Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager

I'm waiting for the imminent Netflix original documentary about the Lora DiCarlo Osé.

Nobody's announced any plans for such a fea­ture, but I fig­ure it's only a mat­ter of time, giv­en this robot­ic massager's notoriety.

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 1

The backstory: Lora DiCarlo's Osé is that sex toy

In 2018, the orig­i­nal Osé won a Robotics Innovation Award at Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

Then the Consumer Technology Association revoked the title, dis­qual­i­fy­ing the design for pro­fan­i­ty and obscen­i­ty. They were okay with VR porn and robot­ic sex dolls for penile use, though.

Major media out­lets called out the double-​standard, the pub­lic spoke, and CES lis­tened; they returned the design award to Lora DiCarlo and revised their policies.

Lora DiCarlo Ose Awards

Headlines sensationalized the dual-stimulator:


That pub­li­ca­tion also called the Le Wand Massager the most pow­er­ful sex toy. I called bullshit.

There were claims that the toy in ques­tion could mim­ic human touch: mouth, tongue, and fin­gers. Yet, more than one news out­let was use­less at explain­ing what this gad­get pre­cise­ly entailed.

It was shroud­ed in secre­cy even at the Lora DiCarlo booth at Adult Novelty Manufacturers Expo when I went in 2019. There were no pho­tos of the Osé — just a yel­low back­ground and text-​based slideshow.

Lora DiCarlo Ose 2 packaging
The Lora DiCarlo's Osé 2's pack­ag­ing and pre­sen­ta­tion are STUNNING.

This Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 review will tell you what you need to know before buying one.

Take it from me, some­one who's cri­tiqued over 200 sex toys: I haven't been afraid to snub oth­er so-​called "inno­v­a­tive" or award-​winning toys in the past.

You can trust me to give an hon­est review of the Lora DiCarlo Osé — and tell you whether it's worth the hype.

2023 UPDATE: Aaaaaand the com­pa­ny went out of busi­ness. RIP. Read on to learn a piece of vibra­tor history.

Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 review table of contents

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 2
The ini­tial curve when you take the Osé 2 out of the box. You can bend it into a vari­ety of oth­er shapes.

Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 robotic massager features

The Osé is a dual-​stimulating sex toy for blended orgasms.

Its exter­nal cli­toral por­tion puls­es air, while the silky robot­ic insertable massager's bead rubs the G‑spot. A flex­i­ble "neck" bends to adjust to dif­fer­ent users' anato­my and clamp for hands-​free stimulation.

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 3
Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 4

Familiar fixtures

On paper, none of these indi­vid­ual traits stood out to me — let alone seemed worth freak­ing out over. I've seen all of them in vary­ing forms before:

To say that the Osé is unlike any­thing else I have ever felt would be a lie.

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 5
Clockwise from the bottom-​left cor­ner: Blush Lush Iris, Fun Factory Limba Flex Small, Limba Flex Medium, Blush Wellness G Ball, Lora DiCarlo Osé 2, Womanizer Classic
However, the Lora DiCarlo line doesn't have to be the first to be the best at some things it does.

Osé 2's unique com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures isn't here to rein­vent the wheel.

Its exter­nal motor has some seri­ous VROOM, and the mas­sag­ing bead is far more pro­nounced than in toys I've seen before. The same goes for the Lora DiCarlo Filare vs. the LELO Ora 3, as well.

And the Osé 2's wire core for an adjustable fit? Well done!

It's all in the execution.
Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 6
You prob­a­bly won't bend the Osé 2 like this to use it. I'm just show­ing just how adjustable the neck is, accom­mo­dat­ing a wide range of clit-​vag gaps.

Lora DiCarlo Osé Measurements

  • 0.6" by 0.8" cli­toral opening
  • 1.35" max­i­mum insertable diameter
  • 0.4" wide bead massager
  • 5.5" firm insertable portion
  • 6‑inch "neck" between the inter­nal and exter­nal units
  • The unfold­ed unit is 16" long total

Osé Functions

  • 2.5" inter­nal mas­sager stroke length
  • Up to 104 strokes per minute 
    • 1.7 strokes per second
  • 6‑button con­trol panel 
    • 9 air pulse settings
    • 9 inter­nal mas­sage speeds
  • LEDs indi­cate bat­tery charge level

How does each part of the Osé 2 massager perform?

I loved some parts of the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 and loathed oth­ers. If I sound harsh, it's because I have high expec­ta­tions of what it can do.

What's actually mind-​blowing about the Lora DiCarlo line

First, let's start with the Lora DiCarlo Osé vs. oth­er cli­toral air pulse toys.

