20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared!

“It is effi­cient at extract­ing orgasms, yes.”

“That sounds about right for a German-​made sex toy.”

Over 21 clit-sucking air pulse pressure wave stimulator vibrator massagers, compared. Find the best clitoral air pulse sex toys.

It’s hard to overemphasize Womanizer’s influence in the sex toy industry.

Their epony­mous cli­toral air pulse mas­sager was the first of its kind. Rather than vibrat­ing or deliv­er­ing one-​way suc­tion, the mem­brane inside the noz­zle thumped back and forth, like a robot­ic pair of lips rasp­ber­ry­ing against you.

The orig­i­nal mod­el looked about as sexy as that last sen­tence sound­ed. And the name sucked. But users like myself were will­ing to over­look that if it meant mind-​blowing, pre­cise­ly con­trolled cli­toral suck­ing and blowing.

It was baf­fling. Air pulse vibra­tors can be flut­tery yet deep and rumbly at the same time. They’re local­ized but don’t direct­ly touch the part they’re stim­u­lat­ing. And they’re (usu­al­ly) stealthy but deli­cious­ly powerful.

(What is rumbly or buzzy? Rumbly vibes are lower-​pitched with big­ger move­ments, while buzzy ones tend to be more mosquito-​like and sur­face level.)

Womanizer Premium 2 vs. Classic 2 vs. Starlet 3 vs. Liberty size and control panel comparison. The Womanizer Premium 2 is the longest, while the Liberty is the smallest and comes with a hygienic travel cover.
Left to right: Womanizer Premium 2, Classic 2, Starlet 3, Liberty

Lucky for me, almost every cli­toral air pulse mas­sager I’ve tried feels love­ly for my body. But there cer­tain­ly are dif­fer­ences among the dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers’ ren­di­tions since then.

Clitoral Air Pulse Massager Intensity and Feature Comparison

I’ve com­pared 23 dif­fer­ent air pulse vibra­tors to help you decide which one is right for you. Since there are so many, I’ve divid­ed them into a few key cat­e­gories to consider:

I’m rating the intensities on a scale of 1–14, with the Womanizer Premium 2’s 14 speed settings as the standard. 

Because, yes, the Womanizer Premium 2 has the widest inten­si­ty range, encom­pass­ing what the oth­er pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tors can do, and then some.

It's hel­la rumbly. And its top speed puts it at the most pow­er­ful cli­toral air pulse mas­sager I’ve tried. Yes, more potent than the LELO Sona 2 Cruise and Lora DiCarlo Baci and the Inya Rose (more on all­l­ll of those later).

Womanizer Premium 2 vs. Premium
Left to right: Womanizer Premium 2, Premium

While I have my favorites, every body is dif­fer­ent. Consider the new­er Womanizer Next, for exam­ple. It didn't make it on this list because it's quite expen­sive for how gen­tle it is, but there are cer­tain­ly users it is absolute­ly ide­al for!

Let’s dis­cuss the fea­tures that might give my read­ers a bet­ter expe­ri­ence with pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tors — from inten­si­ty to noz­zle size to price tag.

Most Powerful Clitoral Air Pulse Massagers

Womanizer Premium 2: the Best All-Arounder

Womanizer knew what they were doing with their Premium 2. To recap dif­fer­ences between the Womanizer Premium and Classic mod­els, the for­mer comes with way more options:

  • A more com­pre­hen­sive range of intensities
  • Patterns — rhythms, waves, escalation
  • Smart Silence tech­nol­o­gy — the motor stops puls­ing when you pull the noz­zle away from your body. Useful for room­mate situations
  • Auto Pilot modes — “jour­neys” that auto­mat­i­cal­ly ramp up and down for a tease before the explo­sive build-up

The most notable dif­fer­ence between the Womanizer Premium and Premium 2? The new ver­sion has a broad­er range and more pow­er­ful speed settings.

More specif­i­cal­ly, the old Premium has 12 speed set­tings, while the Premium 2 has 14. The former’s bot­tom speed is about 2.5, and the top is about 11 out of 14 on the new Premium 2’s scale. Meanwhile, the old Classic mod­el goes from a 4 to a 10.5

Womanizer Premium 2 vs. Premium vs. Classic 2 vs. Classic vs. Starlet 3 vs. Liberty pressure wave massager front view
Left to right: Womanizer Premium 2, Premium, Classic 2, Classic, Starlet 3, Liberty

Tl;dr, the Womanizer Premium 2’s com­bi­na­tion of inten­si­ty and fan­tas­tic con­trol pan­el makes it my top choice for the best pres­sure wave mas­sager. That doesn’t mean it’s for every body, though.

Womanizer Premium 2 vs. Classic 2 vs. Liberty vs. Starlet 3

The Womanizer Premium 2 has more set­tings and a wider speed range, but just how much does it dif­fer from the oth­er Womanizer models?

