Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker

There's a self-​thrusting rabbit vibrator that satisfies my internal and external clitoris simultaneously — hands-​free.
Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker 1

Holding a pink Happy Rabbit Curve self-​thrusting rab­bit vibra­tor. In the back­ground is the Happy Rabbit G‑Spot Stroker.

I didn't imag­ine this day (nor myself) com­ing so soon with the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit Curve. But here we are, with one of the best things to hap­pen in 2020.

Dual stim­u­la­tors are high­ly anatomy-​specific. The key to the Happy Rabbit Curve thrust­ing vibrator's suc­cess, though, is that it has the right lev­el of ambi­tion. There's noth­ing too fan­cy — just some tried-​and-​true fea­tures done right.

(Unfortunately, I can't entire­ly say the same for the Happy Rabbit G‑Spot Stroker. More on that, as well.)

In this Happy Rabbit Curve & G‑Spot Stroker Review:

Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit Power Motion pulsating mechanism

How it works

Like the Fun Factory Stronics and many oth­er thrusters, the Happy Rabbit Curve's mag­net­ic motor jos­tles back-​and-​forth. It doesn't repli­cate Fun Factory's pul­sator pow­er but comes clos­er than the Zalo Desire and Temptation and XR Brands Thump It. Lovehoney's Happy Rabbit Curve has more heft and momen­tum than the oth­er imi­ta­tors, while still whisper-quiet.

Speed and stroke length

We're talk­ing about 145 quarter-​inch thrusts per minute on the low­est speed. The mid­dle one is so fast that I didn't both­er count­ing. It's more like jig­gling than thrust­ing, but it's decid­ed­ly lin­ear. The third and final set­ting fea­tures small­er move­ments — still back-​and-​forth, but the sen­sa­tion con­verges with a tra­di­tion­al­ly rumbly vibrator.

Close-up of the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit G-Spot Stroker rabbit vibrator with the Curve thrusting rabbit in the background

Lovehoney Happy Rabbit clitoral vibrations

Speaking of rumbly, let's talk about the external rabbit prong.

It's very okay: deep in tim­bre, but not very strong. Think low pitch and mod­er­ate ampli­tude, like the kin of the Le Wand Chrome Deux.

If you need a more pow­er­ful cli­toral vibra­tor for blend­ed orgasms, I high­ly rec­om­mend try­ing the We-​Vibe Nova. Or get a sep­a­rate clit vibe entire­ly, like the Hot Octopuss Amo.

Your mileage with the Lovehoney Happy Rabbits may vary.

That brings me to the caveat about recommending any rabbit vibrator.

What lines up with my anato­my won't nec­es­sar­i­ly suit yours.

For ref­er­ence, my clit-​vag gap is aver­age, at 1 inch. My G‑spot, in con­trast, is bul­bous but shal­low­er than online arti­cles and toy designs might sug­gest. It's hard to pin­point because the G‑spot isn't an exact organ, but I'm sen­si­tive about 1.5" inside the vagi­nal canal.

A closer look at the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit G-Spot Stroker "come hither" rabbit vibrator

Why the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit G‑Spot Stroker utterly fails me

For its exter­nal prong to touch my clit, I have to insert the bul­bous head waaaayyy too far inside to do any­thing for my G‑spot.

I also wish its "come hith­er" motion held up to my pelvic floor mus­cles. A major rea­son rea­son I don't enjoy this rab­bit is that my vagi­na grips the pen­e­trat­ing por­tion in place, while the han­dle wags out­side of me. Do not want.

My expec­ta­tions for the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit G‑Spot Stroker were way too high, despite try­ing sim­i­lar toys in the past.

Other key characteristics of the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit clitoral stimulators

As for the Happy Rabbit line's exter­nal stim­u­la­tors, I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised! The rabbit's body is only a lit­tle flex­i­ble — over­all, a nice bal­ance between bendi­ness and pressure.

