Biird Obii review: clitoral air pulse toy

Sex toy or [overpriced] lamp? You decide.

Biird Obii clit-sucking air pulse toy side view

Obii by Biird is a cli­toral suc­tion vibra­tor that's both ADORABLE AF and award-​winning! I can see why design geeks would love Obii's exterior:

  • Its sil­i­cone is soft like a marshmallow.
  • Feminine with­out being tacky
  • Available in pink, green, and a pale lemon yellow 
    • Yellow is a super uncon­ven­tion­al choice for vibrators!
  • A min­i­mal­is­tic bird with a glow­ing "nest" and trans­par­ent, cage-​like cover

Bubblegum pink Biird Obii discreet pressure wave and air pulse toy

You could charge this dis­creet sex toy in plain sight and claim it's an ambi­ent lamp. Nobody would have any rea­son to think it's a plea­sure product.

Unfortunately for Biird, what's inside counts, too.

At this point, I resent high­ly styl­ized pres­sure wave toys as a group. Their sell­ing point is their visu­al appeal; the motors don't live up to the hype.

The Emojibator Chickie is lit­tle more than an (endear­ing) paper­weight, for exam­ple. And I'd be damned if I didn't warn peo­ple of the dan­gers of using the LELO Sona 2 Cruise.

As for Obii by Biird? It feels like it was designed for users who don't jack off even a tenth as often as I do. When you have noth­ing else to com­pare a just-"meh" prod­uct to, then, of course, you'll think it's decent.

Obii by Biird review table of contents

Functions of the Biird Obii clitoral air pulse vibrator

The Obii by Biird is a 3‑in‑1 pack­age that excels at only one of the things it does. Let's go deeper:

Biird Obii clit-sucking air pulse and pressure wave toy side view

  • Its "beak" is a round­ed noz­zle for cli­toral pleasure 
  • The bel­ly of the bird vibrates.
  • When you rest it on the charg­ing base, it's a cute night light.

This clit suck­er… sucks at the first two of those functions.

Let's start with who its pressure waves will work for

Look, I've seen snip­pets of oth­er reviews of the Biird Obii, and they're eyebrow-​raising. One says that any­one with a cli­toris can enjoy Obii. Are we review­ing the same thing?

For a clitoral air pulse toy to work for you, your anatomy has to fit inside of the nozzle and seal properly.

While it worked for me, it's worth not­ing that Obii has BY FAR the ABSOLUTE SHORTEST pulse cham­ber of any pres­sure wave toy I've tried. With the oth­ers, I can fit part of my pinky, usu­al­ly up to the knuck­le near­est the tip. Obii's noz­zle can only encom­pass half that amount.

Biird Obii clitoral air pulse vibrator nozzle front view

In oth­er words, if your clit is longer than a cen­time­ter, Obii won't work well for you.

Safety concerns with the Biird Obii

Air pulse toys work by mov­ing a lit­tle nub­bin inside back-​and-​forth. If your junk gets caught in that, you're shit out of luck.

And that has hap­pened to some users of the LELO Sona Cruise mod­els, result­ing in cli­toral cuts and blood blisters.

Likewise, Obii can unpleas­ant­ly bump up against someone's bits.

UPDATE: The Biird Obii has hurt a fel­low toy review­er. See the Instagram DM screen­shot below.Biird Obii review: clitoral air pulse toy 1

How the Biird Obii feels in use for me, in one word

Buzzy — that's all you need to know about Obii's pres­sure waves and vibra­tions at best. Its pitch makes me gri­mace the moment I turn it on; the oppo­site of turn­ing me on.

Pressure waves

The high-​frequency air puls­es lack any sub­stan­tial range of motion. You'd get rum­bli­er cli­toral air puls­es with even the ROMP Switch. Buzzy pres­sure waves are okay for a cheap­er toy that does oth­er things well. But for the Biird Obii's price? Oh, hell, no.

Biird Obii pressure wave vibrator controls and mustache-shaped charging contacts


Obii's vibra­tions are par with cheap bul­lets like the VeDO Bam Mini. WEAK. There are three steady speeds and one pat­tern, and all of the func­tions are shit.

(See what makes a vibra­tor motor buzzy or rumbly from the inside!)

Since the move­ment is in the round­ed bel­ly, there's no focus or tar­get­ing what­so­ev­er — the sen­sa­tion just kind of gets lost. If my boyfriend and I can't imme­di­ate­ly tell where the motor is, that's a bad sign.

Not even the Biird Obii's form is its saving grace.

This vibra­tor is only a lit­tle less potato-​like than the Squarepegtoys Blunt Plug. If the Obii looks cum­ber­some and bulky to hold in my hand, that's because it is. It's just such a blob.

Holding the Obii by Biird in my hand

For one, since the beak noz­zle doesn't pro­trude much, it's not the eas­i­est to aim. And yes, it's sleek for a cli­toral suck­er and not at all thermometer-​like. But I'd pre­fer to use an air pulse toy with a prop­er han­dle and easy-​access buttons.

Obii by Biird isn't for you if you have any:
  • Wrist mobil­i­ty issues
  • Belly fat block­ing access to your vulva
  • Pain in your hands
  • Struggle with grip

If any of the above applies toy you, you'll despise Obii.

I can use it by wrap­ping my fin­gers and palm around, with my thumb on the con­trol pan­el, but it's cum­ber­some to grip. I feel like Obii might slip out of my hands when I push its buttons.

And oh gosh, the but­tons. I get that they're on the base for the sake of dis­cre­tion, but they'd be much eas­i­er to press on the Biird's back.

My verdict on the Biird Obii vibrating clit sucker

The Obii cli­toral suc­tion toy by Biird isn't abhor­rent to me, but its com­bined quirks feel like death by a thou­sand cuts. It's not heav­en, but not quite The Bad Place — just a Medium Place. Like an after­life where you're always just a bit miffed by the con­stant post-​nasal drip snot stuck in your throat, and the tap water tastes funky.

Obii by Biird clitoral suction and pressure wave air pulsation vibrator review

For the price, "I CAN orgasm with it" and "I'm only a lit­tle miffed" shouldn't be the only bars to clear. Even the Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration would feel bet­ter in use since its slightly-​less-​buzzy vibra­tions are pinpoint.

I'm not in the busi­ness of telling peo­ple to spend this much on a night-​light. If giv­en a choice, I'm stick­ing to my We-​Vibe Melt. If you're try­ing to save mon­ey with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty, get a Womanizer Liberty or one of the ROMP air pulse toys.

If you want an Obii, you can get one directly from Biird!

I do use affil­i­ate links through­out this post, which bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. Biird sent me this prod­uct as a sam­ple for a review.

However, I turned down spon­sor­ship mon­ey from them. With how much I dis­like their Obii, I much pre­ferred the cre­ative lib­er­ty to tear it apart.

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2 Responses

  1. Prudence says:

    Whoa, sounds like they real­ly dropped the ball on this one. $89 for a toy that may injure you? No thank you!
    "Like an after­life where you’re always just a bit miffed by the con­stant post-​nasal drip snot stuck in your throat, and the tap water tastes funky." This is gold, I snort-​laughed when I read it.

  1. September 17, 2020

    […] issue with the Obii, which some oth­er review­ers who I deeply respect have point­ed out, is that the noz­zle is unusu­al­ly small for a toy of this type, and that the moving […]

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