Review: Double-Stuffing My Pussy With Fun Factory Ryde

Even more adventures of a compact, high-​capacity human.
Fun Factory Ryde double dildo ribbed for grinding
Get to know Fun Factory's Ryde.


Every time I get con­ve­nience store hot dogs, I put two in one bun, take a pic­ture for my Instagram sto­ry, and link to my com­par­i­son of four sil­i­cone dou­ble dil­dos.

Two cock heads sur­round­ing my cervix from both behind it and in front? Oh fuck, yeah.

Fun Factory Ryde slender bumpy dildo with clitoral grinding portion

I’ve also had a sext chat client ask, “Do you think you could take my cock and your boyfriend’s?” — to which I replied, “I have had a three-​way with my boyfriend’s and anoth­er guy’s also-​above-​average dick in my pussy.”

I even wrote a mega-​guide to vagi­nal stretch­ingfist­ing, huge dil­dos, and dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion — all because a friend asked for a resource on fist­ing, and I couldn’t imme­di­ate­ly think of one that encom­passed every­thing I’d want him and his friends to know. So I made one.

Introducing the Fun Factory Ryde

Fast-​forward to 2024. Fun Factory USA’s affil­i­ate man­ag­er emailed me about their Ryde dou­ble dil­do and added, “To be entire­ly hon­est, this dil­do is a weird one, haha­ha […] we think you have the right approach and spir­it for this!”

Fun Factory Ryde asymmetric double dildo

You get the idea: I love an excuse to stuff my fan­tas­ti­cal­ly elas­tic snatch.

The Fun Factory Ryde fits right in.

It was made for an array of oth­er uses, including:

  • Gentle vagi­nal stim­u­la­tion and cli­toral grind­ing — or cli­toral smacking!
  • Simultaneous pen­e­tra­tion for part­ner play, with or with­out a strap-​on harness.
  • Indirect anal mas­sage, both via the vagi­nal wall and on the outside

You can read more about them in my guest post on Fun Factory’s blog, 7 Reasons to Love the Fun Factory Ryde Double Dildo. It’s a broad­er, fast blast of ways to use this crazy con­trap­tion — includ­ing some for those who aren’t goon­ing to have their guts remixed.

But this post here will focus on two par­tic­u­lar strengths of the Fun Factory Ryde:

  • Double vagi­nal penetration
  • Wearing as a pussy plug to stretch and clench around
Fun Factory Ryde double dildo with textured shaft

Fun Factory Ryde Double Dildo Measurements

This V‑shaped dou­ble dil­do has two tapered tips — about 1.1” across the head and ramp­ing up to 1.4” in diam­e­ter each toward the bot­tom. When I squeeze dou­ble dil­do togeth­er, the whole unit is:

  • About 6” insertable length
  • 6.6” of cir­cum­fer­ence to stretch around
  • 1.4” diam­e­ter just above the base

In oth­er words, it starts at a some­what “normal”-feeling size, ramps up to “woooaaaaaah,” and dips back down to a moderately-​sized neck to clench around.

Fun Factory Ryde double dildo folded up for penetrating one hole

How the Fun Factory Ryde Feels in Use

That much con­trast gives a pro­nounced pop­ping sen­sa­tion against my G‑spot. My cunt stretch­es and relax­es and clench­es and stretch­es and relax­es and clench­es again and again around it — it instinc­tive­ly wants to close around the nar­row­est por­tion. Then, with anoth­er thrust, I’m pried open again. My whole front wall gets a per­sis­tent press while the tip of the longer prong slips behind my cervix.

I’m filled up and stretched out; my pos­te­ri­or fornix gets a nice pound. I’m writhing and gasp­ing — because once the Fun Factory Ryde locks in like a pussy plug, there is no escape, even when I’m not touch­ing it with my hands anymore.

(It would be prime for pry­ing my walls apart while my hands are tied behind my back and my legs are opened with a spread­er bar.)

Every lit­tle clench and release rages against my walls. Squeeze. Cum. Relax. Feeling the pres­sure build from inside as Ryde push­es me apart a lit­tle. Shaking, maybe kick­ing, because I just can’t con­tain the cum­ming and cry­ing. It almost feels like too much.

But it can’t be.

Fun Factory Ryde double dildo folded up

Because there’s more.

I don’t have to choose between orgas­mic tor­ture with a wand or the Fun Factory Ryde.

Because I can use both at the same time.

And it’s divine.

Pairing Fun Factory's Ryde With Other Toys

For one, a rumbly wand like the Fun Factory Vim rever­ber­ates through the Ryde like seis­mic waves up to the neck of my womb.

Fun Factory Ryde double dildo shaft textures

I also real­ized that, depend­ing on which way Fun Factory’s Ryde is rotat­ed, the base could either:

  • Serve as a cush­ion for damp­en­ing vibra­tion a lit­tle (but where’s the fun in that?)
  • Leave my clit exposed for more direct cli­toral vibra­tion — Vim? Volta?
    • Try either one or alter­nate between both on your part­ner while they’re blindfolded!
    • Or incor­po­rate suc­tion with an air pulse toy or an enthu­si­as­tic tongue and lips.

And, of course, you could insert one prong and use the oth­er for cli­toral grind­ing, let­ting the vibra­tions trav­el up along the outside.

Fun Factory’s pack­ag­ing encour­ages explo­ration through every step of the ses­sion, adding even more ways to play, like:

  • Pairing Ryde with their Bootie Fem plug to take dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion even fur­ther and push the dil­do toward the G‑spot
  • Playing “Flirt or Dare” with prompts from the instruc­tion­al pam­phlet — “The per­son with the jig­gli­est butt goes first.”
Fun Factory Ryde double dildo spread apart

Read More About Ryde!

Read post, 7 Reasons to Love Ryde, on Fun Factory USA’s blog!

Or check out oth­er dou­ble dil­dos I've stuffed myself with!

Or just get Ryde if you can't wait!

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