Velvet Thruster Prime Edward Self-Thrusting Dildo Review + 5 Reasons to Love It!

Could it be?! Perfection in sex toy form? A longer, curved Velvet Thruster hand­held fuck­ing machine, explic­it­ly built for deep pen­e­tra­tion and effort­less cer­vi­cal orgasms?

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward self-thrusting dildo with suction cup

My warm pussy clench­es in delight just think­ing about it. An auto­mat­ed 140 strokes per minute that some­how still feel like fucking?

The new Edward attach­ment pops onto Velvet Brands’ flag­ship wham-bam-oh-gosh-oh-fuck-thank-you-ma'am Thruster Prime machin­ery and gives 8 inch­es of insertable length. Plus, there's a sli­i­i­ight tilt along the shaft, curved for extra pres­sure on the front wall.

Are you the type to text, “Remix my guts, bby,” first thing in the morn­ing dur­ing ovu­la­tion week? Do you love hav­ing your insides rearranged? I do. And if you do, too, you'll adore the Velvet Thruster Prime Edward. Lube, mount, insert, turn on, and let your eyes glaze over for an orgasm or two or twenty-​nine. It gets the job done so quick­ly for this pil­low princess.

In oth­er words, the Prime Edward is almost every­thing I like about fuck­ing machines in a com­pact, self-​contained pack­age. Why “almost”?

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward next to VixSkin Colossus, suction cup, and long reach handle

Because we'll talk about the dil­do itself, the intense motor, mods, and attach­ments, too!

Here are five things to love about the Velvet Thruster Prime Edward, from tip to tail. HEADS UP: you can take 25% off your entire order at the Thruster with dis­count code SUPER25 <3

1. Edward's head goes deeper

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward curved compact fucking machine for deep penetration

I wrote five years ago about the Velvet Thruster Jackie:

"It's every­thing I love about cer­vi­cal stim­u­la­tion, but quick­er and more exact. It's the dif­fer­ence between pow­der cocaine and crack. I get all of the heart-​eyes-​emoji feel­ings … This hand­held fuck­ing machine is the clos­est any toy I've tried has come to feel­ing like intercourse.”

Now we have the Velvet Thruster Prime Edward, tak­ing that even fur­ther — my new favorite self-​thrusting dil­do. Its slight cur­va­ture and exag­ger­at­ed length do the fol­low­ing way bet­ter than the original:

  1. Massage the cervix if you bot­tom out
  2. Rub the deep front wall if you go into the ante­ri­or fornix
  3. Press against the inter­nal clitoris
  4. Combine the above and blur the A‑spot and G‑spot togeth­er with con­sis­tent, ded­i­cat­ed strokes.

The entire front of my vagi­na turns into one big hot spot. Aiming is effort­less. I love feel­ing the boun­ti­ful, buttery-​smooth sil­i­cone against my walls and grip­ping against the veins.

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward Self-Thrusting Dildo Review + 5 Reasons to Love It! 1

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward Measurements

The Edward top­per is one of the longest Velvet Thruster Prime attach­ments. It mea­sures 2” more than the orig­i­nal Velvet Thruster Jackie.

It's flex­i­ble at the last 3 inch­es or so and a lit­tle soft­er than the pre­vi­ous Velvet Prime heads. The Prime Edward still very much feels like a mass-​manufactured sil­i­cone dil­do (because it is) but has juu­u­ust a lit­tle (about an inch-​and-​a-​half of the shaft) hol­low­ness for slight pliability.

A closer look at the corpus spongiosum on the underside and the stylized but defined frenulum

Here are the Velvet Prime Edward's specs:

  • 8” insertable length
  • 1.6” max­i­mum diameter
  • 13.5” long overall
  • 3” stroke length
  • Up to 140 strokes per minute
  • Shore 14A-​ish silicone
  • 2” wide at the handle
  • 3.2” deep across the “balls.”
  • 3‑button con­trol panel
  • 24 oz. with the suc­tion cup base

Its com­bi­na­tion of length, cur­va­ture, and bend­abil­i­ty bot­tom me out just right. If you love deep pen­e­tra­tion and end­less orgasms, the Velvet Prime Edward was made for you.

Use my Velvet Thruster coupon code, SUPER25 for 25% off.

I'm actu­al­ly… real­ly impressed at how much Velvet Brands man­aged to con­dense the com­po­nents over the years.

