Blush Novelties Realm Drago and Draken sword dildo review

I've accept­ed it at this point: I can­not and will not ever do jus­tice to the Blush Realm sword dil­do col­lec­tion. I'm not a fan­ta­sy geek at all, despite want­i­ng to dou­ble pen­e­trate myself with both Night King dil­dos.

Blush Novelties Realm Drago and Draken sword dildo review 1

Friends have giv­en me every opin­ion under the sun about the Game of Thrones sex scenes:

  • that I'd like them
  • that they're unpleas­ant­ly violent
  • that they're pointless
  • that many are nec­es­sary to the plot

As a sex blog­ger, if I ever watch the show, I'll feel oblig­at­ed to write a dis­ser­ta­tion on the mat­ter. It's like the self-​imposed expec­ta­tion that I write a lit­er­ary mas­ter­piece about the Blush Realm Draken and Drago, full of cul­tur­al ref­er­ences. When real­ly, I JUST WANTED TO HAVE A SWORD DILDO.

The Drago and Draken are separable parts

[Image: the Realm Draken and Drago are separate in this picture. The Draken dildo basically has two coronas. Like there's a bump about 1/3rd of the way down the shaft that's about as prominent.]

More specif­i­cal­ly, the Drago is the sword hilt, and the Draken is the drag­on dil­do that attach­es to it via a Lock-​On hole. The attach­ments are inter­change­able. If drag­on scales aren't your thing, you could pop on the 7.5" real­is­tic dil­do instead. Both options are avail­able as bun­dles, but you can use any Lock-​On dil­do with the han­dle. As well, you could skip the sword han­dle alto­geth­er and put a We-​Vibe Tango or Blush Exposed Nocturnal in the dil­dos' Lock-​On cavities.

Please lube up the peg before attaching

Tip: lib­er­al­ly apply corn starch or water-​based lube inside the dil­do first before insert­ing a Lock-​On peg OR a bul­let. Otherwise, you'll have a rough try­ing to detach them as I did. Whoops.

If you for­got to add lube, I have good news: the dil­do is not inevitably stuck for­ev­er. (WOW. I nev­er imag­ined writ­ing that in a review.) Pull the dil­do por­tion at a super steep angle to the side. There will be an open space in the bul­let cav­i­ty where you can pour a few drops of lube. Twist to spread it. Now repeat pulling the dil­do off at an angle. And again on the oth­er side. Keep alter­nat­ing to slow­ly wig­gle it off.

The Blush Realm Drago sword hilt

[Image: a close-up of the Drago sword dildo hilt and the dragons on either side.]

You're prob­a­bly here because the Drago caught your eye. It's about 11 inch­es long, and 7 inch­es across, with intri­cate detail­ing in 3D print­ed polyurethane. (DO NOT FUCK THE SWORD HANDLE.) The part you hold isn't sharp, but the drag­ons on the sides are. In use, you'll prob­a­bly want to turn the entire sword dil­do unit at an angle to avoid stab­bing the receiver's inner thighs. Apart from the aes­thet­ic, dil­dos with han­dles come with perks like the ease in angling.

What about the Draken dildo?

Straight-​shafted dil­dos have let my cervix down in the past. That's not as much of an issue with the Realm dil­dos— thanks to the han­dle, the 7" insertable length, the silicone's 18A Shore firm­ness. In oth­er words, it's dense and intense. And that's what I like. If you want­ed the Draken to be for­giv­ing, it's not for you.

The firm coro­na, sec­ond ridge, and scaly drag­on skin tex­tures are deli­cious for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion. Think tac­tile stim­u­la­tion— bor­der­line scratchy— over deep pres­sure. I pre­fer more macro and high-​relief bumps, hence my rav­ing about the Uberrime Night King. But if you're a sur­face slut who wants to go hard, you already know that the sen­sa­tion is more than worth the cleanup process. (I rec­om­mend boil­ing sil­i­cone dil­dos to dis­in­fect them.)

[Image: Blush Realm Drago and Draken sword dildo view from multiple angles]

My verdict on the Blush Realm Draken and Drago sword dildo

The Draken dil­do itself is high qual­i­ty for its afford­able price tag. But only you can decide for your­self whether the Drago sword hilt's nov­el­ty is worth the price. If so, con­sid­er get­ting the Draken and Drago as a bun­dle and take an addi­tion­al 10% off with coupon code, SUPERSMASHCACHE

Maybe you're a kinky LARPer. Perhaps you're like me and just had to have a sword dil­do to have a sword dildo.

Thank you to Peepshow Toys for send­ing me the Drago sword dil­do han­dle and Draken sil­i­cone drag­on dil­do attach­ment! I received them in exchange for my hon­est and freely giv­en opinion.

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