Premium 214 steady, 3 autopilot1 to 144 buttons + Smart Silence sensor$189
Classic 210 steady3 to 123 buttons$123
Liberty6 steady2.5 to 8.52 buttons$94
Starlet 36 steady2 to 7.52 buttons$75

Let’s start with the new (also recent­ly revamped) Womanizer Classic 2 and Starlet 3.

Compared to the Premium 2’s 14 set­tings, the Classic 2 starts at about a 3 and ends at a 12 out of 14. You won’t get all the frills, but the price makes it a fan­tas­tic com­pro­mise. (To be frank, I nev­er used the Womanizer Premium's Auto Pilot settings.)

The Womanizer Starlet 3, in con­trast, starts at about a 2 and ends at a 7.5 out of 14. Finally, we have the Womanizer Liberty, which is only a lit­tle stronger, with a range of 2 to 8.5.

All of the Womanizer exter­nal cli­toral toys come with detach­able sil­i­cone “mouths” mea­sur­ing about 16 mm by 12 mm. (They sup­pos­ed­ly come in two sizes by default, but the dif­fer­ence is minor.)

Voila Little Goo Dinosaur Clit Suction Massager

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 1

Little Goo, the Suck-​a-​Saurus rex by Boutique Voila:

  • Wields pow­er par with Womanizer’s Premium 2 and the rose suc­tion toy at the high­est speed
  • Features six steady inten­si­ty options, with small­er incre­ments than the infa­mous rose
  • Is a frig­gin’ adorable and dis­creet dinosaur shape — arguably just as cute as the rose
  • Has a sil­i­cone suc­tion noz­zle that pops off, mak­ing it easy to clean
  • Is super afford­able — once again tread­ing on the ter­ri­to­ry of the rose
Voila Little Goo Review: POWERFUL Dinosaur Suction Toy

Inya Rose, Dame Aer, We-​Vibe Melt

Before the Womanizer Premium 2 came out, I used to rec­om­mend the:

  • Lora DiCarlo Baci (now dis­con­tin­ued) as the most rumbly pres­sure wave stimulator
  • NS Inya Rose as the strongest
  • LELO Sona 2 Cruise and We-​Vibe Melt as the most suction-intensive

Nowadays, the Womanizer Premium 2 is my top pick, with its high­est speed about the same inten­si­ty as the Rose toy's. You do get way more fea­tures with the Premium 2, though — 14 steady speed set­tings across a wider range instead of 3 that straight-​up bul­ly your clit.

Again, we are com­par­ing set­tings on a scale of 1 to 14, with a 14 being the Womanizer Premium 2's top intensity.

I also tried the Dame Aer, per a reader’s request, and I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised. All of the afore­men­tioned cli­toral air pulse toys are hel­la powerful.

NS Novelties Inya Rose viral sex toy vs. Blossom Rose with flicking tongue vs. Dame Aer vs. We-Vibe Melt air pulse massager.
Left to right: NS Inya Rose, Nasstoys Blossom Rose, Dame Aer, We-​Vibe Melt

And there are real rea­sons why some­one might choose the oth­ers over the Womanizers.

For one, the Premium 2 is expen­sive. But that’s not unwar­rant­ed: it comes with a boun­ty of speed set­tings and pat­terns. And that’s impor­tant if you’re high­ly multi-​orgasmic or sen­si­tive after orgasm.

But not every­one needs that. The Womanizer Classic 2 or Starlet 3 is enough range for plen­ty of users. And for oth­er users, anoth­er brand entire­ly may be a bet­ter fit.

First, I’ll com­pare the Inya Rose, Dame Aer, We-​Vibe Melt, and Lora DiCarlo Baci. Then, I’ll leave the LELO Sona 2 for the “please avoid” section.

Womanizer Premium 214 steady, 3 autopilot1 to 144 buttons + Smart Silence sensor16 x 12 mm
Voila Little Goo6 steady7 to 141 button13 x 13 mm
NS Inya Rose3 steady, 7 patterns9 to 141 button13 x 13 mm
Womanizer Classic 210 steady3 to 123 buttons16 x 12 mm
Dame Products Aer5 intensities, continuous speed range, 5 patterns7.5 to 113 buttons20 x 14 mm
Puissante Coco Mini10 steady0.5 to 10.52 buttons15 x 15 mm
We-Vibe Melt12 intensities, continuous speed range, customizable patterns3.5 to 102 buttons + remote control app smartphone app17 x 11 mm
LELO Sona 2 Cruise6 intensities, 10 patterns, 1 random4.5 to 103 buttons11 x 11 mm
Lora DiCarlo Baci10 steady5 to 93 buttons20 x 15 mm
Rose sex toy soul-snatching viral TikTok clitoral suction toy

Ns Novelties Inya Rose Clitoral Suction Vibrator: Best Bang-​To-​Buck Ratio

If it’s straight-​up pow­er you want, then yes, the infa­mous TikTok “soul snatch­er” rose sex toy is worth the hype for you per­son­al­ly. It’s the most pow­er­ful cli­toral air pulse toy for the price. For bet­ter or worse, you won’t get any sub­tle­ty with it.

The NS Inya Rose mas­sager is also ele­gant and dis­creet, which you might care about more than I do.

