6 Chrystalino Glass Dildos: Champ, Superior, Doubler, Stretch, Gallant, Seed

6 Chrystalino Glass Dildos: Champ, Superior, Doubler, Stretch, Gallant, Seed 1

Glass dil­dos look stun­ning and deliv­er some of the most intense stim­u­la­tion — often with a fan­tas­tic orgasm-​to-​price ratio. The key is to find one that’s the right shape for you and your hot spots.

Shots’ Chrystalino glass dil­do line is huge­ly var­ied — every­thing from pin­point G‑spot stim­u­la­tion to cervix mas­sage to gen­er­al dila­tion, and often for under $30. Plus, they’re fun for tem­per­a­ture play and easy to clean.

Add some luxe to your toy box for less. Here are just a few Chrystalino glass dil­dos I adore — compared.

Chrystalino Champ

Glass dildo great for cervix massage

The Chrystalino Champ Glass G-spot and prostate massage dildo is made of cobalt blue borosilicate glass. One end is hooked, serving as a handle and an anal-safe stopper. The other is like a flattened egg, offset to one side.

The Chrystalino Champ is one of my favorite dil­dos for explor­ing deep pen­e­tra­tion! Its front-​loaded (1.6” diam­e­ter) head is nice­ly off-​centered and tapered to slip behind the cervix into the pos­te­ri­or fornix.

The mod­er­ate girth and momen­tum mas­sages this lesser-​known eroge­nous zone, giv­ing me effort­less orgasms from pen­e­tra­tion alone. (Your mileage may vary. Don’t hes­i­tate to pair it with a deli­cious clit vibe!)

There’s plen­ty of length for most users (5.9 inch­es insertable), and the curved han­dle makes it easy to maneu­ver. Plus, it’s butt-​safe! You can use the Chrystalino Champ for G‑spot and prostate stim­u­la­tion alike.

It’s my cervix that appre­ci­ates the Chrystalino Champ most, though. And for less than $30, it’s one of the most cost-​effective tools you could try for going deep­er with vagi­nal penetration.

Chrystalino Champ cobalt blue glass G-spot and A-spot dildo review

Read my full Chrystalino Champ review for more about why I love it so much!

Take 10% off at Peepshow Toys with dis­count code SUPERSMASHCACHE

Chrystalino Superior

G‑spot and A‑spot beaded glass dildo

The Chrystalino Superior G-spot dildo is also a double-ended dildo. One is end is egg-shaped and centered, and the neck is slightly bent. The other end features two graduating swells for rippling textures.

The Chrystalino Superior fea­tures a gen­tle curve for A‑spotting. Rather than going behind the cervix, as with the Champ, the Superior’s spe­cial­ty is press­ing on the front vagi­nal wall. Its bul­bous heads and beads also eas­i­ly tes­sel­late along the pubic bone’s dip for easy G‑spotting.

The larg­er bulb on the Chrystalino Superior mea­sures 1.6” across, offer­ing plen­ty of stretch for many users. (Remember, firm glass is going to feel way more intense than a squishy sil­i­cone dil­do of the same size!) I also find that broad­er, less tar­get­ed G‑spot stim­u­la­tion lets me go for longer ses­sions with mul­ti­ple orgasms.

On the small­er end of the Chrystalino Superior, the beads are 1.3” max­i­mum diam­e­ter. It’s not quite pin­point, though, since the cur­va­ture and swelling are pret­ty sub­tle. Again, if I want to go for orgasms in rapid suc­ces­sion, the Chrystalino Superior’s shape is an effec­tive bal­ance of inten­si­ty and a slow burn.

You may also like the Pipedream Icicles No. 69 and 70 glass dildos

Those who want a more tar­get­ed wham-​bam G‑spot orgasm should con­sid­er the Icicles No. 69 and 70 glass dil­do, avail­able in pink and cobalt blue. Can you tell I’m biased towards the latter?

The Icicles No. 70 is a double-ended and S-curved glass dildo. One side has a steeper angle for G-spot, while the other has a gentler curve and gradual swell for massaging the cervix.

The Pipedream Icicles No. 69 and 70 fea­ture a deli­cious S‑curve that’s effec­tive for potent G‑spotting and cervix mas­sage. It’s less of a stretch than the Chrystalino Superior and more like a mis­sile for your front wall.

Read my full Pipedream Icicles No. 70 glass dil­do review.

Chrystalino Doubler

Pinpoint G‑spot/​prostate dildo and plug hybrid

The Chrystalino Doubler glass dildo and butt plug has one small end for prostate massage and the other for longer wear a sa butt plug

The Chrystalino Doubler also fea­tures a focused tip for pin­point G‑spot (or prostate) mas­sage that can make me damn near insta-​cum in sec­onds. Just tilt the head for­ward (towards the belly-​button side), pull until you feel some resis­tance, and jig­gle in place.

