Review: Uberrime Primo, Dulce, Optimo, Maxime Dual-Density Dildos (2020 EDITION)

Review: Uberrime Primo, Dulce, Optimo, Maxime Dual-Density Dildos (2020 EDITION) 1

I love everything about Uberrime's dual-​density dildo line!

With a pletho­ra of sizes, skin tones, and uncut heads, there's plen­ty of diver­si­ty to go around.

I've said it before, and I'll repeat it: there's no such thing as a bad Uberrime dil­do. There are only some that fit your body bet­ter than others.

I know I was excit­ed to hand-​gasm the squishy and life­like out­er lay­er. As with all dual-​density dil­dos, they have a firm core for aim­ing and plush "skin" to feel like a cock.

Let me quickly introduce you to these realistic Uberrime dildos!

JUNE 2023 UPDATE: This review was about the 2020 Uberrime dual-​density dil­do mod­els. Most of these designs have been reworked, so these mea­sure­ments and head shape descrip­tions no longer apply. <3 The excep­tion? The Dulce has lit­er­al­ly and fig­u­ra­tive­ly remained intact!

In order from left to right below: Primo, Dulce, Optimo, Maxime

Review: Uberrime Primo, Dulce, Optimo, Maxime Dual-Density Dildos (2020 EDITION) 2

Are you drooling yet?

And since Marco pays close atten­tion to review­er feed­back, they keep get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter! Let's talk about why his real­is­tic dil­dos are among his best yet. I know, I keep say­ing that, but it's true!

Review: Uberrime Primo, Dulce, Optimo, Maxime Dual-Density Dildos (2020 EDITION) 3

In this Uberrime realistic dildo review round-up

What I love about Uberrime's Primo, Dulce, Optimo, and Maxime

Ooh, what's NOT to love? Look from the swirled base to the ver­sa­tile curve to the pli­able tips. And how they hit all my inter­nal hot spots. Oh gosh, I can't say enough good things about the new Uberrime dildos.

Uberrime's signature shimmer

Flat col­ors are still nowhere in Uberrime's stu­dio. It's right there in the name: Uberrime is Extra AF™, even with his real­is­tic dildos.

The Primo, Dulce, Optimo, and Maxime all have shim­mer pearles­cent shim­mer to bring out the sub­tle vein­ing. The reflec­tive qual­i­ty is espe­cial­ly strik­ing in the caramel and choco­late shades. That brings me to my next point.

Size comparison of VixSkin Johnny, Uberrime Primo, and Uberrime Optimo realistic dual-density dildos

Size com­par­i­son: a VixSkin Johnny (vanil­la) vs. Primo (caramel) vs. Optimo (choco­late) dildo

They come in three different skin tones!

Uberrime's real­is­tic dil­dos don't just come in Caucasian or vam­pire sparkle skin tones. There's a medi­um and dark option, too. Three swatch­es might not sound rev­o­lu­tion­ary to some, but so many toy­mak­ers don't include peo­ple of col­or in their designs. (I'm look­ing at you, BMS Factory!)

The bases are reinforced.

Good lis­ten­ing, Marco! His Primo, Dulce, Optimo, and Maxime all extend the firmer sil­i­cone into their flared bases.

What does this mean? Basically, that the base isn't going to flop under your grip while thrusting.

That was my main com­plaint about the otherwise-​amazing Uberrime Supero. Since the bottom's squishy, hold­ing and aim­ing it wasn't always easy. I had the unset­tling feel­ing like I would run out of length, despite it being 7" insertable.

I don't have that prob­lem, even with the 5.5" insertable Primo and Dulce dil­dos. That's a tes­ta­ment to how effec­tive the designs are.

Review: Uberrime Primo, Dulce, Optimo, Maxime Dual-Density Dildos (2020 EDITION) 4

Squishier than Splendid but more curved than Bella & Supero

Don't get me wrong: the Uberrime Splendid is a fan­tas­tic dual-​density dil­do. But its rel­a­tive firm­ness didn't land it among my all-​time favorites.  The Splendid felt kind of impos­ing, like it want­ed to go up against my A‑spot and nowhere else. My cervix missed out on the fun.

Uberrime's new­er dual-​density sil­i­cone toys (includ­ing the Bella and Supero) have soft­er out­er lay­ers. That means more real­ism and more lux­u­ri­ous cervix mas­sage than before.

I love the dildo head shapes — unngngnghhh!

Another thing that makes the Uberrime Primo, Optimo, and Maxime dif­fer­ent from the Splendid is their col­lec­tive head shape. It's sharp­er and more pro­trud­ing than the pre­vi­ous mod­els, but of course, bal­anced out by the silicone's squish.