Downsides to the rose sex toy: again, the con­trols and set­tings are lack­ing. You only have three steady but buzzy inten­si­ties: “OMG,” “OMFG,” and “OMFG!” and you can’t quick­ly turn the speed down. That’s a deal­break­er for me per­son­al­ly. And, par for its strength, this toy is quite loud.

Dame Aer: Strongest Air Pulse Massager for Pairing With Intercourse

Dame Products start­ed with sex toys for cou­ples to incor­po­rate into inter­course, and their Aer design fits right in with that pursuit.

Dame Aer powerful clitoral air pulse massager with wide opening

The Dame Aer’s noz­zle is skewed, so there’s no over­hang hog­ging vul­var real estate. In oth­er words, it leaves plen­ty of room sur­round­ing the vagi­na to insert a penis or toy.

But it’s not for the faint of cli­toris; if you need some gen­tle set­tings on a qui­et sex toy, the Dame Aer isn’t it. It’s quite loud and proud, though it car­ries Dame's sig­na­ture flutter.

Its three-​button con­trol pan­el is fan­tas­tic (up, down, pat­terns), and its air puls­es are shock­ing­ly intense, mak­ing the Aer the strongest mas­sager by Dame Products I’ve ever tried.

Plus! Take 10% off your first order at Spectrum with coupon code SUPERSMASH10

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 2
Left to right: Je Joue Vita, Womanizer Premium 2, Puissante Coco Mini (YAY), Puissante Coco (NAY)

Puissante Coco Mini: Great Speed Range and Controls at a Great Price

Puissante REALLY impressed me with their Coco MINI — it's stronger than the Womanizer Liberty and priced about right. Compared to the Womanizer Premium 2, the Puissante Coco Mini's bot­tom speed is about a 0.5 out of 14 and top speed a 10.5 out of 14.

(Note: make sure it's the MINI Coco ver­sion. The full-​sized one with the bendy shaft doesn't fit me right. Got it? MINI COCO.)

10 speeds, zero pat­terns, 2 but­tons. Most oth­er air pulse toys at the same price tier either have waaaaay few­er steady speeds or stop at a 9 or 10 out of 14. The Coco Mini is slight­ly stronger, so I thor­ough­ly respect what Puissante has done here! It's a dream and lives up to the lux­u­ry hype.

We-​Vibe Melt: Best Air Pulse Massager for Couple Play

The We-​Vibe Melt has a sim­i­lar pro­file to the Dame Aer, and for the same rea­son: to leave room for a partner’s penis dur­ing inter­course (hence the name, We-Vibe).

We-Vibe Melt massager coral pink

Its high­est speed is only a tad less pow­er­ful than the Dame Aer’s (10 vs. 11 out of 14), and it’s a bit stronger than the Lora DiCarlo Baci’s. Indeed, the We-​Vibe Melt is also one of the most pow­er­ful cli­toral air pulse mas­sagers. And the low end of its speed range is quite gen­tle, too. (3.5 out 14).

But that’s not the only thing that makes it unique; you have access to the con­tin­u­ous speed range, custom-​make pat­terns, and con­trol a We-​Vibe Melt via Bluetooth. And yes, the smart­phone app includes long-​distance play with a built-​in video chat func­tion. My ex-​partner and I used the We-​Connect app togeth­er quite often while quar­an­ti­ning in sep­a­rate hous­es in 2020.

The We-​Vibe Melt isn’t the absolute strongest, but it’s up there — robust with intense suc­tion and hel­la fea­tures. The oth­ers just can’t top the We-​Vibe Melt as the most ver­sa­tile cli­toral air pulse massager.

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Lora DiCarlo Baci: Best for Massaging the Whole Vulva

Lora DiCarlo Baci microrobotic powerful oral sex simulator with air pulses and travel cover

Meanwhile, the Lora DiCarlo Baci owns its space on the user’s vul­va, opt­ing to vibrate against the labia while blow­ing air on the cli­toris. Its flat base effort­less­ly lays sta­tion­ary on a flat sur­face while rid­ing and hump­ing it.

The con­trols and speed range are great, the air puls­es are rumbly, and it comes with a hygien­ic trav­el cap. While it's not as strong as the clit-​sucking toys men­tioned above, the Lora DiCarlo Baci's low­er set­tings have deli­cious depth to them.

Plus, the Baci’s oval open­ing is wider than some oth­er air pulse toy noz­zles, mak­ing it a slight­ly bet­ter fit for some­one with a broad­er exter­nal cli­toris. (More on that later).

The down­side: the “lips” around the open­ing are thin and sharp, mean­ing they might not be as com­fort­able as a fuller, soft­er sil­i­cone noz­zle. It doesn’t both­er me, but you may want to keep it in mind if you plan on sit­ting on top of the Lora DiCarlo Baci to ride it hands-free.

Overall, though, I think the Baci is worth it for the rum­ble and labi­al massage.

UPDATE NOV. 2022: Lora DiCarlo has gone out of busi­ness. RIP.