Womanizer Premium vs. Lora DiCarlo Osé 2
Womanizer Premium next to Lora DiCarlo Osé 2. The Osé's exter­nal por­tion starts broad but gets nar­row­er toward the open­ing to fit between the labia.

These exter­nal mas­sagers all work the same way: seal­ing over the cli­toris while the thrum­ming motor push­es air back-​and-​forth. It's like shak­ing the stim­u­la­tion site with­out actu­al­ly touch­ing it. My finicky clit is a fan of that!

Osé's pressure waves are on a whole other level. It's like comparing a mid-​sized G‑spot vibrator to a full-​sized Hitachi Magic Wand.

Yeah, it's clunky-​looking for a rab­bit-style toy, and it's on the mod­er­ate­ly loud side, but this motor's no joke.

The Osé's most pow­er­ful cli­toral air puls­es aren't sole­ly because of the speed — they also main­tain their thud­di­ness as you increase the intensity.

It's a 9 out of 14 in pow­er com­pared to the Womanizer Premium 2.

Also consider the Lora DiCarlo Baci!

Even if you find the Osé's oth­er fea­tures off-​putting, you can get the same tech­nol­o­gy in an external-only unit: the Lora DiCarlo Baci.

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 7

Where the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 deserves a nod of respect

Its flexible and adjustable "neck"

Let's dis­cuss a prob­lem inher­ent to dual-​stimulation mas­sagers: they're high­ly anatomy-​specific. The more things a sex toy tries to do at once, the more like­ly it is to fail the user. With a $290 price tag, the Lora DiCarlo Osé is not a small gamble.

Its engi­neers tack­led the issue by incor­po­rat­ing an adjustable core, akin to the Fun Factory Limba Flex pos­able dil­do. The Osé 2's instruc­tion pam­phlet shows some com­mon shapes the mas­sager can take.

If you're curious what matches with my body, it's something like this bend:

My clit-​vag gap is about 1 inch, and my G‑spot is shal­low — about an inch-​and-​a-​half inside. You can expand it waaaaay beyond that, though.

The wire in the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 hap­pi­ly main­tains its curves dur­ing play, with­out actu­al­ly being rigid. There's some springy hing­ing to it, so you can open it just a lit­tle with­out straight­en­ing out the actu­al core.

To recap, you can adjust the Lora DiCarlo Osé' 2s
  • Penetration depth
  • Clit-​vag distance
  • "Clamping" tight­ness or looseness
  • Pressure wave stim­u­la­tor angle

If you want it to blow air direct­ly at the cli­toral glans, that's an option. If you pre­fer it over the hood, you can do that, too.

It's a thumbs-​up from me.

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 8
You can adjust the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 for deep­er pen­e­tra­tion IF YOU WISH. It's not necessary.

I also actually don't hate the Osé 2's measurements?

Insertable length

"I'm sure it'd be great if you have a mile-​long vagi­na, but oth­er­wise, it's up in your ovaries,"  sex shop friend texted me, show­ing me the Osé.

"That's me! Sounds like I'm the per­fect can­di­date for it."

It looks ridicu­lous­ly long, in part due to its extend­ing neck. I could insert 7 inch­es, but the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2's des­ig­nat­ed insertable por­tion is average.

It mea­sures 5.5" long by 1.35" diam­e­ter, and you don't have to use all of it. I'll explain fur­ther in a bit.

Osé's G‑spotting shape

Our oth­er con­cern was about Osé's sloooowly-​tapering G‑spot "head." See, the best G‑spot vibra­tors tend to have short­er and more generously-​swelling tips with curved shafts.

That way, it nes­tles the pubic bone's dip and press­es against the front wall while thrust­ing. Such a fea­ture was con­spic­u­ous­ly absent in the Osé

Why these features make sense

You have to remem­ber: the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 is not a tra­di­tion­al thrust­ing toy. Position and adjust it once, turn it on, and let the motors do their thing, hands-free.

And you don't have to insert the phal­lic part all the way. Consider it a ves­sel for the rolling bead's back-​and-​forth motion against your G‑spot. Depending on your anato­my, you may only put 3 or 4 inch­es inside. It's all about the machinery!

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 9
Osé 2 con­trol pan­el and pam­phlet show­ing com­mon shape adjustments.

Where the daydream comes to a screeching halt

Oh, dear. Let's talk about why someone might not like Lora DiCarlo Osé's motors.