If you remem­ber my Supero review, I adored how defined it was. Just like how some clits like broad vs. pin­point stim­u­la­tion, my G‑spot likes focused sen­sa­tion a lot. If that's your thing, too, you might — dare I say it? — enjoy Uberrime's dual-​density dil­dos even more than Vixen Creations'.

Let's take a closer look at the individual Uberrime realistic dildo models!

Ooof, I love any excuse to share more Uberrime dil­do pictures!

Uberrime Primo dual-​density realistic dildo

VixSkin Johnny vs. Uberrime Primo vs. Uberrime Optimo dual-density dildos

Another side-​by-​side shape and size com­par­i­son: VixSkin Johnny (vanil­la) vs. Primo (caramel) vs. Optimo (choco­late) dil­dos. The Uberrime real­is­tic dil­dos are slight­ly less curved — but only slightly.

I love big dil­dos, but I thor­ough­ly respect when mak­ers include mod­er­ate sizes in their lineup.

Uberrime Primo dildo dimensions:
  • 6.25" long total
  • 5.5" insertable
  • 1.47" across the shaft
  • 1.75" across the head.

Its coro­na is more exag­ger­at­ed and broad­er than the aver­age human penis, but beyond that, the dimen­sions are pret­ty close.

At $69 (as of October 23rd, 2022), the Uberrime Primo's price is fair for a qual­i­ty, artisan-​made, dual-​density sil­i­cone dil­do of its size.

Uberrime Dulce foreskin intact & uncut dual-​density dildo

Many of Uberrime's dual-​density dil­dos are uncut. However, they're usu­al­ly (not always!) retract­ed and bunched-​up to pro­vide tex­ture. The Uberrime Dulce's fore­skin is total­ly intact and mak­ing its pres­ence apparent!

Think of this uncir­cum­cised dil­do as sim­i­lar to the Uberrime Praesto, but with a squishi­er tip. It has the same lux­u­ri­ous feel as the rest of the line: soft­er and less drag­gy than Tantus's uncut dil­dos. See the Uberrime Dulce vs. Tantus Uncut 2 in the pic­ture below.

Tantus Uncut 2 vs. Uberrime Dulce uncut realistic dildos with foreskin

Side-​by-​side com­par­i­son: Tantus Uncut 2 vs. Uberrime Dulce in vanil­la. The Uberrime Dulce has more curve, vein­ing, and head definition.

I used to vol­un­teer as an edu­ca­tor, talk­ing about the func­tions of the fore­skin and the fucked-​up his­to­ry of cir­cum­ci­sion in the United States. Though most uncut dil­dos usu­al­ly don't glide the way a real fore­skin does, I love see­ing more representation.

Chocolate Uberrime Optimo dark realistic dual-density dildo with shimmer

Uberrime Optimo dual-​density silicone dildo

A dildo that's the same circumference as my boyfriend's dick — need I say more?

I didn't think so. I'll keep my info about the Uberrime Optimo dil­do quick.

  • 7" long total
  • 6" insertable length
  • 1.87" head diameter
  • 1.67" max shaft diameter

Uberrime Maxime BIG dual-​density silicone dildo

Only a little thinner than the top of a soda can

Ooooh, yes! A giant Uberrime dual-​density dil­do, big­ger than before!

The Uberrime Maxime is about the same max­i­mum diam­e­ter as the Vixen Creations Randy, at 2.19" wide. Its shaft dips down to 2.15" across. It's longer than the Randy, though, with 7.5" of usable length (or 8" total).

Here's a pic­ture of the Vixen Creations Outlaw (caramel) vs. Uberrime Maxime (vanil­la) vs. Vixen Randy (single-​density black) for size comparison.

VixSkin Outlaw vs. Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixen Randy representational dildos

The Uberrime Maximeis just per­fec­tion as far as big dual-​density dil­dos go. Again, its head is more defined than a lot of oth­ers I've tried. The result? A long, indef­i­nite orgasm and a resound­ing yes, yes, YES, from me!

My verdict on Uberrime's realistic dildo line

Can you tell how I feel? Have I said enough? I FRIGGIN' LOVE THEM.

Just pick a size that you think you'll like and stop second-guessing:
  • Primo
  • Dulce
  • Optimo
  • Maxime

Review: Uberrime Primo, Dulce, Optimo, Maxime Dual-Density Dildos (2020 EDITION) 5

Shop Uberrime's dual-​density dildos at SheVibe.

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4 Responses

  1. Yam says:

    I got the Maxime and have only been any to use it once! It is so thick

  2. Kate says:

    The Uberrime Optimo is my favorite dil­do out of the 12 and count­ing that I own!!!

  3. andy says:

    Can you feel the tex­ture of the veins and fore­skin on the Optimo?

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