Hot Octopuss Digit rumbly finger vibrator & Jett penis vibrator review

[Image: The Hot Octopuss Digit is a silicone-covered vibrator mini-vibe with an S-shaped loop to wear around your fingers. The Hot Octopuss Jett comes with a control panel, silver chromed plastic bullets that plug in, and a detachable silicone cock ring attachment with slots to fit the bullets into. It delivers vibrations to the penis.]

Some may find this review blas­phe­mous. Others may con­sid­er it par with Upworthy-​style click­bait. What I'm about to tell you about the Hot Octopuss Jett and Digit MIGHT BLOW YOUR MIND. You MUST KNOW MY TRUTH. From here on out, I'm rec­om­mend­ing one of these two mini-​vibes along­side the We-​Vibe Tango for most users. Read on to find out which one.

Hot Octopuss's rumbly AF vibrations

[Image: I'm wearing the Hot Octopuss Digit on my left hand for photo-taking purposes only. It's designed for right-handed use.]

Hearing the rich, low thrum of the Hot Octopuss Digit is enough to turn me on. I'm in awe seeing the Hot Octopuss Jett Bass bullet's splash in a glass of water. Both vibra­tors have some rad­i­cal jump— the elu­sive com­bi­na­tion of low pitch and high ampli­tude. They're both petite, but they aren't mere­ly good for being tiny or for the price tag or "Well, I liked it, but I didn't love it, but you might." No, no, no, no, no. There is lit­tle ambiva­lence about their pow­er here.

The Hot Octopuss Digit is an ele­gant, wear­able fin­ger vibe, but more impor­tant­ly, one of the best recharge­able bul­lets I've ever tried. Its purring tim­bre is com­pa­ra­ble to larg­er vibes like the Pillow Talk Sassy. Meanwhile, the Jett's motor is the rum­bli­est among the AA-​powered. And, with the sil­i­cone cock ring sleeve, it's my ex's favorite penis vibe. (Yes, he likes it more than the Hot Octopuss Pulse III Solo.)

[Image: another view of the Hot Octopuss Digit's bulging head and looped "ring"]

It's not that the Hot Octopuss Digit and Jett don't have their down­sides. The Digit is designed for right-​handed use only. (UPDATE: Hot Octopuss has released a bul­let with­out the fin­ger loop! Check out the Hot Octopuss Amo, espe­cial­ly if you're left-​handed.) And it isn't as pow­er­ful as the Tango (in part because there's sil­i­cone coat­ing the sur­face). But it's close enough that I don't give three fucks about four fucks. It's pow­er­ful, rumbly, and has some­thing that the Tango and its budget-​friendly alter­na­tives pre­vi­ous­ly: a three-​button con­trol inter­face to con­trol its five speeds.

Hot Octopuss vibrator controls

I'm very much some­one who likes turn­ing the inten­si­ty down and back up between orgasms. You don't have much con­trol over that with the We-​Vibe Tango's one but­ton or the FemmeFunn Bougie Bullet's TWENTY (!!!) set­tings. It's not always easy to tell which but­ton is the up or down on the Blush Novelties Exposed Nocturnal.

UPDATE: The new We-​Vibe Tango X and Touch X mod­els have updat­ed con­trol pan­els, also with three but­tons! So both the Tango X and Hot Octopuss Amo are great, but it ulti­mate­ly depends on what kind of ver­sa­til­i­ty you'd rather have:

  • For vibrat­ing dil­dos with bul­let cav­i­ties, get the Tango X
  • For a ver­sa­tile stand­alone clit vibe, get the Hot Octopuss Amo 

With the Hot Octopuss Digit, there are three but­tons. One, you long press to turn on/​off, or quick press to cycle through the five pat­terns. On the oth­er side, there's a but­ton for increas­ing and one for decreas­ing speed. Similarly for the Jett. One on/​off/​cycle but­ton. Up and down but­tons for both the Bass and Treble bul­lets. Five but­tons in total. Five speeds for each bullet.

[Image: Hot Octopuss Jett chromed ABS plastic corded bullets and 5-button control panel]

UPDATE: the Hot Octopuss Amo has the same fan­tas­tic con­trol pan­el, but with­out the restrict­ing fin­ger loop!

"Treble and Bass"?????

Maybe you also side-​eyed at the cap­i­tal­iza­tion of "Treble and Bass Technology." All it means is that the Hot Octopuss Jett comes with one rumbly bul­let and one rel­a­tive­ly buzzy bul­let. Let me start by say­ing that the Bass bul­let is about enough to make me squirt, which is rare for any vibra­tor, let alone a bat­tery bul­let. As well, I think the video of the Bass bul­let in water speaks for itself; it splash­es almost as much as the We-​Vibe Tango. So to me, the Hot Octopuss Jett is worth it for the Bass bul­let alone. Even if you nev­er use the cock sleeve or the Treble bullet.