Best for Pairing With Penetration

We-Vibe Melt12 intensities, continuous speed range, customizable patterns3.5 to 1017 x 11 mm2 buttons + remote control smartphone app
Dame Products Aer5 intensities, continuous speed range, 5 patterns7.5 to 1120 x 14 mm3 buttons
Satisfyer Curvy 3+3 speeds, 7 patterns0.5 to 518 x 18 mm3 buttons + remote control smartphone app

We-​Vibe Melt, Dame Aer, Satisfyer Curvy 3+

I’ll keep this sec­tion short since I already waxed poet­ic about the We-​Vibe Melt and Dame Aer above.

The best cli­toral air pulse mas­sagers for part­ner play are as follows:

  1. We-​Vibe Melt — great con­trols and speed range, option for Bluetooth app and long-​distance remote con­trol, ver­sa­tile AF
  2. Dame Aer — low-​profile design, 3‑button con­trol pan­el, pow­er­ful AF
  3. Satisfyer Curvy 3+ — also takes up min­i­mal vul­var real estate and is affordable
We-Vibe Melt vs. Dame Aer vs. Satisfyer Curvy 3+ side-by-side profile view
Left to right: We-​Vibe Melt, Dame Aer, Satisfyer Curvy 3+

Pros and cons of the Satisfyer Curvy 3+

The Satisfyer Curvy 3+ is weak­er and surface-​level, with an inten­si­ty range of 0.5 to 5 for air puls­es. Its vibra­tions are also quite buzzy, but they’re at least focused due to the nozzle’s thin rim. The Satisfyer Curvy line also fea­tures 3‑button con­trol pan­els and a Bluetooth remote phone app.

For under $40, it’s hard to com­plain about that. Just bear in mind that Satisfyer app con­nec­tion prob­lems may be espe­cial­ly preva­lent if you have an old­er smartphone.

My old Samsung Galaxy S7 con­nect­ed fine with my Satisfyer toy for solo play. Long-​distance cou­ples’ play with the Satisfyer app didn’t work for me until I upgrad­ed to the Galaxy S21. (And yes, I tried iPhones, too. See my Satisfyer Curvy com­par­i­son review for fur­ther details on dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions I’ve tried.)

Satisfyer Curvy 3+ packaging

My Verdict on Which Clit-​Sucking Toy to Use With a Partner

Overall, the We-​Vibe Melt is my top choice for:

  • A remote con­trol cli­toral air pulse massager
  • Pairing pres­sure waves with penetration

However, those who don’t care about the frills and just want intense air puls­es for a fair price would do more than fine with the Aer by Dame Products. Consider also that the Aer’s open­ing is larg­er than the Melt’s and Curvy 3+’s and will fit a broad­er range of users’ anatomy.

Finally, Satisfyer’s Curvy 3+ is more of an entry-​level sam­pler of what this cat­e­go­ry can do for you. It’s sub­stan­tial­ly weak­er but also way cheap­er. The air pulse qual­i­ty is quite shal­low and sub-​par, but it is real­ly cheap, and that def­i­nite­ly counts for something.

Widest Openings Among Air Pulse Toys

Let’s say your clit is on the big­ger side, or you have some T‑dick growth action going. Clitoral air pulse stim­u­la­tors work under the assump­tion that the noz­zle can fit over your junk, so mea­sure­ments are essen­tial here.

Lelo Sila, Dame Aer

Notably, the LELO Sila and Dame Aer’s open­ings mea­sure 20mm by 14mm wide. And that’s a big win for inclu­siv­i­ty since clits come in many sizes.

LELO Sila Spectrum Journal banner

You don’t have to take my word for it; here’s a trans masc person’s LELO Sila mas­sager review at Spectrum Journal.

LELO designed the Sila in response to com­plaints about the Sona mod­els’ “mouths” being too small. More on that later.

The Lora DiCarlo Baci’s mouth is the tee­ni­est bit wider, mea­sur­ing 20mm by 15 mm. However, its tun­nel is rel­a­tive­ly short com­pared to the oth­ers men­tioned in this sec­tion. I'd rec­om­mend using it over the hood rather than with it retracted.

Satisfyer Curvy 1+ and 2+

Maybe it’s the length that you’re look­ing for. The Satisfyer Curvy line’s air puls­es are gen­tle, rang­ing from 0.5 to 5. But their tun­nels are also among the longest I’ve encoun­tered in pres­sure wave stimulators:

  • Curvy 1+ — 16 mm wide by 16 mm by 42 mm deep
  • Curvy 2+ — 15 mm wide by 15 mm by 48 mm deep

(I find that the Curvy 2+’s rim aligns bet­ter with my cli­toral cru­ra, but your mileage will vary.)

Satisfyer Curvy 3+ vs. 2+ vs. 2+ opening size comparison
Left to right: Satisfyer Curvy 3+, 2+, and 1+

Best Affordable Clitoral Sucking Massager

So let’s say you’re will­ing to sac­ri­fice some fea­tures in the ser­vice of cut­ting costs. These budget-​friendly cli­toral air pulse mas­sagers are the way to go.

