Lumberjill Grace ebony wood G-spot dildo review

Image: Lumberjill Grace G-spot dildo lying with the top face up. Light reflects along the edges

I gasped when I tilt­ed the Lumberjill Grace's volup­tuous bulge against my G‑spot. The intense pres­sure of the wood and wicked curves could have made me come right then and there, with­in a mat­ter of sec­onds. But when I was test­ing it for the first time, I had to delay that grat­i­fi­ca­tion. I forced myself to savor every degree of it before giv­ing in.

The Lumberjill Grace's con­tours are not fuck­ing around. Oh, no. At its fat­test, this dil­do is 2" wide, swoop­ing down to 0.5" at the nar­row­est por­tion. Though (most­ly) smooth, it is hard­core in any oth­er sense of the word. For me, it's as intense as the njoy Pure Wand, but less direct and more ver­sa­tile. And as fill­ing as the njoy Eleven but short­er (7.5" long instead of 11") and more light­weight. Plus, where­as my Pure Wand is often a one-​and-​done insta-​come dur­ing solo use, I'm always ready for more from the Grace.

Love at first sight, first touch, and first clench

Image: sunlight and shadows emphasize one of the defined edges on the Lumberjill Leisurecraft Grace Wood G-spot dildo

It's now in my "emer­gency kit" for part­ner play, along­side lube, con­doms, and my Magic Wand Plus. Its smooth­ly and seduc­tive­ly fill­ing G‑spot beat­ing are next-​level. Bring it on. Lock it against my G‑spot. Tilt it, tap it, and twist it: unyield­ing pres­sure and non-​stop orgasms. I love fat sil­i­cone dil­dos, but wood, glass, and steel feel far more at home in my vagi­na— espe­cial­ly when the Lumberjill Grace's curves tes­se­late so beau­ti­ful­ly with my pubic bone and front wall.

You know how the ini­tial con­trac­tion and gasp that begin an orgasm are usu­al­ly the most intense? With the Lumberjill Grace, I can expect that first clench to be even longer and more eye-​widening than with most G‑spot toys. The girth and rigid­i­ty give my pelvic floor more resis­tance to clench around, build­ing up a more dra­mat­ic explosion.

Either of the Lumberjill Grace's two ends will do

Image: the Lumberjill Grace G-spot dildo has some seriously swooping curves

One of them fea­tures a longer, slow­er ramp. Nevertheless, the bulge is beau­ti­ful­ly full. Its taper isn't super grad­ual, and the widest point isn't espe­cial­ly close to the tip, mean­ing I can pull it against the dip where my pubic bone recedes. This side is the one for longer thrusts and gen­er­al fill­ing up.

The oth­er, short­er but equally-​girthy side has a more sud­den swell for an even more pre­cise fit against my G‑spot. It's the side that I tilt and tap and come on ad infini­tum. And the defined edges aren't some­thing you see very often in hard dildos.

Image: sunlight reflects off of the Lumberjill Grace's flat face

G‑spots vary just as cli­toral pref­er­ences do— some like broad­er stim­u­la­tion and some like pin­point pres­sure. I like both, but twist­ing the Lumberjill Grace's hard cor­ners against my front wall is a del­i­ca­cy I can't get from many oth­er dil­dos. (The Uberrime Xenuphora is one of the few.)

It's a very spe­cif­ic, tar­get­ed, and unre­lent­ing force, and it's not for every­one. I love indi­rect cli­toral pres­sure from fin­ger­nails through my hood, and the Lumberjill Grace's edges are kind of like that for my inter­nal cli­toris. If you're among those who would find that fea­ture irri­tat­ing, you could just not twist the dil­do. Keep the edges away from your front wall, and you won't feel them as much.

The one downside

Image: the Lumberjill Grace G-spot dildo in my hand in the sun. The fat ends are wider than my wrist.

The main down­side to this dil­do is that its girth and shape make for a blunt inser­tion. If you're not already com­fort­able with insert­ing toys 2" thick, don't expect this dil­do to be the step­ping stone. Get some­thing squishi­er or more tapered first. As well, this is not the toy for you if G‑spotting heads eas­i­ly and uncom­fort­ably snag on your pubic bone. You might strug­gle to remove it if you find it hard to relax your pelvic floor.

My verdict on the Lumberjill Grace handmade wood dildo

The same fea­tures that make the Lumberjill Grace so uncom­fort­able for some are also what make it intense­ly fill­ing and G‑spotty. It's the dras­tic decline from 2" wide to 0.5" that allows the head to swoop along my pubic bone's curve and latch in place. Right where it belongs.

Those juicy, glazed hills and val­leys— and the equal­ly ample orgasms— are more than worth the trade-​off. I usu­al­ly pre­fer deep­er pen­e­tra­tion, but this is one of the few fill­ing AF, G‑spot-​oriented dil­dos that I'd be down for keep­ing inside me all day while lying in bed.

Find the Lumberjill Grace handmade wood G-spot dildo and other rad toys at SheVibe!

Image: SheVibe "Vibe Responsibly" logo banner

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1 Response

  1. G says:

    Love the com­par­isons to the njoy toys!!

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