Shots Chrystalino Gallant Review: Cobalt Blue Glass A-Spot Dildo

Top view. The Chrystalino Gallant dildo's glass is a cobalt blue that refracts the sunlight. It's resting on a white table against tree bark.

Thanks to rad sex toys like the Chrystalino Gallant, I'm still find­ing new ways to awak­en my sex­u­al­i­ty, even 4 years into col­lect­ing them.

This glass dil­do fea­tures two swelling bulbs, about 1.4" at the widest diam­e­ter, and a tapered tip. It looks rather unas­sum­ing and slight in pic­tures, but I was tak­en aback by the heft when hold­ing it in my hand. The slight par­en­thet­i­cal curve is off-​centered and well-​shaped for a not-​so-​well-​known area along my front wall: the ante­ri­or fornix.

Acquainting My A-Spot

I love deep pen­e­tra­tion, espe­cial­ly behind my cervix (in the pos­te­ri­or fornix/​PFE zone). However, I had nev­er stim­u­lat­ed the area in front of my cervix (the AFE zone /​ A‑spot) in any mean­ing­ful way until this year.

Perhaps my biggest mis­con­cep­tion about my A‑spot was that stim­u­lat­ing it would mir­ror the way I stim­u­late my PFE zone. Stimulation in my PFE zone results from going all the way in, press­ing against my cervix. It seems that A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, at least for me, is inde­pen­dent of my cervix; I press on the front wall about an inch shal­low­er than where my vagi­na ends.

It wasn't until I used the Blush Novelties Avant D4 that I dis­cov­ered this dis­tinc­tion. The Avant D4 is an intense treat when I want to usurp orgasms from every inch of my front wall. If I want some­thing tar­get­ed for my A‑spot and less over­whelm­ing (read: no need for warm-​up), how­ev­er, that's where the Chrystalino Gallant dil­do comes in.

A Pointy Tip for A-Spot Precision

The Chrystalino Gallant has two bumps, a gentle curve, and a flared base. In this picture, it's resting on a porch.

Stimulating my A‑spot with the Chrystalino Gallant is a dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence from with the Avant D4. Both toys are bumpy and smooth, but that's about where the sen­sa­tions' sim­i­lar­i­ties end.

See, the main appeal of the D4 is that it's so chunky and rigid that the head's pro­nounced coro­nal ridge has nowhere else to go, but press against my A‑spot. The head and bumps are spaced apart. With the dil­do insert­ed almost all the way in, the sil­i­cone fin­ish drags a lit­tle against my G‑spot. However, the head's steep slope angles away from my A‑spot.

The tip of the Gallant comes to more of a point. Its bump doesn't jut out quite as sharply as the Avant D4's head, but it doesn't need to. The angling of the head itself is more than enough for me to get off on it quick­ly, with a lit­tle bit of fast, hard thrusting.

Gentle G-Spotting With the Gallant

The Chrystalino Champ and Chrystalino Gallant are hanging from a hammock chair.

The Chrystalino Gallant can be a good fit for some­one who wants some­thing mild­ly bul­bous, instead of a G‑spot-​assailing spe­cial­ist. Surprisingly, it I find that it works bet­ter for my G‑spot if I turn it so that the tip is angled towards my back wall. It's the sec­ond bump from the tip that I like press­ing into my G‑spot.

There's no drag, of course, but it's mod­er­ate­ly fill­ing with just enough vari­a­tion in the shape to feel the pres­sure change as the bulbs slide along my front wall.

Unlike with the Chrystalino Champ, the Gallant is more for tilt­ing towards my G‑spot and thrust­ing, rather than clench­ing around and jig­gling. For me, the Gallant mas­sages more sur­face area than the Champ does, thanks to the two bulbs.

I still like them both. For many peo­ple with vagi­nas, the Champ helps locate the G‑spot more eas­i­ly if they don't already know where it is. I'm already BFFs with my G‑spot, though, and know I don't need (nor even pre­fer) any­thing severe­ly hooked or dra­mat­i­cal­ly bulbed to stim­u­late my G‑spot. As such, I enjoy the Gallant's broad­er G‑spot stim­u­la­tion more.

