Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Girthy Superhero Silicone Dildo Review

Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Patriot dildo review

Marvel at the maker's metal­lic mar­bling. Let the (Captain America-​inspired) Patriot span­gle you until you see stars. Marco Uberrime's lat­est cre­ation, the A‑Spot Avenger, strik­ing­ly resem­bles the Aqua-​King, which I named #5 on my best sex toys of 2019 list.

There's no such thing as a bad Uberrime dil­do. There are only some that fit my body more amaz­ing­ly than others.

Many of the flattering things I said about the Uberrime Aqua-King still apply to the A-Spot Avenger:

  • Sensationally "beau­ti­ful, but not overwhelming"
  • "Orchestral dopamine magic"
  • "A high­ly method­i­cal melange on my front wall"
  • "Hypnotic. I want anoth­er round. I can't stop."
  • "My A‑spot and cervix can't ignore the [dildo's] head… I'm in heaven."

There's much to love about this new cre­ation — some of it inher­it­ed from the Aqua-​King, some not.

[Image: red, silver, and blue marbled silicone dildo with Avengers comic books, Captain America Lego minifigure, and photo of Steve Rogers before super-soldier treatment]
The Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger is Aqua-​King 2.0!

With either dil­do, it's hazy exact­ly when a jack-​off ses­sion ends. Getting up to wash it feels Herculean when I've become accus­tomed to its girthy pres­ence in me, where it belongs. I don't want to come down from the post-​peak plateau of plea­sure. Falling asleep with an Uberrime dil­do inside feels as sec­ond nature as snug­gling with a part­ner before order­ing piz­za together.

Given the pan­dem­ic lock­down and my her­mit ten­den­cies, I may have spent more time com­ing on the Uberrime than wait­ing at traf­fic lights this year so far. (I've made that joke in a past review, but this time might not be an exaggeration!)

In this A-Spot Avenger silicone dildo review:

Shared features of the Uberrime A-Spot Avenger and Aqua-King

Both dildos are "super" in every sense of the word.

For one, their tapered mush­room heads are a fill­ing 2.07" diam­e­ter at max­i­mum, with not one, but three crowns. They stand straight up and 8.5" tall, on their har­ness­able bases. And, not least, the Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger and Aqua-​King dil­dos come in some epic col­or schemes!

The shim­mery palettes are inspired by some of your favorite com­ic book heroes: Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, and of course, Aquaman.

Captain America-themed dildo thumbnail

Iron Man-themed silicone dildo thumbnail

Uberrime Hulk-themed silicone dildo thumbnail

Uberrime Aquaman-themed dildo thumbnail

Despite the A‑Spot Avenger's vagina-​centric name, I very much appreciate that there's no gendered marketing here.

There's glit­ter but no Pepto-​Bismol pink in sight. The only pur­ple among the A‑Spot Avengers is part of The Incredible. And if you want to use either dil­do for prostate stim­u­la­tion, it's safe to do so, thanks to the flared bases.

[Image: person looking at vaginal and cervical anatomy diagram while holding A-Spot Avenger in The Incredible Hulk-inspired colors]

Dildos aren't just for cishet femmes, and com­ic books aren't just for boys. On the con­trary — from the start, Sandra from SheVibe want­ed the shop to have Big Goddess/​Heroine Energy. "The whole genre had real­ly begun to take hold in Hollywood, and we felt the world could use some intel­li­gent, pow­er­ful, sex­u­al­ly self-​possessed females."

And the comic-​style art­work that SheVibe is known for? You can cred­it Marvel and DC illus­tra­tor Alex Kotkin for that.

Differences between the Uberrime A-Spot Avenger and Aqua-King superhero dildos

I'd forgive you if you thought the shapes were the same at first glance.
[Image: side view of the more slender Blush Novelties Neo Elite 7.5" dual-density dildo without balls next to the Uberrime A-Spot Avenger and Aqua-King
Blush Novelties Neo Elite 7.5" /​ Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger Patriot /​ Uberrime Aqua-​King side-​by-​side for size comparison

Probably the first thing I noticed in use, though, was the A‑Spot Avenger's flex­i­bil­i­ty. Its sil­i­cone is the same 5A shore den­si­ty as the Aqua-​King, but its shaft bends more. That's because the A‑Spot Avenger dildo's shaft dips down to 1.67" wide in the mid­dle, while the Aqua-​King's is a thick­er 1.78". The former's base is also thin­ner and more bendy, mak­ing it far eas­i­er to fit into my under­wear strap-on's O‑ring.

From the side view, the difference is even more apparent. The Aqua-​King has a higher concentration of pizzazz at the top.

