Bodywand Midnight review: powerful wand vibrator with dial control

Wand-​style vibra­tors are for pow­er queens. Could my cli­toral con­sti­tu­tion with­stand the deli­cious dev­as­ta­tion promised to me? In 2015, I tried the Bodywand for the first time — intim­i­dat­ed by its pow­er but assured by its grad­ual dial control.

Bodywand Midnight wand massager with dial control

Indeed, the Bodywand Midnight's dial con­trol allowed the user to choose from a vari­ety of speeds. But the broad head and fast, buzzy vibra­tions, even on the low end, didn't get along well with my clitoris.

UPDATE: I've writ­ten a ret­ro­spec­tive follow-​up post, 5 years lat­er, with my thoughts on the glow-​in-​the-​dark Bodywand mas­sager. Same motor and con­trol, dif­fer­ent col­or. Overall, the world is a very dif­fer­ent place, and we have so many options for rumbly wands.

The X‑Gen Bodywand Midnight isn't ter­ri­ble for the price. However, I'd sug­gest you get a Magic Wand Plus if you want a rum­bli­er wand mas­sager that doesn't cost that much more.

Bodywand Midnight vs. Hitachi Magic Wand Original

The Bodywand's high­est set­ting has about the same pow­er as the low­er of the two speeds on the Hitachi Vibratex Magic Wand Original. However, even the bot­tom end of the range is super powerful.

The bad news is that this toy doesn't have the low speeds with high ampli­tude that I expect­ed; they're mod­er­ate to high fre­quen­cy. (Ooooh, but the Magic Wand Plus does have that basslike vroom I craved!) The Bodywand's pitch can be itchy and numb­ing, depend­ing on my mood. But the good news is that the pow­er­ful vibra­tions are broad enough for me to dis­perse them over my whole vul­va. I still enjoy by using wand's the head on my labia; posi­tion­ing it this way lets the stim­u­la­tion trav­el to the legs of my clitoris.

Wand vibrator head materials and product care

Bodywand Midnight

If you're using it direct­ly on your gen­i­tals, keep in mind that the Bodywand's head is made of ther­mo­plas­tic rub­ber. You can wash the sur­face, but you can't thor­ough­ly san­i­tize it. I sug­gest get­ting a sil­i­cone cov­er for san­i­ta­tion pur­pos­es. It's not too hard to find one because any attach­ment that fits on the Magic Wand Original also suits the Bodywand.

Below is the glow-​in-​the-​dark ver­sion of the Bodywand and a sil­i­cone G‑spotting cap that fits most 2.4" wide wand heads.

Bodywand Glow with silicone attachment and glowing dildo

Wands with nonporous silicone heads

UPDATE: The Doxy Die Cast, and Magic Wand Plus both have heads made of non­porous sil­i­cone. You can dis­in­fect them by dip­ping their heads in 10% bleach solu­tion and then wash­ing thor­ough­ly with soap and water.

Get something else if you want quiet wand massagers and vibrators

Lastly, it would be fool­ish to believe every sex toy pack­age declar­ing, "whis­per qui­et," espe­cial­ly for wands. One can't hear the Bodywand Midnight from under the cov­ers through a closed door, that's not say­ing much. It does get loud­er as you turn the pow­er up. If dis­cre­tion is a must, the Bodywand Midnight is loud AF and not for you.

UPDATE: This is anoth­er attribute where the upgrad­ed Magic Wand Plus, We-​Vibe Wand, and BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky, excel. Their low­er speeds are qui­et enough that a thick blan­ket is enough to muf­fle the sound.

Overall verdict on the Bodywand Midnight vs. best wands for beginners

Let's start by com­par­ing prices, shall we? Usually, some­one new-​ish to sex toys cares more about the price tag. They want some­thing with a high quality-​to-​price ratio.

It used to be that, if some­one found the Magic Wand Original's two speeds to be too much, oth­ers would sug­gest a light dim­mer. With options like the Bodywand Midnight and Pillow Talk Cheeky, that's not nec­es­sary any­more. Users can grad­u­al­ly ramp up the vibrator's speed. The Cheeky is a lit­tle less pow­er­ful, but not by much, and it fea­tures a more sig­nif­i­cant range of motion. Its vibra­tions are of a deep­er qual­i­ty than the Bodywand's and Magic Wand Original's.

For the deluxe cord­ed vibra­tor expe­ri­ence, though, I'd sug­gest get­ting a Magic Wand Plus or Doxy Die Cast.

The Magic Wand Plus and Rechargeable's rich tim­bre is worth savor­ing. That means longer ses­sions with more orgasms back-​to-​back. And begin­ners deserve that just as much as con­nois­seurs like me do.

In the mean­time, the main rea­son to get a Bodywand is that you like the aesthetic.

Bodywand Glow with silicone attachment


This wand mas­sager was sent to me in exchange for a review. All views expressed are entire­ly my own.

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4 Responses

  1. G says:

    I love the updates you added.

  1. November 30, 2015

    […] Gen‑X Bodywand Midnight Original ‑by Super Smash Cache […]

  2. December 1, 2015

    […] Gen‑X Bodywand Midnight Original ‑by Super Smash Cache […]

  3. December 13, 2015

    […] Gen‑X Bodywand Midnight Original ‑by Super Smash Cache […]

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