Review: My Secret Butterfly Mini Rabbit Vibrator by Nasstoys

To my mil­len­ni­al gal pals: was your 2000s-​era MySpace most­ly pas­tel but­ter­flies, or was it more black and teal? Did you real­ize you were queer for serve Queen Fyora or Taelia in Neopets?

Nasstoys My Secret Butterfly Mini Rabbit Vibrator Lilac

Either way, Nasstoys’ My Secret Butterfly feels like a blast from the Y2K past, with some crit­i­cal upgrades, and I’m here for it — in both the lilac and teal swatches.

Consider this mini-​vibrator a mid­point between “Bullet Plus” and “Rabbit Minus.” Its insertable por­tion mea­sures 3.4” long by 1.2” at the widest — super dis­creet and easy to car­ry in a purse for trav­el. Moreover, it’s mod­er­ate­ly strong, pack­ing a punch for cli­toral stim­u­la­tion and shallow-​to-​moderate penetration.

Nasstoys My Secret Butterfly bullet and hand size comparison

Ever wish a partner’s fin­gers could vibrate? It’s kind of like that.

And it makes me nos­tal­gic, think­ing about how far sex toys have come.

Something Old, Something New

Here’s what feels old-​school about Nasstoys’ My Secret Butterfly:

  • The con­cept of a rab­bit vibra­tor was new and nov­el and pop­u­lar­ized by Sex and the City in 1998.
  • The cutesy, non-​representational nature stemmed part­ly from Japan’s anti-​obscenity laws at the time. A huge, veiny dong wasn’t accept­able, but a dain­ty, rabbit-​shaped adden­dum was.
  • The butterfly-​shaped cli­toral stim­u­la­tor and pas­tel pur­ple are rem­i­nis­cent of an era where most sex toy man­u­fac­tur­ers were run by men, sell­ing prod­ucts for men to buy for their wives to use.

(What did they think women liked? Pink, pur­ple, but­ter­flies, and one "vanil­la" skin swatch.)

And here’s what’s new­er that we nowa­days take for granted:

  • It’s body-​safe sil­i­cone — a stan­dard con­sumer safe­ty mea­sure today, as it should be.
  • Waterproof — also some­what stan­dard now. Bring it in the bath with you.
  • Rechargeable — we’re not tak­ing bat­ter­ies out of remotes for our stick-​like slim­line vibra­tors from Spencer’s anymore.

In the mid-​2020s, our palates have become more refined. It’s been long enough that 2000s bimbo-​chic with a twist is hot again — dare I try to make “fetch” happen?

Nasstoys My Secret Butterfly mini rabbit vibrator with water drops splashed

We also rec­og­nize that rab­bit vibra­tors are inher­ent­ly anatomy-​specific and can’t please every­body, but we can find suit­able rab­bit vibra­tors to fit our bodies.

What Is Nasstoys’ My Secret Butterfly Good For?

I’ll sum­ma­rize what I don’t like and what I like about it in bullet-​point form.

What to Love About My Secret Butterfly

  • Strong vibra­tions — yeah, it’s a lit­tle buzzy, but it’s pow­er­ful enough to splash in water. No com­plaints about the bang-​to-​buck ratio or strength-​to-​size ratio. It feels yum­my and is some­what above aver­age for a bullet.
  • Tapered tip — focus the pin­point­ed vibra­tions for exter­nal use if you wish.
  • Forward-​tilting neck and shaft — nes­tles the pubic bone eas­i­ly on the out­side or gen­tly push­es at the front wall on the inside. It can be an excel­lent fit for some­one with a low-​set cervix or ante­ri­or fornix eroge­nous zone.
  • Just-​right flex­i­bil­i­ty on the exter­nal arm — when I insert and use My Secret Butterfly as a rab­bit vibra­tor, the out­er prong is firm enough to give my clit ade­quate pres­sure while thrusting.
  • Beautifully vibrates my inter­nal and exter­nal cli­toris in syn­chrony, stay­ing in con­tact through every phase of a thrust — in stroke, out stroke, and every­where in between.

