5 Reasons to Adore Uberrime Dildos

Orgasms meet artisan attention to detail meets big business-​like selection — all handmade by lovely people.

Uberrime Dildos start­ed in 2017 as a one-​man stu­dio in Orlando with mod­els hand-​sculpted from clay. Now, Marco and his staff seem to make every­thing under the sun, from fan­ta­sy to real­is­tic to behe­moth to sleek.

There's such a tiny team behind the scenes — like, about as many peo­ple as I can count on one hand:

  • Doing 3D design
  • Hand-​pouring silicone
  • Sending sch­longs direct to shoppers
  • Sending sch­longs big and small stores that you know and love

All those beau­ti­ful sil­i­cone sculp­tures come from their in-​studio cre­ativ­i­ty, com­bined with the occa­sion­al acqui­si­tion of a mod­el from an inde­pen­dent designer.

My work with Marco start­ed as far back as 2018. And appar­ent­ly, my love for his Uberrime dil­dos was such a giv­en that I for­got to tell my new­er read­ers why I love this studio.

So here's an expan­sion of what I post­ed in my Instagram sto­ry — there are so many rea­sons to root for this maker.

Uberrime dildos are STUNNING and CUSTOMIZABLE AF.

  • Pigments galore for about 100,000 poten­tial col­or­ways (think of solids, gra­di­ents, and marbling)
  • Several sil­i­cone den­si­ties (squishi­ness lev­els), from gum­my candy-​like to firmer fuckables
  • Many of the toys come in mul­ti­ple size options.
  • Get them with or with­out ports for bul­lets or con­nect­ing to a Vac-​U-​Lock fuck­ing machine.
  • Adapters! Double-​sided suc­tion cups, Vac-​U-​Lock-​to-​suction cups, Vac-​U-​Lock to flat base for har­ness­ing, and more
Uberrime silicone pussy plugs for vaginal use
Uberrime Suavis, Sentio, Festa, and Sensi sil­i­cone pussy plugs

They innovate and expand on less-known ways to play.

Pussy plugs, the A‑Spot Avenger for depth play, and cli­toral grinders were rel­a­tive­ly new to the indus­try at the time Uberrime released these products.

There was sig­nif­i­cant demand for the Uberrime Sensi pussy plug, con­sid­er­ing:

  1. So many peo­ple found my blog by Googling “huge butt plug used in vagi­na” or “can a butt plug be used vaginally?”
  2. The first batch of Sensi by Uberrime sold out in three days.

Related read­ing: my guide to theeeee best pussy plugs!

This deep-​penetration princess also loves all the options for bot­tom­ing her­self out, like Uberrime's Maxime, Night King, and Aptus for going all the way in with­out dra­mat­ic girth.

Uberrime Night King and Aptus dildos

You see that grad­ual but pro­nounced curve? There's no ignor­ing how eas­i­ly, effort­less­ly the curve and girth mas­sage my pos­te­ri­or fornix (also known as the PFE or Deep Spot). It brings out my favorite kind of orgasm: the cer­vi­cal orgasm. Deep, full-​bodied, expan­sive­ly build­able, and full of spell­bind­ing heart-​eyes-​emoji magic.

—Uberrime Night King Review: Long Fantasy Dildo

And when I asked for the Alien Probe Thing, Marco respond­ed, “Really? It's like, 12 inch­es long,” fol­lowed by, “Wait, no, nev­er mind. I almost for­got who I was talk­ing to.”

Voila Bob the Alien vibrator next to Uberrime Alien Probe Thing dildo
Voila Bob the Alien vibra­tor next to Uberrime Alien Probe Thing dildo

“Some peo­ple are just built dif­fer­ent­ly,” a friend said when my cunt con­sumed 9 inch­es of drag­on dil­do from Uberrime's sis­ter brand, Dee's Big Daddies.

They saw the gap in the fantasy toy world — and made it more approachable.

The most well-​known fan­ta­sy dil­dos are often quite mas­sive. Uberrime dialed it back with this inten­tion: let's make a ten­ta­cle dil­do that's the size of an aver­age penis, then expand the selec­tion to fan­ta­sy toys of many shapes and sizes.

Uberrime Damn Alien dildos in UV green, UV pink, and glitter black with tightly marbled silicone
Shown above: the Damn Alien dil­do. There's also a Big Damn Alien.

Feeling knot­ty? Prefer some­thing front-​loaded? Uberrime has both!

Every body is dif­fer­ent, and the stu­dio read­i­ly accom­mo­dates those want­i­ng a not-​too-​dramatic dick to display.

Uberrime's realistic dildos showcase so many kinds of cocks.

Maybe fan­ta­sy dil­dos aren't your thing. Uberrime often has mul­ti­ple sizes of real­is­tic schlongs.

Uberrime Reservo uncut dildo tip
Uberrime Reservo uncut dildo

Cut, uncut, small, aver­age (like, actu­al­ly the human aver­age), big, huge — Uberrime has it all. The sis­ter brand, Dee's Big Daddies, spe­cial­izes in big toys but also has a line of average-​sized dil­dos called Dee's Wee Daddies.

There also used to be five skin tones, though it's just the three most pop­u­lar flesh swatch­es nowa­days at Uberrime. Dee's Big Daddies still has the five!

(Fun fact: Uberrime Dildos' dark­est skin tone was labeled Tone 1, which result­ed in many cus­tomer ser­vice inter­ac­tions where the buy­er assumed Tone 1 would be the lightest.)

They continuously take reviewer and customer feedback.

And they improve their exist­ing designs and make new ones.

Uberrime's original hand-sculpted silicone dildo models
Uberrime Helios, Night King, and Xenuphora — three of Uberrime's old­est models

One of Uberrime Dildos' old­er designs, the Helios Sun God, had a head shape that made it less-​than-​ideal for G‑spotting for some review­ers. So he scrapped it and made a new mod­el, which allowed for smoother insertion.

The stu­dio has also tak­en inspi­ra­tion from my reviews when design­ing mod­els to sculpt, such as the cervix-​massaging Aptus men­tioned above. In a sense, it was made for me, as some­one who looooves deep dick­ing but gets that it's not for everybody.

Uberrime Aveo girthy silicone dildo
Uberrime Aveo in shim­mery pearl pigments

Whatever pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tions you love, Uberrime dil­dos has some­thing for you.

My per­son­al favorites: Maxime, Bound 2.0 XL, Sensi, Divo Large, Aqua-​King, Night King, Astra, Aptus

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2 Responses

  1. Ilah Kristel says:

    I still need to try an Uberrime dilllll!

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