Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them

Play with posi­tions beyond mis­sion­ary and hand-​thrusting a dildo.

The non-​insertable por­tion of a dil­do make a con­sid­er­able difference.

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 1

I’ve pre­vi­ous­ly writ­ten about mak­ing mas­tur­ba­tion feel more real­is­tic, which encom­passed a wide range of toys and tricks — from Fleshlight mounts to VR porn. Think of this dil­do base guide as a com­pan­ion piece to that article.

Flat base dildos vs. suction cup bases

If your dil­do already comes with a suc­tion base, rejoice! If it doesn’t, don’t think of dil­dos with flat bases as mere­ly lack­ing fea­tures — they’re ver­sa­tile because you can attach so many add-​ons to them.

Double-​sided suction cup adapter

Expand your dildo selection beyond those with built-​in suction cups

You can con­vert a flat-​based dil­do into a suc­tion cup dil­do with a double-​sided suc­tion cup — get one from Lust Arts or Uberrime.

Silicone suction cup dildos and flat-based harnessable dildos with double-sided suction cups

Attach one end of a double-​sided suc­tion cup to a dil­do base and the oth­er to a smooth, clean sur­face. Try a mir­ror or floor tile. (Or wrap the Body Dock Lap Strap thigh har­ness around a pil­low, chair seat, or full backpack!)

Double-​sided suc­tion cups come in a wide range of sizes. That’s a big deal if you’re attach­ing a huge and heavy dil­do to the wall.

As well, some glass dil­dos come with detach­able sil­i­cone suc­tion cups. Ride on!

Add a silicone cushion or grinder to the base

Squishy hump­ing toys can be fun alone, but you can also attach some of them to flat dil­do bases for added stim­u­la­tion dur­ing har­ness play!

While you’re pen­e­trat­ing a part­ner with a strap-​on, your vul­va has some­thing to grind up against (or pro­vide soft cushioning).

There’s a range of grinders made by indie sil­i­cone arti­sans like Vixen Creations and Bananapants. Some stick to flat dil­do bases, while oth­ers wrap around them or are held in place by a harness.

Harnessing or mounting dildos

Flat base dil­dos can be easy to har­ness and mount under a few conditions:

  • The base is lat­er­al­ly flared but not too thick
  • The phal­lic part of the dil­do can ade­quate­ly fit inside an O‑ring

Dildos with suc­tion cup bases also tend to be har­ness­able. For mount­ing cer­tain suc­tion cups and flat base dil­dos while solo, try putting a thigh har­ness over a pil­low — the Body Dock Lap Strap has a roomy dock­ing plate for a wide range of suc­tion cup dil­do bases (or adapters!)

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 2

I like also the Liberator Wing a lot. It has slots for both cowgirl/​cowboy/​cowpoke and doggy-​style posi­tions. There’s a size lim­it, though. The fol­low­ing specs are ide­al for fit­ting through the Liberator Wing’s holes:

  • Dildo diam­e­ter under 2”
  • Base diam­e­ter under 3”
  • OR, if the base is big­ger, a some­what flex­i­ble one that folds down easily 
    • Dildo bases with broad, rigid balls prob­a­bly wouldn’t be the best fit

Why do some dildos have holes in the base?

Bullet holes, Vac‑U Lock, and suction dildos

Some dil­dos have holes in the bases with vary­ing sizes and func­tions. Some are great for slip­ping bul­let vibra­tors inside, while oth­ers are bet­ter for even more ways to mount!

0.8” wide bullet cavity base dildos

Best for standard size bullets but seldom suction cup adapters

The most ver­sa­tile bul­let vibra­tors have hard plas­tic shells in the 0.75” to 0.85” diam­e­ter range. They trans­fer vibra­tions well and fit inside a wide array of vibrat­ing dil­dos, from the well-​known Tantus and Vixen Creations to small­er com­pa­nies like Cute Little Fuckers.

