Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype?

The Magic Wand has a long-​standing lega­cy of pow­er through its full-​sized and icon­ic iter­a­tions. Does the itty-​bitty cutie patootie Magic Wand Micro live up to that?

Magic Wand Micro size comparison to keys and hand

This pocket-​sized spec­i­men has its sib­lings' icon­ic col­ors and con­tours, but it's a total­ly dif­fer­ent size class — more "bul­let plus" than "wand minus." As such, it's not use­ful to com­pare the Magic Wand Micro vs. Plus or Rechargeable.

However, the Micro is clos­er to my heart than the Mini.

Let me explain.

Magic Wand Micro vs. Magic Wand Mini

The Magic Wand Micro's high­est set­ting is about par with the low­est set­ting on the Magic Wand Mini.

Yes, the Mini is big­ger, more pow­er­ful, just more over­all. However, the Magic Wand Micro is far more con­cen­trat­ed, going a loooong way for this bullet-​lover — just a tad stronger than the icon­ic We-​Vibe Tango X and quite rumbly.

Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype? 1

Also, con­sid­er the head shape. The Micro Magic Wand's top is slight­ly flat­tened, mean­ing you can use the round­ed edge to focus the vibra­tions a bit more.

Vibratex's Magic Wand Mini didn't quite "wow" me, feel­ing noncommittal:

  • It didn't have as much pow­er, which was rea­son­able, but…
  •  It was also too broad to tar­get my clit the way I'd like.

Meanwhile, the Magic Wand Micro's 1.3" wide head deci­sive­ly deliv­ers pow­er in a small­er area — you know what you're get­ting with it. Consider it more of a bul­let than a micro wand with its strength-​to-​size ratio.

Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype? 2

Magic Wand Micro Measurements & Specs

Here's what you need to know about the Magic Wand Micro, specif­i­cal­ly, in bul­let points:

  • 4.5" long by 1.3" wide
  •  Yes, it's small enough to be a keychain
  •  Only 3 ounces!
  •  No, it's not waterproof
  •  Charges via USB‑C for convenience
  • Silicone head (use with water-​based lube only) and ABS plas­tic handle
  •  It match­es the We-​Vibe Tango X's energy
  •  Rumbly — starts low at 44 Hz and goes up to 103 Hz
  •  3 steady speeds and 4 patterns
  •  2 buttons 
    • 1 on/​off
    • 1 for cycling (bum­mer)
  •  Up to 2 hour and 45-​minute bat­tery life

The loop that comes with it fits over a user's wrist, but you can find jump rings at craft stores for dan­gling the Magic Wand Micro as a keychain.

Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype? 3

Also, as with the Magic Wand Rechargeable and Plus mod­els, the Micro auto­mat­i­cal­ly turns off after 20 min­utes of use, but you can quick­ly turn it back on. Silly.

Luckily, I cum quick­ly enough with it that that's not a huge deal. More on the vibra­tion qual­i­ty next.

Magic Wand Micro Vibration Quality

Yup, it splash­es a lot when dipped in water!

How mighty is the Magic Wand Micro? Its high­est set­ting out of 3 is on the same tier as the We-​Vibe Tango X's or Je Joue Duet's — lit­er­al good vibes all around, with rel­a­tive­ly rumbly fre­quen­cies of 44, 80, and 103 Hz.

This petite pack­age also purrs at the low­est speed — gen­tle and suu­u­per qui­et. The oth­er two steady set­tings are quite a bit loud­er, mak­ing notice­able but incon­sis­tent noise. Sometimes, when pressed against flesh, the sound gets soft­er. You'll be fine play­ing some white noise or music when the door is closed.

In addi­tion, there are also 4 pat­terns, only one of which I find useful.

Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype? 4

In short, Vibratex's Magic Wand Micro is quite strong — orgasms are immi­nent. Its per­ceived inten­si­ty is about par with a top-​tier bul­let but tem­pered by the flex­i­ble neck and soft sil­i­cone coat­ing the head. That may or may not be a good thing for you.

Is the Magic Wand Micro Worth It?

The Magic Wand Micro comes suu­u­per close to my cur­rent favorite sil­i­cone cli­toral vibra­tor of this size class, but only you can decide which pros and cons make it worth it for you.

What else might I recommend?

Je Joue's Duet bul­let fits my per­son­al pref­er­ences a lit­tle bet­ter shape-wise:

  • Pinpoints rumbly vibra­tions at its not-​as-​squishy tip
  •  Almost as strong as the MWM (albeit a bit buzzi­er and louder)
  •  Can also dis­perse its move­ment with the sides of the bullet
  •  Has a more com­pre­hen­sive con­trol panel
  •  Comes with tan­ta­liz­ing tex­tures for tip drilling
Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype? 5
Magic Wand Micro vs. Je Joue Duet bullet

BMS Factory's Swan Maximum Bullet:

  • Is more intense than both the Duet and Magic Wand Micro
  • Has a firm shell and lip­stick slant tip
  • Might be a bet­ter fit for you if you don't mind some buzzi­ness or a hard surface

BMS Factory's Pillow Talk Cheeky:

  • Is about par with the Magic Wand Mini
  • Way stronger than the Micro
  • Has a head of 1.5" — exact­ly in between
  • Costs a tee­ny bit less than the MW Micro
Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype? 6
Left to right: Noje W4 (weak­er), Magic Wand Micro, and BMS Pillow Talk Cheeky (sim­i­lar strength to the Magic Wand Mini).

Closing thoughts on the Magic Wand Micro

Meanwhile, the Magic Wand Micro's price tag is worth it if you:

  • Are real­is­tic about its mod­er­ate­ly high inten­si­ty
    • Care more about rum­ble than absolute power
    • Again, more "bul­let plus" than "wand minus"
  •  Loooove the Magic Wand's icon­ic shape
  •  Want some­thing super cute and compact
  •  Would rather keep con­trol pan­els simple
  •  Enjoy a small vibe that isn't sharp
  •  Appreciate the squishi­ness of the silicone
  •  Want a wor­thy vibra­tor key­chain or pendant

It's noth­ing too wild — laws of physics still apply here, so the Magic Wand Micro can only mea­sure up to the Mini's low­est speed.

Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype? 7

That said, the Micro and Mini Magic Wand still out­per­form comparably-​priced mini-​wands from oth­er mak­ers. This one is a sol­id choice that packs a punch and main­tains its rich rrrrrum­mmb­blle and depth.

Fun and dis­creet for solo play? Check. Easy to add to pen­e­tra­tive play? Check.

Gave me quite a few orgasms dur­ing breaks from draft­ing this review? Got me woozy-​faced? Yesssssss.

Use code SUPER for 10% off the Magic Wand Micro at Betty's Toy Box. 

Further Reading About Wands Massagers

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