Voila Little Goo6 steady7 to 141 button13 x 13 mm
Womanizer Starlet 36 steady2 to 7.52 buttons16 x 12 mm
BMS Pillow Talk Dreamy7 steady3 to 81 button16 x 13 mm
Satisfyer Pro 211 steady1 to 6.53 buttons17 x 14 mm
Satisfyer Pro Penguin11 Steady0.5 to 52 buttons14 x 14 mm
NS Inya Rose3 steady, 7 patterns9 to 141 button13 x 13 mm
20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 3

Voila Little Goo Dinosaur Clit Suction Massager

The met­ric for La Boutique Voila’s Little Goo goes above and beyond:

  • It’s not just pow­er­ful soul-​snatcher for clits of steel.
  • It’s not just nov­el — which was enough to get Satisfyer praise back in the day.
  • It’s not just a cute cli­toral suc­tion mas­sager — which would have been enough for it to go viral on TikTok in 2021, with or with­out the inter­nal machin­ery to back up the acclaim.
  • It’s not just “good for the price.”

It is every­thing that it needs to be to stand out as the best of its class. It occu­pies this over­lap that I don’t see often.

Little Goo punch­es above its price class, deliv­er­ing moderate-​to-​high inten­si­ty at an unbeat­able price for its performance:

Voila Little Goo Review: POWERFUL Dinosaur Suction Toy

Womanizer Starlet 3

What can I say? I like Womanizer prod­ucts. The Womanizer Starlet 3 offers the same rum­ble as the Womanizer Classic 2 and Premium 2, but for a far small­er price tag.

Left to right: Womanizer Starlet, ROMP Switch, BMS Pillow Talk Dreamy, Satisfyer Pro 2, and NS Inya Rose
Left to right: Womanizer Starlet 3, ROMP Switch, BMS Pillow Talk Dreamy, Satisfyer Pro 2, and NS Inya Rose

For that, you get 6 speed set­tings. The low­est com­pares to a 2 on the Womanizer Premium and ends at 7.5. It’s stur­dy and well-​made, and the con­trol pan­el allows you to turn the speed up and down with ease. 

Satisfyer Pro 2 and Satisfyer Pro Penguin Vibration Affordable Air Pulse Massagers

The Satisfyer Pro 2 runs about $69. As with oth­er Satisfyer toys, this one is on the gen­tle end, with inten­si­ties from 1 to 6.5. It’s not as ver­sa­tile as the Curvy 3+ but has a lip­pi­er “mouth” and is a tad stronger. 

UPDATE: There's now a third ren­di­tion of the Satisfyer Pro 2. The pow­er lev­el is the same, but you get more fea­tures. What's new with this one?

  • The han­dle is all silicone
  • There's anoth­er noz­zle with a thin mem­brane meant to sim­u­late the feel­ing of water puls­ing against your clit
  • You can get app con­trol com­pat­i­bil­i­ty (option­al)
20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 4

Satisfyer's Pro Penguin (to me) also runs from a 0.5 to a 5. It's buzzy and has a sharp qual­i­ty to it, which some users might like. It's also cheap­er com­pared to the Pro 2.

Satisfyer Pro Penguin and Pro 2 Comparison

The Satisfyer Pro 1+ vibra­tion is pret­ty okay, too. The vibra­tions are mosquito-​like, but the air puls­es get the job done. And I can’t com­plain about the con­trols. The Satisfyers work, and they’re OK for the price, but they’re too buzzy to “wow” me.

NS Inya Rose

I wrote about this one in more detail in an ear­li­er sec­tion. The main fac­toids you need to know: it has 3 speeds, it’s super strong, and it has no sub­tle­ty. Get a 14/​14 in inten­si­ty for just $40. Proceed only if you’re sure that’s what you want.

Looking for other affordable sex toys? Check out my list of best budget-​friendly pleasure products.
20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 5

Beware of These Clitoral Air Pulse Massagers

LELO Sona 2 and Sona 2 Cruise

I fuck­ing hate the LELO Sona 2 and how its pow­er stalls with pres­sure, but I can’t deny that the Sona 2 Cruise has decent vroom.

The ele­phant in the room about the LELO Sona 2 Cruise, though, is that the tun­nel inside the air pulse cham­ber is hel­la short. That trans­lates to a greater risk of repeat­ed­ly bump­ing up against the cli­toris, espe­cial­ly when paired with the toy’s strong suction.

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 6
Left to right: LELO Sona 2 Cruise, Sona 2, Biird Obii /​ OSUGA Cuddly Bird

Proceed with cau­tion. Use it over the cli­toral hood only. Have one hand on the han­dle and one hand at the ready, near the noz­zle, ready to pry it off if it starts to hurt you. If you have a bigger-​than-​average clit, I sug­gest entire­ly steer­ing clear of the LELO Sona models.

(I also don’t appre­ci­ate how they han­dled the PR dis­as­ter sur­round­ing these prod­ucts and dis­missed users who had been injured. Yes, injured. Clitoral blis­ters, hos­pi­tal bills, and all.)

