Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux review: penis vibrator for couples

[Image: hand holding Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux penis masturbator with watch remote controls]

Hot Octopuss knows their rumbly motors from powerful bullets to oscillating guybrators penis masturbators.

Perhaps their fan­ci­est cre­ation is the Pulse Duo Lux, a cou­ples' vibra­tor that claims to do it all.

I'm in the "any toy can be a cou­ples' toy" camp, but what makes the Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo unique is — you guessed it — its double-​motor system.

In this Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux review …

Two independently controlled vibrator motors for partner play

[Image: hand holding Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo penis vibrator in a grassy background with yellow flowers]

As with the Hot Octopuss Pulse Solo Essential, there's a puls­ing plate on the inside for thud­dy oscil­la­tions. The Duo ver­sion, though, also emits con­ven­tion­al vibra­tions on the out­side shell.

For opposite-​sex cou­ples, one part­ner can use the Pulse Duo as a stro­ker, while the oth­er simul­ta­ne­ous­ly grinds their vul­va on its exter­nal ridges. If the lat­ter is on top, they can shift their weight on to the vibe for more cli­toral pressure.

What's more, the Duo Lux kit includes two wrist-​wearable remotes for inde­pen­dent con­trol of the motors. (In con­trast, the Duo not-​Lux ver­sion has just one remote for the outside.)

Adjusting vibra­tor speed or func­tion is a breeze. Want to take a break and stroke your partner's cock with both hands? No prob­lem. The Duo Lux remote con­trol is still with you and easy-to-access.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux settings

[Image: Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux remote control watches]

To dif­fer­en­ti­ate the two, the penis vibe remote has sil­ver accents, while the clit vibe has copper/​rose gold

On the Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux, there are eight inten­si­ties to com­bine with six rhythms. If stick­ing to the steady set­tings is your thing, there's still plen­ty to work with — includ­ing a "tur­bo" but­ton that rock­ets you to the high­est speed.

That's 4,450 RPM on either of the Duo Lux vibes, where­as the Pulse Solo Essential and Pulse Duo peak at 3950 RPM. Either way, the com­bi­na­tion of low pitch and ampli­tude is delight­ful­ly rumbly, but you'll want the Lux for max­i­mum pulse power.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux buttons & controls

Start by hold­ing down the but­ton on the vibe with just a sin­gle dot. From there, you can use the remote or but­tons on the toy for the penis Pulse Plate™ motor. For adjust­ing the exter­nal vibra­tor, you'll need the remote.

The four buttons are as follows:
  • Circle — long press to turn on/​off or short press to cycle through the patterns.
  • Plus — increase speed and intensity
  • Minus (on the Pulse) or wavy line (on the remotes) — decrease speed and intensity
  • Lightning (on the Pulse) or crown logo (on the remotes) — TURBO MODE!

Since the Pulse Duo Lux's remote con­trol but­tons have raised/​textured labels, you don't even need to see them to iden­ti­fy which is which.

More about the wrist holsters and remotes

[Image: man wearing Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux remote control watch]

I also appre­ci­ate the range of sizes for adjust­ing the wrist strap: 7.5" to 10.5" cir­cum­fer­ence. Keep that in mind if you're wor­ried that your wrists may be too big. Mine are SUPER bony, and I had no prob­lem find­ing the right fit.

The Hot Octopuss Pulse Lux wrist hol­sters are made of sil­i­cone, while the remov­able remotes are hard plas­tic. You can take them out to replace the battery.

While the vibra­tor itself uses a mag­net­ic USB charg­er, the remotes take CR2032 button-​style bat­ter­ies. If you don't have any on hand (and let's be real: you prob­a­bly don't), then no wor­ries. Batteries are includ­ed in the Pulse Duo Lux set.

As well, keep in mind that the vibe is sub­mersible, while the remotes are splash­proof only. Do not sub­merge them.

How does the Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux feel in use for him?

The part­ner with a penis can use the Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo by stroking — or as a sta­tion­ary vibe with the Pulse Plate™ against the glans or frenu­lum. That hit the spot for my pre­vi­ous boyfriend, who would come by grind­ing his head against the ridges while the toy vibrat­ed. For my cur­rent boyfriend, not so much.

