Blush Temptasia Trixie vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy GS Self-Thrusting Dildo Comparison

Remember that G‑spotty Velvet Thruster dil­do attach­ment I helped design in 2019? (Of course, you do; there’s an old pic­ture of me and my ass on the packaging.)

Blush Novelties made a more afford­able rebut­tal, the Temptasia Trixie hand­held fuck­ing machine.

Blush Temptasia Trixie vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy GS comparison review. Shown here is the Temptasia Trixie in wine red and the Velvet Thruster Teddy GS in mint green.

With its small­er price tag also comes a small­er stroke length and insertable por­tion than the Velvet Thrusters. That rais­es the ques­tion: is the Blush Novelties Temptasia Trixie worth its bang-​to-​buck ratio?

My short answer: I wish it was. The main thing you need to know is that it doesn’t work for me. Straight up.

This Blush Temptasia Trixie review will elab­o­rate on why that is (fore­shad­ow­ing: Kegel game too strong!) — and why the Velvet Thruster Teddy GS still has a spe­cial place in my heart.

Velvet Thruster Teddy GS and Prime Nanci head vs. Blush Novelties Temptasia Trixie shape

Blush Temptasia Trixie vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy GS Shape and Construction

Both the Temptasia Trixie and Teddy GS have the fol­low­ing fea­tures in common:

  • Buttery-​smooth mat­te sil­i­cone exteriors
  • Accordion-​style shafts that expand and contract
  • Bulbous, off-​center heads, about 1.5” across
  • Flattened face on one side for knead­ing the G‑spot
  • Flexible necks
  • USB recharge­able batteries

The gen­er­al idea of a G‑spotty self-​thrusting dil­do with a luxe fin­ish is there, but in exe­cu­tion, they’re pret­ty different.

Velvet Thruster Teddy GS and Prime Nanci vs. Blush Novelties Temptasia Trixie shape

Head Shape

Velvet Thruster’s Teddy GS and its big luxe sib­ling, the Prime Nanci, have such steeply hooked heads that they can be used as cro­chet hooks.

(To the dis­may of TikTok’s mod­er­a­tors, I did cro­chet with the Teddy GS for a video.) The Thruster’s G‑spot attach­ments are sharp and square and not here to fuck around.

In con­trast, the Temptasia Trixie’s G‑spotting head is more like a flat­tened egg. You won’t get as defined, pin­point pres­sure on your G‑spot. That slight­ly sub­dued sen­sa­tion could be a wel­come change for a few reasons:

  • Your G‑spot doesn’t like the fine focus and would rather have broad or dif­fuse pressure
  • You’re prone to G‑spot toys grind­ing uncom­fort­ably on your pubic bone
  • You have a low-​set cervix and want a more gen­er­al toy that can also tar­get the A‑spot
Velvet Thruster Teddy GS and Prime Nanci vs. Blush Novelties Temptasia Trixie self-thrusting dildo handheld fucking machine side view

On the flip side, if you want more tar­get­ed stim­u­la­tion, the Velvet Thruster Teddy GS and Prime Nanci were made for you. 

Insertable Length

There’s a rea­son I spec­i­fied “low-​set cervix” in the pre­vi­ous sec­tion: the Temptasia Trixie has less insertable length. Its dil­do por­tion mea­sures 4.5” long, while the Velvet Thruster Teddy GS’s mea­sures 5.75” (and the Prime Nanci’s mea­sures 7.25”).

Velvet Co.’s self-​thrusting dil­do attach­ments are much eas­i­er to aim toward the user’s cervix or A‑spot, if that’s what they desire. I like turn­ing it back, so the non-​hooked side mas­sages my cer­vi­cal os.

Handle Shape

The Temptasia Trixie’s han­dle gen­tly swells for easy hold­ing in one’s palm, while the Velvet Thruster Teddy GS was decid­ed­ly meant for prop­ping against sur­faces and using hands-​free. Such func­tion­al­i­ty is reflect­ed in its suc­tion cup and but­ton placement.

