5 Tips for Discreet & Conveniently Travel-Friendly Sex Toys

[Image: Travel-Friendly Mini-Vibrators: Dame Pom, Kip, Womanizer Liberty, Le Wand Chrome Deux]

“Go big or go home” often doesn’t apply when vis­it­ing fam­i­ly for the hol­i­days or trav­el­ing to cer­tain coun­tries. Sometimes, trav­el­ing with sex toys is a has­sle, thanks to nosy and neu­rot­ic par­ents or lim­it­ed lug­gage space. (Sorry, dear VixSkin Gambler!)

Whatever the rea­son, there are many ways you can make sex toys more con­ve­nient and travel-​friendly. Package your pack­ages incon­spic­u­ous­ly to avert inno­cent eyes.

Bury your toys in other stuff and lock your bags

It’s a no-​brainer once you’re out of the air­port, but a lit­tle invest­ment in a lock can save you from a big headache. I found a com­pact, 3‑digit cable lock for under $10 at a super­store. Small pad­locks can also styl­ish­ly keep your bag secure.

Mini sex toys: good things come in small packages

There’s no short­age of mini-​vibes that pack a punch and don’t look like sex toys.

5 Tips for Discreet & Conveniently Travel-Friendly Sex Toys 1

The We-​Vibe Tango and Hot Octopuss Digit, for exam­ple, are both pow­er­ful for their size and super qui­et— an uncom­mon com­bi­na­tion! Consider also Pom and Kip by Dame Products. They’re more gen­tle than the pre­vi­ous two, but among the most hushed lux­u­ry vibra­tors that I’ve tried. Slip them in your toi­letries bag.

If you want some­thing com­pact but a bit broad­er, con­sid­er one of the nojë mini-​wands. They’re not whisper-​quiet, but they are qui­et enough that you can turn on a fan or some music to cov­er up the sound. For a mini-​wand, that’s pret­ty fantastic.

Some clit toys come with a built-​in trav­el case like the Womanizer Liberty and Blush Aria Flutter. And for unbeat­able porta­bil­i­ty, the Le Wand Chrome Deux doesn’t need a charg­ing cord or any sep­a­rate bat­ter­ies. Pull it apart to expose the USB recharg­ing plug and stick it into your com­put­er or out­let adapter. Simple.

If you need something a bit bigger, be flexible

[Image: Exposed Nocturnal Bullet, Maia Jessi, and Avant Pride P1 in sunglasses case]

Dildos are a bit hard­er to hide, but not by much. Some, like the Blush Avant Pride P1 and P2, are bendy enough to fit in my sun­glass­es case for max­i­mum dis­cre­tion. And the P1 and P2’s forward-​bulging shape is enough to stim­u­late my A‑spot, even with less insertable length than what I would usu­al­ly use. For slight­ly firmer stim­u­la­tion, my G‑spot approves of the Tantus Sport.

You, of course, don’t have to lim­it your­self to a sun­glass­es case! I usu­al­ly pre­fer firm pres­sure, but there are oth­er not-​as-​small but still fold­able dil­dos that I’ve enjoyed. Among them are the  BS Atelier Max, Uberrime Xenuphora, and Blush Neo Elite 7.5” with­out balls. Lastly, I’m not claim­ing that a sil­i­cone veg­gie out in the open will fool every­one, but a Self Delve Eggplant, cucum­ber, or pep­per could eas­i­ly fit in with pro­duce and road trip snacks.

Blend it in with the rest of your wearables

5 Tips for Discreet & Conveniently Travel-Friendly Sex Toys 2

Some sex toys would look at home among your acces­sories. One is the Crave Vesper, an ele­gant bul­let vibe in neck­lace form. Though the vibra­tions aren’t excep­tion­al­ly rumbly, they’re qui­et, along with pin­point and con­cen­trat­ed. Bijoux Indiscrets’ Magnifique chain neck­lace is also dis­creet and classy, but its tails serve as a gen­tle impact toy.

For poten­tial­ly rougher sen­so­ry play, con­sid­er vam­pire gloves. They’re leather gloves, with a lit­tle some­thing extra on the palm side: prick­ling met­al spikes along the fin­gers. You can do a slow and sub­tle graze, or use them to add more pain to a spank­ing. Just take some cau­tion if you’re going hard enough to break skin.

Bring something cheap and easily replaced for convenience

[Image: Blush Gaia Eco vibrator in purse]

If you’re wor­ried about con­fis­ca­tion (say, by a cus­toms agent), maybe bring­ing a lux­u­ry vibra­tor is entire­ly too risky for you. In that case, con­sid­er the non­de­script Blush Gaia Eco. It’s qui­et and with a mod­er­ate rum­ble, but for the price, it wouldn’t dent your bank account much to lose it.

Wrapping it up!

There are many ways the win­ter hol­i­days can be tax­ing, but trav­el­ing with sex toys doesn’t have to be one of them. It’s eas­i­er than ever to find dis­creet, qui­et, and com­pact toys with big impact, so that you can focus on what real­ly mat­ters when trav­el­ing: enjoy­ing yourself.

[This is a repost. I orig­i­nal­ly wrote this arti­cle for Spectrum Journal.]

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