly great at that — it Smart Silence tech­nol­o­gy auto­mat­i­cal­ly shuts off vibra­tions if you pull the wand away from your body. Perfect for if you're shar­ing a room with some­one. (Plus, the We-​Vibe Wand is WAY qui­eter than the Le Wand Rechargeable!)

Other options to consider if you want a lightweight or waterproof wand massager

The Le Wand Rechargeable is bulky and only splash­proof — not water­proof. In all fair­ness, that's also true of the Magic Wand Rechargeable and Doxy Die Cast, but some­thing to keep in mind if you:

  • are look­ing for a hand­held massager
  • have mobil­i­ty issues
  • want to fit a wand between bod­ies dur­ing part­ner play
  • like pair­ing cli­toral stim­u­la­tion with big dildos

Consider a Doxy Number 3 or 3 Rechargeable if you want a pow­er­ful com­pact mini-​wand mas­sager. It's way small­er, so it's less of a vul­va hog and more use­ful when prepar­ing to take big toys!

If you want power in a wand for solo play but get tired of holding it.

I high­ly rec­om­mend get­ting a wand mount or firm sex pil­low. Ride and grind on your wand. That way, it's hands-​free, and the wand vibrator's weight is irrel­e­vant — even if you like lots of pres­sure! (I love doing that with my beloved Doxy Die Cast dur­ing sexy video chat!)

If you want to submerge your wand for bathtub or jacuzzi play

Consider the BMS Factory Swan Wand or We-​Vibe Wand instead. Both are light­weight and com­pact, weigh­ing sub­stan­tial­ly less.

Le Wand Rechargeable Review

My verdict on the Le Wand Rechargeable wand vibrator

I would like the Le Wand Rechargeable IF ONLY it exist­ed in a vac­u­um — an alter­nate uni­verse where:

  • No oth­er wand had ever pressed against my vulva.
  • People weren't pass­ing up bet­ter wands in the name of ~lux­u­ry~
  • This wand vibra­tor wasn't so dang expensive.

But if the queen had balls, she'd be the king. In this world, I'd rec­om­mend oth­er mas­sagers to my read­ers a good 80% of the time:

The Le Wand Rechargeable is one of my most powerful wands, but it's not the best in any of the ways that matter to me.
[Image: Le Wand Rechargeable next to vase, Magic Wand Plus, and glass vase among plants and tropical flowers]

I don't care about the rose gold accents or pearl white han­dle. (Have you seen my fug­ly AF Eroscillator and Zumio?) I'm also not using the trav­el adapters any time soon. Considering the COVID-​19 pan­dem­ic, I'm guess­ing you're not, either.

Despite its pow­er, the Le Wand Rechargeable is a bit on the buzzy side for a full-​sized wand. And the con­trol pan­el is its great­est down­fall. I wish it was every­thing that peo­ple hyped it up to be.

The truth is that you don't buy Le Wand prod­ucts expect­ing the best orgasms for the price. You get them because they're pret­ty. If that turns you on, that's fair, but the Le Wand Rechargeable's appeal is skin-​deep. Beyond that, it's an under­whelm­ing down­grade from the Magic Wand Rechargeable.

Take 10% off a wand vibrator (or any sex toy!) of your choice at The Pleasure Garden Shop UK with discount code SUPER

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2 Responses

  1. Boop says:

    Thank you very much for so detailed review!!! I actu­al­ly bought Le Wand a few month ago and I sim­ply COULDN'T under­stand why any­body would praise wand type of vibra­tors ("cadil­lacs" and etc). I real­ly love such a detailed com­par­sion of dif­fer­ent wands! I thought they all were way too sim­i­lar lol. Turns out VIBRATIONS QUALITY is what dif­fer­ent (not just hav­ing a sil­i­cone head or a cord). Your blog is AMAZING! :)))

    • William says:

      Wow! Thank good­ness I found you. These reviews are over­whelm­ing­ly impact­ful. I found my sex toy crit­ic soul mate! Gush. You’re fun­ny, smart, and arous­ing. Wow!

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