Desirables Dalia porcelain G-spot dildo review

Centuries from now, archae­ol­o­gists will exca­vate my tomb and find sex toys. Thousands of sex toys— some entire­ly intact.

White Desirables Dalia porcelain G-spot dildo and its elegant packaging experience

My Blush Gaia Eco biodegrad­able vibra­tor might break down, but my njoy Pure Wand, Eleven, and Desirables Dalia will undoubt­ed­ly out­last me.

It's a trav­es­ty that I don't have many hard mate­r­i­al dil­dos (you can thank the UPS car­ri­ers for total­ing my glass col­lec­tion when I moved). Until Luvoqa sent me the Desirables Dalia, porce­lain dil­dos seemed too lux­u­ri­ous to be prac­ti­cal. Their gor­geous glazes and gild­ing often seemed more fit­ting of a dis­play cab­i­net than my vagi­na, espe­cial­ly if the shapes were bland.

Desirables Dalia G-spot porcelain dildo and LELO Mona silicone-coated G-spot vibrator comparison

Of course, the Dalia doesn't sole­ly have looks going for it. On one end, its hard but del­i­cate bulge is a clas­sic shape akin to the leg­endary LELO Mona. Its bend isn't as steep, but that's a plus in my book. I find the Dalia's milder curve more ver­sa­tile, able to nes­tle along my pubic bone's dip or go deeper.

Marvelous for A-spot and PFE zone stimulation

A closer look at the Desirables Dalia's pointier / fatter / more voluptuously curved end.

I'm always crav­ing a strong cer­vi­cal orgasm, and this dil­do deliv­ers shock­ing­ly well in that depart­ment. The first, intense orgasm snuck up rather abrupt­ly dur­ing part­ner use. I knocked my boyfriend's glass­es off while lurch­ing for­ward to grab on to him. Orgasms aplen­ty fol­lowed as the Dalia owned my front wall and cervix.

It's so firm and tar­get­ed that it doesn't need exces­sive length. Not when every­thing about the Desirables Dalia's fat­ter end is thought­ful­ly designed. The unglazed, mat­te fin­ish and hump grind up against my front wall for deep pres­sure and tac­tile stim­u­la­tion. Even with lube, the fin­ish pro­vides the Dalia with a lit­tle extra something-​something. It's a nice mid­dle ground between firm and smooth glass, and mat­te sil­i­cone.

But also, its tapered tip and mod­er­ate girth slide behind my cervix with pre­ci­sion. Not too blunt for a deep-​spelunking new­bie. The bulge is just fill­ing enough to direct the pres­sure, but aver­age enough to be an every­day dil­do for most users. And I can tilt it for­ward and aim the firm, point­ed tip at the sweet spot on my cer­vi­cal os from behind it. Oof, right where the Dalia belongs.

I wouldn't change any­thing about that end. Maybe a longer han­dle would be nice, but it's not necessary.

The Desirables Dalia's insertable length

Holding the Desirables Dalia porcelain G-spot dildo in my hand.

It reminds me of when an old friend inter­ro­gat­ed me, "Really? You pre­fer length for your cervix? But the vagi­na starts as 3 or 4 inch­es and length­ens to make room for the penis."

Sure, it's true that length doesn't mat­ter in absolute terms. But here's the thing: it's eas­i­er to aim an above-​average length dick against my cervix, in a vari­ety of positions.

Fingers are usu­al­ly suf­fi­cient because they're eas­i­er to con­trol and to tar­get. And sure, a 5‑inch bio-​cock can work for me if it's espe­cial­ly hard and angled just right, but it takes sub­stan­tial­ly more effort. It's just not as precise.

The Desirables Dalia is 7.5" long total. I'd grab prob­a­bly an inch and a half to use as a han­dle, leav­ing 6" insertable. As far as human cocks go, 6 inch­es usu­al­ly (but not always) works for me if my legs are pulled in toward my chest and my hips are tilt­ed. But ceram­ic is noth­ing like erec­tile tis­sue, of course, and the  Dalia's shape com­bines the perks of cocks and fingers.

G-spotting with the Dalia's other end

Desirables Dalia porcelain G-spot dildo vs. Je Joue Uma G-spot vibrator vs. Laid D1 silicone G-spot dildo

You can insert the slim­mer, straighter end of the Dalia, too, I guess, but that does noth­ing for me.

