Hot Octopuss Atom Vibrating Cock Ring Review

The sooner I review the Hot Octopuss Atom cock ring, the sooner I am free from the misery of testing it.
Hot Octopuss Atom Vibrating Cock Ring Review 1

My boyfriend's and my griev­ances toward it prob­a­bly peaked when I glared at him, and he respond­ed, "I can't stay hard if I can tell you're not hav­ing fun."

Photo of me holding the Hot Octopuss Atom vibrating cock ring in my hand. It has a raised contour to fit between the labia, against the clitoris.

What the Atom Cock Ring Is Supposed to Do vs. What It Actually Does

Our expe­ri­ence sounds anti­thet­i­cal to the pur­pose of a cock ring, which is to make erec­tions hard­er and orgasms stronger. In prac­tice, the Hot Octopuss Atom sucks the fun out of inter­course for me. And, see­ing my dis­plea­sure, my boyfriend goes flac­cid every time. I thought the Atom would be the bomb, but it straight up bombed.

Above all, the Atom packs a punch as a solo vibra­tor but sucks as a cou­ples' toy— at least for my anato­my. Your mileage may vary.

A closer view of the Hot Octopuss Atom vibrating cock ring's bump and

It's intu­itive to think that a cock ring with a bulky vibrat­ing com­part­ment is rum­bli­er than with a petite one.  However, if it's so clunky it can't press against my cli­toris effi­cient­ly dur­ing inter­course, then the vibra­tions don't count for shit. With the Hot Octopuss Atom, I am SOL.

The Hot Octopuss Atom's Shape

The Atom cock ring is so bulky that, when my boyfriend wears it, I can't use the entire length of his penis.

The Hot Octopuss Atom cock ring's vibrating compartment has an awkwardly bulky slope

You see how the vibrat­ing box slopes and increas­es in depth as you move towards the out­side edge? Well, thanks to that slope, I'd have to angle my boyfriend's penis away from my cervix to get any plea­sur­able cli­toral con­tact. If I want him to mas­sage my cervix, I'd have to angle the ring vibra­tor away from my clitoris.

Despite the raised con­tour designed to fit between my labia, the Atom's shape is unin­tu­itive for me to grind against my clit. I'd have to use such dain­ty thrusts that my boyfriend would lose his erec­tion from the lack of stroking— the long strokes that I would pre­fer. The Hot Octopuss Atom gets in the way for both of us.

Hot Octopuss Atom cock ring close-up of the Hot Octopuss logo

Beyond hav­ing to mod­i­fy our thrust­ing style, anoth­er down­side is that the vibra­tor doesn't have any defined edges for me to tar­get the stim­u­la­tion. It's so round, flat, and "meh" in the cri­te­ria that would have made the most sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ence to me.

How Are the Atom's Vibrations?

The Hot Octopuss Atom is one of the cas­es where vibra­tion strength is sec­ondary to shape. Hot Octopuss as a brand has con­sis­tent­ly rumbly and starry-​eye-​inducing vibra­tions. Hot Octopuss's Pulse III Solo makes my boyfriend come hard as he looks into my eyes and watch­es me using the Atom on myself and com­ing even harder.

The Atom's vibra­tions had so much potential.

Its top speed is com­pa­ra­ble in strength to but rum­bli­er than my beloved BMS Pillow Talk Sassy, and its con­trols are way bet­ter. For that rea­son, I can't say I would have been upset about buy­ing it.

Overall Verdict on the Hot Octopuss Atom

But just like a rab­bit vibra­tor isn't shit if it can't romance my clit, I have no use for the Atom as a cock ring. The Hot Octopuss Atom is a cou­ples' toy when my boyfriend or I hold it against my clit. However, if you're look­ing for hands-​free cli­toral stim­u­la­tion dur­ing inter­course, this isn't it.

Hot Octopuss Atom powerful vibrating cock ring vs. Picobong Remoji Lifeguard

Even the rel­a­tive­ly weak Picobong Remoji Lifeguard (men­tioned in my Vibrating Cock Rings 101) works bet­ter dur­ing penis-​in-​vag because of its more stream­lined and tar­get­ed shape. After test­ing the Atom, using the Lifeguard was a sigh of relief for both my boyfriend and me.

Every time he wore the Atom dur­ing inter­course, it con­sid­er­ably spoiled our mood for the fol­low­ing few hours. The irri­ta­tion lin­gered. But that's okay; we suf­fered through it so that you wouldn't have to.

Thank You, SheVibe!

Shop at SheVibe

SheVibe sent me the Hot Octopuss Atom cock ring in exchange for my hon­est and freely-​given review. The fact that I received it as a mar­ket­ing sam­ple doesn't change my opin­ion on it— as always, I tell the truth if I don't like a toy or worse, think it belongs in hell's incin­er­a­tor.

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2 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    This seems to be an unfor­tu­nate­ly com­mon prob­lem with vibrat­ing cock rings, at least for my anato­my, some of them make fan­tas­tic fin­ger vibes but just haven’t found one I actu­al­ly liked for penis in vagi­na intercourse.

  2. B R says:

    Thanks again for anoth­er mon­ey, time and aggra­va­tion sav­ing review. We have a vibrat­ing cock ring and have real­ly enjoyed it. I was think­ing that maybe anoth­er one would be fun — now I know it's not this one

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