Uberrime Deep Diver Glow-in-the-Dark Silicone Tentacle Dildo Review

The Uberrime Deep Diver is déjà vu for the sea­soned sex geek, pay­ing homage to the mem­o­ry of Whipspider's Tentacle.

Image; my (dainty) hand and size comparison to the Uberrime Deep Diver silicone tentacle dildo

Their com­mon­al­i­ties include a steep C‑curve, suck­ers arranged at a slight twist along the shaft, and a wicked taper. Oh, and yes, they are both glow-​in-​the-​dark dildos.

To some, the Deep Diver's girth near the base makes it a mon­stros­i­ty. But not me— not when I fuck­ing love fist­ing. I think it's one of the most under­rat­ed sex­u­al activ­i­ties and I've even reviewed a porno­graph­ic guide to it. And for a fisting-​loving size queen like me, the Uberrime Deep Diver's taper­ing shape makes per­fect sense.

Pronounced but unintimidating tentacle textures

Image: this Uberrime Deep Diver features aqua green suckers arranged at a twist along the side of the tentacle.

The appeal is the oppo­site of the first ten­ta­cle dil­do I've ever reviewed, the Uberrime Xenuphora. Marco Uberrime delib­er­ate­ly chose to make the Xenuphora the size of an aver­age human penis. Its most potent struc­tures are the crisp edges and pointy head. The Uberrime Deep Diver, in con­trast, is most­ly smooth and glossy along the inside of the curve.

There are some seri­ous suck­ers, of course, but they're most­ly out-​of-​the-​way of my sen­si­tive front wall, apart from near the base. I can enjoy the extra inten­si­ty if I twist Deep Diver side-​to-​side while thrust­ing, but only in small amounts. My back wall is less sen­si­tive to the nodu­lar tex­tures, so the arrange­ment is a perk for me.

Uberrime Deep Diver tentacle dildo dimensions

Image: the Uberrime Deep Diver tentacle dildo lying on its side, showing the (mostly) smooth inner curve. There's a glimpse of the purple and red base

In any case, the Uberrime Deep Diver is a plea­sur­able pre­lude to fat­ter dil­dos or per­haps a duck-​billed hand. At least, it is for the brave souls who do choose to Dive Deep with it. Some will pre­fer to use it for shal­low G‑spotting, but as the Shore 5A sil­i­cone tip is flex­i­ble, that's not what cap­ti­vates my vagina's atten­tion. What does is let­ting the curve and rel­a­tive­ly nar­row tip knead my A‑spot, while the bot­tom of the shaft stretch­es the mouth of my vagina.

This dil­do mea­sures 6.5" around (2.07" across) the mid­dle of the shaft, which is ambi­tious enough for many users. It far­ther ramps up to 8.25" around (2.63" across) at the bot­tom of the shaft, giv­ing it a fuller max girth than both my single-​density Vixen Creations Randy and Tantus Ringo. Despite that, it's not as harsh

Uberrime Deep Diver Glow-in-the-Dark Silicone Tentacle Dildo Review 1

The Uberrime Deep Diver dildo and what I love about fisting

You can pry my near soda can-​sized Randy from my cold, dead hands. My vagi­na can (per­haps infa­mous­ly) con­sume it with­out using a warm-​up toy pri­or. However, not every­one wants such a blunt inser­tion. And even I am not always in the mood for it.

The Deep Diver ful­fills a need for me that not many of my oth­er toys can. (I'm still mourn­ing the dis­con­tin­u­a­tion of the Frisky Beast /​ Twin Tail Cybersaur.) When I insert the Deep Diver all the way, its taper reminds me of what I love about hav­ing a fist inside me. There's that pres­sure against my pelvic floor mus­cles and the impend­ing increase in inten­si­ty, but smoother and not bony. It's also at just the right rate— I'm used to see­ing longer and lean­er ten­ta­cle dil­dos, which have their place, but since they don't ramp up as quick­ly, don't serve the same pur­pose for me.

Uberrime Deep Diver curved silicone tentacle dildo with sucker textures review

If I had to sug­gest an ide­al order of toys for fisting-​warm up, I'd sug­gest the Deep Diver, then a 2" thick dil­do (try the super afford­able Blush Novelties Ruse Jammy), then the Vixen Creations Randy, and final­ly, a hand. With water-​based lube lib­er­al­ly re-​applied between steps, of course. Using toys before fist­ing makes sense, but I used to under­es­ti­mate their importance.