That’s a recur­ring asset of Nasstoys’: they know what they’re doing with the bal­ance between yield­ing and clamp­ing along the clit.

External pres­sure is effort­less with every thrust, like a partner’s gen­tle fin­gers inside me and their thumb on the outside.

Nasstoys My Secret Butterfly rabbit-style bullet vibrator in lilac

But it’s not perfect.

Don’t Get Nasstoys’ My Secret Butterfly if You…

  • Hate stereo­typ­i­cal­ly girly things (duh)
  • Have a hard­core and picky G‑spot (or prostate) — the short han­dle and flex­i­ble neck aren’t easy to lever­age against this eroge­nous area on my front wall.
  • Expect the but­ter­fly vibra­tions or anten­nae to do much — I like the sen­sa­tion sur­round­ing my nip­ples, but it’s not strong enough for my clit. The wings are also dec­o­ra­tive; the pres­sure from the lep­i­dopter­an head and tho­rax do most of the work.
  • Have a clit-​vag gap wider than 1.2” — if you do, the most pro­nounced part of the exter­nal prong won’t align quite right with your body. 
    • There’s an excep­tion: maybe you want­ed to use this toy anal­ly, in which case the but­ter­fly por­tion serves well as a stop­per, pre­vent­ing the vibra­tor from get­ting sucked in and lost.
Nasstoys My Secret Butterfly bullet flexibility

In oth­er words, Nasstoys’ My Secret Butterfly is a sol­id exter­nal mas­sager for the bullet-​lover and gets the job done inter­nal­ly if you don’t need some­thing super-​sized or specialized.

My Secret Butterfly Vibrator Measurements and Settings

  • 1.2” wide max­i­mum diameter
  • 0.8” wide just under the head
  • Best for a clit-​vag gap between 0.5” and 1.2”
  • 3.4” insertable length
  • 5.2” total length
  • 1‑button con­trol
  • 3 steady speeds
  • 7 pat­terns
Nasstoys My Secret Butterfly bullet vibrator lilac

Closing Thoughts on My Secret Butterfly Vibrator

If I treat the Secret Butterfly as a bim­bofied, budget-​friendly bul­let, I have pri­mar­i­ly praises:

  • Its vibra­tions are quite intense for the size and price
  • Its bul­let head is a point­ed bulb, giv­ing you options for focused and broad stimulation
  • It’s angled well to curve against my cunt externally
  • Its exter­nal seg­ment — the but­ter­fly head and tho­rax — are just the right firm­ness to keep in con­tact with my clit
  • The size is about that of some zeal­ous fin­gers — and you might be into that internally

Intense inter­nal pres­sure and easy aim­ing are not among My Secret Butterfly’s strong points, but that’s fine for its size class.

What was it real­ly made for? Tip drilling.

If cute, com­pact, and non-​representational is your thing, and you want strong vibra­tions inside you, Nasstoys’ My Secret Butterfly vibra­tor will pack a punch while bring­ing back some nostalgia.

Further Reading

Je Joue's Duet bul­let is anoth­er fan­tas­tic mini-​vibe for tip drilling! It fea­tures dot­ted tex­tures, rum­bli­er vibra­tions, and a more com­pre­hen­sive con­trol pan­el. Read my full Je Joue duet review.

Creative Conceptions' Karma Lilac Unihorn vibra­tor is also suu­u­per cute and match­es the pas­tel pur­ple par­adise aesthetic.

This post was spon­sored! The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own, as always. <3

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2 Responses

  1. Ali M says:

    It is so cute! It reminds me of the "Butterfly Kiss" jel­ly mon­strosi­ties that me and all my friends seemed to have haha I still have cus­tomers ask­ing for those so it's good to know there is some­thing veeeery sim­i­lar that's body safe to rec­om­mend to them

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