It’s not as intense as the njoy Pure Wand (and that’s the stan­dard by which every G‑spotting mis­sile is mea­sured), since there’s not as stark a con­trast between the head and neck, but it’s pret­ty dang close!

The Chrystalino Doubler’s small head mea­sures 1.25” across. On the oth­er end, there’s a clas­sic tapered, 1.4” wide bulb and flared base for safe anal inser­tion. So many options!

Consider also that the small tip makes it a bit more chal­leng­ing to hold in for weight­ed Kegel exer­cis­es. The Chrystalino Doubler dil­do weighs about 6.5 oz, a fun beginner-​to-​intermediate-​level weight. See my com­plete vagi­nal weightlift­ing guide to see oth­er toys you could try for a stronger pelvic floor!

Pipedream Icicles No. 80 black glass G-spot dildo with removable silicone suciton cup

You may also like the Pipedream Icicles No. 87 glass dildo

Same deal as the Chrystalino Doubler’s small end: the Pipedream Icicles No. 87 has a curved shaft, focused tip, and butt-​safe flare. The big draw, though, is that Icicles No. 87 has a sil­i­cone suc­tion cup base for mounting!

Read my full Pipedream Icicles No. 87 glass dil­do review.

Chrystalino Stretch

Slender, rippling glass anal beads

The Chrystalino Stretch fea­tures five beads that grad­u­al­ly ascend in diam­e­ter from 1” to 1.3” — noth­ing too wild, but also not for total butt begin­ners, either.

Chrystalino Stretch cobalt blue glass anal bead dildo with five gradual beads

It’s in the name: a way to stretch and warm up to more immense phal­lus­es for vagi­nal or anal insertion.(Make sure to boil or bleach and wash your toys thor­ough­ly first if you switch from ass to vag!)

I’d rec­om­mend the Chrystalino Stretch pri­mar­i­ly for anal use. Vaginally, I’d rec­om­mend some­thing with a slight curve if you’re going all the way in. That way, it's off­set so you can eas­i­ly go in front of or behind the cervix. Consider the Chrystalino Planets.

Chrystalino Seed

Fun for Kegel exercises and pompoir practice

The Chrystalino Seed weighs 5.5 oz and is quite a bit girthi­er than your stan­dard Kegel exer­cis­er. One end mea­sures 1.5” wide, and the oth­er 1.75”. Think of it as more for the feel­ing of the weight and stretch while you’re wear­ing it.

Chrystalino Seed girthy Ben Wa ball glass dildo for pompoir practice

Or, prac­tice con­trolled vagi­nal suck­ing and expelling motions with a bead­ed toy like this one. Pelvic floor exer­cis­es can go so far beyond “just” squeez­ing and tightening.

After going to Vegas as an adult for the first time and see­ing a show, I almost want to prac­tice shoot­ing ping-​pong balls out of my vagi­na. Who watch­es a per­former bounce one against a xylo­phone to play it and thinks, “I’ll take that a step fur­ther”? Me. I do.

Chrystalino Gallant

Harnessable A‑spot glass dildo

Honestly, I rarely grab the Chrystalino Gallant any­more, but I keep it around for nos­tal­gia pur­pos­es. It’s the glass dil­do that helped me dis­cov­er that I like A‑spot stim­u­la­tion a lot.

Chrystalino Gallant gently tapered cobalt blue A-spot glass dildo with harnessable and mountable base

The tapered tip slips in front of my cervix, and the for­ward tilt makes it eas­i­er to aim.

That being said, I rec­om­mend har­ness­ing or mount­ing the Chrystalino Gallant rather than hand-​thrusting it. My front wall is quite greedy for pres­sure, and grip­ping the base gets quite uncom­fort­able for my hand’s circulation.

Read my full Chrystalino Gallant review.

Chrystalino Champ and Gallant blue glass dildos side-by-side

Further reading

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6 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    That par­tic­u­lar shade of blue is one of my favorite blues and I think the gal­lant might be per­fect for play with one of my part­ners so I def­i­nite­ly need one or two of these.

  2. Alex says:

    It's great that Chrystalino offers so many dif­fer­ent shapes at such rea­son­able prices. I also love that dark blue col­ored glass, so pretty!

  3. Maria says:

    One of my first toys was a knock­off glass wand from Amazon, and it's still one of my favorites! It seems sim­i­lar to the Doubler but with more of a curve. I may need to try these out!

  4. Yam says:

    The glass beads looks sooooo enticing!

  1. February 10, 2022

    […] America makes many Chrystalino glass dil­dos, and the Champ is just one of them. Even though it’s straight-​shafted, its bul­bous head is […]

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