OhMiBod Esca 2 Bluetooth remote panty vibrator review

"What's the best remote control panty vibrator?"

OhMiBod Esca 2 Bluetooth remote panty vibrator review 1

I wish I had a defin­i­tive, clear-​cut answer. It's no secret that petite and wear­able "cou­ples'" vibra­tors are in high demand, but in prac­tice, the cat­e­go­ry has a long way to go.

The short answer is that the OhMiBod Esca 2 and We-​Vibe Moxie Lovense Lush 3 and Ferri are among the best remote con­trol panty vibra­tors. As always with sex toys, the long answer depends on your anato­my and what fea­tures are impor­tant to you.

UPDATE: I've com­pared over a dozen oth­er panty vibes in a new­er post. The OhMiBod Esca 2 is an oldie but good­ie, and we have oth­er options at many price points!

First impressions of the OhMiBod Esca 2 panty vibrator

Let's start with the good news about the OhMiBod Esca 2. It fea­tures strong vibra­tions and a long but slen­der exter­nal anten­na for a more reli­able con­nec­tion. You can also con­nect it to your phone via Bluetooth for long-​distance play.

The OhMiBod Esca 2 vibrator itself

Think about it: when you're wear­ing a panty vibra­tor for pub­lic play, the toy is tucked away under clothes and flesh. Too often, old­er mod­els would strug­gle to pick up the sig­nal from the remote con­trol, espe­cial­ly if worn inter­nal­ly or if the wear­er had ample adi­pose tissue.
OhMiBod Esca 2 Remote Control Vibrator Antenna

A long, flex­i­ble anten­na like the OhMiBod Esca 2's is one way of mit­i­gat­ing that prob­lem. I imag­ined a firmer pos­able cord, but the wiring is just baaare­ly dis­cernible under the sil­i­cone tub­ing. As a plus, the exter­nal portion's end also has LEDs that can indi­cate when the toy is ready to pair with your remote con­trol. You can turn off the light if you wish, though.

The unit is about 8 ½ inch­es long in total. 3 ½ of that is the insertable bulb, with a mod­er­ate max­i­mum diam­e­ter of 1 ⅜ inch — suit­able for most users. The Esca 2's fill­ing shape is slight­ly tapered and G‑spotty, fun for pulling on and clench­ing around dur­ing solo play. I just wish the insertable por­tion didn't have so many grooves for vagi­nal secre­tions to encrust — have a clean­ing brush ready.

Despite the petite pack­age, the OhMiBod Esca 2's vibra­tions are about par with a mid-​tier G‑spot vibe. In oth­er words, it's nice and rumbly for a panty vibe and among your best options. More on that later.

OhMiBod Esca 2 Bluetooth remote panty vibrator review 2

When you use just the but­ton to con­trol the vibe in man­u­al mode, you can cycle through three steady set­tings and 2 pat­terns. The sec­ond speed is enough to make me come when I wear the OhMiBod Esca 2 inter­nal­ly. I appre­ci­ate that while the vibra­tor Bluetooth app is a big draw, it's not nec­es­sary to have a good time. You can find the user man­u­al online.

The OhMiBod remote control app

The OhMiBod app's user inter­face is min­i­mal but cov­ers the bases:

  • Music mode
  • Ambient sound
  • A dial for turn­ing up the speed
  • A grid for com­bos of vibra­tion pulses
  • Pattern options galore
  • And, of course, long-​range part­ner chat!

The OhMiBod Esca 2's live play remote con­trol fea­ture does lag a lit­tle, but it works. No major com­plaints here.

I did have an issue with the long-​range con­nec­tion at first but unin­stalling and rein­stalling quick­ly solved it. OhMiBod/LoveLife's tech sup­port was super atten­tive, and their reply con­sid­ered many pos­si­ble solu­tions to users' prob­lems. Based on what I've seen, I'm com­fort­able trust­ing OhMiBod to lis­ten to user feedback.

At the same time, I want readers to be realistic with their expectations for panty vibrators.

The OhMiBod Esca 2 is robust for a panty vibra­tor, but that's a low bar to clear. Again, it's about as rumbly as a mid-​tier tra­di­tion­al G‑spot vibe — I'm as not WOWed by the Esca 2 as by, say, the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy or Hot Octopuss Amo. However, the Esca 2's pow­er lev­el is a big deal for panty vibes.

UPDATE: Want more rum­ble? Get a Lovense Lush 3 instead.

OhMiBod Esca 2 Bluetooth Remote Control Panty Vibrator Review

I get that peo­ple real­ly want to spice things up with pub­lic play, but vibrat­ing panties are dif­fi­cult to exe­cute well. You'd have to get into the lux­u­ry price range before you get some­thing even close to decent­ly rumbly. If it sounds like I dissed the past panty vibes I've reviewed, it's because as a cat­e­go­ry, they're meh.

There are some conflicting goals when it comes to making an effective wearable vibrator:
  1. Drool-​worthy, stel­lar vibra­tions take a decently-​sized motor.
  2. The machin­ery required for remote con­trol capa­bil­i­ty also takes up room.
  3. And so does the battery.
  4. But a panty vibe is ide­al­ly on the petite side for com­fort­able wear.

