RELAUNCH: Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime (FKA Abbey) & Teddy GS

The future of fucking is here with the Velvet Thruster!
Lilac Velvet Thruster GS and black Velvet Thruster Prime Nanci FKA Abbey

With so many new high-​tech sex toys, how do you choose a suit­able insertable for you?

That’s where sex toy crit­ics like me come in.

We’re unit­ed in our pas­sion for plea­sure and expe­ri­ence with myr­i­ad toys. At the same time, though, we’re a diverse group of peo­ple with vary­ing needs for sat­is­fac­tion. We rec­og­nize that every body is dif­fer­ent, and that a real­is­tic penis shape isn't the end-​all and be-​all of sex­u­al pleasure.

More Velvet Thruster models at your service!

For those who love thrust­ing dil­dos, Velvet Thruster’s expand­ed line­up means options for a broad­er range of bod­ies and pref­er­ences than ever before:

You can thank review­ers and influ­encers for that. Our sug­ges­tions and feed­back played a crit­i­cal part in the devel­op­ment and direc­tion of the Velvet Thrusters.

Velvet Thruster Prime accessibility handles

A behind-the-scenes look at the Velvet Thruster's design improvements

In 2019, Velvet Co. invit­ed me out to Adult Novelty Manufacturers Expo for a meet­ing with them, SheVibe’s founders, and a hand­ful of fel­low sex blog­gers and con­tent creators.

When they said, “meet­ing,” I imag­ined a ster­ile con­fer­ence room.

What actu­al­ly tran­spired was:

  • Champagne in the back of a par­ty bus
  • Rooftop cock­tails at a down­town LA hotel — the tallest build­ing in the city at the time of its construction
  • Inspecting the com­po­nents of the Thruster — the struc­tur­al "skele­ton," recharge­able bat­tery, and all
  • Discussing sex machine design under a giant sign that read, “JESUS SAVES
RELAUNCH: Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime (FKA Abbey) & Teddy GS 1
RELAUNCH: Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime (FKA Abbey) & Teddy GS 2
RELAUNCH: Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime (FKA Abbey) & Teddy GS 3
RELAUNCH: Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime (FKA Abbey) & Teddy GS 4
RELAUNCH: Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime (FKA Abbey) & Teddy GS 5
RELAUNCH: Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime (FKA Abbey) & Teddy GS 6

The meet­ing revolved around one big ques­tion: how can we make the Velvet Thruster even bet­ter?

What we wanted from the next-gen contraptions

Across the board, we want­ed bet­ter water resis­tance and a suc­tion cup for the big­ger ver­sion of the Velvet Thruster.

One review­er also sug­gest­ed mar­ket­ing The Thruster’s sex machines as a help­ful tool for peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties or lim­it­ed mobil­i­ty. What about a design with a swap­pable long reach han­dle and suction-​cup base? And many of us want­ed a thick­er ver­sion or G‑spotty thrust­ing dil­do option.

The mod­el­ing clay on the tables allowed us to take our ideas a step fur­ther. We weren’t just telling Velvet Co. what we want­ed. We could show them how we wanted.

Sculpting a new Velvet Thruster for G-spot stimulation and prostate massage

As a sex toy review­er, I’ve tried many thrust­ing dil­dos and G‑spot vibra­tors. Some made my G‑spot sing, while many oth­ers betrayed my vagi­na.

I didn’t want any­thing too steep, too stiff, or too squared off — I have a long his­to­ry of such designs aim­ing too far past my pubic bone to do any­thing for my G‑spot.

Again, the pubic bone’s shape is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent for every­one. Give me a round­ed but pro­nounced G‑spotting head that works for my body!

Here’s the thrust­ing dil­do I envi­sioned and sculpt­ed from mod­el­ing clay:

Velvet Thruster Nanci Abbey Teddy Jackie design

Off to the side, you can see the begin­nings of Epiphora’s sculpt, too. She stopped mold­ing the clay upon see­ing that what I had made for the Velvet Thruster Nanci was what she want­ed, too.

Key fea­tures included:

  • a slight forward-​facing curve
  • a bul­bous tip
  • light tex­ture on the "neck"
  • a sli­i­i­ight­ly flat­tened head to increase sur­face area

Velvet Co. loved it! They 3D scanned my mod­el, tweaked the pro­duc­tion design, and made it into medical-​grade sil­i­cone. The Velvet Thruster Nanci's mat­te fin­ish is silky-​smooth and com­fort­able to insert with just a lit­tle lube.

Say hello to the Velvet Thruster Nanci Prime and Teddy GS!

The new Velvet Thruster attach­ments aren’t fuck­ing around.

New Velvet Thruster Nanci Packaging

Velvet Co. sharp­ened the inner hook for intense­ly focused stim­u­la­tion of the G‑spot (or prostate) and inter­nal cli­toris. Not every­one will adore the dil­do attachment's promi­nent edge, but it takes the sen­sa­tion to the next lev­el for me.

At the same time, the flex­i­ble shaft's 6" insertable length accom­mo­dates G‑spots of many dif­fer­ent shapes and depths. And, as always, the con­trol but­tons make it super easy to tog­gle through the adjustable speeds and pick the mode for your mood. The beefi­er Velvet Prime model's max inten­si­ty can pound up to 140 strokes per minute!

To sum­ma­rize my Velvet Thruster Nanci (FKA Abbey) G‑spot thrust­ing dil­do review:

“I adore that I get pin­point AND broad stim­u­la­tion in dif­fer­ent spots. The round­ed part of the tip push­es, the flat face kneads, and the sharp hook pulls.

The result? Velvet Thruster’s Teddy GS and Nanci (FKA Abbey) fea­ture a strong shape in a springy mate­r­i­al — a sen­si­ble mid­dle ground between yield­ing and forceful.”

If you’re not in the mood for intense front wall stim­u­la­tion, you can turn it around for deep­er pen­e­tra­tion and cervix massage/​cervical orgasms. Or keep it slow and steady to build up arousal; clench your pelvic floor mus­cles around the head. The Velvet Prime will keep going and going with its 8‑hour bat­tery life.

Velvet Thruster Prime Nanci FKA Abbey packaging

Red-​hot relaunch: the Abbey is now the Velvet Thruster Nanci!

With some parts of our busi­ness­es going “back to nor­mal” after COVID, we decid­ed it was time to give my G‑spotting sex machine a red-​hot relaunch.

What was for­mer­ly known as the Velvet Thruster Abbey is now the Velvet Thruster Nanci. Its 2021 launch will include 1980s-​inspired retro-​revivalist pack­ag­ing  — which I also helped design! The holo­graph­ic foil effect will be a spe­cial print­er effect over the pre­view image you see above.

Masturbation May might be long over, but the Velvet Thruster Nanci’s reign is just begin­ning for inter­nal cli­toral stimulation.

Consider experiencing the internal clit magic.

Read my whole review of the Velvet Thruster Nanci (FKA Abbey) and Teddy GS.

Check out the Velvet Thruster Nanci (and their mod­els and acces­sories) at TheThruster​.com

Take 15% off your first order when you join their mail­ing list. If you're a repeat buy­er, use my code, SUPER25 for 25% off your purchase.

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1 Response

  1. Chelsea says:

    Omg I must get one of these

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