Biird Obii /​ Osuga Cuddly Bird Massager

The Obii /​ Cuddly Bird has the same issue as the LELO Sona series: the tun­nel is too damn small. Worse, the Obii and Cuddly Bird’s open­ing is the absolute small­est I have ever encoun­tered in an air pulse mas­sager. And yes, it has injured a fel­low toy reviewer.

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 7

There are only three speeds, and they’re all pathet­ic. And the vibra­tions? Look, if they’re so wimpy that it’s hard to dis­cern where the motor is, we have a problem.

Read my full Biird Obii review and watch me evis­cer­ate this fuck­ing thing. Then, check out Girly Juice’s post about the murky own­er­ship of the design. Spoiler: Biird ripped off OSUGA.

Satisfyer Pro 3

Your mileage may vary, but this one just didn’t latch on or stay in the right spot or deliv­er enough pow­er to do much for me. ‘Nough said.

Beyond Clitoral Stimulation Alone

Want a lit­tle something-​something dif­fer­ent? This sec­tion is for rab­bit vibra­tors and a penis stro­ker with air pulses.

The caveat to any review about dual stim­u­la­tors, though, is that they’re very anatomy-​specific, so what works for me might not work for you, and vice ver­sa. Air pulse dual stim­u­la­tors are espe­cial­ly finicky with fit.

Read any reviews linked below very thor­ough­ly before buying. 

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 8
Left to right: Blush Lush Iris, Womanizer DUO, Arcwave Ion, Lora DiCarlo Osé 2, Sohimi suc­tion rab­bit vibrator

Lush Iris by Blush Novelties

I love this thing! The cli­toral stim­u­la­tion is quite gen­tle, but the Lush Iris’s gyrat­ing shaft gives me the glo­ry of fin­gers swirling behind my cervix while the exter­nal mas­sager blows air.

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 9

Read my full Blush Novelties Lush Iris review.

Arcwave Ion

Yaaaass, a sil­i­cone mas­tur­ba­tion sleeve for penis­es with a built-​in air pulse motor. It’s best for penis-​owners who know they like focused stim­u­la­tion on the frenulum.

Read my full Arcwave Ion review.

Womanizer Duo

I’m so glad I didn’t promise to write a full review for the Womanizer DUO rab­bit vibra­tor. The air pulse stim­u­la­tor is potent, and the G‑spot vibra­tions are rumbly, but the shape just doesn’t work for me.

The inter­nal and exter­nal prongs are just too bendy, spaced too far apart, just too non­com­mit­tal to push up where it mat­ters. Pity. The price is too much of a gam­ble for me to rec­om­mend any­one try the Womanizer DUO.

Lora DiCarlo Osé 2

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 10
Left to right: Womanizer Premium and Lora DiCarlo Osé 2

I have one word to describe the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2: over­rat­ed. If it’s going to claim to deliv­er mind-​blowing orgasms, it bet­ter be able to han­dle the phys­i­o­log­i­cal con­se­quences of mind-​blowing orgasms. Which it can’t. The mov­ing bead stops when I clench. $290 for this? Nah, dude.

Read my full Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 review.

Let’s Wrap It Up!

There are so many clit suck­ing sex toys that it’s easy to get over­whelmed. A few tried-​and-​true favorites stand out, though.

Here are the main take­aways from this cli­toral air mas­sager comparison:

  • The Womanizer Premium 2 is the crème de la crème 
  • We-Vibe’s Melt offers the most bells and whistles
  • Aer by Dame Products has a wide open­ing and a low-​profile, intu­itive design for pair­ing cli­toral stim­u­la­tion with intercourse.
  • ROMP Toys and Womanizer’s Starlet 3 are a nice bal­ance of inten­si­ty and price
  • Satisfyer offers some of the cheap­est air pulse mas­sagers, and the (lack of) strength shows it.

FURTHER READING: Rose Sex Toy Guide: Air Pulses, Colors, Variants, Plugs, and More!

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 11

You may have noticed that I linked to mul­ti­ple dif­fer­ent shops in this post. When you shop via these links, I get a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you.

These retail­ers sent me most of the prod­ucts in exchange for my hon­est review. In gen­er­al, I link to whichev­er shop sent me the item, though some­times, I'll link to a dif­fer­ent one that has an espe­cial­ly good price. They're all fan­tas­tic shops that I'd rec­om­mend to any of my clos­est friends, though.

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31 Responses

  1. FlyingCangaroo says:


    i need your help. We have nev­er used air pulse toys. I am plan­ing to buy one for her, this way came across your page and i found it very informative!
    And yet i am still a bit in a loss i want­ed to buy Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen 3 as a com­pro­mise between cheap ones and pre­mi­um toys. ( you know buy­ing some­thing for almos 200$ which she might not like at all… )
    You wrote Satisfyer Pro lacks of intense, is it real­ly a big deal? She might real­ly not enjoy when it is very intense, or does it work not like that?
    Can you please get into the details of the top­ic intense by air pulse toys??
    Many thanks in advane!