With this toy, he feels like he has to choose consistent vibrations in the right spot OR long and hard up-​and-​down motions.

I've spoiled him with the Doxy Die Cast wand against his glans (and some­times against my cli­toris at the same time). And while he can use the Pulse Duo as a stro­ker, he would pre­fer to use some­thing spe­cial­ized for more of his shaft. In oth­er words, the Hot Octopuss Pulse is an awk­ward in-​between for my boyfriend.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux review: penis vibrator for couples 1

He could use the vibe on his head, with his oth­er hand stroking his shaft. But at the Duo's price? Aw hell, no. This penis mas­tur­ba­tion toy tries to do too many things at once; its appeal gets lost in the noise.

How does the Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux feel in use for me?

Speaking of noise — when I turned on the Pulse Duo's exter­nal motor, I could bare­ly feel any dif­fer­ence at first. The oscil­lat­ing Pulse Plate™ had all but veiled the small­er vibrator's movement.

I probably would have wondered if it had turned on, were it not for the slight change in volume.

(Yes, it was already loud with just the inner motor on.) After feel­ing around, I could tell that the Pulse Duo's cli­toral vibra­tions are focused in the pointier side's "tip."

Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux review: penis vibrator for couples 2

And I CAN rub my clit against it, but with how it recedes and curves away from me, the posi­tion­ing isn't the most intu­itive. I always get the most out of it when grind­ing against my vagi­nal open­ing and per­ineal sponge/​back wall — and I do come from that — but I under­stand that not every per­son with a vul­va is espe­cial­ly sen­si­tive there. Your mileage may vary.

My feelings about the Pulse Duo for partner play are, "It's alright, I guess." Just "meh."

The out­er motor isn't what I expect­ed it would be. I was head-​over-​heels for the Hot Octopuss Amo, Jett, and Digit and would rec­om­mend any of them in a heartbeat.

Given the price tags of the Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo mod­els, I can't rec­om­mend them as the all-​in-​one pack­ages for pack­ages they were designed to be.

[Image: We-Vibe Wand stroker attachment on Magic Wand Plus and Le Wand textured dot cap on Doxy Die Cast]

Picking the right penis/partner toy for you and your partner

I under­stand the draw of the Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo. It's ergonom­ic and sleek, fit­ting com­fort­ably in the user's hand. There's less bulk than with a wand and, of course, no cord. If hav­ing boom­ing vibra­tions in a com­pact unit is a pri­or­i­ty for you, have at it.

But I'd be pissed if I spent my own mon­ey on a Duo Lux.

My boyfriend and I have spent ample time using the Doxy Die Cast between us — for even rum­bli­er and easier-​to-​aim vibra­tions — AND FOR THE SAME PRICE. And it's hard to ignore the ver­sa­til­i­ty of wands.

You know what else could be used as a guy­bra­tor and stro­ker, while I strad­dle and grind on it with my body weight? A wand with a tex­tured stro­ker attach­ment. That's what. "Oh, but that costs extra!" But it doesn't. You could get a still-​rumbly-​AF result with a Magic Wand Plus for way less.

My verdict on the Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux

My boyfriend and I liked the Hot Octopuss Duo Lux. But you (prob­a­bly) wouldn't pay much for a cou­ples' toy that both part­ners are luke­warm about. I don't want oth­ers to deal with the same disappointment.

If you're think­ing about get­ting a guy­bra­tor penis mas­tur­ba­tor, save your­self some mon­ey and con­sid­er a Pulse Solo Essential or Pocket Pulse. Meanwhile, I'll keep hold­ing my Doxy Die Cast against my boyfriend's dick and laugh­ing at his reac­tion as he reads aloud.

Shop vibrating penis masturbators and more at Hot Octopuss!

[Image: Hot Octopuss Pulse Lux pulse plate vibrating penis masturbator just chilling on a log in the wild]

This post was spon­sored and con­tains affil­i­ate links. Clearing your cook­ies before buy­ing sex toys via my links brings me a com­mis­sion — at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

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