The crowns pro­trude more all-​around and are pointier, to resem­ble Aquaman's Atlantean armor accents. In con­trast, the A‑Spot Avenger's sub-​coronal ter­rain is com­par­a­tive­ly tame. The ridges are round­ed off in the front and bare­ly there in the back. And since A‑Spot Avenger was explic­it­ly designed for deep pen­e­tra­tion, it fea­tures three addi­tion­al waves clos­er to the bot­tom of the shaft.

[Image: a closer look at the Captain America Lego Minifigure next to the A-Spot Avenger and Blush Neo Elite. The tip of the BS Atelier Max peeks through.]
Captain America Lego Minifigure /​ Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger Patriot /​ Aqua-​King /​ BS Atelier Max Poly Pride /​ Blush Avant Pride P4
The A‑Spot Avenger's lack of aquatic influence extends, of course, to its relatively smooth surface.

The Aqua-​King has tac­tile, micro-​level "scales" all over its shaft, while the Avenger has struc­tur­al bumps and no fine tex­tures. Another super­fi­cial mod­i­fi­ca­tion is that the A‑Spot Avenger dil­do has an ori­en­ta­tion bump on the top front of the base so that you can always know which way the shaft's waves are facing.

How does the Uberrime A-Spot Avenger dildo feel in use?

[Image: Uberrime Dildos A-Spot Avenger 5A shore flexibility and swirled red, white, and blue dildo base.]
The Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger Patriot bends suu­u­u­per eas­i­ly! In the back­ground is the Chrystalino Champ, Uberrime Night King Fire and Ice edi­tion, and Uberrime Amo.

Overall, I find the A‑Spot Avenger's bendi­er shaft less aggres­sive, espe­cial­ly on my cervix. What's more, the Aqua-​King's pointier notch­es remind­ed me of fin­ger­tips and knuck­les. It's a dil­do made for pry­ing me open, but thank good­ness its most intense stim­u­la­tion is quar­an­tined to the top half. The A‑Spot Avenger's waves, in con­trast, feel like a more dif­fused mas­sage on my front wall.

When deciding between the Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger and Aqua-​King dildos, ask yourself three questions:
  • How much girth do you want?
  • What eroge­nous zones are you look­ing to stimulate?
  • How do you usu­al­ly pre­fer to thrust?
Both stimulate the posterior fornix and A‑spot beautifully…

…but it's eas­i­er to work with the A‑Spot Avenger's flex­i­bil­i­ty. Its low­er shaft peaks feel deli­cious against my ure­thral sponge and pulling on my inter­nal cli­toris, too. I find that it feels best when I use long, fast thrusts and let the waves slide over my pubic bone. And if there's a lit­tle "extra" length I'm not insert­ing, I can undoubt­ed­ly bend the shaft to grind against my exter­nal clitoris.

The Aqua-​King is even less for the faint of vagina.
[Image: Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Patriot red white and blue dildo and Aqua-King dildos size comparison]
Blush Neo Elite 7.5" /​ Avant Pride P5 /​ Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger Patriot /​ Aqua-​King /​ Praesto /​ BS Atelier Max /​ Avant D4

Most users will find it bet­ter suit­ed for savor­ing short thrusts. I don't want its points repeat­ed­ly drag­ging over the mouth of my vagi­na much. Between the shape and girth, that's too much for me sometimes.

(The Uberrime Night King meets a del­i­cate bal­ance if you like bor­der­line scrap­ing tex­tures with­out as much stretch­ing pressure.)

What I do like about the Aqua-​King more, though, is its ridges slid­ing against my per­ineal sponge (which is anoth­er way of say­ing "mas­sag­ing my but­t­hole through my back vagi­nal wall").

[Image: blue shimmer Oxballs Ergo plug next to photo of Steve Rogers, Uberrime A-Spot Avengers Patriot red white and blue marbled dildo, and Doxy Die Cast]
Oxballs Ergo Large /​ Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger /​ Ergo XS /​ Doxy 3Rechargeable mini-wand

My verdict on the Uberrime A-Spot Avenger

I'm so happy when I have the house to myself — I can scream while coming on the A‑Spot Avenger to my heart's content.

The dildo's defined head and delec­table ridges make my cervix just as hap­py as the Aqua-​King does, but its shaft offers more pli­able pres­sure. That may be a good or bad thing for you! Do you want the waves to over­take you with inten­si­ty, or do you want a more sub­tle but sophis­ti­cat­ed med­ley of sen­sa­tion? Choose your weapon.

Get the A‑Spot Avenger or Aqua-​King by Uberrime from SheVibe!
[Image: SHEVIBE.COM | Vibe Responsibly logo banner]

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1 Response

  1. Sptfan says:

    This is a gor­geous dido!

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