Hot Octopuss Pulse III solo review: powerful vibrator for penises

"How was the orgasm [with the Hot Octopuss Pulse III] on a scale from 1–10?" I asked my boyfriend, "1 being your typ­i­cal jack-​off ses­sion and 10 being my orgasms when I'm get­ting fisted."

"Well, that's a high stan­dard to com­pare any orgasm to, but prob­a­bly a 4."

Hot Octopuss Pulse III Solo vibrating penis masturbator 3/4 view in hand

What is the Pulse III?

My boyfriend ex want­ed a penis mas­tur­ba­tion toy, so I request­ed from SheVibe the fan­ci­est one I could: the Hot Octopuss Pulse III Solo.

UPDATE: My more recent boyfriend and I got the chance to review an even fanci­er one! Read my new Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux review.

There are two main things you need to know about the Hot Octopuss Pulse series.

Hot Octopuss Pulse III Solo rumbly vibrating penis masturbator 3/4 view lying on its side

First, the Pulse III is a vibra­tor for penis­es. Hot Octopuss calls it a "guy­bra­tor," but there are women with penis­es or enlarged cli­toris­es who would ben­e­fit from using it, as well as non­bi­na­ry peo­ple. The sec­ond thing you need to know is that Hot Octopuss's vibra­tions are rumbly AF. Like the Eroscillator, the Pulse III achieves the rum­ble by rapid­ly swivel­ing and oscil­lat­ing rather than vibrating.

Such qual­i­ty pow­er doesn't come cheap (and is often loud, for that mat­ter). But a 4 out of 10 is pret­ty dang impres­sive by our cal­i­bra­tion. For con­text, when I get fist­ed or use a dil­do the cir­cum­fer­ence of a soda can, I'm scream­ing like I'm push­ing a baby out. In the best way pos­si­ble. A 10 is the kind of orgasm that makes peo­ple with penis­es jeal­ous and almost want to give up their male priv­i­lege. Anything that lets a penis expe­ri­ence a 4/​10 with­out any extra effort is worth spread­ing the word.

"[Using the Pulse III] was pret­ty intense," my boyfriend com­ment­ed. "It wasn't just the orgasm, but also the build-​up. It's like edg­ing, but more con­stant and eas­i­er to maintain."

How to use the Hot Octopuss Pulse III

Hot Octopuss Pulse III textures along the inside. There are two big raised lines, and a raised circle around where the oscillating plate is

The design is ergonom­ic for hold­ing the oscil­lat­ing plate against the frenu­lum of the penis. There are "wings" that wrap around the penis, but don't expect them to pro­vide much stim­u­la­tion. They're most­ly there to keep the vibra­tor in place with less effort. You can enjoy the vibra­tions with­out always grip­ping tightly.

The Hot Octopuss Pulse III is decid­ed­ly not a stro­ker. However, you can pair the vibra­tions with stroking. My boyfriend uses the Pulse III while pulling his fore­skin, stretch­ing his frenu­lum, and stroking his shaft with small move­ments. His penis's head, mean­while, grinds on the tex­ture on the inside.

He doesn't use long strokes with the Pulse III because the vibra­tions are so strong that they veil his usu­al mas­tur­ba­to­ry move­ments. The small strokes enhance the vibra­tion, rather than vibra­tions strength­en­ing the typ­i­cal jack-​off motion.

And the beau­ty of a not-​stroker is that you can have just as much fun using it while flac­cid as when erect. Using the Pulse III in this way can sub­stan­tial­ly expand the sex­u­al reper­toire of some­one with erec­tile dysfunction.

Comparison with other strong vibrators

Hot Octopuss Pulse III comparison to Eroscillator and rumbly BMS Swan Wand

The Pulse III plate's strong vibra­tions are easy to aim, and at the same time, more com­fort­able to hold against my boyfriend's penis than the Eroscillator. In con­trast, the Eroscillator tend­ed to wob­ble and was too pin­point for my boyfriend to aim at the area he wanted.

