Lora DiCarlo Sway G-spot vibrator & Tilt plug review

A short sum­ma­ry of my thoughts on the Sway: !!!!!! ljglfjgld­fgjld­fg hhhnnngggggg AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

And the Lora DiCarlo Sway has been my default "go-​to" vibra­tor in my review pile.

Lora DiCarlo Tilt and Sway warming vibrator review

What does that tell you?
  1. Their vibra­tions are on the rumbly side.
  2. They're ver­sa­tile in their shape and speed settings
  3. They're qui­et enough that I don't wor­ry about oth­ers hearing

I could leave this Lora DiCarlo vibra­tor review at, "They're crowd-​pleasers and make fan­tas­tic gifts." However, the vibes aren't per­fect, and the steep price tag may be a deter­rent if you're the one shopping.

Watch me whip (out my mon­o­cle) as we inves­ti­gate whether the Lora DiCarlo vibra­tors are suit­able for you. And if they're not, I have a hand­ful of oth­er rec­om­men­da­tions for the best lux­u­ry G‑spot and A‑spot vibrators.

UPDATE: Lora DiCarlo is no more, but there's a sec­tion at the end with rec­om­men­da­tions for oth­er G‑spot vibra­tors I enjoyed. My top picks? Je Joue G‑Kii and We-​Vibe Rave.

The motors' vibration quality

Let's start with what the Lora DiCarlo Sway, Tilt, and Drift warm­ing vibra­tors all have in com­mon: the motors and speed range!

For the most part, the vibra­tions are rumbly across the 7 steady speeds and 3 pat­terns. They're not quite as WOW-​worthy as some oth­er brands I've tried. Still, the lux­u­ry vibra­tor cat­e­go­riza­tion fits. If you're famil­iar with oth­er, more estab­lished vibra­tor brands, you might be won­der­ing how LDC mea­sures up.

I con­sid­er Lora DiCarlo's vibra­tor motors a mid­point between LELO and Fun Factory. Both LDC and FF have mod­er­ate pow­er and a slight flut­ter to their vibra­tions, though Fun Factory's are lower-​pitched and more basslike.

If you need a deep purr, you won't get that with the Lora DiCarlo vibrators.

Lora DiCarlo Tilt warming plug and Sway G-spot and prostate massager review

Sway and Drift vibration quality

Here's where they'd fall on my sub­jec­tive rank­ing of vibra­tor qual­i­ty. The fol­low­ing list is sort­ed from most gen­tle to most pow­er­ful vibrations:

Warming function

Oh, and the Lora DiCarlo warm­ing vibra­tors' tem­per­a­ture can rise to 104° F (40° C). It feels nice on my cli­toris, I guess, but it does noth­ing for me inter­nal­ly. I can respect the idea of warm­ing vibra­tors, con­sid­er­ing that tem­per­a­ture play is more the domain of glass and steel dil­dos. In prac­tice, I'll prob­a­bly nev­er use the Lora DiCarlo vibra­tors' warm­ing feature.

Lora DiCarlo Tilt warming vibrating plug

Dual motor vibrations

Unfortunately, the flat­ter­ing rum­bli­ness rank­ings don't apply to the Lora DiCarlo Tilt's exter­nal motor.

Lora DiCarlo Tilt rumbly vibrating butt plug with slender base

The inter­nal one is A‑tier — slight­ly rum­bli­er than the Sway — and more than enough to give me hands-​free orgasms. However, the out­er motor in the Tilt's long base is puny and use­less for me. Heck, it doesn't even mea­sure up to the cheap mos­qui­to VeDO Bam Mini.

I get it: there's less room to fit the machin­ery, but at that point, I'd rather not have a sec­ond motor. It would cut down on pro­duc­tion costs and pass sav­ings on to the consumer.

Tilt shape and anatomy alignment

What's worse, the Tilt's exter­nal motor doesn't deliv­er any mean­ing­ful cli­toral pres­sure.  And, if I turn it back­ward, it aims past my but­t­hole and does hard­ly any­thing for me. That's the thing about dual stim­u­la­tors: they're very anatomy-​specific, espe­cial­ly if they're rigid.

To its cred­it, though, I'm glad LDC HQ made its plug base slim to fit between the base instead of round.

Is the Lora DiCarlo Tilt good?