Limitations of the Lovehoney rabbit vibrators

I wouldn't rec­om­mend mak­ing more than a 70° angle between the prongs or using it on some­one with a longer than 2" clit-​vag gap. You can undoubt­ed­ly splay the all-​silicone "ears" apart to accom­mo­date a large cli­toral glans, though.

The Lovehoney Happy Rabbit Curve thrusting rabbit vibrator has a flexible but fairly tightly gripping clitoral stimulator.


Instead, the Happy Rabbit's big, round­ed ears nes­tle my clit over the hood, like a com­fort­ing sur­round sound sys­tem. You can choose to retract the pre­puce if you wish, but I usu­al­ly don't like firm things touch­ing my cli­toral glans directly.

How the Happy Rabbit Curve thrusting rabbit feels in use

Let's quickly recap what I've said about the Happy Rabbit Curve:
  • Small but sub­stan­tial self-thrusting
  • Gently curved tip
  • Deep but gen­tle cli­toral vibrations
  • Minimal rab­bit body flex­i­bil­i­ty but bendy ears
  • Pinpoint stim­u­la­tion that can go over the hood

Lovehoney Happy Rabbit vibrator buttons and control panel

That means that the exter­nal vibra­tor is focused enough to do plen­ty for my exter­nal cli­toris. And that's with­out pulling away too much as the auto-​thrust jig­gles the clit's bulbs and legs.

It's almost absurd how the tem­po and stroke length syn­er­gize. Like, "laugh­ing at how quick­ly I orgasm"-level stimulation.

Why the Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit works so well for me

(…and whose bodies it might not work well for)
It doesn't aim for a specific spot internally.

The Happy Rabbit Curve relies more on its motor than its shape. It's more of a gen­er­al­ist than the G‑Spot Stroker Rabbit, but because of that, it can suit a wider vari­ety of bodies.

I know that straight pen­e­tra­tion isn't for every­one, but the Happy Rabbit Curve deliv­ers if tip drilling is your thing. Get a We-​Vibe Nova instead if you want more of a G‑spot specialist.

A closer look at the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit external stimulator.

The clitoral vibrations are targeted where it counts.

Again, the exter­nal portion's rab­bit ear design is for best those who enjoy pin­point­ed stimulation.

If you don't like sharp sen­sa­tions against your clit, the Happy Rabbit line may not be the most comfortable.

In that case, con­sid­er instead the Femmefunn Essenza, which has the same punchy thrust­ing mech­a­nism as the Cadenza, but with a broad­er exter­nal stimulator.

Or try the We-​Vibe Nova, the rum­bli­est rab­bit vibra­tor you can get. I keep men­tion­ing the Nova because it's in the God-​tier of dual stimulators.

My verdict on the Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit and G-Spot Stroker by Lovehoney

The G‑Spot Stroker Rabbit is utter­ly for­get­table, but the Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit is a new mile­stone among the hun­dreds of toys I've tried.

Let me repeat it: the Happy Rabbit Curve is the only self-​thrusting rabbit vibrator I'm head-​over-​heels for.

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker 2

Its pul­sa­tion mech­a­nism is robust and doesn't damp­en too much, its motion is just right, and the vibrat­ing por­tion is nei­ther restrict­ing nor use­less. This rab­bit vibra­tor is flex­i­ble enough to accom­mo­date a 2" clit-​vag gap — but not too loose for junk that's more close­ly spaced!

The TL;DR version of how I feel about the Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Power Motion rabbit vibrator

I'm get­ting wet just think­ing about it, like a vagi­nal Pavlovian response.

Thanks to the We-​Vibe Nova, Nalone Pure X2, and Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting rab­bit, I final­ly have faith in the rabbit-​style vibra­tors I once thought were over­rat­ed.

The Happy Rabbit Curve — at least for my body — lives up to the hype.

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2 Responses

  1. EJ says:

    Lovehoney was one of the first places I ever bought sex toys. Your descrip­tion of “your vagi­na grips the pen­e­trat­ing por­tion in place, while the han­dle wags out­side of me” is exact­ly what hap­pens with the Teddy Velvet Thruster for me :/​ maybe I just need a lot more lube.. haha.

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