Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort?

Q&A: What's it like to be a male escort? 1

For me per­son­al­ly, [being a good man] means fac­ing and resolv­ing bias­es that I may have regard­ing the idea of gen­der equal­i­ty and help­ing oth­er men resolve them, too.

Guest writer introduction incoming!

The escort­ing indus­try gets a bad rap from the wider pub­lic — and today, I’d like to try and change that. My name is Mikhail, and I’ve been a male escort for sev­er­al years now. In the fol­low­ing Q & A, I'll pro­vide you with a peek at the life of an escort and what we do. Enjoy!

Q: What do people usually think when they hear “male escort,” and what does G4Hire actually do?

The term "male escort" is com­mon­ly asso­ci­at­ed with sex­u­al ser­vices, which is a mis­con­cep­tion. G4Hire is a male escort ser­vice agency in the truest sense of the word.

The idea is to pro­vide enjoy­able male com­pa­ny to ladies for a fee — no sex involved. Instead, the escort might go for din­ner with the client, accom­pa­ny her to "plus one" events, and the like.

Q: What are some reasons why women might hire an escort?

Probably the biggest one is what I already men­tioned: women are look­ing for a good-​looking guy to escort them to a social event.

Then, some ladies are into pla­ton­ic rela­tion­ships and want to enjoy a con­ver­sa­tion with a hand­some, well-​mannered, intel­li­gent man. Rebounds are anoth­er pri­ma­ry reason!

Q: What kind of women hire escorts?

Most of my clients are sin­gle, suc­cess­ful ladies with tight sched­ules and busy with their day-​to-​day lives. Hiring an escort is very prac­ti­cal for them.

Q: If you’re working as someone’s date for a social event, how do y’all go about deciding on a story to tell their friends about how you met?

Great ques­tion! It real­ly dif­fers from client to client. Some like to keep it short, as in "We met at a busi­ness con­fer­ence," while oth­ers come up with more elab­o­rate stories.

One lady told her friends that I was Italian and that we met on her vaca­tion in Italy. I had to fake an accent the entire evening!

Q: Your coworker, Sebastian, wrote in his Metro article:

“If you don’t under­stand the expe­ri­ences of women, then you won’t under­stand why they hire escorts. For me, this is also a per­son­al jour­ney — I’m a fem­i­nist, and my job has helped me become a bet­ter man.”

What it’s like to be a male escort in lockdown

To what extent do you agree with those statements? What do feminism and being a good man mean to you?

I can relate to those state­ments. Being a good man, a gen­tle­man can mean a lot. Still, in the con­text of fem­i­nism, I think it means sup­port­ing women’s empow­er­ment across all social milieus.

For me per­son­al­ly, it means fac­ing and resolv­ing bias­es that I may have regard­ing the idea of gen­der equal­i­ty and help­ing oth­er men resolve them, too.

Q: What have you learned about women’s experiences since starting escorting?

Honestly, I was shocked to learn about the amount of “hit­ting on” that cer­tain women have to endure every day. Most of it hap­pens on social media, and many of those guys who "approach" them are full-​on nasty.

Q: How does G4Hire's selection process work?

G4Hire has spe­cif­ic cri­te­ria that escorts have to meet. Of course, looks and man­ners are cru­cial, but the com­pa­ny will also look for par­tic­u­lar per­son­al­i­ty traits. A thor­ough back­ground check is a must to ensure the safe­ty of our female clients.

Q: How has escorting changed since COVID?

Well, it brought the entire indus­try to a halt for a while, as you can imag­ine. Eventually, things start­ed to pick up again, but it all moved very slowly.

The sit­u­a­tion seems to be get­ting back to nor­mal. Clients don't have as many reser­va­tions as they did last year.

Q: Beyond the scope of COVID, how has escorting changed within the last ten years?

It's become less of a taboo, that's for sure. More women are will­ing to give escorts a try, and the demand has grown sig­nif­i­cant­ly. Of course, COVID dis­rupt­ed every­thing, but hope­ful­ly, that's only temporary.

Q: Any closing thoughts or fun stories you’d love to share?

There's one embar­rass­ing sto­ry I'd like to share, an inci­dent that hap­pened to me some years ago. I was in the mid­dle of din­ner with a client, and as I got up to go to the restroom, I tripped over anoth­er guest's leg.

It wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't knock over a glass of red wine from a near­by table and com­plete­ly soiled my white shirt. It was a com­plete disaster!

The client was an angel, and she didn't make a big deal out of it. We laughed it off, and the date went on.

Cy's editor notes & disclaimers

This post was spon­sored by G4Hire.

I usu­al­ly don't pub­lish guest posts, but occa­sion­al­ly make excep­tions when the writer has a per­spec­tive very dif­fer­ent from mine, includ­ing when:

  1. They come from a mar­gin­al­ized back­ground dif­fer­ent from my own.
  2. They're a penis-​owner and the top­ic is specif­i­cal­ly about that.

The pho­to in the ban­ner was shot by Danie Franco; I got it from Unsplash.

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2 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    This was quite inter­est­ing and a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive than I’ve seen from some of the oth­er male escorts I’ve encountered.

  2. Trix says:

    This was real­ly inter­est­ing, and I think it should dimin­ish stig­ma for clients snd escorts alike!

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