  2. A says:

    I cur­rent­ly own Satisfyer Pro 2 (almost doesn't get any use late­ly), We-​Vibe Melt and am wait­ing for Otouch Cici Kitty to come. Have you had any expe­ri­ence with this last one? I was real­ly SOLD on the marshmallowy-​soft open­ing and the cute aes­thet­ics but lit­er­al­ly found NO reviews on this toy aaaa!

  3. np says:

    Have you seen an air pulse stim­u­la­tor that has a pin­point clit vibra­tor on the oppo­site end? I saw one in a video, but I can not seem to find it any­where else, to pur­chase or to read reviews…

  4. Amelia says:

    This for doing this research. I have yet to dive into the world of this type of toy. This have giv­en me some direction.

  5. JG says:

    I got my wife the Womanizer Liberty after read­ing this. I was gonna get her the Rose, but the Liberty seemed bet­ter for two per­son pen­e­tra­tion. Which it is not, not for on top. We are both of aver­age build, but it's just in the way to be com­fort­able. Reverse cow­girl might work, but she's nev­er liked that. But from behind works great. Really fan­tas­tic actually. 

    Otherwise she loves it, she was skep­ti­cal at first. And not hap­py with spend­ing that much. She's hat­ed oth­er toys. But this is 0 to 100 in secs. I was wor­ried that it wouldn't be pow­er­ful enough, but she's only real­ly used the first cou­ple of speeds. She says she couldn't imag­ine need­ing to be more powerful. 

    What she's doesn't like is the but­tons being on the bot­tom. It's real­ly dif­fi­cult to adjust with­out hav­ing to move it around and break the seal. I was gonna get the Starlet, but being that it has slight­ly less pow­er I went with the Liberty. Now I wish I had.


    si lo quiero usar sola cual es mas pla­cen­tero wominiz­er o we vibe melt?

  7. Jacee says:

    Thank you SO much for such a thor­ough review of these toys. I've been con­tem­plat­ing buy­ing one for a long time, but I'm still unsure of what to get. Here's what I need: (1) Have used strong vibra­tors for years and seem to need that. (2) I have a large clit so the open­ing is real­ly impor­tant. (3) Would LOVE one slim enough to use with part­ner penetration.

  8. QueenBee says:

    OK so I tried Satisfyer Curvy 3, because some­one said it was good for begin­ners (translation=it’s a cheap garbage) and it was BEYOND DISAPPOINTING, it sucks, it went straight into trash bin, and I have now lost trust in Satisfyer toys. I hate buzzy vibes and I hate sur­face lev­el FLAPPY suc­tion and the cold air it blows. I hate every­thing about it! I wish these reviews would focus on what’s impor­tant in such a toy, which is NOT strength. Not an app. It’s the kind of vibes it pro­vides. But I was con­fused, I had no idea as first timer, what’s flap­py and what’s “thrum­my” and what’s “rumbly”. There needs to be a bet­ter guide out there to actu­al­ly guide peo­ple and help them avoid cost­ly loss of time effort and mon­ey. I am eye­ing a Baci toy because it’s prici­er and has more tech. I would love a First Timer Toy Guide where every­thing would be more clear and focused on what’s impor­tant to you per­son­al­ly in a toy. Because it’s your review. I don’t care so much for strength of the toy as I will not use past lev­el 3. I don’t care for pat­terns and apps because I won’t use them (the KISS rule!). Why not focus on the TYPES of stim­u­la­tion avail­able, like for instance a toy with bad vibes is UNUSABLE to me. I like vibes that can be described as a musi­cal bass/​base, it’s very low and vibrates on anoth­er lev­el than reg­u­lar vibes which can be “strong” but total­ly use­less. I guess that’s what rumbly is? Perhaps there will be a guide with a bet­ter expla­na­tion one day.

  9. Jess says:

    I tru­ly appre­ci­ate this break­down! I am still in love with my wom­an­iz­er pro 40, but if it ever fails I know the book­marked post I’ll be com­ing back to.

  10. Maria says:

    I got a cheap Satisfyer a while ago, but I can't real­ly say it gets a lot of use…

  11. Trix says:

    This is such a com­pre­hen­sive list, a great ser­vice to us!

  12. Yam says:

    I've been eye­ing air pulse toys for a while, thank you for com­par­ing these!

  13. Andrew says:

    We have the Lelo Sona 2 cruise and my wife agrees that it's not so great. Definitely gonna try a dif­fer­ent one from this list and give it anoth­er try. Thanks for the thor­ough list!

  14. Alex says:

    Thank you for mak­ing this exhaus­tive (and pos­si­bly exhaust­ing) com­par­i­son review! There are so many pres­sure wave toys on the mar­ket now that it can be over­whelm­ing to try and decide between them. Your post real­ly helps nar­row down the field of options.

  15. Anna says:

    Wow, what a comparison!
    I have We-​Vibe Melt, Womanizer Duo, Womanizer Premium and Satisfyer Pro 2 (and it is my fave)

  16. Soso says:

    Love a good com­par­i­son, espe­cial­ly when there's a good num­ber scale to com­pare them! I have the Satisfyer Pro 1+ Vibration, and it's just too weak. Do you have inten­si­ty lev­els for it? 