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward self-thrusting dildo with accordion shaft, stylized testes-like battery compartment, and removable suction cup

2. A compact, handheld fucking machine

These self-​thrusting dil­dos orig­i­nat­ed as a rel­a­tive­ly dis­creet, travel-​friendly alter­na­tive to cord­ed fuck­ing machines, diverg­ing in the fol­low­ing traits:

  • Overall size — Velvet Thrusters are com­pact, fit­ting eas­i­ly in a back­pack or large purse, and com­pli­ant with the TSA's lim­its for stow­ing in the seat in front of you. (Yup, I've done it. Going beyond a 7” vibra­tor on an air­plane is no prob­lem — though an 11” stain­less steel dil­do may be clas­si­fied as a club or bludgeon.)
  • Lightweight - The Velvet Thruster Prime Edward only weighs a pound-​and-​a-​half, even with the suc­tion cup added. For com­par­i­son, the Kink Power Banger weighs 5 pounds.
  • Rechargeable - This lithium-​ion bat­tery allows you to go cord­less and unteth­ered. Roleplay a ménage à trois while camp­ing in a tent with one part­ner and the Velvet Thruster, if that's your kind of thing.
  • Affordable (rel­a­tive­ly speak­ing) — Full-​on fuck­ing machines will run you about $400. Build your Velvet Prime for about half of that with my coupon code, SUPER25

Choose the Velvet Thruster Prime Edward or some­thing else — shown below is the Velvet Thruster Prime Sammie XL.

Yeah, it's still with­in the realm of lux­u­ry sex toy pric­ing, but you get what you pay for here: an ample and realistic-​feeling stroke length that pow­ers through.

My walls tend to stop cheap­er thrusters. And the Velvet Prime might slow down a lit­tle, but it keeps fuck­ing even when I'm clench­ing dur­ing orgasm or hit­ting my ceil­ing repeatedly.

The Velvet Thruster Prime does so much and strips down the action to its core with­out com­pro­mis­ing much on pow­er or longevity.

3. Its thrusting is intense

140 strokes per minute in such a small pack­age is a huge fuck­ing deal.

How does the Velvet Thruster mechanism work?

If it seems like a pow­er tool on paper, that's because it's sim­i­lar on the inside. (It sounds some­what like one, too, but the noise lev­el is fair for what it is: an ultra pow­er­ful thrust­ing sil­i­cone dildo.)

Velvet Thruster Prime machinery under silicone layer

Think of the Velvet Thruster as mod­i­fy­ing a rec­i­p­ro­cat­ing saw's bar­rel cam for plea­sure. You can imag­ine a screw get­ting pushed in the more you turn it, yes?

Diagonal grooves wrap around a Velvet Thruster's inner spin­ning bar­rel like that. And the out­er hard shell traces those screw­ing path­ways to con­vert the torque into lin­ear push­ing.

How does it feel?

Yum. As I've writ­ten in the past, “There are ten speeds, and the fastest set­ting is my favorite for vagi­nal use. That way, the tip stays in con­tact with my cervix for longer.” Eject oxytocin.

How much juice does its battery have?

Velvet Thrusters all con­tain 12V bat­ter­ies (as of the day this post was writ­ten). The Velvet Prime mod­el holds the biggest of all of them, at 1200mAh, deliv­er­ing (in Velvet Brands’ words) an “extra long-​lasting bat­tery to sup­port high torque output.”

In lay terms: you get a good time for a long time. 30 min­utes of charg­ing gets you 8 hours of use and 300 stand-​by hours.

Velvet Thruster Mini Teddy next to original Jackie next to Prime Sammie XL
Left to right: Velvet Thruster Mini Teddy TX vs. orig­i­nal Jackie vs. Prime Sammie XL

Velvet Thruster Prime vs. Teddy

The Velvet Thruster mini Teddy TX and GS are the “lite” ver­sion, with:

  • A short­er stroke length (2.5” vs. 3”)
  • Slightly slow­er top speed (128 strokes per minute vs. 140)
  • No cus­tomiz­abil­i­ty (suc­tion cup and one dil­do shape are per­ma­nent­ly fixed on the unit)
  • A small­er bat­tery (800mAh, 20 min­utes of charge, 4 hours of play)
  • A small­er price tag! If one mini-​thruster is all you need, have at it!

4. The Velvet Thruster Prime is modular

Velvet Thruster Prime, Edward attachment, VixSkin Colossus, straight handle, suction cup

If you want to get spe­cif­ic about your Velvet Prime's fea­tures, you can choose the dil­do attach­ments at the top, and the posi­tion­ing tools at the bottom.

Let's say you're not in the mood for the Velvet Thruster Prime Edward one day. You can swap it for one of the fol­low­ing attach­ment heads:

  • Sammie XL — 8” long, super thick, almost 2” across. It's a crowd-​pleaser over on my Instagram.
  • Frankie - Quadruple-​crowned, wicked­ly ridged at the tip, and so much fun to clench around.
  • Nanci - Sculpted to hook against the G‑spot and focus pin­point pres­sure on it with the hard edge. Of course, I love it for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion — I helped design it.
  • Walter - Gradual self-​thrusting beads (usu­al­ly bought for anal use)
  • Jackie — An average-​sized semi-​realistic dil­do 6” long by 1.5” wide will work for most.
  • Auto-​Solo - Not a thruster per se, but a self-​propelled stroker!

