16 Sex Toy Hacks & Conversions Anyone Can Do!

Sex toys can be so much more than phal­lic dil­dos inside and mini-​vibes outside!

Here are 16 tips for con­vert­ing or improv­ing your toy box favorites. Mix it up and try some­thing new today!

Tips for dual stimulation and blended orgasms with a silicone dildo
Left to right: 1. Blush Avant D4 with Fun Factory NŌS, 2. Pris Toys Gemini, 3. Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger.

Dual Stimulation Tips

Add a vibrating cock ring to a dildo of your choice to make a custom “rabbit”-style vibrator:

Rabbit vibra­tors have to align with the user’s clit-​vag gap to ful­fill the promise of simul­ta­ne­ous, one-​handed exter­nal vibra­tion and inter­nal mas­sage. Every body is dif­fer­ent, and just because one dual stim­u­la­tor fits me doesn’t mean it will work for you.

If you put a vibrat­ing cock ring on a dil­do, you have more con­trol over fac­tors like:

  • The shape and size of the exter­nal massager
  • Penetration depth and G‑spotter targeting 
  • How strong you want the vibra­tions to be

Not sure where to start? Consider the fol­low­ing cock rings

For rumbly inter­nal vibra­tions, check out the Blush Impressions line.

Incorporate external clitoral stimulation by grinding on a long, squishy dildo’s textures:

Even if you’re not a fan of deep pen­e­tra­tion, you can still enjoy lengthy dil­dos. Bend and align the shaft of an intense­ly bumpy toy to the cli­toris or balls and do long, slow thrusts. The Uberrime Night King and A‑Spot Avenger are among my favorites for this pur­pose.

Turn a rabbit vibrator or dual stimulation dildo around for double penetration:

It’s true: you can use rab­bit vibra­tors for dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion, pro­vid­ed the prongs are:

  • Flexible
  • Closely spaced
  • Relatively straight

One exam­ple of a dil­do you can do that with is the Pris Toys Gemini.

A penis masturbation sleeve on a vibrating wand head and a stroker used as a penetration depth buffer on a dildo
Left to right: 1. Glow-​in-​the-​dark Bodywand mas­sager with Tenga Easy Beat Egg, 2. Blush Neo Elite GLOW Omnia dil­do with NS Firefly Moon mas­tur­ba­tion sleeve

Expanding Your Pleasure

Turning sleeves inside-​out to add texture and squish to wand heads:

You can undoubt­ed­ly get soft sil­i­cone wand caps to grind against the sur­faces. Masturbation sleeves, though, can be used for a sim­i­lar pur­pose. While they don’t last as long, they tend to be even squishi­er and cheap.

Put a dildo base cushion around a clit vibe to make a squishy humping toy:

Want an upgrade from rid­ing a pil­low? Slip a BumpHer or Shagger over a mini-​vibe (like the We-​Vibe Tango or Hot Octopuss Amo) for vibra­tion and squishy cli­toral massage. 

Try dilator kits for anal training or butt plugs for relaxing one’s vagina:

Dilator kits and butt plugs are both fan­tas­tic options for get­ting com­fort­able with pen­e­tra­tion. While plugs are made for long-​term wear, sil­i­cone dila­tor kits with flared bases are a super afford­able way to sam­ple many dif­fer­ent girths when thrusting.

(Make sure to boil or dis­in­fect sil­i­cone toys before switch­ing from ass to vag!).

Use extension sleeves on fucking machine attachments:

Just imag­ine a dual-​density self-​thrusting dil­do. That’s what I did by putting the VixSkin Colossus on the Velvet Thruster Teddy.

bananapants b.cush silicone dildo base buffer and grinder, We-Vibe Tango bullet, and bananapants BumpHer
Left to right: 1. banana­pants b.cush, 2. We-​Vibe Tango, 3. banana­pants BumpHer

Comfort & Ease of Use

Use a cock ring for added grip (especially with glass or steel dildos!):

Glass and steel dil­dos can get slip­pery, espe­cial­ly with lube. Use a sil­i­cone cock ring or stro­ker to add a lit­tle grip.

Incorporate a stroker to buffer penetration depth for the receiving partner:

If you don’t enjoy deep pen­e­tra­tion, you have the penis-​owning (or strap-​on-​wearing) part­ner wear a buffer. The OhNut was explic­it­ly made for that pur­pose, but you can also exper­i­ment with using a sil­i­cone sleeve for the same thing. Try the NS Firefly Moon stro­ker, cut in half.

Try a Sili Saddle or Bumpher to cushion vulvar pressure (e.g., when wearing a harness or dry-humping):

If you’re sen­si­tive to pelvic pain from every­day pres­sure, some­thing like a Sili Saddle or Bumpher can serve as a bar­ri­er, or a stim­u­la­tor, depend­ing on how you use it. I liked squish­ing such toys between my vul­va and a partner’s penis while dry-humping.

