Review: Bodywand, Ultra G-Touch Attachment, Blush Omnia

You never forget your first!
Glow-in-the-dark massagers in UV light: Bodywand, Ultra G-Touch G-spot attachment, Neo Elite GLOW Omnia

Back in 2016, wand vibra­tors were still mys­ti­cal to me. I was equal parts:

So I tried the Bodywand Midnight plug-​in mas­sager. While it was still a pow­er tool full-​sized wand, it felt far less intim­i­dat­ing than the Magic Wand Original.

Five years lat­er, I get to own the glow-​in-​the-​dark ver­sion? Fuck yeah!

Glow-in-the-dark sex toys: Blush Neo Elite GLOW Omnia dual-density dildo, glow-in-the-dark Bodywand, Ultra G-Touch attachment

Bodywand plug-in massager as a first wand?

The big perk of the Bodywand mas­sager is that it fea­tures a dial for a grad­ual speed increase, rather than the two options of "OMG" and "OMFG."

In oth­er words, the Bodywand is new­fan­gled com­pared to using a light dim­mer with a Magic Wand Original.

Glow-in-the-dark Bodywand corded mains-powered massager with G-spot attachment

However, since then, wand vibra­tors have come a long way, with more rum­ble and high­er qual­i­ty sil­i­cone heads. Better wands than the Hitachi Magic Wand Original include:

  • Magic Wand Plus and Rechargeable, which offer four steady speeds and more rumble 
    • The Magic Wand Plus is the per­fect first wand vibra­tor, IMO
  • BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic — rumbly and made just for those who want to insert a wand head
  • Doxy Die Cast, which I'd argue is the most pow­er­ful plug-​in wand in exis­tence, as of the day I post­ed this review

The Eroscillator is a great pin­point mains-​powered mas­sager, too

I've long made it clear: the buzzy, high-​pitched grind of the Magic Wand Original and Bodywand mas­sager is large­ly a rel­ic of the past. We have bet­ter options now. But that doesn't mean I hate the oldies.

How I currently feel about the Bodywand massager by X‑Gen

After all this time, it's still more than strong enough for lazy mas­tur­ba­tion through my pants. (Consider: the Bodywand's top speed is about the same inten­si­ty as the mag­ic Wand Original's low­er setting.)

Glow-in-the-dark wand vibrator and dildo

I might turn the Bodywand's speed up and down and take breaks so that I don't get over­whelmed or tick­lish or tem­porar­i­ly numb from my wand mas­sager. That and the noise are the main downsides.

However, if I have an after­noon to spend alone? The Bodywand is a love­ly excur­sion — espe­cial­ly topped with a wand-​compatible dil­do like the LuzArte Jollet.

A glow-​in-​the-​dark wand massager

Also, let's be hon­est: I love acquir­ing more glow-​in-​the-​dark sex toys!

And you best bet I'm keep­ing this piece of his­to­ry for my posthu­mous sex toy muse­um! While it might not usurp my Magic Wand Plus any time soon, it's undoubt­ed­ly one of the more eye-​catching pieces on my display.

I read­i­ly antic­i­pate the "Excuse me, is that a glow-​in-​the-​dark wand?" com­ments on my Instagram. Top it with a day-​glow pink G‑Touch sil­i­cone wand attach­ment for max­i­mum UV black­light punch.

Get the Bodywand glow-​in-​the-​dark wall plug-​in wand vibra­tor.

NOTE: the Bodywand's head is made of TPR, which is porous. Consider get­ting a sil­i­cone wand mas­sager head to top it.

Glow-in-the-dark Bodywand and Ultra G Touch silicone wand attachment for G-spot

Ultra G-Touch silicone wand attachment by Bodywand

The Ultra G‑Touch wand attach­ment is anoth­er blast from the past. I ini­tial­ly found out about it back in my younger days of play par­ties and dun­geons. Castratta, Detroit's Lady of Pain, loves her G‑spotty wand head.