Further Reading: 6 Chrystalino Glass Dildos, Ranked and Compared!

Shots Chrystalino Gallant Review: Cobalt Blue Glass A-Spot Dildo 1

The Chrystalino Gallant's Base Isn't Optimal for Solo Vaginal Play...

The Chrystalino Gallant has a flared base. In this picture, the dildo rests against a blue backdrop with clouds and stars.

For starters, the Gallant's rigid, flat and flared base is a pain in the ass to grip. Even with rigid sil­i­cone, at least a base of that shape would have some give. I can tol­er­ate the hard base because I come quick­ly with ade­quate pen­e­tra­tion. Someone else who takes longer might find that their hands hurt too much to pro­ceed and finish.

And because of the per­fect­ly round base and very slight curve, it's not always obvi­ous which side should face front. It's not  an issue if I'm in a well-​lit room; I can rotate the Chrystalino Gallant until I see its curved pro­file. However, I prob­a­bly wouldn't use the Gallant in the dark, con­trast­ing with its S‑curved cousin, the Chrystalino Champ, and the slight­ly slim­mer C‑curved Chrystalino Superior.

The rel­a­tive lack of dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion is also annoy­ing if it's already insert­ed. Glass slips and sides, mean­ing a round toy like the Gallant some­times rotates los­es aim. I can rotate it until it press­es against the right spot, but it'd be way faster with an asym­met­ric base. The teardrop bases on the Tantus Slow Drive and Sport are good examples.

...But It Is Anal-Safe and Harnessable

The Chrystalino Gallant sits between two candles, in front of a sunny windowsill. They cast elongated shadows.

Just because the Chrystalino Gallant's base isn't ide­al for the way I use it, doesn't mean it's not a good toy (espe­cial­ly for the price tag!). The full, flat base is friend­ly for har­ness play, rest­ing flush against the wearer's body, And as always, I can only rec­om­mend toys with flared bases for anal use; with­out a big base, a dil­do or plug could get lost inside one's rectum.

As well, since the glass's slick sur­face has very lit­tle fric­tion, a lit­tle lube goes a long way, even for anal play. I rec­om­mend a silicone-​based lube or hybrid lube for longevi­ty. They last longer than water-​based lube and are safe with glass toys, includ­ing plugs in the Chrystalino line.

Final Recommendations

The Chrystalino Gallant rests on a wood table in a grassy lakeside area.

All of the Chrystalino dil­dos and plugs are sexy cobalt can­dy for the eyes. And not only are they visu­al­ly appeal­ing, but the glass's rigid­i­ty and heft also make the Gallant and Superior's designs excel at deep penetration.

The Champ can reach my A‑spot, but it feels like too much of a broad, indef­i­nite blob for that pur­pose. I'd say it's bet­ter for pres­sure on my cervix from behind, rather than in front.

I used to think that the area in front of my cervix didn't respond to stim­u­la­tion, but I wasn't using the right toys for that pur­pose. The Chrystalino Gallant exceed­ed expec­ta­tions and end­ed up being my ante­ri­or fornix's favorite dil­do. It will always have a spe­cial place in my heart, no mat­ter how many sex toys I try. 

See also my com­par­i­son guide to a buu­u­unch of oth­er Chrystalino dil­dos!


I received the Chrystalino Gallant from Peepshow Toys in exchange for my hon­est review. All views expressed are entire­ly my own. Thank you, Peepshow Toys!

Shots Chrystalino Gallant Review: Cobalt Blue Glass A-Spot Dildo 2

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4 Responses

  1. Jeff says:

    We don't have a glass toy…yet. I like the shape of this one and the col­or is beau­ti­ful. I'love add it to the want list. Thanks for the review.

  2. Annie says:

    Glass toys are so pretty!

  3. Kalliopeia says:

    The blue glass is gor­geous! Materials that rigid are some­times dif­fi­cult in har­ness­es, but damn, it would be such a sexy look.

  4. Trix says:

    The blue is so gorgeous!

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