Blush Temptasia Trixie vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy GS Machinery

Controls and Settings

Blush Novelties’ Temptasia Trixie thruster has one but­ton at the bot­tom, mak­ing it unsuit­able for push­ing up against, say, a hard floor while rid­ing cowgirl-​style. Meanwhile, the Velvet Thrusters were made for that. They have one on/​off but­ton and two for speed control.

Velvet Thruster Teddy GS vs. Blush Novelties Temptasia Trixie handle and base

While the Temptasia Trixie offers 3 thrust­ing speeds (120 to 144 strokes per minute), the Velvet Thruster Teddy series has a wider range with 6 set­tings (60 to 125).

Stroke Length

As any sea­soned vibra­tor user knows, speed isn’t the only rel­e­vant fac­tor. Movement depth mat­ters, too! The Blush Temptasia Trixie stroke length is 1.25”, while the Velvet Thruster Teddy GS (and TX and XL) pounds away with a 2.5” range of motion.

Motor Strength

Last but not least, the Blush Temptasia Trixie’s fatal flaw is that it stalls jar­ring­ly eas­i­ly. Velvet Thruster’s Teddy GS might plum­met from 125 to 80 strokes per minute, but it still keeps going. Meanwhile, the Temptasia Trixie wilts under pres­sure and stops entire­ly at times.

Blush Novelties Temptasia Trixie vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy GS handheld fucking machine stroke length comparison

I push the Temptasia Trixie against my bony AF G‑spot? Stall. Stop. I go deep­er with it? Stall. Stop. I clench the slight­est bit when I expe­ri­ence plea­sure? Stall. Stop.

I’ve said it before: a sex toy mak­er that claims to deliv­er mind-​blowing orgasms bet­ter be able to endure the phys­i­o­log­i­cal con­se­quences thereof.

Unfortunately, the Temptasia Trixie’s motor can’t even take me up to the plateau; it stops before cli­max is even in sight, let alone ever tak­ing its chance to cross the apex. Nope.

Even my way, way, way, ear­ly pre-​cum squeezes are too much for it to han­dle. Even my pubic bone and my walls are too much.

Blush Temptasia Trixie vs. Velvet Thruster Teddy GS Self-Thrusting Dildo Comparison 1

Closing Thoughts and Further Reading

I want­ed to like the Blush Temptasia Trixie but can’t rec­om­mend it in good faith. Good thing there are plen­ty of oth­er self-​thrusting dil­dos I adored!

Get the Following Thrusters at Romantic Depot


It’s the “I can’t stop com­ing” kind of dil­do that I’d set aside time to use all night.

Dual-​density real­ism. Short, punchy strokes. See my Naked Addiction 9" Thrusting Dong review for more details on how great it is!


BIG NEWS: I’ve found The One. No, I’m not get­ting mar­ried, but I’m just as star-​crossed to have dis­cov­ered my rab­bit vibra­tor soulmate.

Best for those with close­ly spaced clit, vag, and G‑spot, and who don't mind a mechan­i­cal feel. The California Dreaming Orange County Cutie is very sim­i­lar to my Santa Cruz Coaster rab­bit vibra­tor, AKA MY DUAL STIMULATOR SOULMATE.

Other Shops’ Thrusters I’ve Thoroughly Enjoyed

Romantic Depot VIP Club Perks

Shopping at Romantic Depot unlocks the fol­low­ing perks with a VIP Club mem­ber­ship:

  • Exclusive prices and dis­counts (plus a price match guar­an­tee if you find the toys cheap­er at oth­er authen­tic retailers!)
  • 50% off any of Romantic Depot’s 7 brick-​and-​mortar loca­tions in New York
  • Free ship­ping on online orders (no min­i­mum required)

Even with the sub­scrip­tion cost, the prices do often end up being less than at oth­er retailers.

This post was spon­sored by Romantic Depot. Thoughts expressed here are my own.

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1 Response

  1. Cam says:

    Love the color

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