And if you do? My ex test­ed it by wrap­ping the ring around his frenu­lum. The result: he said that if he could come via vibra­tions on his penis alone, the Jett would have done it. (But he can't. He still needs to com­bine it with some rub­bing.) It isn't as rumbly as the Pulse III Solo's oscil­lat­ing plate, but that's okay. The Hot Octopuss Jett is still pow­er­ful, and for some users, its ring design allows for hands-​free orgasms.

As for the Treble's vibra­tion qual­i­ty, I did say "rel­a­tive­ly" buzzy. It's some­where between the FemmeFunn Bougie Bullet and Blush Exposed Nocturnal. And FemmeFunn's bul­lets are often includ­ed in lists of alter­na­tives to the Tango. So the Hot Octopuss Jett's Treble bul­let is still pow­er­ful, just not the deep­est; it has a sharp zing to it. In total, between the two bul­lets, there are ten inten­si­ties, with many vari­a­tions on the rumbly-​to-​buzzy axis.

[Image: the Hot Octopuss Jett with the bullets in the silicone ring and wrapped around the head of the Blush Novelties Avant D4 Pretty In Pink dildo]

Downsides of the Hot Octopuss Jett

I would con­tin­u­ous­ly gush over the fact that there are so many options. But unfor­tu­nate­ly, there's a dis­claimer: if I don't grip the Treble bul­let hard dur­ing use, it's also loud above the third speed. Not a buzzing loud, but a rat­tling loud like some­thing is hit­ting the inside of the hard plas­tic shell. I rarely use the buzzy bullet's high­er set­tings, but the sound might be a deal­break­er for you.

My verdict on Hot Octopuss's Jett and Digit

I'm will­ing to over­look the down­side for the pow­er, range, and ver­sa­til­i­ty of the oth­ers. If you're new to sex toys, the Hot Octopuss Jett is excel­lent for cal­i­brat­ing how much and what kind of vibra­tion pow­er you need. There's some­thing for almost every­one. (Other vibes with remark­able inten­si­ty range to con­sid­er are the Pillow Talk Sassy and Pillow Talk Cheeky.) If you want a recharge­able and water­proof penis-​oriented vibra­tor that doesn't cost much more, though, check out the Hot Octopuss Pocket Pulse instead.

And of course, if you're won­der­ing whether you should get the Hot Octopuss Digit, my answer is a resound­ing YES!!! maybe, but con­sid­er the Hot Octopuss Amo first. That one is a resound­ing yes.

If you want a rumbly AF but com­pact vibra­tor that fits com­fort­ably between bod­ies dur­ing part­ner play, yes! Practically any sex toy can be a cou­ples' toy, but I think the Digit's ring design serves that pur­pose excep­tion­al­ly well. It yields the free­dom of a hand­held bul­let (no position-​prohibitive bulk) with­out actu­al­ly hav­ing to hold on to one. And with­out sac­ri­fic­ing much pow­er— it's sub­stan­tial­ly rum­bli­er than both Pom and Kip by Dame Products.

UPDATE: The Hot Octopuss Amo com­bines what I love about the Digit's rum­ble and the Kip's sharp shape.

[Image: Hot Octopuss Digit and Jett together]

It speaks vol­umes that I'm shout­ing about two exter­nal vibra­tors from the same com­pa­ny. I am a cer­vi­cal orgasm con­nois­seur, lover of deep pen­e­tra­tion. And frankly, I find out­ie vibes to be the most straight­for­ward but most bor­ing cat­e­go­ry to review. Hot Octopuss's new vibra­tors, though? Intuitive con­trols, robust vibra­tions, and inno­v­a­tive designs that don't try too hard. They're so refresh­ing to reach for recre­ation­al orgasms— an oasis on days I oth­er­wise feel unin­spired or over­whelmed by my review queue.

Thank you to Betty's Toy Box for send­ing me the Hot Octopuss Digit and SheVibe for the Hot Octopuss Jett! Buying sex toys via my affil­i­ate links bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you.

[Image: Betty's Toy Box Banner. Use code SUPER for 10% off at Betty's Toy Box]
[Image: SheVibe banner]

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3 Responses

  1. J says:

    Hi! Thanks for the review. Would you rec­om­mend the hot octo­pus dig­it if I were to use it dis­creet­ly in a room shared with oth­ers?… Or is there anoth­er lay on vibe you'd rec­om­mend as both pow­er­ful and on the qui­eter side? I've looked at some of your oth­er reviews for fun fac­to­ry laya, noc­tur­nal bul­let, dame pom, le wand, fem funne, wevibe… but I still can't decide which one will be most trav­el friend­ly in a less pri­vate set­ting, but still sat­is­fy­ing? 🙂 Thanks for any help!

  2. G says:

    Thank you for anoth­er splen­did review!

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