After all, most users wouldn't want to walk around with a vibra­tor that's bulky and weighs down their under­wear or bulges out of their clothes too much. (I could even say the same of a rumbly cock ring that takes up too much insertable length away from the shaft.)

So something has to give.

Would you rather com­pro­mise vibra­tion strength, or do you first and fore­most want to cut down on the bulk?

Because if it's most­ly about hav­ing a long-​distance play vibra­tor, there are plen­ty of non-​wearables I adore, such as the We-​Vibe Rave, Melt, and Wand. We-​Vibe knows what they're doing when it comes to rumbly motors.

But even We-​Vibe strug­gles to make a dis­creet panty vibra­tor I adore.

We-Vibe Chorus Bluetooth couples vibrator with remote control and stand

The Moxie used to out­shine much of its com­pe­ti­tion, only because they're most­ly lack­lus­ter or dismal.

UPDATE: Not any­more. Get the Lovense Ferri. It's eas­i­ly the top of the exter­nal wear­able remote con­trol panty vibra­tor class.

And the adjustable We-​Vibe Chorus doesn't lock into a spot where there's ade­quate pres­sure on the right site for me. They're well-​designed and will fit more users than their pre­de­ces­sors, but they're expen­sive while still far from universal.

That brings me to my next point…

Really think about which panty vibrator is right for you.

There are so many fac­tors to con­sid­er, and that's not even tak­ing into account where the vibra­tions are tar­get­ed. Does your ide­al panty vibra­tor rat­tle the exter­nal cli­toris, or would you rather wear one vagi­nal­ly for inter­nal cli­toral stim­u­la­tion?

The Esca 2 and Lovense Lush 3 are most­ly the lat­ter. You can use them exter­nal­ly, but again, if you're not look­ing for a wear­able, I'd still rec­om­mend a more promi­nent We-​Connect toy with a rum­bli­er motor.

From what I've seen of review­er feed­back, most users pre­fer exter­nal stim­u­la­tion, but those who do like inter­nal vibra­tion tend to be okay with buzzi­er vibes inside. So that's anoth­er trade-off.

We-Vibe Moxie magnetic remote control panty vibrator mint green

The We-​Vibe Moxie clips to the out­side. It packs a punch for its size, but in absolute terms, it's noth­ing to write home about. (The Lovense Ferri is actu­al­ly "deyu­u­um" though.) Another prob­lem is that it entire­ly relies on the tight­ness of your under­wear and pants.

The flag­ship Vibease also works as a pin­point lay-​on vibe, and you can tuck it into the gus­set of your under­wear. It's on the buzzier/​zingier side of mod­er­ate­ly pow­er­ful, but the tar­get­ed vibra­tions at the "beak" make it still an okay choice.

Then we get to whether the com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures can make me come. In a nut­shell: the We-​Vibe Moxie, OhMiBod Esca 2, and Vibease all can. The Svakom Ella can't, due to its broad sur­face area and lack of strength.

My verdict on the OhMiBod Esca 2 panty vibrator

If I weren't a review­er and only had the bud­get to buy only one panty vibra­tor, I'd cer­tain­ly pick the OhMiBod Esca 2 over the oth­ers. It's a lit­tle buzzi­er than the We-​Vibe Moxie but about as powerful.

UPDATE: Things have changed; I tried the Lovense Lush 3 and Ferri and they're way better.

OhMiBod Esca 2 Long-Distance Remote Control Bluetooth Wearable Vibrator Review

Plus, I can use the OhMiBod Esca 2 or Lovense Lush 3 even when I am going com­man­do in pub­lic, clench­ing around it to savor the rever­ber­at­ing move­ment inside. And users more buxom-​bodied than myself can appre­ci­ate how prac­ti­cal the loooong anten­na is for increas­ing remote con­trol range.

In short, I don't have an easy answer to the ques­tion of what's the best remote con­trol panty vibra­tor. Still, the OhMiBod Esca 2 Lovense Lush 3 is the top of the clas­sic insertable egg sub­cat­e­go­ry. If you have a strong pub­lic play kink, have at it.

Maybe, in like 2037, when Americans are final­ly allowed to par­ty again, I'll wear my OhMiBod Esca 2 to the night­club and rel­ish the music-​syncing vibra­tions for old times' sake.

I got the OhMiBod Esca 2 remote con­trol vibra­tor from SheVibe.

OhMiBod Esca 2 Bluetooth remote panty vibrator review 3

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4 Responses

  1. Lisa Stone says:

    Probably fun when some­one con­trols the vibra­tor from a distance.

  2. T says:

    I have the We-​Vibe Moxie and while it's def­i­nite­ly rumbly for its size and fun to use, the We-​Vibe app is end­less­ly frus­trat­ing and the "buried" nature of my clit means it's hard to get as much plea­sure from the vibra­tions as I would like :/​ seems like there are no solu­tions here!

  3. Trix says:

    It's not a toy cat­e­go­ry that appeals to me per­son­al­ly, but it's good to know the options are improving!

  4. Victoria says:

    I just like how you're so gen­uine. Like, "Is it good?" "Well that depends." It's bet­ter than not being com­plete­ly hon­est. I appre­ci­ate this

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