Sex toy review­ers tend to call the We-​Vibe Tango X and BMS Swan Maximum the gold stan­dard — it’s unbeat­ably rumbly, though the Swan Maximum is more powerful.

If you want a suc­tion cup adapter for a dil­do bul­let hole of this size, try the sil­i­cone one made by Tantus.

Dildos with 0.9” to 1" wide Vac-​U-​Lock holes

Fits a limited range of bullets, but you get way more mounting options

Vac-​U-​Lock fucking machines

Many fuck­ing machines come with Vac-​U-​Lock style don­gles, includ­ing the full-​on Kink Power Banger. For a more com­pact sex machine, the minia­ture Velvet Thruster Universal con­nects to dil­dos with lock-​on holes, though the stroke length is rel­a­tive­ly short at 1.5”.

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 3

Bullets for Vac-​U-​Lock Holes

My main rec­om­men­da­tion for a bul­let to put in Vac-​U-​Lock ports is the Blush Limited Addiction.

If you want the most mas­sive vibrat­ing dil­do com­bi­na­tion I’ve ever tried, put the Limited Addiction inside the Hankey’s Toys Topher Michels. You’re welcome.

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 4

Finally, there’s a suc­tion cup adapter for this size Lock-​On hole, too. Or try a Vac-​U-​Lock/​Lock-​On har­ness.

Double-ended dildos

The perk of double-​ended dil­dos: more options for pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tion in one toy! njoy’s Eleven and Le Wand’s Contour, for exam­ple, have one big end and one small end.

However, the down­side is that your posi­tion­ing options aren’t as plen­ti­ful. Still, the Liberator Wing’s dense foam slots can hold dil­dos with­out bases! This way of mount­ing toys is best for hard mate­r­i­al dil­dos like the Le Wand Arch, njoy Eleven, and Desirables Dalia.

Velvet Thruster Prime screw ports and attachments

Last but not least: the new Velvet Prime mod­els have acces­si­bil­i­ty and posi­tion­ing acces­so­ry options!

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 5

The tweaks I men­tioned above can apply to the Velvet Thrusters too:

You can also swap the Velvet Thruster Prime head out for a dif­fer­ent dil­do attach­ment. Or put a Vac-​U-​Lock dil­do on the Thruster Universal. And har­ness that.

Hell, yeah. The future is now.

Further read­ing: 7 Ways to Create a More Realistic Masturbation Experience

And yes, you can watch VR porn on a PSVR head­set. Lol.

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 6

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4 Responses

  1. Cam says:

    Love the dou­ble suc­tion cup that would work with so many. I also like the long han­dle, it’s unique.

  2. Oz Bigdownunder says:

    I can't believe I nev­er thought of the idea of putting a bul­let vibra­tor in the vac u loc hole on a dil­do. Brilliant!

  3. Kelly says:

    Oh I love that super long U shaped han­dle! So com­fy. I was con­sid­er­ing the thruster by lus­tarts, but I pre­fer this long one. Seems like the dil­do needs a hole though, I would pre­fer a dou­ble sided suc­tion cup or stretchy ring around the shaft or something.

    Instead of a har­ness you can use a sad­dlestrap toy mount as well by the way (sin­gle strap seems most prac­ti­cal for me), cus­toms are pos­si­ble: https://​www​.etsy​.com/​n​l​/​s​h​o​p​/​F​a​n​t​a​s​i​e​s​F​a​b​r​i​c​a​t​e​d​?​r​e​f​=​s​i​m​p​l​e​-​s​h​o​p​-​h​e​a​d​e​r​-​n​a​m​e​&​l​i​s​t​i​n​g​_​i​d​=​1​0​0​8​7​7​3​833

    Would work well around a foam roller

  4. D. Dyer says:

    I real­ly love this break­down of all the dif­fer­ent base options, per­son­al­ly, one thing I have dis­cov­ered I love about dou­ble end­ed toys is how at least for solo mas­tur­ba­tion the end not in use, often func­tion as eight handle.

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