Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos

Looking for your G‑spot or A‑spot? Exploring your cervical fornices and deep spots?

The 321 (Blast Off) and Seahorse acrylic dil­dos by Lovey Productions are per­fect for that! They are exact­ly what my vagi­na need­ed when I was younger.

Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos 1
I made some unconventional choices for my first sex toys: two glass dildos.

One had a straight shaft and flared mush­room tip, while the oth­er was a bead­ed and angled G‑spotter. They taught me bits and pieces about my bits and pieces, allow­ing me to:

I wouldn't change much about my sexual journey.

However, a ver­sa­tile S‑curved dil­do like Lovey Productions' 321 Blastoff could have accel­er­at­ed my under­stand­ing of my body. It's hard to top their unyield­ing inten­si­ty against my A‑spot, espe­cial­ly. Think of them as njoy Pure Wand or Fun Wand Lite.

Features of the 321 (Blast Off) and Seahorse acrylic dildos by Lovey Productions

Shape & Size

If you love the tar­get­ed stim­u­la­tion of a bent fin­ger, lis­ten up. These dil­dos reach into all of my hot spots and deliv­er a smor­gas­bord of big sen­sa­tions with a small price tag.

Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos 2
321 (Blast Off)

This acrylic dil­do is total­ly rigid and mea­sures 10" from end to end. Though that may sound like a lot for vagi­nal use, remem­ber: the point isn't to insert all of that, but to use the "extra" as a han­dle for pre­cise aiming.

It's 0.7" wide along the shaft and 1" across the beads. One end of the 321 (Blast Off) dil­do has three bulbs, the mid­dle has two, and the oth­er end has one — hence the name, 321.

The side with one bead fea­tures a far shal­low­er curve suit­able for deep­er pen­e­tra­tion and mind-​bending cer­vi­cal orgasms. You could go in about 7.25" and still com­fort­ably swiv­el around the cer­vi­cal os.

Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos 3

The Seahorse dil­do is sim­i­lar to the 321 (Blast Off), but its curve is far more steeply com­pact­ed. From tip to tip, it mea­sures 9.2".

One end is more point­ed and tapered, while the oth­er is rel­a­tive­ly round. The mid­dle fea­tures five small "bands" for surface-​level sen­sa­tion along the cli­toris dur­ing thrusting.

I wish it didn't remind me so much of an earth­worm. The dual stim­u­la­tion — simul­ta­ne­ous G‑spotting and cli­toral grind­ing from pen­e­tra­tion alone —hap­pens to fit my very aver­age anato­my nicely.

Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos 4

Acrylic Dildos 101

This review is my first fea­tur­ing acrylic dil­dos, so you may have your reser­va­tions. Here are the main things you need to know about acrylic sex toys.

They are body-​safe and easy to clean.

I only review inserta­bles that are non-​toxic and non-​porous. As with oth­er hard plas­tics, acrylic is only slight­ly more porous than say, glass or met­al or sil­i­cone, but still far more hygien­ic than TPE and TPR. Clean it prop­er­ly, and you won't have issues with microbes growing.

Acrylic dil­dos are stur­dy will last a loooong time with care. For every­day wash­ing, gen­tle soap and water suf­fice. They do scratch more eas­i­ly than glass toys do, though.

For a more hard­core clean, spray, or wipe your acrylic dil­do with a mild hydro­gen per­ox­ide solu­tion. Don't use rub­bing alco­hol — that can cause the acrylic to crack! Let the per­ox­ide sit for 5 min­utes before wash­ing again.

Acrylic dildos are rigid but lightweight.

You get the focus of a glass sex toy with­out the heft. While I enjoy the deli­cious feel­ing of my 4‑pound Le Wand Contour steel dil­do, I under­stand that it's a lot for some people's arms. Acrylic dil­dos are a great com­pro­mise: you get to push real­ly fuck­ing hard if you want, with­out as much stress.

And if you'd pre­fer gen­tle stim­u­la­tion, you can always make small rock­ing motions. The tar­get­ed mas­sage and min­i­mal width also make these acrylic dil­dos a fan­tas­tic fit for help­ing those with pelvic floor ten­sion relax.

Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos 5

How the Lovey Productions 321 (Blast Off) and Seahorse dildos feel in use

I'll say upfront that I like the 321 (Blast Off) dil­do way more than the Seahorse. The bulbed ends do a bit extra to grab on to my pubic bone's dip and lock in place, like a more light­weight ver­sion of the njoy Fun Wand or Pure Wand's small end.

If you've read my review of the lat­ter, you know that's one of the high­est com­pli­ments a G‑spot dil­do can get. If you haven't, just lay out a tow­el and be pre­pared for ejac­u­la­tion, even if you think you can't squirt. That's how intense the orgasms are.

The Lovey Productions Seahorse dildo's more dras­tic curve lim­its its ver­sa­til­i­ty — it's high­ly A‑spotty but hard­er to con­trol behind my cervix. As well, the Seahorse's pointy end doesn't do much for my G‑spot. Its tip aims a bit too far past the sen­si­tive area, unfor­tu­nate­ly dodg­ing my inter­nal cli­toris and ure­thral sponge.

How to use the S-curved dildo design to target your deep spots

I high­ly rec­om­mend read­ing my guides to cer­vi­cal orgasms and the ante­ri­or fornix.

If you haven't already, I'll quickly summarize the A‑spot and deep spot.

The cervix isn't just the vagina's end, but a struc­ture that hangs down at the top. There are pock­ets around it that expand; the area behind the cervix is the pos­te­ri­or fornix (or PFE zone or deep spot), while the ante­ri­or fornix (or A‑spot or AFE zone) is in front.

Exact eroge­nous spots vary from body to body. I find that reach­ing into the PFE zone is nice for mas­sag­ing the actu­al cer­vi­cal os, while the AFE is on the front wall and close to but sep­a­rate from the cervix.

Also, not every­body will enjoy play­ing with these spots. Consider them part of a buf­fet that you can choose to gorge on or taste just a little.

How to stimulate the A‑spot and posterior fornix erogenous zones

You won't need much of my help to find your A‑spot with these S‑curved dil­dos. Push them all the way in while firm­ly pressed against the front wall — use the han­dle to get some lever­age. Once you near the end of the vagi­nal canal, do some jig­gling or twist­ing, and BAM, the A‑spot is right there. Thrust hard­er, if you want. You can't avoid that hot spot with this dildo.

Playing with your cervix takes slight­ly more skilled hands. That's because we're try­ing not to jab too hard into it. As such, I sug­gest using the end with the shal­low­er curve. Tilt the tip toward your back wall as the shaft goes in. Once you can't go any far­ther, do tiny rock­ing motions and thrusts, so you don't lose con­tact with the cer­vi­cal os.

If that's a bit dif­fi­cult, anoth­er option you can try is to turn the S‑curve fac­ing slight­ly to the side. Then, once you're behind the cervix, swiv­el the dildo's head by turn­ing and rotat­ing or revolv­ing the han­dle in tiny cir­cles. Say hel­lo to the feel­ing of flut­tery heart-​eyes-​emojis all over your body.

Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos 6

My verdict on the 321 (Blast Off) and Seahorse S-curved acrylic dildos

YES, the 321 (Blast Off) dil­do is per­fect for begin­ners to vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion. The G‑spot, A‑spot, and cer­vi­cal sen­sa­tions it offers are an absolute steal! The Lovey Productions 321 (Blast Off) does it all.

If you don't care that much for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion and want some­what more of a deep pen­e­tra­tion spe­cial­ist, con­sid­er the Lovey Productions Dios Mío (avail­able in 7/​8" and 1") instead. It's about the same price.

Pair any of these dil­dos with a cheap but rumbly bul­let like the Blush Gaia Eco, Maia Jessi, or BMS Essential. Voilà, you get deep spot stim­u­la­tion, and blend­ed orgasms.

It's a beau­ti­ful, budget-​friendly start to a new sex toy collection.

This post was sponsored!

All words writ­ten here were my own. If you have a sex-​positive busi­ness and want to col­lab­o­rate, feel free to look at my past spon­sored posts and get in touch!

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4 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    I’ve seen but nev­er tried acrylic because of safe­ty con­cerns, thank you for address­ing those so clearly.

  2. Frankie says:

    Do you think the curves on these dil­dos are steep enough to be anal safe? Lovey Productions rec­om­mends them for both prostate and g‑spot stim­u­la­tion, but they say the same thing about the most­ly straight Dios Mío.

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