Review: 10-Setting Tongue-Shaped Clitoral Vibrator via BestVibe

Full lips and tex­tured tongue? Use the edge for pin­point stim­u­la­tion or enjoy shal­low pen­e­tra­tion with it.

[Image: BestVibe 10-function rechargeable silicone tongue-shaped vibrator review]

A tongue-shaped vibrator with texture and a flexible rim

This sil­i­cone tongue-​shaped vibra­tor allows the user to decide between pin­point and broad exter­nal stim­u­la­tion with the dot­ty tac­tile textures.

The actu­al "tongue" part is about 2.25" (5.51 cm) long, 1.75" (4.45 cm) across, and 2 cm thick at the base, taper­ing down to a round­ed edge. Because it's so chunky, though, it doesn't flap or oscil­late, nor does it have a motor designed for flick­ing. It's a vibra­tor, not an oral sex sim­u­la­tor.

The "lips" encir­cling the motor are about an inch thick and trans­mit vibra­tion for labi­al (read: cli­toral cru­ra) stim­u­la­tion. There's also a suc­tion cup base. Overall, its design reminds me of the Fleurotics Lily and Cal Exotics Slay Tickle Me, but bulki­er and (again) less fluttery.

First in-person impressions

Packaging & discretion (or lack thereof)

Unfortunately, the enve­lope says, "mas­sager" on the cus­toms label. It gave me flash­backs to when I was 16 and bought my first sex toys online. Those arrived with the slight­ly cringe-​worthy descrip­tion, "health care gadgets."

Once unwrapped, the tongue vibrator's actu­al box is min­i­mal: white card­stock with pic­tures of the prod­uct, text that reads, "FLEXIBLE TONGUE" (empha­sis theirs), and icons with short descrip­tors. My favorite is "INNOVATION DESIGN."

Material and flame test result

The pack­ag­ing also claims that this vibra­tor is made of "med­ical sil­i­cone," which sounds dubi­ous at this price. I doubt that the FDA test­ed the mate­r­i­al. Nevertheless, even if it's not medical-​grade, it is made of sil­i­cone and safe for exter­nal use. When I set fire to a small sec­tion of the vibra­tor, it set­tled down quick­ly and left behind pale gray ash.

The trans­par­ent ver­sion of their suction-​cupped tongue vibra­tor wouldn't have passed the flame test. 

How the flexible tongue vibrator feels in use

First things first: despite the lack of flut­ter, I like that the tongue is struc­tural­ly rein­forced for pin­point stim­u­la­tion with firm pres­sure. Second, I gen­er­al­ly don't like direct cli­toral fric­tion, but the tongue's bumps are sub­tle enough for me to rub and grind on, even with­out lube.

[Image: BestVibe 10-Function Rechargeable Silicone Tongue Vibrator next to faux orchid leaves]

The motor reminds me of the VeDO Bam Mini. It's high-​pitched and surface-​level, as expect­ed— but strong enough for me to orgasm. If you like buzzy vibra­tions (yes, I know there are oth­ers out there who do!), the pow­er is accept­able for the price. It gets the job done.

One but­ton con­trols the ten vibra­tion func­tions, which sounds great until you real­ize that there's no rhyme or rea­son to how they're ordered. Multi-​speed vibra­tors gen­er­al­ly start with the low­est steady set­ting. When you press the but­ton and tog­gle, it incre­men­tal­ly increas­es to the high­est, and then pat­terns before loop­ing back to the beginning.

But this vibrator?

Here's what I wrote in my notes about its settings…

  1. Steady
  2. Lower
  3. Lower wob­ble pattern
  4. Fast wave
  5. Fast wave but slight­ly longer pulses
  6. Steady low­er
  7. High with a slight wobble
  8. Also high but a bit less wobbly
  9. Slower stac­ca­to
  10. Highest

I just — what? Y THO. Why are the steady set­tings split up like that? The pat­terns menu is even more aggra­vat­ing than the Pink B.O.B. Alex's, and that's say­ing something.

My verdict on shopping at BestVibe for sex toys

Purely based on shape and vibra­tion strength, I don't hate the flex­i­ble tongue vibra­tor from BestVibe. It was the con­trol and set­ting options that ruined it. Most of my read­ers will want rum­bli­er vibra­tion qual­i­ty, but every body is different.

Just like there's an audi­ence for the VeDO Bam Mini, Fleurotics Lily, and Cal Exotics Slay Tickle Me, there's one for this toy. Maybe you love shal­low pen­e­tra­tion at the entrance. If that's you, you might love this tongue-​shaped vibra­tor.

This post was spon­sored. All opin­ions expressed are my own, as always.

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