11 Ways Glass Dildos Changed My Sex Life

Potentially unpopular opinion: glass dildos make great first sex toys.

At the least, they did for me.

Dot textured flower glass dildo

Here are 11 rea­sons why glass dil­dos were noth­ing short of rev­o­lu­tion­ary for me, summed up in ear­ly ecsta­t­ic mem­o­ries — from dis­cov­er­ing cer­vi­cal orgasms to vagi­nal weightlifting.

1. A glass dildo allowed me to explore penetration on my own timeline

Using a dil­do meant I could enjoy myself and do me for me — without:

  • Rushing the process
  • Worrying what a part­ner thought of me
  • Wondering what was nor­mal or not
  • Any con­cern of “tak­ing too long”
  • Taking time for the court­ing process
  • Letting my plea­sure be con­tin­gent on a part­ner in any way — whether it was their last­ing abil­i­ty, com­pe­tence, or care for my plea­sure beyond their ego

That could be true of any form of mas­tur­ba­tion — but glass dil­dos were espe­cial­ly nice because they were so slick and demand­ed lit­tle (if any) lube. Moreover, they're com­pat­i­ble with any per­son­al lubri­cant, from water-​based to long-​lasting sil­i­cone.

Double-ended G-spot glass dildo

The Blossom G glass dil­do from EdenFantasys, at 1.4" max­i­mum diam­e­ter, is best for some­one who's some­what com­fort­able with pen­e­tra­tion and wants to explore more.

2. I uncovered cervical orgasms via deep penetration with a glass dildo

I went in deep and hard with a glass dil­do against my high ceil­ing — at first, because I saw jack­ham­mer­ing in porn, but I kept doing it because it fuck­ing felt good.

Ooh, yes, do that again!

And, while fuck­ing myself watch­ing hard­core porn on ye olde Tumblr, some­thing unex­pect­ed happened.

I felt this jolt and throb through my body like my mind blanked for a split sec­ond. I clenched and gasped and caught my breath, feel­ing like love incarnate.

Until then, I had only expe­ri­enced cli­toral orgasms with my fin­gers. My glass dil­do allowed me to go deep­er, lit­er­al­ly and fig­u­ra­tive­ly, slid­ing behind my cervix to mas­sage it with precision.

11 Ways Glass Dildos Changed My Sex Life 1

It wasn't just that I went in-​out-​in-​out — but I kept the focus on small, smooth thrusts, stay­ing in con­tact with my cervix.

And because I was well-​practiced relax­ing the mus­cles around it, I had primed myself for more plea­sure with a part­ner, mak­ing room for a hard cock to go in deep, too.

EdenFantasys’ Blossom G glass dil­do has 7 inch­es of insertable length, a nice­ly tapered tip, and a gen­tle S‑curve for tar­get­ing my hot spots all the way inside. Remix my guts, bby.

3. Glass dildos steered me away from the sketchiness of soft, porous materials

A friend sug­gest­ed I buy a vibra­tor from Spencer's. All I could think upon see­ing the soft ther­mo­plas­tic sleeves was asso­ci­a­tions with sticky hands and wall walk­ers — and the dust that would gath­er on them.

In oth­er words, I found them gross — and right­ful­ly so. Cheap sex toy mate­ri­als have pores where germs can breed, and they can't be thor­ough­ly disinfected.

Glass, in con­trast, is easy to clean and can be sanitized.

4. Affordably exploring more without breaking the bank

Yes, sil­i­cone sex toys are also easy to clean, but they weren't as eas­i­ly afford­able or avail­able at the time!

My younger self could get a borosil­i­cate glass toy for cheap and expect it to be body-​safe. I love how rea­son­ably priced the Blossom G glass dil­do is; giv­ing big orgasms on a budget.

Glass dildo handle with flower embedded

The acces­si­bil­i­ty of high-​quality and honestly-​labeled sil­i­cone sex toys came a few years later.

Times sure have changed, thanks to:

  • Independent sex bou­tiques edu­cat­ing consumers
  • Content cre­ators shap­ing demand and expec­ta­tions for body-​safe materials
  • Increased com­pe­ti­tion in e‑commerce
  • Clear demand for online retail­ers that only stock body-​safe sex toys

Pleasure didn't have to be a lav­ish expense dent­ing my wallet.

5. Befriending my G-spot with bulbous glass toys

Does any­one else remem­ber drool­ing over itty-​bitty "G‑spot" bul­lets with the tini­est tilt? Yeah, there's no way those would do much for me internally.

Plenty of mag­a­zine advice steered me wrong in find­ing my G‑spot, but once a part­ner hooked his fin­gers against it, I imme­di­ate­ly knew what to do:

  1. Insert a bulging, curved glass dildo.
  2. Tilt it for more pres­sure on my front wall.
  3. Pull until I felt resis­tance against the pubic bone's dip.
  4. Push and pull against that point of resistance.
  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hand holding G-spot glass dildo

That was it. It was real­ly that sim­ple for me to turn into a trem­bling fuck pup­pet, sen­si­tive to every lit­tle move­ment inside.

Of course, your mileage may vary, and some dil­do head shapes work for some bod­ies and not oth­ers — I can­not with the squared-​off heads atop steep curves.

Nevertheless, I high­ly rec­om­mend try­ing glass dil­dos with defined, round­ed heads and curved shafts if you're start­ing your pen­e­tra­tion exploration.

The Blossom G's neck nodes are just a teas­er. It's the unyield­ing firm­ness, cur­va­ture, and mush­room tip that make the "wham-​bam" bang-​to-​buck ratio otherworldly!

