Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review

Yes, a body-​safe, inflatable rabbit vibrator for aspiring size royalty!
Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 1

Not many toys car­ry the Nalone Pure X2's com­bi­na­tion of features:

  • Pumps up to diam­e­ters big­ger than my wrist
  • Body-​safe, non-​porous silicone
  • Simultaneous inter­nal and exter­nal vibra­tion for blend­ed orgasms
I LOVE big toys, and I cannot lie; inflatable vibes are a must-try!
Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 2

Nalone Pure X2 review table of contents

What makes the Nalone Pure X2 so unique?

Body-​safe material

While inflat­ing sex toys are noth­ing new, most are still made of tox­ic jel­ly or porous rub­ber — thus, they're not body-​safe. They can house path­o­gen­ic microbes or leech harm­ful chem­i­cals against some of your most del­i­cate tissues.

In con­trast, the Nalone Pure X2 is cov­ered all over in silky sil­i­cone — no yucky stuff here, as long as you clean the toy properly.

For vaginal use & more

A body-​safe, inflat­ing, dual-​stimulating vibra­tor for inter­nal and exter­nal sen­sa­tion is even less com­mon. Though the Nalone Pure X2 is mar­ket­ed for vagi­nal and cli­toral sen­sa­tion, those cer­tain­ly aren't your only options.

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 3
My index fin­ger is rest­ing in the opti­mal posi­tion (for me) for keep­ing the Nalone Pure X2 inflat­ed while thrusting.
Consider these ways to play with a rabbit vibrator:
  • Turning it back­ward for vagi­nal and per­ineal stimulation
  • Using it as a dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion vibrator
  • Inserting it anal­ly while the mas­sag­ing your per­ineum or testes
Its clitoral arm serves as a stopper, making it butt-safe!

Again though, make sure to clean it thor­ough­ly if you plan on switch­ing holes.

Spray or dip the insert­ed parts of the toy in a 10% bleach solu­tion. Then, wash thor­ough­ly with soap and water.

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 4

Nalone Pure X2 inflating silicone vibrator size range and shape

You're probably curious how much the Nalone Pure X2 can expand.

It starts at 1.4" diam­e­ter at rest — about the girth of an aver­age cock. With each "cycle" of pump­ing, it increas­es about a third of an inch across.

You can pump it mul­ti­ple times, going from 1.4" to 1.7" to 2" to 2.3". However, I wouldn't sug­gest going much over 2". The pres­sure can stretch out and degrade the sil­i­cone, espe­cial­ly if a strong pelvic floor is squeez­ing around your toy.

We're talking about girth that enters Vixen Outlaw and Randy territory.

That kind of inter­nal pres­sure is noth­ing to scoff at, even for me! The result: boun­ti­ful orgasms to sate this size queen. Turn up the vibra­tions for extra leg-​shaking "vroom."

Note: while an inflat­ing vibra­tor pop­ping inside you prob­a­bly won't hurt you, it can be uncom­fort­able AF. Don't use your Nalone Pure X2 irresponsibly.

If it breaks dur­ing reg­u­lar play, though, the manufacturer's 1‑year war­ran­ty cov­ers it.

Other (less interesting) specs of the Nalone Pure X2

  • 8.5" total length
  • 6" insertable length
  • 3" long × 1.25" wide clit arm 
    • Bendy to accom­mo­date a wide range of clit-​vag gaps
  • Splash-​proof
  • 1 hour of play on 2 hours of charge
  • Subtle ridg­ing on the shaft
  • Comes with a draw­string pouch

First impressions of the rabbit/​dual-​stimulation design

I pre­fer rab­bit vibra­tors that can deliv­er a strong clamp­ing, like the orig­i­nal We-​Vibe Nova.

The Nalone Pure X2's clit arm is a lit­tle flex­i­ble for my taste, but only a lit­tle. Users with a longer clit-​vag gap than me will appre­ci­ate that it can bend back.

On the flip side, it's easy for me to apply ade­quate cli­toral pres­sure with the base of my palm — while press­ing on the but­ton at the bot­tom to inflate, of course.

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 5

That's a big plus, con­sid­er­ing that dual stim­u­la­tors are inher­ent­ly anatomy-​specific. If a rab­bit vibra­tor doesn't line up with your clit-​vag gap prop­er­ly, you're SOL.

The Nalone Pure X2's pliability, though, fits a wide variety of vulvas. For most users, I'm not worried about its alignment.

I also enjoy that the inner face of the cli­toral stim­u­la­tor is slight­ly pointy. Its shape allows for tight­ly aimed vibra­tion with­out much extra effort. I wish more rab­bit vibra­tors had this kind of design: focused, but not too prick­ly or prodding.

I've tried many restrictive or useless rabbit vibrators, but the Nalone Pure X2's design is one of the more versatile options on the market.

