New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try

Dildos have been around for prac­ti­cal­ly for­ev­er — at least 28,000 years. Early vibra­tors orig­i­nat­ed as med­ical devices in the 1700s. Since then, new sex toys have come a long way in mate­r­i­al safe­ty, tech­nol­o­gy, and creativity.

For those seek­ing the lat­est and sen­sa­tions, here are some quirky picks from Spectrum Boutique’s selec­tion. Fluttery “tongue” vibra­tors, day-​glow sil­i­cone ten­ta­cle dil­dos, gar­gan­tu­an screws, and self-​thrusting toys are just a click away.

In this post:

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 1

External Toys

Pipedream Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure

You might have seen viral tweets about the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure. It’s not hard to under­stand its appeal: the FFHHUP com­bines rhyth­mic, wide-​area suc­tion with a fast-​flicking sil­i­cone “tongue” and insertable handle.

In past years, pussy pumps were chiefly quar­an­tined to fetish play, but now they’ve made it to the main­stream. There’s been sig­nif­i­cant demand!

The FFHUP's motors can be inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled, and there are two suc­tion attach­ments for ver­sa­tile sen­sa­tion play. Despite the unnec­es­sary gen­der­ing, it’s a toy that poten­tial­ly any body can use.

Maybe you want to just the lick­ing and vibrat­ing tongue against a frenu­lum, or only suc­tion on nip­ples, or (of course) both suck­ing and lick­ing at the same time against a vul­va. It’s a buf­fet (and poten­tial­ly a sym­pho­ny) of deli­cious sensations.

There’s a lot of ground to cov­er about this toy. Read my full Pipedream Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure review.

Blush Novelties Aria Flutter

[Image: Blush Novelties Aria Flutter flickering vibrator among Lego city]

For a flick­er­ing sen­sa­tion in a more dis­creet and com­pact pack­age, check out the Blush Novelties Aria Flutter. It’s the shape and size of a chick­en egg, with an adorable cap for clean­li­ness and travel.

As the name would sug­gest, its thin­ner tongue’s back-​and-​forth is flut­tery, pro­pelled by a tra­di­tion­al vibrat­ing motor. The Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure and NU Sensuelle Trinitii’s motors, in con­trast, are tiny wag­ging robots.

The Aria Flutter’s sen­sa­tion is far sharp­er than the FFHUP’s, per­fect for pin­point princess­es like me. My favorite way of using it is side­ways over my hood, but many users will love it for direct cli­toral stim­u­la­tion. In that case, I rec­om­mend get­ting some good lube to cut down on fric­tion and let the soft sil­i­cone tip glide.

It packs a punch for its size, but the pow­er is nev­er­the­less lim­it­ed and best for light, surface-​level flick­er­ing. Those who demand more pres­sure should look into a NU Sensuelle Trinitii.

For the price, though, the Aria Flutter has a fan­tas­tic quality-​to-​price ratio. It’s a super afford­able way to test the waters and see if a big­ger and more pow­er­ful flut­ter­ing toy, like the Fun Factory Volta, might be right for you. For cli­toral use, I’d much rather read­ers try the Aria Flutter than the small­er Fun Factory Volita!

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 2

Fun Factory Volta

There’s a rea­son why the first line in my Volta review notes was, “I HAVE DIED.”

Quoting myself:

I am a cer­vi­cal orgasm con­nois­seur. Deep pen­e­tra­tion and hard pound­ings with ele­phan­tine phal­lus­es are what I live for. Clitoral stim­u­la­tion alone sel­dom sat­is­fies me to this extent. There are cli­toral vibra­tors that get the job done, but then there are those that can knock me out.

With the Volta, I fuck­ing need to catch my breath. And take a nap after­ward, when I’ve some­how decid­ed to stop using it. And set aside the squirt-​soaked laun­dry. (As we say in the mid­west USA, “Ope!”)

That speaks vol­umes about Fun Factory’s G5 motors!

Read my full Fun Factory Volta review.

Insertable Powered Toys

All of the toys in this sec­tion fea­ture move­ments beyond vibra­tion: gyrat­ing, suck­ing, thrust­ing, and puls­ing. If you like inter­nal stim­u­la­tion but are “meh” about G‑spot vibra­tions, these might be bet­ter match­es for you!

Blush Novelties Lush Iris

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 3

The Lush Iris’s shaft thrusts, its head is bul­bous and gyrates, and its exter­nal cli­toral arm puls­es air (suck­ing and blow­ing). All at once. Its sen­sa­tion­al smor­gas­bord might sound gim­micky, but con­sid­er: it allows for thrust­ing with­out break­ing cli­toral contact.

Also, when I go through dry spells, what I miss most isn’t oral sex, but fin­gers cir­cling behind my cervix. Silicone dil­dos can’t repli­cate that feel­ing, nor can my dain­ty fin­gers. The Lush Iris can.

There are oth­er rab­bit vibes that wig­gle and cir­cle, but they often come with pokey rab­bit ears that my clit finds irri­tat­ing. For these rea­sons, I called the Lush Iris “the hero I didn’t know I need­ed. My front wall and my cervix are effort­less­ly pleased.”

As always, rab­bit vibes are very anatomy-​specific, so you might want to read my full Blush Novelties Lush Iris review.

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 4

Fun Factory Stronic Surf

Fun Factory’s Stronics are excit­ing hybrids of dil­dos, vibra­tors, and fuck­ing machines. They’re essen­tial­ly dil­dos with weights inside that pro­pel the entire unit back-​and-​forth in small jig­gles — about a half-​inch stroke length. The Fun Factory Stronic Surf is my favorite among them, and that’s say­ing a lot.

