Pipedream Icicles No. 39 & 87 Glass Dildo Review

Glass dil­dos make eye-​catching dis­play pieces. It’s hard not to drool over the Pipedream Icicles No. 39 and 87’s light-​reflecting, obsid­i­an undulations.

Glass dildos: Pipedream No. 87 spiral glass dildo with loop base, Crystal Delights Mini-Twist jewel plug, and Pipedream Icicles No. 39 glass G-spot dildo with removable silicone suction cup.

These two glass dil­dos offer very dif­fer­ent pro­files and expe­ri­ences. While the Icicles 87 is great for a quick POW-​POW-​POW, the Icicles 39 is a slow burner.

It goes to show how incred­i­bly under­rat­ed and ver­sa­tile glass dil­dos are. They can give you intense pres­sure (if that’s what you want) or a gen­tle build-​up. Other perks of glass sex toys include:

  • Super slick and min­i­mal fric­tion if you add lube
  • They warm up or cool down eas­i­ly for tem­per­a­ture play!
  • Body-​safe and easy to clean  — boil­able and dishwasher-safe
  • Lots of afford­able options!

Pipedream Products’ Icicles line can undoubt­ed­ly add some lux­u­ry to your toy box for under $50.

Let’s go into what makes the Icicles 87 and 39 so unique.

While the Icicles 87 is great for a quick POW-​POW-​POW, the Icicles 39 is a slow burner. 

Pipedream Icicles No. 87 Glass G-Spot Dildo With Suction Cup

What Is the Pipedream Icicles No. 87?

Consider the Pipedream Icicles No. 87 glass dil­do the “njoy Pure Wand lite.”

It’s fan­tas­tic at what it’s designed to do: deliv­er a potent and explo­sive quickie.

Pipedream Icicles No. 87 glass dildo with silicone suction cup. The silicone portion snaps over the glass base and has a bump at the bottom. The glass insertable portion is quite slender.

It’s a fuck­ing mis­sile for your G‑spot or prostate, giv­ing you focused, almost over­whelm­ing pres­sure. If you want one of the bold­est and best G‑spot dil­dos under $50, a curved glass dil­do like the Icicles No. 87 is the way to go.

Its sleek sil­hou­ette fea­tures a pro­nounced curve and slight­ly bul­bous tip — not quite a dra­mat­ic C‑shape, but for­mi­da­ble for G‑spotting. As a bonus, the angle is juu­ust right for deep­er pen­e­tra­tion along the A‑spot.

The Pipedream Icicles No. 87 also comes with a remov­able sil­i­cone suc­tion cup, which:

  • Gives you more posi­tions for hands-​free positioning
  • Makes it eas­i­er to grip (glass toys can get real­ly slippery!)
  • Has an ori­en­ta­tion nub to help you dis­cern which direc­tion the tip is facing

And, thanks to the flared base, the Pipedream Icicles No. 87 is anal-​safe and harnessable!

How Does It Feel in Use?

This intense dil­do is prac­ti­cal­ly a one-​and-​done deal for me. Once I get one or two orgasms in, it’s too much for me; I could prob­a­bly squirt with it if I were com­fort­able let­ting go.

… a potent and explo­sive quick­ie … a fuck­ing mis­sile for your G‑spot or prostate, giv­ing you focused, almost over­whelm­ing pressure. 

(For A‑spotting, the NS Firefly glass G‑spot wand is more intense, but the Icicles No. 87 is far more versatile.)

And with the suc­tion cup? Hoooooh boi. It’s only a lit­tle flex­i­ble, mean­ing there’s hard­ly any com­pro­mise to the glass’s intensity.

Pipedream Icicles No. 87 suction cup detached from the glass dildo

Once I get it at the right wall height, I can come via con­stant pres­sure. No thrust­ing or hip buck­ing is required. That can boost the sen­sa­tion, but it sure as fuck isn’t nec­es­sary for me!

I rec­om­mend detach­ing it from the wall before pulling it out, though. And tilt the han­dle toward your ventral/​belly but­ton side. Otherwise, the steep cur­va­ture could poten­tial­ly hook and snag onto your pubic bone upon exit.

Pipedream Icicles No. 87 Measurements

This dil­do has a swelling tip, nar­row neck, and flares back out towards the bot­tom of the shaft and base. It’s a lot like the njoy Pure Wand’s small end.

  • 6” total length
  • 5.5” insertable length
  • 1” max­i­mum diam­e­ter bulb
  • 0.6” min­i­mum diam­e­ter neck
  • 1.25” max­i­mum diam­e­ter at the bot­tom of the shaft
  • 2” base diameter
Shop the Pipedream Icicles No. 87 glass dildo.

Pipedream Icicles No. 39 Spiral Twist Glass Dildo Review

What Is the Pipedream Icicles No. 39?