G-spot glass dildo head

6. Understanding the importance of the clitoris-to-vagina distance

A Tumblr post hyped up glass “juicer”-style dil­dos, which featured:

  • A rel­a­tive­ly short insertable length for focus­ing on the G‑spot
  • Textures on the shaft to stim­u­late the wall low­er down
  • Nubs all along the top of the base to mas­sage the clitoris
  • A lit­tle crank han­dle so you could rotate the “juicer” inside you

I tried one and was dis­ap­point­ed with how it went past my G‑spot and didn't reach my clitoris.

I report­ed the expe­ri­ence to a friend — whose part­ner had also tried one and was disappointed.

That expe­ri­ence stayed with me and illus­trat­ed the dif­fer­ence between:

  • What a toy is designed to do when it fits your bits
  • What it actu­al­ly does for a wide range of anatom­i­cal variations

I've been cau­tious about dual stim­u­la­tors ever since, though I have found a few good ones!

7. I got visual feedback when doing vaginal weightlifting with a glass dildo

“Wearing” a pelvic floor exer­cis­er exter­nal­ly means you poten­tial­ly can load more weight!

I found plas­tic and sil­i­cone Ben Wa-​style beads too light to do much for me.

11 Ways Glass Dildos Changed My Sex Life 2

So I bought out some glass and stain­less steel! I used to grab a glass dil­do with my vagi­na while doing my morn­ing rou­tine — show­er, hair, make­up, and so on — and held on to it, let­ting it hang until I couldn't anymore.

And if I dropped it, that was one set. And, of course, I let myself relax between sets, since a flex­i­ble and adapt­able pelvic floor is bet­ter than a tight one.

The Blossom G glass dil­do weighs about 7.8 oz and is shat­ter­proof, giv­ing fab­u­lous beginner-​to-​intermediate-​level resis­tance for vagi­nal weightlifting.

And when that lev­el of heft wasn't enough of a chal­lenge, I moved on to slim­mer and heav­ier steel dil­dos like the njoy Pure Wand and beyond.

My favorite par­ty trick was cara­bin­ing a buck­et to a sil­i­cone Kegel exer­cis­er loop while some­one slow­ly added pennies.

(As with any exer­cise reg­i­men, con­sult your doc­tor or phys­i­cal ther­a­pist first.)

8. Masturbation reaffirmed to me that sex doesn't make me more loose

I had noth­ing to wor­ry about. Even if I used a glass dil­do ear­li­er in the day, I still received com­ments on my tight grip.

G-spot and A-spot glass dildo with lightly textured shaft

And yes, that was before I start­ed doing the vagi­nal weightlifting.

And that was long before I start­ed using huge dil­dos — and even once I did, I'd still fuck my part­ner right after­ward, and that was that.

I didn't get “loose” — I got strong and flex­i­ble, able to both crack a fin­ger inside me and insert a dil­do big­ger than a soda can. Strength and flex­i­bil­i­ty are on the same team.

9. I learned that arousal is holistic — and that I'm highly visual

Glass dil­dos with embed­ded flo­rals are frig­gin’ pret­ty, and aes­thet­i­cal­ly appre­ci­at­ing what's going inside you is just one way to indulge the senses!

What's more, light­ly col­ored glass toys meant I could see inside myself and have a visu­al of how much my lips and walls were being spread apart. The Blossom G's clear glass means I can see it all. And watch­ing myself mas­tur­bate in the mir­ror hel­la turned me on.

Take the dichoto­my of “Men are visu­al (and women are emotional/​auditory/​whatever)” with a grain of salt. Gender dif­fer­ences are based on aver­ages — bell curves with sub­stan­tial overlap.

10. Precision to explore the A-spot (anterior fornix erogenous zone)

Deep pen­e­tra­tion used to always mean mas­sag­ing my cervix by going behind it — in the pos­te­ri­or fornix.

I knew that going in front of it was an option, but it didn't seem like much of an option for me — at least, not with a part­ner. (His exact words: “No can do.”)

Hand holding A-spotty glass dildo massager

But that changed once I used firmer dil­dos with tapered heads and tilt­ed shafts. EdenFantasys’ Blossom G is bang on with what makes a great A‑spot dil­do or vibra­tor for deep pen­e­tra­tion.

A‑spot orgasms feel fan-​fucking-​tastic and give me more options for ways to expe­ri­ence plea­sure dur­ing deep pen­e­tra­tion, whether alone or blend­ed with G‑spot or cli­toral stimulation.

11. Glass dildos opened me up to more possibilities

I stress both of the fol­low­ing points to my readers:

  1. It's okay if you haven't expe­ri­enced orgasms yet
  2. It's okay if you've only ever had orgasms via cli­toral stimulation
  3. You might uncov­er oth­er ways to orgasm as time unfolds

I used to be in the “cli­toral orgasms only” camp until I found a thrust­ing tem­po and depth that worked for me.

Then I became BFFs with my cervix.

Then I learned about breath and ener­gy orgasms — and stacked extreme pelvic floor strength on top of that for even more explo­sive “med­i­ba­tion” sessions.

Then, a part­ner found my G‑spot for me, and glass dil­dos allowed me to feel myself in a way that I couldn't with my own fingers.

Clitoral, cer­vi­cal, breath-​induced, G‑spot, and A‑spot orgasms are all options for me nowadays.

Gleaming glass dildo

And glass dil­dos like EdenFantasy's Blossom G brought beau­ty and brawn to my jour­ney of self-​discovery. They rev­o­lu­tion­ized my sex­u­al expe­ri­ences, adding new dimen­sions of plea­sure and pussy-​pummeling I couldn't have planned for myself before.

Get the Blossom G glass dil­do from EdenFantasys.

Further Reading About Glass Dildos

This post was spon­sored, and my sen­ti­ments about glass sex toys are sin­cere. They were noth­ing short of game-​changing for me.

Want to spon­sor a blog post? See my poli­cies here!

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