Review: Moon Rider Unicorn Dildo by Creature Cocks

This uni­corn horn dil­do isn't just tapered and tex­tured — Creature Cocks’ Moon Rider screws inside with its intense­ly helix-​spiraled shaft.

Creature Cocks Moon Rider spiral unicorn horn dildo by XR Brands

Get ready to be stretched and bot­tomed out with its cervix-​servicing 7" of insertable length and 2.3" diam­e­ter near the base.

What is the Creature Cocks Moon Rider?

Don't under­es­ti­mate this sherbet-​inspired uni­corn dil­do. It gives a seri­ous stretch with how hard and hel­la screwy it is. And that feels mag­i­cal for the right user.

For one, this Creature Cock com­mands with its sil­i­cone hard­ness — a stiff Shore 16A, typ­i­cal of mass-​manufactured dil­dos. You won't get the squish usu­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with fan­ta­sy phal­lus­es here. Love it or hate it — the Moon Rider fucks hard.

Creature Cocks Moon Rider spiral unicorn horn dildo and packaging

Four waves wrap around the shaft; each screw­ing thread stark­ly sticks out about a quarter-​inch. "Texture" doesn't even begin to describe it! Rather than sur­face sen­sa­tions, the Moon Rider digs deep against my wall, like firm fin­ger­tips slid­ing at a diag­o­nal along my G‑spot — on repeat.

Each swirl is spaced about 1.4" apart.

Creature Cocks Moon Rider Measurements

  • Total length: 8.5"
  • Insertable length: 7"
  • Tip diam­e­ter: 1.4"
  • Maximum insertable diam­e­ter: 2.3"
  • Suction cup base diam­e­ter: 4 inches 
  • Super strong suc­tion cup — one of the best I've tried
  • Silicone hard­ness: Shore 16A — hard but flexible
  • It glows in the dark!
Creature Cocks unicorn horn dildo with strong suction cup base

Moon Rider Unicorn Dildo Sensations

So how does the Creature Cocks Moon Rider feel in use? I've tried helix-​spiral dil­dos before — and had this to say about them in the past:

[T]he con­vex part push­es up just a bit past the pubic bone to stim­u­late the inter­nal cli­toris. […] Imagine wet­ting your fin­ger­tip and glid­ing it over the rim of a glass to make it res­onate and ring.

Now imag­ine how that would feel, with a thick glass against your cli­toral glans (or prostate). And imag­ine that inter­nal­ly: per­sis­tent diag­o­nal inter­nal cli­toral slid­ing. That's how twist­ing [it] feels.

It's intense but, to my sur­prise, not uncom­fort­able at all. That's thanks to the com­bi­na­tion of […] the round­ed con­tours, and the spac­ing between twists.

Crystal Delights Crystal Twist Review, October 2015
Creature Cocks Moon Rider girthy spiral unicorn horn dildo

Cue gasps and clench­es and shak­ing. […] It feels like you're stroking the cli­toris from the inside.

Pipedream Icicles No. 39 Glass Dildo Review, November 2020

Creature Cocks’ Moon Rider uni­corn dil­do offers all of that and more since it's sil­i­cone and super girthy.

G‑Spot, Internal Clitoris, and Cervix Massage

You'll get sim­i­lar G‑spotty pres­sure — but with more inten­si­ty, depth, and a unique "grab­by" feel­ing from the mat­te surface.

Once the Moon Rider was all the way in, there was noth­ing grad­ual about it. Either I was cum­ming, or my arousal meter wasn't mov­ing at all — the slight­est shift made me cum, like a binary.

Why? Because my cervix fuck­ing loved the pressure.

How to Use the Moon Rider Unicorn Dildo

Add lube lib­er­al­ly to the Moon Rider. It feels smooth at the tip but ramps in inten­si­ty the deep­er you take it. Towards mid-​shaft to base, the slight fric­tion feels like my G‑spot is being caressed, hugged, and held onto rather than sim­ply slid against.

Twist it and rock it. Most of the pres­sure is not direct­ly on the front wall but some­what to the side.