See my Velvet Prime attach­ment com­par­i­son and rank­ing post for more in-​depth thoughts on how they feel in use!

Velvet Thruster Prime Frankie Edward Sammie
Left to right: Velvet Thruster Prime Frankie, Prime Edward, Prime Sammie, and VixSkin Colossus exten­der. Note that the Frankie's insertable length is quite a bit less than the Edward and Sammie.

You can also screw in dif­fer­ent posi­tion­ing aids to the base.

Velvet Thruster Prime base screw port, suction cup, and handle

Since the Velvet Thruster takes out the bulki­est part of a fuck­ing machine — the frame — you'll want to get cre­ative and find some­thing to push up against.

  • Suction cup - self-​explanatory; stick it to smooth surfaces. 
    • Use the suc­tion cup for sit­ting on or rid­ing it
    • Mount it on the wall and back up against it on your hands and knees
    • Sticking it on a mir­ror while my legs pull it against me
    • By far my favorite Velvet Prime base attachment
  • Angled reach han­dle — makes it eas­i­er to grip the loooong unit solo and sta­bi­lize the base
  • Long reach han­dle — ini­tial­ly cre­at­ed for a part­ner to hold by hand, but also used for mounting

5. Go further with mounts and mods

Hungry for more? Here are even more ways to max­i­mize your Velvet Thruster Prime's ver­sa­til­i­ty.

Add a VixSkin Colossus exten­sion sheath to make it suu­u­per girthy (like, 2.1” diam­e­ter girthy) and flesh­like on the out­side. Once that's inside me, I'm gone. I am on anoth­er plan­et, anoth­er dimen­sion, just men­tal­ly not on this plane.

Screw in the straight, long-​reach han­dle and slot the unit into the Liberator Wanda wand mount. That's two pow­er tools you can mount using the same cush­ion. Alternatively, slot the suc­tion cup base into the Liberator Wing mount

…or strap it on for use on a part­ner. Due to the toy's bulk, you wouldn't be hip-​to-​hip, but work­ing with the posi­tion­ing chal­lenge could be fun. If you're top­ping, your face will like­ly be a bit low­er down, pos­si­bly for kiss­ing your partner's chest or even low­er. Maybe role­play being a robot­ic fuck doll.

Closing Thoughts Velvet's Prime Edward

Use the Velvet Thruster Prime Edward alone, with a part­ner, while lis­ten­ing to audio porn, while watch­ing VR porn, while on top of it, while on your back, at home, or on vaca­tion. Its mod­u­lar­i­ty, ver­sa­til­i­ty, and pow­er offer so many ways to cum.

Effortless cer­vi­cal orgasms and deliri­ous­ly deep pen­e­tra­tion are at my fin­ger­tips. Those veins, that curved shaft and tip against my open­ing. Going deep­er, bash­ing my cervix, remix­ing my guts, tak­ing me to an altered state of consciousness.

The Velvet Thruster Edward compact handheld fucking machine and self-thrusting dildo is 8" insertable length and has a slight curve at the tip

The Velvet Thruster Prime Edward offers an unpar­al­leled sex­u­al expe­ri­ence with its pow­er­ful thrust­ing, ver­sa­tile attach­ments, and com­pact design. If you're in the mar­ket for a new self-​thrusting dil­do, this one is the best of its class.

Every long Velvet Thruster Prime attach­ment (Sammie XL, any­one?) feels incred­i­ble, but the Edward is a fan­tas­tic fit for those who love to go deep.

Timeline of Velvet Thruster History

It's been a while since I solo fea­tured a new Velvet Thruster in a blog post. Here's what's hap­pened since the first review I wrote for Velvet Brands — con­sid­er it an abridged history

2017 launch: Original Velvet Thruster Jackie, Frankie, Walter, Abbey

  • 3” range of motion and up to 140 strokes per minute.
  • The orig­i­nal base unit has been discontinued.
  • Abbey back then fea­tured ver­ti­cal ridges galore. This ver­sion of the Abbey has been dis­con­tin­ued, as well.
VixSkin Colossus, Velvet Thruster Mini Teddy, and original Jackie
Left to right: Sliquid Sassy lube, Vixskin Colossus exten­sion sheath, Velvet Thruster Mini Teddy TX, and orig­i­nal Jackie (now discontinued)

2019 launch: Velvet Thruster Mini Teddy TX

  • Smaller 2.5” range of motion and up to 125 strokes per minute
  • Overall more com­pact than the orig­i­nal Velvet Thruster
  • Smaller bat­tery (800mAh), 20 min­utes of charge, 150 min­utes of play
  • Shorter insertable length (5")
  • More afford­able!