We also used the earth-​quaking BMS Factory Swan Wand. It's about the same price as the Pulse III, with com­pa­ra­ble vibra­tions. But it just couldn't mea­sure up to the Pulse III's ease of use and my boyfriend gave up. Yes, you can use an ultra-​rumbly wand for the same pur­pose, but the Pulse III was far more intu­itive to hold in place.

When you try to hold two phal­lic things togeth­er, they just kind of roll against each oth­er. Add some lube, and you're in Slick City. My boyfriend got frus­trat­ed try­ing to use the Swan Wand on his penis and gave up.

Lube doesn't ever get in the way when try­ing to hold the Pulse III in place. Instead, it pro­vides a dif­fer­ent sen­sa­tion, allow­ing the tex­tures on the inside of the vibra­tor to coast against the penis. A con­ven­tion­al exter­nal vibra­tor can't get him off, but the Hot Octopuss Pulse III can. It's a game-​changer for peo­ple with penis­es look­ing for a new route to orgasm.

(Oh, and it actu­al­ly works, unlike the piece of shit known as the MysteryVibe Crescendo.)

Controls, settings, and charging

Hot Octopuss Pulse III Solo plugged in and charging

I appre­ci­ate the 3‑button con­trol pan­el: one turns the toy on/​off and cycles through the pat­terns, a sec­ond one increas­es the speed, and the last decreas­es the speed. As well, if you hold the "increase" but­ton, it turns on "tur­bo" mode, i.e., quick­ly switch­es to the fastest steady vibra­tions. There are 6 pat­terns and 9 speeds to combine.

The Pulse III doesn't come with­out quirks, though. First, its but­tons are stiffer than I would hope. On occa­sion, I would think I pressed the but­ton, but noth­ing would hap­pen. And sec­ond, it's the first time that I've been annoyed at a mag­net­ic charg­er. I've nev­er had an issue with one before, but the Hot Octopuss Pulse III's charg­er is espe­cial­ly fid­dly and doesn't eas­i­ly stay in place.

Just make sure you check the light occa­sion­al­ly while charg­ing to ensure that the mag­nets are con­nect­ed. 3 hours of charg­ing gets you up to 1 hour of play time. The charg­er style makes the toy 100% water­proof, but this is stan­dard for a lux­u­ry toy.

Overall verdict on the Hot Octopuss Pulse III

My boyfriend appre­ci­at­ed the gift and will con­tin­ue to use it, but it's a lux­u­ry item that he would nev­er shell out the cash to buy him­self. In the long run, it can't replace the long motions of a jack-​off, and that's because it's just so dif­fer­ent. That's the point— to be some­thing nov­el and fresh.

Hot Octopuss Pulse III Solo penis masturbator / guybrator front view, showing magnetic connectors for charger

If you want a more com­pact and afford­able penis vibra­tor, con­sid­er the Hot Octopuss Pocket Pulse or Pocket Pulse Remote. The Pocket Pulses use con­ven­tion­al vibra­tions instead of oscil­la­tions, and there aren't any hor­i­zon­tal ridges on the inside. However, Hot Octopuss's motors are gen­er­al­ly very pow­er­ful, even with­out the PulsePlate Technology™.

If you have the bud­get and you're look­ing to treat your­self, though, the Hot Octopuss Pulse III's oscil­la­tions are fit­ting of the price tag. It's a well-​made prod­uct with strong vibra­tions and a sol­id design that yields orgasms many peo­ple with penis­es only imagine.

Also, read my Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux review if you're look­ing to upgrade.

You can get both the Hot Octopuss Pulse III Solo mas­tur­ba­tor and the remote-​controlled "cou­ples" Duo set at SheVibe

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2 Responses

  1. Jeff says:

    As some­one with a penis, you'd think I'd be more inter­est­ed in penis toys. Call me crazy, but I'd rather have a whole draw­er full of toys for her.

  2. Good vibra­tions for sure. I won't leave home with­out mine.

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