I'll start with the benign before mov­ing to the poten­tial­ly orgasm-​ruining "What the fuck?"

For one, the air puls­es are loud (duh), and OH GOSH, the rol­ly bead sounds BLATANTLY robot­ic. I wouldn't call it the Pixar lamp with a jack­ham­mer like my friend did, but you get the idea. Think of a remote con­trol toy car's revving.

But that pales in com­par­i­son to the Lora DiCarlo Osé's motor stalling at the crit­i­cal moment.

I'm some­one who eas­i­ly orgasms via pen­e­tra­tion alone. If the Osé's inter­nal motor could get me off, with just the micro­ro­bot­ic move­ment inside, it would gen­uine­ly be note­wor­thy. And it almost can, if it's clamped tight­ly enough. Almost. 

I get to that peak. I clench. And the internal ball's back-​and-​forth stops entirely.

I've lost count of how many times I asked my boyfriend, "YOU HEAR THAT SHIT?" when the loud motor slowed. And I grum­bled and gri­maced as I neared and lost yet anoth­er orgasm. Yes, even when the battery's ful­ly charged.

Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 textured bead G-spot massager.
The Osé 2's rolling bead is close to the tip, which makes sense for G‑spotting!
Fuck that.

I get that most peo­ple haven't done vagi­nal weightlift­ing and don't clench as hard as I do.

If you want me to be gen­er­ous, I could con­sid­er that the Lora DiCarlo Osé is meant to be a dual-​stimulator and not an insertion-​only toy. Surely the exter­nal motor's inten­si­ty could com­pen­sate for a rel­a­tive­ly small hin­drance, right?

Ah, but no.

The Lora DiCarlo Baci. is $160. The Osé 2 is $290.

That price dif­fer­ence isn't small.

Osé's exter­nal motor is the show­stop­per, and the inter­nal G‑spotting bead stops. Could I call the result "blend­ed orgasms" anymore?

No. I cannot recommend an extra $130 for that.

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 10
What comes in the Osé 2 box: the mas­sager itself, an instruc­tion pam­phlet, a charg­ing cord, and a cute plas­tic pouch made of 100% recy­cled plas­tic sal­vaged from the ocean.

My verdict on the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2

I ignored the Osé at first. Surely, it's just hype from the uninitiated. Then I held an Osé review sample and was all-​around impressed. The external motor's wand-​like power in pressure wave form gave me hope.

Then I insert­ed it and remem­bered why I've his­tor­i­cal­ly been salty about dual-​stimulation mas­sagers. I won­der if Lora DiCarlo's engi­neers plan on giv­ing the Osé and Onda's inter­nal motor MORE! More juice, more def­i­n­i­tion, more MORE MORE MORE MORE!

Even with­out the design flaw, the rol­ly ball would still feel good — just not worth $130 for me. My inter­nal cli­toris needs deep­er pres­sure than what the Osé's automa­tion can offer.

Their external-​only, tongue-​simulating adap­ta­tion of the beads has my atten­tion, though.

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 11
The Osé is glitz and glam for the shows. The newer Lora DiCarlo toys are for the consumers.

Rather than push for more all-​in-​one toys, Lora DiCarlo's Baci, Filare, and Onda focus on one zone at a time. It's more prac­ti­cal for most users to mix-​and-​match what works for them.

For the average-​sized clit, it's hard to go wrong with the Baci's wand-​level-​powerful air puls­es. It's not the most fat-​friendly or dis­creet option, but its strength blows its com­pe­ti­tion out of the water. Not any­more. See my air pulse mas­sager com­par­i­son for updates on the best suc­tion vibe.

For now, I'd like to pretend that the Osé and Onda don't exist.

This Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 review is a reminder that the most high-​end and inno­v­a­tive sex toys aren't for every­body — no mat­ter how ver­sa­tile they claim to be.

Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 instruction pamphlet and box outer covering


I do use affil­i­ate links in this Lora DiCarlo Osé review. That means I receive a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you when you shop sex toys via my links.

However, that doesn't sway my opin­ion of the Osé 2 robot­ic mas­sager — I'm hon­est about what I love and what I loathe.

This blog is how I pay my bills, so I'm eter­nal­ly grate­ful for the shops I work with and for my readers!

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2 Responses

  1. Lisa Stone says:

    It looks impres­sive. Thanks for the detailed description.

  2. Michaela says:

    I appre­ci­ate the review! I know a lot of peo­ple were curi­ous about the Kickstarter, but it seemed rather overblown to me. Good to see that some toys in the line might be worth the hype, but I don’t need to shell out $300.

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