Icicles No. 70 S-curved G-spot & A-spot glass dildo review

A sum­ma­ry of my thoughts on the Icicles No. 70 in one word — no, sound — would be, "AAAAAAAAAAAA!" Not even a full-​on word. Just unin­tel­li­gi­ble scream­ing, in the best way.

Holding the Icicles 70 glass dildo in my hand

I've often joked about the dif­fi­cul­ty of stay­ing qui­et when using an intense­ly stim­u­lat­ing dil­do. With the Icicles No. 70, I briefly for­got about dis­cre­tion and audi­bly gasped. Subtlety is not in this glass dildo's vocabulary.

Let's talk about the Pipedream Icicles No. 70's shape. On one side of the inflec­tion is a tight, near­ly 90-​degree curved neck. It's not here to fuck around; it takes prac­ti­cal­ly no effort for it to pum­mel my G‑spot. The thick­er oth­er end fea­tures a slighter swelling, suit­able for going in deep­er against my cervix.

And for the price? SWOON. I HAVE DIED.

Pipedream Icicles 70 cobalt blue S-curved glass dildo side view

Both the Icicles No. 69 and 70 acute­ly anni­hi­late acti­vate my eroge­nous zones, but I opt­ed for 70's cobalt blue over the 69's pink glass, of course.

But how do I feel about the Pipedream Icicles No. 70?

Forgive me for my hyper­bol­ic lan­guage. This dil­do has only two set­tings: accel­er­at­ed seduc­tion and DELICIOUS DEVASTATION. As the kids say, "To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend our reach to the stars above!"

Have a glass of water ready; you may need it after gratuitous squirting and tears of pleasure.

The Icicles No. 70 is like my Elsa Palace Dicksicle ver­sion 2.0 — a.k.a. the NS Firefly Glass G‑Spot Wand. Think of the lat­ter as an A‑spot spe­cial­ist, while the Icicles No. 70 is the afford­able all-​arounder I've been wait­ing for.

I was shocked at how well the Icicles No. 70's G‑spotting tip worked for me.

It's notably steep­er than the NS Firefly Glass G‑Spot Wand. While the NS Novelties glass dil­do worked well for my A‑spot, it aimed too far past the pubic bone to do much for my noto­ri­ous­ly picky G‑spot.

On the flip side, the Icicles 70 dildo's aim is far more pre­cise against my G‑spot — think damn near njoy Pure Wand lev­el — but when I push it way in, it tar­gets a bit low­er than my cervix. For my A‑spot, that works out fine, but not every­one is super sen­si­tive there. Most users will need to go in deeper.

A closer look at the Pipedream Icicles 70 glass dildo's G-spotting head

Deep pen­e­tra­tion isn't sole­ly a mat­ter of length. With the Icicles No. 70's length of 8.25", that shouldn't be an issue. The con­cern is more about its shape.

G-spot dildo vs. A-spot dildo: a design trade-off

There's a trade-​off when it comes to choos­ing sex toy cur­va­ture, espe­cial­ly when we're deal­ing with firm, unyield­ing steel and glass dildos.

Take the cult clas­sic njoy Pure Wand, for exam­ple; a dras­tic C‑curve is a dream for reach­ing slight­ly past the pubic bone. I would nev­er rec­om­mend it for deep pen­e­tra­tion, though. Many of the best A‑spot dil­dos fea­ture shal­low curves — or a bul­bous head with no shaft bend at all!

Pipedream Icicles No. 70 textured glass dildo

Not only is the A‑spot far deep­er inside than the G‑spot, but you're also nav­i­gat­ing dif­fer­ent structures.

Read my guides to these internal erogenous zones, if you haven't already:

G‑spotting entails know­ing where your inter­nal cli­toris is the most sen­si­tive in rela­tion to your pubic bone. If yours is on the pubic bone instead of past it, then a steeply curved dil­do like­ly isn't for you. As well, A‑spot stim­u­la­tion involves get­ting into the pock­et in front of the cervix with­out actu­al­ly jab­bing the os. The dil­do needs to be able to go in almost all the way — which means there can't be any­thing too dra­mat­ic about its shape.

If you're deciding between an NS Glass G‑Spot Wand or a Pipedream Icicles No. 69 or 70, consider which erogenous zone is more important to you:
  • A‑spot? Get the NS Glass G‑Spot Wand
  • G‑spot? Get the Pipedream Icicles No. 69 or 70
  • Posterior fornix or cervix? Either dil­do will work beautifully 
    • But the Icicles No. 69 or 70 is a bit thick­er and more fill­ing, at 1.6" diameter

Thick glass dildo for posterior fornix stimulation and cervix massage

Why not both? Por Que No Los Dos?

For a smorgasbord of sensations, consider getting both dildos as a dynamic duo.

An NS Novelties Glass G‑Spot Wand and a Pipedream Icicles No. 70 would have been per­fect partners-​in-​crime for my past self — and far more intense than my pre­vi­ous top begin­ner glass dil­do, the Chrystalino Champ.

That's two of the best glass dil­dos for G‑spot and A‑spot stim­u­la­tion — irre­sistible for those who want to go hard and love firm vagi­nal pressure.

Any downsides to the Pipedream Icicles No. 70?

Let's start with the foibles before the ele­phant in the room: the Pipedream Icicles No. 70's ridges add noth­ing to the sen­sa­tion for me while unnec­es­sar­i­ly adding sec­onds clean­ing time. But again, that's minor.

Icicles No. 70 S-curved G-spot & A-spot glass dildo review 1

The more glaring issue is that a shitty company manufactures it.

It would be cool if all of my read­ers could afford lux­u­ry glass dil­dos made by a com­pa­ny with out­stand­ing morals. However, it's not prac­ti­cal for everyone's bud­gets. Glass dil­dos were my go-​to when I was younger and want­ed budget-​friendly and body-​safe sex toys that could deliv­er.

Consider buying from ethical intimacy retailers to balance it out somewhat.

SheVibe start­ed as a mom-​and-​pop endeav­or in someone's home office and garage. Plus, a big rea­son they're among the best sex shops is that they donate to a vari­ety of orga­ni­za­tions fund­ing sex-​positive edu­ca­tion and social justice.

My verdict on the Pipedream Icicles No. 70 glass dildo

As far as the best affordable sex toys go, it's hard to top the Icicles No. 70's orgasm-​to-​price ratio.

The small­est flick of my wrist yields over­whelm­ing inten­si­ty dur­ing any pen­e­tra­tion depth. Clench around it for a warm-​up. Rock with the slim end inside, doing small up-​and-​down taps. Go bal­lis­tic with the THICC end behind the cervix. It's just a few strokes — lit­er­al­ly SECONDS — before my legs shake, and I catch myself sigh­ing and gasping.

Icicles No. 70 S-curved G-spot & A-spot glass dildo review 2

Get the Icicles No. 70 glass dildo at SheVibe.

Icicles No. 70 S-curved G-spot & A-spot glass dildo review 3

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3 Responses

  1. Bitt says:

    would you rec­om­mend this to some­one who already has a pure wand? do they feel dis­cernibly different?

  2. G says:

    i love how you always delve into what toys might bring plea­sure where like the a & g‑spot, etc!

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