To its cred­it, though, the Lora DiCarlo Tilt is per­haps the rum­bli­est, most pow­er­ful butt plug I've ever tried. So if your inten­tion is pure­ly to find a pow­er­ful plug for inter­nal use, I'd rec­om­mend the Tilt in a heartbeat.

Lora DiCarlo Tilt warming dual stimulation vibrating plug

But it's not per­fect. I wish the Lora DiCarlo Tilt could inher­it the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2's adjusta­bil­i­ty. Or it could have been a sol­id, frill-​free, vibrat­ing plug at a low­er price. As it is, I'm not sure the Tilt mer­its the price tag for me per­son­al­ly.

Less expensive alternatives to the Lora DiCarlo Tilt

These sug­ges­tions are for those who are okay with a lit­tle less pow­er if it means sav­ing money.

For a wear­able vagi­nal vibra­tor, I'd either upgrade to a Lovense Lush 3 or stick to my OhMiBod Esca. If it's pussy plug­ging I want, that's what the super squishy Uberrime Sensi is for.

If you want a less bul­bous build than the Tilt, get Je Joue's Nuo. Or try the We-​Vibe Vector for a butt plug with an adjustable vibrat­ing base. That way, you can get a tighter fit against your exter­nal junk.

Lora DiCarlo Sway G-spot and A-spot vibrator

Lora DiCarlo Sway G-spot vibrator head and control panel

How the Lora DiCarlo Sway felt in use

!!!!!! ljglfjgldfgjldfg hhhnnngggggg AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

THE FOCUSED TIP AGAINST MY A‑SPOT. If you like tar­get­ing deep, hard sen­sa­tions against your front wall, the Lora DiCarlo Sway is per­fect for that! Not every­one will enjoy the firm­ness, but many hard toys are among my favorites.

And guess what else? The flat-​headed end works for my G‑spot — a feat I cred­it to its shal­low curve, round­ed cor­ner, and ovu­lar protuberance.

It's effort­less; turn on the vibra­tions, and it's insta-​come time!

Shape and design

The Lora DiCarlo Sway fea­tures one of my favorite dil­do shapes: a shal­low S‑curve, Plus, there's one rumbly motor in either end to max­i­mize versatility!

One "head" is a flat­tened hook with a node on its "face." Such a design allows for both G‑spot mas­sage and focus­ing pin­point vibra­tions on the cli­toral glans. Note: this end of the Sway is the same shape as the Drift. More on that later.

Lora DiCarlo Sway and Tilt prostate massager head shape

See the strik­ing sim­i­lar­i­ty between the Sway's "P‑spot" side and the Tilt's bulb?

The oth­er end of the Lora DiCarlo Sway fea­tures more sub­tle undu­la­tions and a grad­ual taper toward the "neck." It's mar­ket­ed as a mas­sager for the P‑spot/​prostate. However, this end's slim­mer tip also makes it an expert at slip­ping into the A‑spot (ante­ri­or fornix eroge­nous zone).

Lora DiCarlo Sway measurements

  • Total length: 8.76"
  • Flat "G‑spot" head diam­e­ter: 1.06"
  • Tapered "P‑spot" head diam­e­ter: 1.18 Inches

Lora DiCarlo Sway and Tilt vibrator comparison

Why I chose the Sway over the Drift

The Lora DiCarlo Drift is the "Sway lite," featuring:

  • A short­er han­dle and less over­all length than the Sway 
    • 5.43" vs. 8.76" total length
  • One vibrat­ing end designed for shal­low G‑spotting
  • The sig­na­ture node for cli­toral stimulation

…and, per­haps most strik­ing­ly, cut­ting out the bells and whis­tles allows for a sub­stan­tial­ly low­er price tag.

What's more, I also had con­cerns because squared-​off vibra­tor heads aren't as effec­tive for my G‑spot.

If the most sen­si­tive part of your G‑spot is slight­ly deep­er, just past your pubic bone, you'll like­ly love the Drift. In oth­er words, if you loved the shape of the Blush Nöje V1 or LELO Ella, you'll adore the Lora DiCarlo Drift.

Personally, since I pre­fer deep pen­e­tra­tion, I'd get more mileage out of the Lora DiCarlo Sway,

The Achilles' heel across the board

The ele­phant in the room, though? The Lora DiCarlo vibra­tors' con­trol panel.