Wand mas­sager vibra­tions trav­el well through the firm sil­i­cone, send­ing an earth­quake through your inter­nal cli­toris. Simultaneously, the out­er por­tion mas­sages the cli­toral glans. The short shaft allows you to rock back and forth, alter­nat­ing between focus­ing vibra­tions on your G‑spot and your exter­nal clit. And the flat head kneads the front wall while the exag­ger­at­ed coro­na pulls against the ure­thral sponge.

Clenching around it reminds me of a vibrat­ing, mid-​sized ver­sion of the Blush Temptasia Elvira.

X-Gen Ultra G-Touch textured silicone wand massager head for G-spot

The cher­ry on top: the silicone's fin­ish is but­tery mat­te with min­i­mal drag. I don't both­er with the tiny tex­tures direct­ly against my cli­toris, but they're still deli­cious even through the hood. I high­ly rec­om­mend indi­rect cli­toral pres­sure here.

Wand G‑spot attachment measurements

Bodywand's larg­er Ultra G‑Touch wand attach­ment has about:

  • 4" of insertable length 
    • 1.7" head and 2.3" shaft
  • 1.5" max­i­mum diameter

The small­er Ultra G‑Touch G‑spotting wand attach­ment mea­sures 3" (insertable length) and 1" max­i­mum diam­e­ter. I wish I had cho­sen the short­er one since my G‑spot is rel­a­tive­ly shal­low. A small­er insertable length would mean less dis­tance to thrust to get simul­ta­ne­ous G‑spot and cli­toral stimulation.

Flexible silicone G-spot wand massager attachment

Everybody is dif­fer­ent, though, so your mileage may vary.

Both fit wands that mea­sure about 2.5" across — mak­ing this wand attach­ment com­pat­i­ble with the fol­low­ing massagers:

Get the Ultra G‑Touch G‑spot wand attach­ment by Bodywand in Small or Large.

Flexible silicone G-spot wand massager attachment

Blush Novelties Neo Elite GLOW Omnia

A glow-​in-​the-​dark dual-​density dildo

I'm review­ing anoth­er glow-​in-​the-​dark dil­do because why the fuck not? The Blush Neo Elite GLOW Omnia suc­tion cup dil­do looks stun­ning next to my glow-​in-​the-​dark dil­dos. And the price? Under $30.

Review: Bodywand, Ultra G-Touch Attachment, Blush Omnia 1
Review: Bodywand, Ultra G-Touch Attachment, Blush Omnia 2
Review: Bodywand, Ultra G-Touch Attachment, Blush Omnia 3

A plush lay­er of cloudy, pli­able sil­i­cone sits atop the Blush Omnia's glow-​in-​the-​dark sil­i­cone core. Pretty much the entire head is squishy, soft­er than a gum­my bear — mak­ing it a sur­pris­ing­ly real­is­tic dual-​density dil­do (at least sensation-​wise). The bounci­ness makes the Blush Omnia fun to clench around dur­ing shal­low stim­u­la­tion. It's slight­ly sticky, but that's a dol­lop of lube fix­es that.

The Blush Omnia glow-​in-​the-​dark dual-​density dil­do mea­sures about 1.25" across the widest part of the head, and there's 5.25" of insertable length. In oth­er words, it's only a lit­tle short­er than the aver­age human penis but quite a bit skin­nier. Its long-​and-​lean, frill-​free build makes it gen­tle for peg­ging or get­ting com­fort­able with pen­e­tra­tion.

Does the Blush Neo Elite GLOW Omnia look famil­iar to you? It might if you've seen Blush's oth­er designs made from the same mold, such as:

Blush Novelties Neo Elite GLOW Omnia glow-in-the-dark dual density dildo silicone firmness and flexibility

Get the Blush Novelties Omnia glow-​in-​the-​dark dual-​density dil­do — or check out the rest of the super afford­able Neo Elite Glow line!

Further reading

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3 Responses

  1. Lynn says:

    I'm delight­ed that more com­pa­nies are mak­ing glow in the dark toys, some­thing about them just amus­es me!

  2. Trix says:

    I nev­er knew about the Bodywand before now, and the attach­ments look great too!

  1. August 17, 2021

    […] toys are so fun and I’m ALWAYS on the hunt for wand vibra­tors. Big thanks to Cy for this […]

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