    Also love the tables. Would be love­ly to see a final table with all the options at the bot­tom of the review for easy comparing.

  17. Lir says:

    Kinda bummed to see the Pro Penguin didn't make the line­up! I agree about the Satisfyer Pro line, but the Pro Penguin packs a lot more pow­er AND is reg­u­lar­ly on sale for under 30 bucks. I bought two in case mine breaks — I have a Starlet, but the Pro Penguin has at least dou­ble the set­tings and I don't think I've ever made it to the top one! Plus the con­trols are so effort­less — some of these look real­ly tricky to press, espe­cial­ly in the dark/​with lubefin­gers. If you're not burned out entire­ly on suc­tion after review­ing 20 dif­fer­ent toys, I'd def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend giv­ing it a try!

  18. JK says:

    We have a Sona Cruise, a Womanizee Premium 2, a Satisfyer Pro + vibration…but our go-​to is the old­er Satisfyer Traveler.

    • Pau says:

      I LOVE my Satisfyer Traveler. I've been using it for almost five years, the rose gold paint of the rim has chipped off, the sil­i­cone part is get­ting unglued and i don't care, it's still my favorite. I just take good care to not "drown" it while wash­ing and nev­er got it under water as I know that kills them, no mat­ter what Satisfyer adver­tis­es. Of course I bought anoth­er one like two years ago to have its replace­ment ready. I thought that day would come ear­li­er, but the old one is still going strong. I actu­al­ly tried it a cou­ple weeks ago just out­bof curios­i­ty. I felt heart bro­ken, betrayed. It's not the same. It's so weak, most of its mid­dle inten­si­ties feel the same, I usu­al­ly use the 6th osn7th the most and those feel like noth­ing in the new one, kida like cheap weak buzzy vibra­tor, not an air pulse toy at all. It's also absolute­ly more silent, of course, if they've prac­ti­cal­ly ruined it. The first one came in a small pink card box, the new one in the stur­dy cuter new box­es they've been using for years now. I'm actu­al­ly think­ing of try­ing to find one of the old ones (I'm from Argentina, we're always kin­da late to sex toys and per­haps I can find and lit­tle shop out there, who knows…) Anyway, that's why I got to this guide.
      My first air pulse toy was the Pro plus vibra­tion, the now called Pro+ 1, and I agree that vibra­tions aren't good, but I loved it for a while until I got the Traveler. It still works fine for when I'm feel­ing too sen­si­tive, it takes more time to get there but it's worth it.
      I also have a We Vibe Melt that I don't like: I pre­fer my clit sur­round­ed but not touched by the noo­zle, and Melt's inclined and I don't like the feel­ing; but the worst for me is it's just too strong even on the first set­ting. I can cum on it, but I end up twitch­ing and forc­ing between keep­ing it there and feel­ing kin­da hurt, or tak­ing it away and feel­ing kin­da ruined. I can place it and not push it against myself to kin­da lessen the sen­sa­tion, but I like doing oth­er things while hav­ing sex or mas­tur­bat­ing and tak­ing care of keep­ing the slight­est seal that won't end up hurt­ing isn't one of them. Haven't tried the app (I know, I know, but I bought it 'cause I've read it was thud­dy, not for oth­er rea­sons), so I don't know if there are ways to make it gen­tler with that fea­ture. Kinda scared to check, to be honest,'case it will be a new dis­s­a­point­ment with it.
      Womanizer's where I live are ridicu­lous­ly expen­sive, and the Melt cost me a lot too, so I guess I'll save for the more afford­able ones or I'll keep look­ing for a new old Traveler 😂 I rec­om­mend­ed that thing for years, gosh, I feel like I've fooled a lot of peo­ple, but I just didn't know they had made it so awful! I hate how that company's gone for years now: they got from sort of decent cheap but body safe copies of top tier toys (like the Yummy sun­shine, that I'm most fond of as Fun factory's toys got to my coun­try LAST YEAR, haha) to dump­ing dozens of toys that come and go but are all the same with slight aes­thet­ic design dif­fer­ences. Many of them are actu­al­ly just awful­ly designed and seem like no-one's even think­ing about what they're doing: there was two inserta­bles that were adver­tised as A spot stim­u­la­tors that were THE SAME dil­do, but in dif­fer­ent shades of light blue, and one had sub­tle ridges that are obvi­ous­ly not notice­able in use. The A spot thing? They had a tiny anthena. Like half a pinky fin­ger at the end of a dil­do. Where had these peo­ple heard some­one who enjoys deep pen­e­tra­tion say "yeah, a spot mas­sage is great, but I just wish I could have a tele­tub­by dil­do to tik­le myself there"? Why. Just why. And they've ruined Traveler. How dare.
      Anyway. I'll stop ram­bling. Thanks for the exhaus­tive guide and sor­ry for the long comment. ✨🐦💜

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