Creature Cocks Moon Rider glow-in-the-dark unicorn horn dildo by XR Brands

Get it all the way in if you enjoy deep pen­e­tra­tion — once I took the toy to the base, I came instant­ly from the com­bi­na­tion of:

Thrust it if you want to take it to the next lev­el. Remember when I said it "encap­su­lat­ed" my G‑spot in its deep ridges? Woooaahhhhh!

I jos­tled it back and forth, keep­ing the most sen­si­tive part of my G‑spot between ridges. The Moon Rider pulled at my inter­nal cli­toris on the "out" stroke and mas­saged my cervix on the "in" stroke.

This Creature Cock com­ple­ment­ed my inter­nal anato­my so well — selec­tive­ly force­ful where it need­ed to be while kind­ly fondling me inside.

Creature Cocks Moon Rider pastel pink and blue unicorn horn dildo by XR Brands

Moon Rider Pros, Cons, Closing Thoughts

In short, Creature Cocks’ Moon Rider uni­corn dil­do is for some­one built like me — some­one who:

  • Loves going deep with a firm dildo
  • Ideally has a shal­low G‑spot to fit the spi­ral grooves optimally
  • Likes twist­ing sen­sa­tions slight­ly to the side
  • Is NOT very par­tic­u­lar about aim­ing direct­ing a dil­do around the cervix when it's deep inside
  • Can han­dle a lot of tex­ture and pres­sure at the vagi­nal opening
Creature Cocks Moon Rider girthy firm unicorn horn dildo by XR Brands

What I Don't Love About the Moon Rider

Unicorn dil­dos are an icon­ic design in the arti­sanal dil­do world — and the Creature Cocks line is based on adapt­ing inde­pen­dent artists' mod­els for mass manufacture.

Get your sil­i­cone fan­ta­sy dil­dos from a small­er mak­er if you care about:

  • Having a more com­pre­hen­sive range of size options to choose from
  • Getting squishi­er sil­i­cone den­si­ties to clench around
  • Prettier hand-​poured col­ors in gra­di­ents, mar­bling rib­bons, and shim­mer swatches
  • Supporting small mom-​and-​pop shops, espe­cial­ly those with orig­i­nal designs

You won't get the same atten­tion to detail with Creature Cocks, but I think the firm­ness and girth work well for the Moon Rider in particular.

Creature Cocks Moon Rider spiral unicorn horn dildo and packaging

What I Love About the Moon Rider

  • My cervix and inter­nal cli­toris are stroked at the same time
  • Twisting it feels intense — and thrust­ing even more so!
  • The dips' shape feels like a hug for my G‑spot and pubic bone
  • I fuck­ing love going deep with this big cock

Closing Thoughts About Creature Cocks

Creature Cocks’ move into main­stream sex shops is a sign of the times:

  • Consumers are savvy of sil­i­cone sex toys' ease of cleaning
  • There's demand for unique shapes that go beyond a real­is­tic cock
  • Huge inser­tions aren't as taboo as they used to be

So yes, while the Creature Cocks Moon Rider uni­corn dil­do may look screwy, it feels fuck­ing fan­tas­tic. Go big, go hard, and go deep.

Get the Creature Cocks Moon Rider and oth­er silky sil­i­cone dil­dos from this post's spon­sor, Thorn and Feather.

Find More Spiral-​Shaped Dildos I Love!

Read my past reviews of spiral-​shaped, twistable dildos:

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2 Responses

  1. Kels says:

    Such a great review! I did love the crys­tal delights one, so I might snatch up a sim­i­lar design if I see one from an inde­pen­dent artist at some point. This makes me think how much I love the Njoy Disco, which seems sim­i­lar in some ways. I hope you get the chance to try it at some point! I don’t think I would have been con­fi­dent enough to try it in the past, but your writ­ing real­ly helped me learn so much about my pref­er­ences and their par­tic­u­lars. Thank you!

  2. Ilah Kristel says:

    omg i want to know what this feels like immediately!

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