Category: Reviews

Fun Factory Be One Couples' Finger Vibrator Review 3

Fun Factory Be One Couples' Finger Vibrator Review

You'd be for­giv­en for expect­ing anoth­er glow­ing Fun Factory toy review, but their Be One fin­ger vibra­tor is the combo-​breaker. My vagi­na kept eject­ing their self-​​thrusting Stronic Real because it made me come so ridicu­lous­ly quick­ly and often —…

A Super Smashing Sex Toy Gift Guide: Find the Best Sex Giftable Toys! 4

A Super Smashing Sex Toy Gift Guide: Find the Best Sex Giftable Toys!

Sex toys are the clos­est thing to giv­ing some­one on-​​demand orgasms. But the options can get over­whelm­ing, even with­in Spectrum Boutique’s care­ful­ly curat­ed selec­tion. Here’s a list of my favorite plea­sur­able gifta­bles, to help nar­row down your choic­es. Some…