It’s mod­er­ate­ly girthy, with 1.75” diam­e­ter towards the han­dle, and its spaced-​out waves are like sur­round sound for my pubic bone — heav­en for my inter­nal clitoris.

From my Fun Factory Stronic Surf review:

I wouldn’t swim the ocean for Kelsey, but I would do so to tell you how much I love the Fun Factory Stronic Surf.

Rapid, focused strokes, like a part­ner whose fin­gers won’t quit. My entire cli­tourethrovagi­nal com­plex jos­tled to obliv­ion. Ridiculously quick and effort­less orgasms.

“Do I have to take it out?” I whined in my head. Cue pleading-​eyes emo­ji in a pud­dle of lube and body flu­ids. “Can I just leave the Stronic Surf inside me forever?”

Read my past posts to find out which Stronic is the best fit for you:

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 5

Silicone Dildos & Plugs

LuzArte Luna

If you’re a reg­u­lar Spectrum Boutique shop­per, you prob­a­bly already know about the polka-​dot LuzArte Jollet, a girthy dil­do that con­forms to the pubic bone dur­ing vagi­nal use. For those who like butt stuff, the LuzArte Luna’s shape is the rec­tal equivalent!

With 1.5” max diam­e­ter and 6 inch­es of insertable length, it’s not a small toy, but the taper and glossy sur­face make it rel­a­tive­ly easy to insert. And its scal­loped base is both adorable and use­ful for grip­ping. Just make sure to go slow­ly and lis­ten to your body. When I used the plug, it rotat­ed to the most com­fort­able ori­en­ta­tion on its own.

Though the Luna is mar­ket­ed as a butt plug, I think it’s way bet­ter as a play­time dil­do — enjoy­able for sig­nif­i­cant inter­nal pres­sure, with small thrusts and lit­tle stretch at the sphinc­ter. And while it’s a lot of fun to play with as is, I think its shape would suit a dual-​density ver­sion in the future.

Split Peaches Screw You

[Image: Split Peaches Screw You Large screw-shaped dildo with spiral swirls next to Legos]

Calling all fans of twist­ing G‑spot stim­u­la­tion! If you like tex­tured and ridged dil­dos, you’ll love the Split Peaches Screw You. The heli­cal threads slide along my G‑spot as I insert and turn the dildo.

It reminds me of the Crystal Twist, but with more of an over­all stretch and just a lit­tle more fric­tion. From my Crystal Delights Crystal Twist review:

When twist­ing, the sen­sa­tion is dis­tinct­ly inter­nal cli­toral. That’s the best way I can describe how it feels to me. Imagine wet­ting your fin­ger­tip and glid­ing it over the rim of a glass to make it res­onate and ring.

Now envi­sion how that would feel, with a thick­er rim against your cli­toral glans (or prostate). And inter­nal­ly: per­sis­tent diag­o­nal inter­nal cli­toral sliding.

As with LuzArte, I like how Split Peaches’ sil­i­cone is glossy for min­i­mal drag. You can get the Split Peaches Screw You in three sizes: 1.45” max diam­e­ter, 2.45”, and 2.85”. I got the large option and wish I hadn’t — it was a bit much for me. But I could see myself buy­ing a small or medi­um Split Peaches Screw You in the future.

UPDATE: Want a more man­age­able — but still mas­sive — corkscrew-​shaped sil­i­cone dil­do? Try the Creature Cocks Moon Rider.

Uberrime Xenuphora

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 6

Last but not least is the Uberrime Xenuphora. It’s an alien ten­ta­cle dil­do with a very aver­age (by human stan­dards) size of 5.5” long and 1.4” wide. Silicone fan­ta­sy dil­dos are usu­al­ly HUGE, so it’s refresh­ing to have an option that a wider audi­ence can enjoy.

The Xenuphora ten­ta­cle has suck­ers all along the out­er edge of the curve, and an angu­lar body with ver­ti­cal edges galore. My G‑spot very much appre­ci­ates sharp sil­i­cone toys for pin­point pres­sure, which the Xenuphora’s point­ed head excels at.

It’s by no means a tra­di­tion­al dil­do, though. The shaft is too flex­i­ble to pound my G‑spot. I pre­fer using it with the curve against my back wall for per­ineal sponge stim­u­la­tion (stim­u­lat­ing my anus via the shared wall).

While doing that, I can bend the shaft to slide the ten­ta­cle suck­ers against my clit. It’s one of the few cas­es where I like direct cli­toral touch­ing, as long as it’s slow and with lots of lube. You can also use the nubs on the base for exter­nal stim­u­la­tion if you wish.

Note: solid-​colored neon blue and green Xenuphoras are exclu­sive to Spectrum Boutique, while Peepshow Toys has the purple/​blue/​red glit­ter multi-​colored ones fea­tured in my orig­i­nal Uberrime Xenuphora ten­ta­cle dil­do review.

Wrapping it up!

This decade, we’ll inevitably see more toys that go beyond con­ven­tion­al dicks and vibra­tions. That’s not to say that real­is­tic dil­dos and pow­er­ful wand vibra­tors will ever go out of style. It’s just that, as tech­nol­o­gy expo­nen­tial­ly advances, toy­mak­ers have more options for cre­ative con­cepts that are wilder, qui­eter, more pow­er­ful, and more afford­able than before.

Even when it comes to sil­i­cone dil­dos, the acces­si­bil­i­ty of infor­ma­tion means that more arti­sans can start and build up their indie dil­do empires. What sen­sa­tions would you like for them to create?

[Note: this is a repost of an arti­cle I orig­i­nal­ly wrote for Spectrum Journal.]

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1 Response

  1. Prudence says:

    Wow, so many excit­ing new options! Thanks for the nice overview.

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