Nalone Pure X2's functions and controls

There are three buttons on the Nalone Pure X2.
Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 6
  • The one on the base inflates and releases/​deflates
  • The mid­dle but­ton turns the toy on/​off.
  • At the top, a but­ton cycles through the vibra­tion settings.

The last one con­trols both vibra­tor motors. Our focus is on the exter­nal, though, since the air in the inner prong cush­ions and damp­ens the machinery.

To inflate the Nalone Pure X2, hold down the button at the bottom.

A tiny hole on the oth­er side will suck in air. When you let go of the con­trol, the vent releas­es and deflates the vibe.

An inflating vibrator for vaginal use

At first, I was annoyed by the idea of holding down the "inflate" button. In practice, it's not bad.

My index and mid­dle fin­gers nat­u­ral­ly on the bot­tom of the Nalone Pure X2 while thrust­ing, any­way. To keep it inflat­ed, I have to apply a lit­tle more pres­sure. But only a little.

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 7

It reminds me of the Minna kGoal's air-​cushioned pillow.

I wish the Pure X2 also had separate mechanisms for locking and releasing, though.

If you despise hold­ing down the but­ton, you can care­ful­ly wrap a small sil­i­cone cock ring over the lit­tle hole in the back. That way, once the toy's inflat­ed to the per­fect size for you, the vent is blocked when you let go.

Otherwise, if you have mobil­i­ty prob­lems that might make using this toy dif­fi­cult, it's not for you.

How are the Nalone Pure X2's vibrations?

The vibrations are very middle-​of-​the-​road and okay.
Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 8

They're not the best or excep­tion­al­ly rumbly, nor are they the worst.

Again, the inter­nal motor damp­ens as you inflate more, as expect­ed. But you're not buy­ing the Nalone Pure X2 for the inner vibra­tions, are you?

In any case, it comes with 7 set­tings: 3 steady speeds and 4 pat­terns. 2 of the rhythms are quick thrums that my cli­toris appre­ci­ates. One is okay for edg­ing. One is useless.

Overall, though, it's a good sign when a vibrator is strong enough that I can get off with a pattern. The targeted, pinpoint shape sure helps!

How the Nalone Pure X2 vibrator feels in use


I rel­ish increas­ing the Nalone Pure X2's girth while it's inside me. I adore the over­all stretch. All of you know I love big insertable per­vert­ibles against my walls. It's breath­tak­ing, the way the Nalone Pure X2's inflat­ing body syn­er­gizes with its con­cen­trat­ed exter­nal vibrations.

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 9
It's a delicious pick for leveling up and trying out bigger girths without buying a gazillion toys.

There aren't many BIG and girthy rab­bit vibra­tors like the Nalone Pure X2. It deliv­ers such intense pres­sure on the inter­nal cli­toral legs while the out­side reverberates.

My verdict on the Nalone Pure X2 inflating silicone vibrator

If it's a big vaginal stretch you're looking for in a rabbit vibrator, you can't ignore the Nalone Pure X2.

While it's not per­fect, it's worth it for the unique expe­ri­ence it offers. The Nalone Pure X2 can pump up plen­ty, by my stan­dards. Its sil­i­cone is smooth as silk. And while the vibra­tions are noth­ing to write home about, they're strong enough and focused.

It's all about how the Nalone Pure X2's features come together — more incredible than the sum of its parts.

There aren't many oth­er body-​safe inflat­ing sex toys on the mar­ket that can come close.

Take 10% off with my Spectrum Boutique discount code!

Use code SUPERSMASH10 for 10% off your first order at Spectrum Boutique. The dis­count applies sitewide, so knock your­self out. Maybe get some good water-​based lube to pre­pare for your future explo­rations with fat sex toys.

Where to next?

The Nalone Pure X2 inflat­ing vibra­tor is a dream, but its shape isn't very G‑spotty.

If you're look­ing for a rab­bit vibra­tor for intense G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, con­sid­er the We-​Vibe Nova instead.

Relevant readings:

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Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 10

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5 Responses

  1. Brenda says:

    My hus­band bought this for me as I ini­tial­ly had prob­lems with accom­mo­dat­ing my male sex part­ner. My hus­band has a micrope­nis and Ed issues so we have a life part­ner for me. This toy has slow­ly stretched me out so I can take our friends large penis with­out being in pain. Awesome product!?

  2. Erica says:

    Ohhhh this is so excit­ing!! The infla­tion on the video demo looks sooo sub­tle to me.. I can hard­ly see it’s inflat­ing; which hon­est­ly for me could be a good thing as I eas­i­ly get sore with big­ger toys, yet love the girth nonethe­less. Might be inter­est­ing to try! Thanks. 🙂

  3. Prudence says:

    An inflat­able vibra­tor?! What a time to be alive!

  4. AJ says:

    Oh, I love when toys take an old idea and make it good!

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