It gives me flash­backs to the Je Joue Uma's sim­i­lar (but slight­ly girthi­er) form. According to oth­er review­ers, it was osten­si­bly a per­fect G‑spot vibe for begin­ners. But for me, it missed the spot entire­ly if I didn't have the vibra­tions on.

I'm going to quote my Uma review because my expe­ri­ence with the Dalia's straighter end is uncan­ni­ly similar:

…my vagi­na tends to “suck” in the toy so that the shal­low­est, tight­est sec­tion of my vagi­na can wrap around the nar­row­est part of the neck. The girthi­est part then rests way deep­er in my vagi­na than where my G‑spot is.

For com­par­i­son, with the Laid D1, the rel­a­tive­ly uni­form girth lends itself bet­ter to thrust­ing … more pres­sure clos­er to my pubic bone. If I try to tilt the Uma back and thrust, it aims the force too far past my pubic bone to do any­thing pleasurable.

Pubic bones vary in shape, so of course pref­er­ences in G‑spotting head shapes do, too. I pre­fer the fat­ter end of the Desirables Dalia over the slim­mer end for G‑spotting, as well as over the Laid D1 and the Je Joue Uma.

That doesn't mean that the Dalia's dain­tier side is use­less for every­one, though. Even if it doesn't fit your G‑spot well, you can still use it for Kegel exercises.

Kegeling with the Desirables Dalia

More on the Desirables Dalia double-ended G-spot dildo's sloped / slimmer end.

Yes, you can insert dil­dos for Kegels! It's one of many fun ways to exer­cise your pelvic floor. Dildos are one way to add weight resis­tance to your work­out, though the down­side is that it's not prac­ti­cal to insert and "wear" it all day. (Though there are weights designed for that pur­pose!)

Because the Dalia is ceram­ic, I'd rec­om­mend squat­ting or kneel­ing over a plush (and clean) blan­ket or tow­el in case the dil­do falls out. It's 4.8oz, quite light­weight by my vagina's stan­dards. But because we all sneeze and laugh, I don't want to humor the pos­si­bil­i­ty of push­ing the dil­do out. Desirables under­stands that life hap­pens, though, so they have a 5‑year "Oops" pol­i­cy: send the mak­ers a pic­ture of your bro­ken Desirables dil­do, and they'll send a replacement.

Also, 4.8oz is a lot to some peo­ple, so I whol­ly advo­cate let­ting your hands bear some of the weight if that's what you need. Back in my ear­ly col­lege days, I've had ses­sions of hold­ing a glass dil­do or my njoy Pure Wand in my vagi­na while doing my hair and make-​up. I've also entered vagi­nal weightlift­ing con­tests, so you could say I'm a lit­tle biased.

Final thoughts on the Desirables Dalia

Desirables Dalia in lined box with "Merci!"/thank you and warranty card

Though min­i­mal­is­tic, this porce­lain dil­do comes in a thought­ful, clas­sic shape that won't go out of style any time soon. There's a rea­son the LELO Mona's form is renowned. And the Dalia adapts sim­i­lar char­ac­ter­is­tics into a non-​vibrating (but still ver­sa­tile) dildo.

The main down­side is that hand­made porce­lain toys don't come cheap. However, that's true of prac­ti­cal­ly any arti­san, hard mate­r­i­al sex toy.

If you want a hard dil­do for tem­per­a­ture play, but also want a slight­ly grab­by, mat­te fin­ish, then the Dalia is the crème da la crème.

A preview of the Desirables Dalia G-spot explorer's instruction manual and sexual exploration booklet.

A dil­do doesn't need to be elab­o­rate or rev­o­lu­tion­ary to do its job well. The Desirables Dalia is a delight­ful exam­ple of that. It's a sleek, sexy all-​arounder for those who love firm sex toys: G‑spotty, A‑spotty, love­ly for my PFE zone, and with good looks to turn me on.

You can find the Desirables Dalia porce­lain G‑spot dil­do at Luvoqa. Thank you to Luvoqa for send­ing me this piece of art for review. <3

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2 Responses

  1. JB says:

    I love firm/​hard dil­dos, but have nev­er tried porce­lain. I think I would real­ly enjoy the tex­ture of the material.

  2. Jimena says:

    Omg so elegant

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