Four but­tons man­age the Sway and Tilt:

  • The LDC logo but­ton tog­gles on/​off when you long-press
  • Turn the warm­ing func­tion on/​off with the three wavy lines
  • The oth­er but­tons, marked with cir­cles, turn the vibra­tor motors on/​off
Lora DiCarlo Tilt and Sway vibrator control panels and buttons

These vibra­tors have the same but­tons on their con­trol pan­els but in a dif­fer­ent order.

The Lora DiCarlo Drift's con­trol pan­el has three but­tons since there's only one vibrat­ing motor.

I get that a lot is going on, and the design­ers reeeaaaal­ly want­ed to make warm­ing vibra­tors. I respect their inten­tions and that they did their best, and I can still say, "It's just not for me."

The thing about hav­ing one but­ton cycle through 10 set­tings, though, that you can't direct­ly turn the speed down. In oth­er words, if you want to turn the speed down a notch, you have to do one of the following:

  • Reset to the first speed by long-​pressing the "pow­er" but­ton, then click through. 
    • With TEN set­tings, if you're on on the 6th and want to go the next speed down, you still have to click through 5 settings
  • OR, loop through by turn­ing it up, skip­ping past the pat­terns, and start­ing over from the low­est setting


In a vibra­tor over $150, I pre­fer tighter con­trol in the form of a "down" button.

Tl;dr  my verdict on the Lora DiCarlo vibrator line

UPDATE: Lora DiCarlo is no more. There was plen­ty to adore about the Lora DiCarlo vibra­tors. They were gen­er­al­ly rumbly with an excel­lent inten­si­ty range, and the shapes were stellar.

Lora DiCarlo rumbly vibrator comparison

However, these vibes are not for every­one. If the inabil­i­ty to turn vibra­tion inten­si­ty down is an orgasm-​killer for you, stay away. You deserve bet­ter for the price tag.

That aside, if the shape is the most crit­i­cal vibra­tor fea­ture for you, it's hard to go wrong with the Lora DiCarlo Sway. Most users will love its ver­sa­til­i­ty — hence why I think it's high­ly giftable!

For plug lovers, Tilt's inter­nal motor has even more vroooooom, stark­ly over­shad­ow­ing the dinky out­er one. Don't expect any mean­ing­ful cli­toral or per­ineal stim­u­la­tion, but get it if you want a pow­er­ful plug that rat­tles you from the inside.

I keep going back to the Lora DiCarlo Sway, though. It can per­form in a wide range of pen­e­tra­tion depths. Rumbly A‑spot vibra­tors aren't exact­ly stan­dard in Toyland, but the Lora DiCarlo Sway is a fan­tas­tic for­ni­cal fit. There are so many fan­tas­tic rea­sons why I came with­in sec­onds of using it.

We-Vibe Rave G-spot vibrator

Other rumbly G-spot vibrators I'd recommend

  • We-​Vibe Rave - 3 but­tons + Bluetooth app connectivity 
    • MY TOP PICK FOR VERSATILITY with­out cost­ing tooooo too much
    • The harsh edge might be a deal­break­er for you, though.
  • Fun Factory's recharge­able G5 vibra­tors — 3 buttons 
  • Hot Octopuss Kurve — 6 but­tons, 2 motors 
    • Such a love­ly purr
    • Mooshy gel tip
  • BMS Factory Swan Wand - 2 but­tons for 2 motors BUT RUMBLY AND THUDDY AF 
    • Not pre­cise­ly G‑spotty
    • BUT fan­tas­tic for size royalty

10% off great vibes

Use my dis­count code, SUPER for 10% off sitewide at Betty's Toy Box.

Betty's Toy Box discount code: SUPER for 10% off

Thank you, Betty's Toy Box, for send­ing me the Sway and Tilt!

Affiliate links were used in this post, giv­ing me a com­mis­sion when you pur­chase through them — at no extra cost to you.

For more ways to sup­port me, see the oth­er shops I'm work­ing with and use my sex shop dis­count codes!

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3 Responses

  1. ash says:

    Heya! May i ask if you tried using the Tilt while hav­ing anoth­er vibe in your vag? Would it work? (with Tilt's long part faced to your spine)
    I'm now on the search for PiV-​friendly butt plugs aaand the Tilt is still sell­ing here..

  2. Trix says:

    I’ve nev­er been able to get the Sway but­tons to work at all at my local GV out­post, but I’m sor­ry they’re kin­da flawed in the first place…

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