Try different shapes of suction cups for riding:

If you have a dil­do with a bul­let cav­i­ty, Tantus’s suc­tion cup acces­so­ry can serve as an adapter to make a mount­able dil­do. For dil­dos with flat bases, try a double-​sided suc­tion cup.

Zip tie cum tubes to keep them tidy:

This sug­ges­tion is quite a niche top­ic. Cum tubes on ejac­u­lat­ing dil­dos can be long and cum­ber­some. Wind them up and tie them in place to keep the excess out of the way.

Safer sex tips with condoms and gloves - fingering when you have long nails!

Sexual Health & Body Care Tips

Put lube in a (clean!) soap dispenser:

Epiphora, the sex blog­ger, 100% gets cred­it for this idea. Not only did she put lube in a pump dis­penser, but she also used an auto­mat­ed one for lux­u­ri­ous­ly breezy, contact-​free re-​lubing.

Keep a spray bottle or cup of water around to re-​wet the lube:

Lube that’s free of the most com­mon irri­tants tends to dry out faster and get gum­my. You don’t have to set­tle for the tack­i­ness, though!

Just spritz the area with water to reac­ti­vate. (Heads up: The spray can feel quite cold!)

Stuff gloves with cotton balls to cushion long nails:

You don’t have to trim your nails to fin­ger some­one safe­ly. Put cot­ton balls in a glove’s fin­ger­tips — enough to cov­er nails’ sharp edges. Voilà! No scratch­es here.

Convert a condom to a dental dam:

In a pinch and want to keep it tidy dur­ing cun­nilin­gus or rimming?

  • Take a condom.
  • Unroll it.
  • Snip the tip.
  • Cut along the sides of the “cylin­der” formed.

Now you have a rec­tan­gle to use as an easy bar­ri­er for oral sex.

Closing thoughts

It’s easy for me to get into a rut of lying on my back and using one toy at a time. I don’t have to lim­it myself, though.

The com­bi­na­tions of sex toys and ways to use them are end­less. This list is only the begin­ning of my exper­i­men­ta­tion. What’s your favorite sex toy “hack”/conversion?

16 Sex Toy Hacks & Conversions Anyone Can Do! 1

[I wrote this post for SheVibe's blog! You can find the orig­i­nal ver­sion there.]

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12 Responses

  1. Darla says:

    I real­ly like to use Lovehoney's Happy Rabbit Rechargeable Silicone Rabbit Cockring as it's nev­er let me down. Futhermore it's more afford­able than the oth­ers and cur­rent­ly on sale for $12 on Lovehoney's site. It's my go to vibrat­ing cock ring when I am in the mood for using one of my sil­i­cone dil­dos. If I'm using it with Tantus dils I just have to use more lube to get it on and off.

  2. B R says:

    Great ideas. Thanks.

  3. Cam says:

    The adding the ring to glass items is a great idea, espe­cial­ly if some­one has dis­abil­i­ties and couldn’t hold slip­pery items as well

  4. J says:

    Great tips! Esp. love the tip for extra grip by using a cockring.

    The dou­ble sided suc­tion cup has bad reviews by the way. The one from Lustarts, Sinnovator and Deepfantasies might be bet­ter. Lustarts also sells a thruster han­dle with dou­ble sided suc­tion cup. I nev­er liked dildo's with pins inside, I can feel the pin if the sil­i­cone is squishy.

    • Yeah, I know. I like the Lust Arts one bet­ter, but this arti­cle was orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten for SheVibe, so I was most­ly talk­ing about prod­ucts in their shop

  5. Ravenna says:

    I put a WeVibe Tango inside the base of any of my favorite Tantus dil­dos and use LoveHoney's Happy Rabbit Cockring on the Tantus dil­do to receive the inter­nal vibra­tions and inter­nal tex­tur­al stim­u­la­tion from the dil­do while also stim­u­lat­ing my clit. I have also mount­ed my Tantus Magma onto their suc­tion cup and use my Magic Wand to vibrate the base while rid­ing it. Whatever works…right?!?!

  6. Alex says:

    Using a cock ring to make a cus­tom rab­bit style toy is a real­ly good idea. It can be so dif­fi­cult for peo­ple to find a rab­bit toy that fits their anato­my, this is a great way to work around that problem.

  7. Trix says:

    I think my com­ment from last week got eat­en somehow…besides the stuff I men­tioned in my NS Firefly sleeve review com­ment, I also use G‑spot vibes exter­nal­ly most of the time. I heard a good tip about using the stem of a Pure Plug for penile shaft tem­per­a­ture play, but haven’t tried it…

  8. Maria says:

    I have nev­er thought of using a sleeve inside out to grind on! And they are so cheap, it's worth giv­ing it a try!

  9. D. Dyer says:

    I am not sure why it nev­er occurred to me to use a cock ring on my glass toys for grip but it’s a bril­liant idea, thanks.

  10. Shawn Stover says:

    Wow, thank you for the awe­some ideas to try!

  11. Yam says:

    I love putting c rings on my dildos!

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