Uberrime Reservo Review: Love for Intact Foreskin Dildos!

Did you know that most penis­es around the world are not cir­cum­cised?

Uberrime Reservo uncut dildo with foreskin

(My UK read­ers are prob­a­bly chuck­ling at the lack of American sex edu­ca­tion on the top­ic.)

But seri­ous­ly, I think it's pret­ty rad when a mak­er cares about rep­re­sen­ta­tion in their hyper-​realistic designs — in terms of flesh tones, fore­skin, and size.

Uberrime Reservo uncut dildo foreskin tip

Uncut Dildos From Uberrime

Let's break down Uberrime Dildos’ abun­dant uncut cock selection:

  • Seven mod­els show obvi­ous foreskin 
    • 4 with fore­skin retract­ed and rugged­ly bunched under the head for wall-​massaging tex­ture: Primo, Optimo, Maxime, and Divo
    • 3 with the fore­skin still wrapped around the glans: Amasio, Dulce, and Reservo
  • Two are avail­able in mul­ti­ple sizes 
    • Divo comes in 4 sizes
    • Reservo comes in 3
  • Three skin tones and 44 oth­er non-​flesh swatch­es — lit­er­al­ly around 100,000 poten­tial palette per­mu­ta­tions, if you want to get technical
  • Up to 6 dif­fer­ent sil­i­cone squishi­ness choices 
    • Ranging from 0030 (3A) to 16A
    • The dual-​density option is firm 20A on the inside and soft 005A on the out­side for life­like realism

Get geeky with your cus­tomiza­tions. (For not three but five flesh tones, try Dee's Big Daddies!)

I've reviewed the row­di­er, rougher Uberrime Divo Large in the past — and today, we're focus­ing on their Reservo:

Reservo, trans­lates from Latin to: "I spare, I reserve or to keep or to save" which in this case refers to leav­ing the fore­skin intact.

Uberrime Reservo uncut dildo foreskin tip and shaft veins

Uberrime Reservo Uncut Dildo Features

In addi­tion to the vis­i­ble fore­skin, Uberrime's Reservo dil­do also features:

  • 6” of insertable length — just the slight­est bit above average
  • Matte, real­is­tic skin grain­ing and veins, made pos­si­ble via 3D mod­el­ing and printing
  • 1.6” diam­e­ter across the some­what tapered head
  • A gen­tle cur­va­ture for A‑spotting — deep pen­e­tra­tion along the front wall

There's also a small­er size option, mea­sur­ing 4.75” insertable length and 1.25” across.

UPDATE: Now there's a Reservo Large — 7.75" long and 2" across the head!

My first impres­sions of the Uberrime Reservo uncut dil­do were:

  • The shim­mer­ing pearl white pearl white (my cus­tom col­or choice) looks delight­ful at the tip
  • I love Uberrime's tight rib­bons of col­or, as always
  • Great col­or choic­es on my part! 
    • (Purple shift base, pearl green shaft, pearl white tip, in case you were wondering)
  • Oh wow, it's squishi­er and more flesh-​like than I imagined!

That last point is some­thing to keep in mind regard­ing Shore density.

Uberrime Reservo uncut dildo in hand

Which Shore Density Silicone to Get

I own many oth­er Uberrime dil­dos that are made of Shore 8A or 0050-​density sil­i­cone. Yet, some of them feel hard­er than this 8A toy because they're so thick.

The Uberrime Reservo uncut dil­do in 8A is mod­er­ate­ly squishy — quite bendy and yield­ing at the top. Its strength is in:

  • Going in front of the cervix gen­tly with its soft and tapered tip
  • Sliding the shaft against the cli­toris with long, smooth strokes dur­ing penetration
  • Rocking and tap­ping motions to savor the grab­by tex­tures on the outside

Sometimes, that's just what I need to stim­u­late both the inter­nal and exter­nal cli­toris with every stroke!

Who Is the Uberrime Reservo For?

Uberrime's Reservo uncut cock is ide­al for some­one who wants:

  • A small-​to-​mid-​sized dil­do with a slight curve 
  • To explore deep­er pen­e­tra­tion but is intim­i­dat­ed and might not want a lit­er­al hard core
  • A tilt toward the front wall — that is still gen­tle on the cervix
  • An easy-​to-​use strap-​on dildo
  • Foreskin rep­re­sen­ta­tion and semi-​realism (duh!)
Uberrime Reservo uncut dildo flexibility

It's not for some­one who:

  • Wants an intense­ly G‑spotty tip
  • Relishes going in deep above all
  • Needs a lot of insertable length for tar­get­ed aiming

Get the Uberrime Aptus in 8A instead if that's you and you want:

Aptus is one of my all-​time faves for remix­ing my guts!

As always, though, Uberrime's real­is­tic dil­dos give you end­less ways to cus­tomize the expe­ri­ence, such as get­ting the average-​sized Reservo in a firmer 12A or 16A for more cervix stim­u­la­tion (with the trade-​off of less cli­toral grinding).

Reservo's 6” insertable length is enough to bot­tom out plen­ty of my readers!

Uberrime Reservo intact foreskin dildo with harnessable base

Get the Uberrime Reservo:

Other Uncut Dildos From Uberrime

But maybe you want the Reservo because, quite sim­ply, you like how fore­skin looks. Luckily, there's no short­age of uncut cock avail­able from Uberrime. Your options, in addi­tion to the Reservo's three sizes, include:

  • Dildos with fore­skin pulled up: 
    • Amasio — 4” insertable x 1.7” across the head
    • Dulce — 5.5” insertable x 1.7” across the head
  • Retracted fore­skin dildos: 
    • Primo — 5.5” insertable length x 1.25” diam­e­ter across the head
    • Optimo — 6” insertable length x 1.75” across the head
    • Maxime — 7” insertable length x 1.75” across the head
    • Divo — has a more intense­ly tex­tured fore­skin and is avail­able in 4 sizes 
Uberrime Reservo intact foreskin dildo with realistic 3D printed skin textures

Closing Thoughts on Dildos With Foreskin

And if that’s not enough, and you want even more uncut cock options, check out Dee's Big Daddies. As the name sug­gests, Dee and Dolores spe­cial­ize in car­toon­ish­ly huge dil­dos. However, they offer an aver­age size option for every sculpt!

Considering that most penis­es around the world are not cir­cum­cised, an uncut dil­do — espe­cial­ly one with the Reservo's dimen­sions — is arguably clos­er to the glob­al aver­age than what you usu­al­ly see in stores.

And that's the beau­ti­ful thing about Uberrime's selec­tion! You can have it your way, whether it's cut, uncut, one dick, two dicks, red dicks, or blue dicks.

Further Reading:

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed are my own.

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