10 Travel-Friendly Sex Toys That Discreetly Fit in a Sunglasses Case

Exposed Nocturnal Bullet, Maia Jessi, and Avant Pride P1 in sunglasses case

As much as I love my gigan­tic dil­dos, they're not the most prac­ti­cal toys to take with me when I'm on-​the-​go or vis­it­ing fam­i­ly. Sometimes, I have only a back­pack to fit my belong­ings in for the week.

I'm an adult, and that shouldn't be hap­pen­ing. But it does hap­pen. My mom is neu­rot­ic, and that's the real­i­ty on the occa­sions when I vis­it her.

This list includes G‑spot toys and exter­nal toys, all petite enough to fit inside my case meant for big sun­glass­es. The case phys­i­cal­ly pro­tects them, con­ceals them, and makes them rel­a­tive­ly unin­ter­est­ing to peo­ple snoop­ing. Plus, it's easy to bury in the rest of my stuff.

10 Travel-Friendly Sex Toys That Discreetly Fit in a Sunglasses Case 1

Travel-friendly clit toys


External cli­toral bul­let vibra­tors are espe­cial­ly easy-​to-​hide because they're so tiny. That doesn't mean you have to sac­ri­fice pow­er, though. The Realm Silver Bullet is 0.9" wide and 4" long, but it's pow­er­ful enough for me to use through under­wear and a pan­ti­lin­er. It's not the rum­bli­est or most qui­et bul­let, but it does offer near-​Hitachi-​level pow­er in a small, pin­point pack­age. And it's water­proof, so I can use it in the show­er to drown out the loud vibrations.

Some oth­er vibra­tors to con­sid­er are the Maia Jessi and VeDO Bam. Both offer strong vibra­tions for their price-​point. Plus, they come in green hues not often seen in sex toys. Cannabis leaf vari­ant, any­one?

10 Travel-Friendly Sex Toys That Discreetly Fit in a Sunglasses Case 2
Clit suction
Satisfyer Pro Travel thumbnail

If you're look­ing for some­thing more unique in a small pack­age, con­sid­er a Satisfyer Pro Traveler. Instead of con­ven­tion­al vibra­tions, it offers pres­sure puls­es that alter­nate between light­ly suck­ing and blow­ing. It's basi­cal­ly like form­ing a seal around your cli­toris and mak­ing the air in the enclosed space vibrate. If you like hav­ing your clit sucked or hav­ing air blown on it dur­ing oral, you'll prob­a­bly enjoy the pres­sure wave tech­nol­o­gy.

No, it doesn't fit inside the case, but it comes with its own built-​in trav­el cap and is super affordable.


Finally, maybe bul­lets and pres­sure wave toys don't appeal to you because your cli­toris prefers broad stim­u­la­tion. In that case, a mini-​wand like the Love Not War Koi packs a punch with­out the bulk.

Further read­ing: 14 of my favorite cord­less wands, ranked

Love Not War Koi wand massager

Travel-friendly insertable toys

But what if you don't want to lim­it your­self to exter­nal toys? Depending on how shal­low your G‑spot is, a curved mini-​vibe might be enough.

10 Travel-Friendly Sex Toys That Discreetly Fit in a Sunglasses Case 3
G‑spot mini-​vibes

The 3.75" long Sensuelle Baelii and 4.7" long VeDO Gee Plus are both bent at the tip for G‑spot aim­ing but have very dif­fer­ent shapes. Sensuelle's Baelii offers more pin­point vibra­tions for your inter­nal cli­toris. And VeDO's Gee Plus is also slim but more bul­bous, for lock­ing in behind the pubic bone.

Blush Novelties Avant Pride P1 thumbnail

The Blush Avant Pride P1 (and its iden­ti­cal­ly shaped sib­ling, the P2) is a bit big­ger but still dain­ty and flex­i­ble enough to curl up inside the sun­glass­es case. Though they won't deliv­er much G‑spot pres­sure, they offer some­thing to clench around, and the bump toward the bot­tom of the shaft stim­u­lates the vagi­nal entrance. Depending on how low my cervix is at the time of the month, the Pride P1's 5.5" insertable length can some­times slide behind my cervix to mas­sage it. And if you PREFER small and flex­i­ble toys, the Avant Pride P1 might be the dil­do for you.

Blush Novelties Avant Pride P3 thumbnail

Another afford­able, com­pact dil­do that the Avant Pride line offers is the Avant Pride P3. It's 5" long in total, 1.25" wide, and dec­o­rat­ed with gor­geous red, white, and pink stripes. Interestingly, despite being a rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al dil­do with les­bian pride flag col­ors, it was the fastest to sell out in the Pride line. Its shape, size, and flex­i­bil­i­ty also make it a com­fort­able basic to clench around while using an exter­nal vibrator.


Not every­body lives with sex-​positive house­mates or has a clos­et they can ded­i­cate to their sex toys. Your liv­ing cir­cum­stances might make it imprac­ti­cal to have, say, a $200 fuck­ing machine, and I under­stand that. I've been there before. It's pos­si­ble to hide toys among piles of clothes, behind books on a shelf, in a locked tool­box under the bed, and so on.

However, if the sit­u­a­tion is tem­po­rary, noth­ing gives me more peace of mind about my toys than putting most of my col­lec­tion in a stor­age unit rental. Just the bare essen­tials stay in a dis­creet and portable con­tain­er I can keep an eye on, while the rest of my sex toys are safe.

In the mean­time, there's noth­ing wrong with hav­ing a quick-​fix stash in my purse for when I'm out and about.

Thank you to Indigo Honey for spon­sor­ing this post! Indigo Honey is a ciswoman-​focused shop that most­ly sells body-​safe solo toys.

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6 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Storing in a glass­es case is a bril­liant idea and this makes me want to make up dis­creet lit­tle care pack­ages for friends and such.

  2. Jeff says:

    We love the Satisfyer Pro Traveler for many rea­sons. The size, feel, quiet­ness and built-​in case. No one who found it would ever know what lies inside.

  3. qiu says:

    the blush avant pride is lovely!

  4. Anna says:

    Ha! Wouldn't have thought to stick a dil­do in my glass­es case. Good idea…

  1. December 1, 2018

    […] 10 travel-​friendly sex toys that dis­creet­ly fit in a sun­glass­es case (Via Super Smash Cache) […]

  2. December 2, 2018

    […] Keep read­ing this fan­tas­tic list from Super Smash Cache […]

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