2020 launch: Velvet Thruster Prime base unit + attach­ments + new mini thrusters

  • Velvet Prime brought back the orig­i­nal Velvet Thruster's pow­er and 3” stroke length 
    • Jackie, Frankie, and Walter's heads retained their orig­i­nal shapes
    • These dil­do top­pers could be popped on and off the new unit
    • New G‑spotty Abbey (sculpt­ed by yours tru­ly) and thick XL Sammie heads for Velvet Thruster Prime
    • New posi­tion­ing aids: suc­tion cup, angled long reach han­dle, partner-​use handle
  • New mini Teddy GS (G‑spotty) and Teddy XL (extra length) models 
    • Same “guts” as Teddy TX but with dif­fer­ent dil­do toppers
Velvet Thruster Prime self-thrusting dildo handheld fucking machine attachments
Left to right: Velvet Thruster Prime Nanci head, mini Teddy TX, Prime Frankie top­per, orig­i­nal Jackie (now dis­con­tin­ued), Prime Walter dil­do attach­ment, and Prime Sammie XL

2021: Velvet Thruster Mini Universal launch + Velvet Prime Nanci re-launch

  • The Mini Thruster Universal's tip pops into a dil­do with a Vac-​U-​Lock port in the base 
    • Delivers a short­er 1.5” stroke length
    • Same bat­tery as Teddy TX
    • Best for small-​to-​mid-​sized dildos
  • The G‑spotty Velvet Thruster Prime Abbey was renamed Prime Nanci

2022 launch: Velvet Stroker Auto-​Solo Masturbator

  • New screw with 2.5” stroke length and up to 200 strokes per minute
  • It comes with an includ­ed sleeve
  • But you can swap it out for a dif­fer­ent Fleshlight
  • Or put a Velvet Prime head on it, if you want!
  • Not my thing, but it plays for both teams.
Velvet Stroker Auto Solo automated masturbation sleeve and L'Acier Capo semi-realistic stainless steel dildo
Top to bot­tom: Velvet Stroker Auto-​Solo auto­mat­ed penis mas­tur­ba­tor and L'Acier Capo stain­less steel dil­do

2023 launch: Velvet Thruster Prime Edward attachment

  • You read about it ear­li­er in this post!

What's next?

What do you want to see from Velvet Thruster?

Perhaps a Bluetooth remote con­trol toy that's more pow­er­ful than the Lovense Gravity? A com­pact, fold­able posi­tion­ing mount?

Velvet Brands very much lis­tens to user feed­back, so feel free to drop your sug­ges­tions in the com­ments! This post was spon­sored and con­tains affil­i­ate links, which give me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. If any­thing, you'd save with my coupon code, SUPER25

The Thruster Prime is seri­ous­ly with­in my top 5 sex toys. Ever. First is the njoy Eleven, fol­lowed by maybe the Velvet Thruster Prime, then some mix of a wand, Uberrime, and Fun Factory. There are so many won­ders in Toyland, and Velvet Thruster tops the list.

Velvet Brands packaging containing the L'Acier Capo and Slide. The top box flap features bold letters reading, "IN THRUST WE TRUST" with the Velvet logo

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9 Responses

  1. miki says:

    Is the cur­va­ture of Edward fac­ing for­ward like a gspot toy? For some rea­son it looks like it’s aim­ing back­ward or off to the side in the pho­tos on their site

  2. Benitah says:

    This looks like some­thing for me.

  3. Citrine says:

    The length and head shape are exact­ly what I had been hop­ing for in a new Velvet Thruster head. What is the firm­ness and flex­i­bil­i­ty of the Edward like, espe­cial­ly com­pared to the oth­er attach­ments? I've hes­i­tat­ed on the Velvet Thruster par­tial­ly because the attach­ments looked like they would be too rigid for fast thrust­ing, and I can't han­dle the size of the Vixen Colossus to get that Vixskin squishiness.

    • I've added a new pho­to to show the flex­i­bil­i­ty! The sil­i­cone is a lit­tle soft­er than the oth­er Prime heads, but only a lit­tle. Edward in par­tic­u­lar has just a tiny sec­tion where it's slight­ly hol­low at the cen­ter to bend more easily.

      In short, it's nowhere near VixSkin soft­ness, but it does quite bend a bit, and I'm not wor­ried about rigidity.

  4. B R says:

    I real­ly want my wife to try one of these. I think she would enjoy it, but she's very hes­i­tant. I can't see fork­ing out big bucks to find out she either won't use it or hates it. A dilemma.

  5. Trix says:

    There’s a lot to think about here, but I’m grateful!

  6. Cam says:

    Such a cus­tomiz­able toy and all the add ons to make it your own.

  7. D. Dyer says:

    Oh, I need this attach­ment! Longer is exact­ly what I have been hop­ing for maybe an intense tex­ture one next.

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