If you love gen­er­ous­ly G‑spotty tex­ture, you’re in luck. The Icicles No. 39 is a screwy twist­ing dil­do with spi­rals that start rel­a­tive­ly small and grad­u­al­ly swell towards the bot­tom. It has a ring loop at the base, also mak­ing it anal-safe.

Superficially, the most com­pa­ra­ble dil­do in my col­lec­tion is the Crystal Delights Crystal Twist. In use, though, they’re pret­ty different!

Pipedream Icicles No. 39 spiral twist glass dildo in the sun. I love how the iridescent background reflects against the dildo's bumps and contours!

Also note­wor­thy: While the Pipedream Icicles No. 87 is ide­al for explo­sive quick­ies, the Icicles No. 39 is more for build­ing back-​to-​back orgasms over a more extend­ed session.

It takes some effort to find the opti­mal lever­age and align­ment, but once the ball’s rolling, I can go for anoth­er orgasm and anoth­er and another.

In the words of the rain­bow sponge lady, “That was one night I did not sleep. It is SO. HARD. TO STOP.”

Erogenous Zones the Pipedream Icicles No. 39 Stimulates

The Pipedream Icicles No. 39 is best for mod­er­ate G‑spotting with lin­ear jig­gling in place. If it’s the twist­ing sen­sa­tion you crave, though, I want your expec­ta­tions to be realistic.

Holding the Icicles No. 39 in my hand to show size relative to my wrist. It's definitely on the thin side.

Since there’s not much con­trast between the core and edges at the tip, I find that I have to insert the Pipedream Icicles No. 39 all the way before the heli­cal con­tours do any­thing for me. From there, I twist it in short motions back-and-forth.

Cue gasps and clench­es and shaking.

That was one night I did not sleep.

The sen­sa­tion feels dis­tinct­ly cli­toral, most­ly on my left side and on a diag­o­nal. The G‑spot isn’t its own bio­log­i­cal struc­ture but rather an area where you can eas­i­ly stim­u­late the inter­nal cli­toris and ure­thral sponge for your gratification.

With the Pipedream Icicles No. 39, it real­ly feels like you’re stroking the cli­toris from the inside.

It’s the wrong shape for deep pen­e­tra­tion for me, though. There’s no aim or direc­tion, feel­ing rather bland and tepid at the tip. If you have a shal­low cervix or are of size roy­al­ty, con­sid­er the Icicles No. 39 a bumpy but mild thrust­ing dil­do, rather than any­thing specialized.

Icicles No. 39 vs. Crystal Delights Crystal Twist?

Pipedream Icicles No. 87 spiral glass dildo vs. Crystal Delights Crystal Mini-Twist's spiral.

I thought that the Icicles No. 39 glass dil­do would be an afford­able dupe of the Crystal Twist, but I was wrong. They’re not even close; the Icicles 39 pales in com­par­i­son (at least, for vagi­nal use).

When it comes to sen­sa­tion, the Crystal Twist ramps up more girth, more quick­ly (1.6” vs. 1.25”). It shouts its inten­tions with its chest. I can come by squeez­ing around it. The Icicles No. 39’s gen­tler build may be fun for users who need dain­tier diam­e­ters or want to use it anal­ly, though. Your mileage will vary.

As for safe­ty con­sid­er­a­tions, Crystal Delights uses stur­dier glass than Pipedream’s Icicles line does. And that’s a big rea­son why some glass toy­mak­ers have high­er prices than oth­ers. (Not to men­tion Crystal Delights is an indie arti­san com­pa­ny, while Pipedream is a big manufacturer.)

The Icicles No. 39’s thin loop han­dle is what we’re con­cerned about break­ing when thrust­ing hard or apply­ing pres­sure. Proceed with care.

Pipedream Icicles No. 87 glass dildo loop handle.

In the mean­time, I’m going to wear the minia­ture plug ver­sion of the Crystal Delights Crystal Twist in my vagi­na and Kegel non­stop. I don't give a fuck; I'll have it inside me while out in pub­lic. That's how great it is.

Pipedream Icicles No. 39 Measurements

  • 6” insertable length
  • 8” total length
  • 0.5” min­i­mum tip diameter
  • 1.25” max­i­mum shaft diameter
  • 1.85” ring OD
  • 0.4” ring thickness

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed here are in my own words.

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3 Responses

  1. Lynn says:

    That black glass real­ly is stun­ning! The suc­tion cup on 87 is also quite impres­sive, they real­ly put some thought into that design.

  2. G says:

    anoth­er love­ly review!!

  3. Trix says:

    How cool that a suc­tion cup can work with glass! The 39 looks intrigu­ing thanks to the heli­cal sim­i­lar­i­ty to my beloved NoFrillDo R, at least in appearance…

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