It's true that it's com­fort­able for me to feel 2 of a partner's fin­gers inside me, then 3, then 4, then with the thumb and knuck­les. But every action has an equal and oppo­site reac­tion. Fisting is a strain on my partner's hand, which feels my vagi­na try­ing to crush it with every orgas­mic con­trac­tion. That is, prac­ti­cal­ly the entire ses­sion. Now mul­ti­ply that by how long a fist­ing ses­sion can be. With that in mind, using a fat and vague­ly con­i­cal dil­do like the Uberrime Deep Diver ben­e­fits every­one involved.

Uberrime Deep Diver glow-in-the-dark tentacle dildo flexibility

Using the Uberrime Deep Diver dildo for A-spot stimulation

Its strengths don't stop at the smooth taper. If a cen­tered sil­i­cone cone (wow, what a strange-​sounding word pair) were enough to woo me, then the Tantus Ringo or prac­ti­cal­ly any huge clas­sic butt plug would feel stel­lar to my vagi­na. And that's not the case when the Ringo's point stabs into my cer­vi­cal os. The Uberrime Deep Diver's curved shaft, in con­trast, averts the cri­sis by direct­ing the pointy tip away.

It doesn't hurt my cervix, but the Deep Diver also doesn't mas­sage it. Its 5.5" insertable length isn't ide­al for that. Nevertheless, I stand by my state­ment that deep pen­e­tra­tion does it the most jus­tice. The Deep Diver tar­gets my A‑spot, on my front wall and a bit below my cervix. (Note: some A‑spots are deep­er, so your mileage may vary. Know thyself.)

While it eas­i­ly straight­ens out in my hand, it gives my A‑spot ample pres­sure and resis­tance and the hit of dopamine I seek. The Uberrime Deep Diver is the kind of A‑spot heav­en I had come (no pun intend­ed) to only expect from rigid toys like the stain­less steel njoy Eleven or porce­lain Desirables Dalia. Perhaps part of what makes it stand out is that, despite its flex­i­bil­i­ty, it's steeply curved and pointy, allow­ing eas­i­er aim­ing when insert­ed all the way.

Uberrime Deep Diver glow-in-the-dark tentacle dildo suckers detail

My verdict on the Uberrime Deep Diver glow-in-the-dark tentacle dildo

When I'm not test­ing new toys or eval­u­at­ing work orgasms for this blog, I'll often reach for the Uberrime Deep Diver for recre­ation­al orgasms. The one down­side is that the suck­ers require care­ful clean­ing, but a clean, soft-​bristled tooth­brush will do the trick. When in doubt, a pot of boil­ing water suf­fices to kill germs. But that applies to any heav­i­ly tex­tured toy, and among them, the Uberrime Deep Diver is beyond worth it.

Yaaaasss, Marco, yaaaasssss!

Image: a closer look at the red and purple silicone swirl along the smooth, non-suction-cupped side of the Uberrime Deep Diver

It's not the most com­plex design, but its unique set of fea­tures syn­er­gize and work well for my anato­my. I think Marco did a fan­tas­tic job of pay­ing trib­ute to the orig­i­nal Whipspider Tentacle dil­do. He pre­served its trade­mark curve and gauge. The new glossy fin­ish and base, how­ev­er, make the very niche prod­uct more practical.

I high­ly rec­om­mend the Uberrime Deep Diver to those look­ing to try big dil­dos but are either unsure of where to start or want a grad­ual taper to warm up slowly.

Oh, and can we talk about how gor­geous this batch's Uberrime Deep Diver col­or scheme is? It is, after all, aqua green, elec­tric vio­let, and a dusty red, like the col­or palette of my blog ban­ner. Marco sure showed fan­tas­tic taste! Even the Deep Diver's name is my thang. Probably the only way it could get more on-​brand for me is if Uberrime released a longer ver­sion that reached an even greater max diam­e­ter. A girl can dream, right?

Image: the Uberrime Deep Diver has glow-in-the-dark pigment embedded in the silicone

Wanting to try bigger dildos or fisting? Take the plunge

I've played with a dude who's slept with 110–120 women but, until me, none had request­ed to be fist­ed. If you or a part­ner are in a sim­i­lar boat and want to dip your feet in the water, con­sid­er check­ing out:

Or take the plunge with a Uberrime Deep Diver and enjoy the journey.

Get the Uberrime Deep Diver glow-in-the-dark tentacle dildo at SheVibe!

Uberrime Deep Diver Glow-in-the-Dark Silicone Tentacle Dildo Review 2

I received the Uberrime Deep Diver from SheVibe in exchange for my hon­est and freely-​given opin­ion. If I think a toy feels like putting my cli­toris in Satan's but­t­hole, you'll know. Trust me.

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3 Responses

  1. Darla says:

    Has this dil­do been discontinued?

  2. Jae Thudium says:

    Thank you for being my fat dil­do resource!

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