Fun Factory Volta review: pinpoint flickering "tongue" vibrator

[Image: Fun Factory Volta in blackberry pink vertical side view amid fur, feathers, flowers, and a drinking glass]

The first five lines in my notes about the Fun Factory Volta read:

Those three let­ters sum­ma­rize it: HOW? Its shape is shock­ing­ly effec­tive, with a rumbly motor that indulges my crav­ings for both pin­point and broad exter­nal stimulation.

It's not that I didn't expect to like the Volta's sharp edges. I am, after all, a pin­point princess who wouldn't dream of trav­el­ing with­out her Zumio. I laud­ed Kip by Dame Products, imag­in­ing using its tip to apply eye­lin­er wings. But Kip and Zumio are only a lit­tle flex­i­ble— noth­ing like the Volta's flut­ter­ing flaps.

I wasn't expecting something so yielding to be such a game-changer!

Other vibrators that have made me squirt

Until the Fun Factory Volta, only one toy could con­sis­tent­ly make me squirt: the mains-​powered Eroscillator. Yeah, I've ejac­u­lat­ed once with the Velvet Thruster. And a hand­ful of toys have got­ten me close, like the Zumio, Magic Wand Plus, and Hot Octopuss Jett. Every toy men­tioned in this para­graph is a pow­er­house and among the best of its cat­e­go­ry. But as far as recharge­able cli­toral vibra­tors go, the Volta is the only to open the floodgates.

[Image: Fun Factory Volta vibrator in blackberry pink sideways view— a look at the fluttery, tongue-like tips]

Hence the first line in my Fun Factory Volta review notes: I. HAVE. DIED.

Remember: I am a cer­vi­cal orgasm con­nois­seur. Deep pen­e­tra­tion and hard pound­ings with ele­phan­tine phal­lus­es are what I live for. Clitoral stim­u­la­tion alone sel­dom sat­is­fies me to this extent. There are cli­toral vibra­tors that get the job done, but then there are those that can knock me out.

With the Volta, I fuck­ing need to catch my breath. And take a nap after­ward, when I've some­how decid­ed to stop using it. And set aside the squirt-​soaked laun­dry. (As we say in the mid­west USA, "Ope!") That speaks vol­umes about Fun Factory's G5 motors!

What makes the Fun Factory Volta stand out?

[Image: holding the a blackberry pink Fun Factory Volta vibrator in my hand]

There's no short­age of insertable toys I've enjoyed from Fun Factory, like the Stronic Real and Stronic G. But their external-​only vibra­tors and mini-​vibes had his­tor­i­cal­ly only been good— noth­ing less and noth­ing more. The Laya II can't mea­sure up to the Volta's tier: "HOLY SHIT, YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS OUT! YOU MIGHT CRY A LITTLE, THOUGH!"

It has the sig­na­ture slight "VOOM VOOM" bass wob­ble that I've come to expect from Fun Factory. But the Volta's G5 has a more sig­nif­i­cant range of motion, more strength, more speed options, just so much more than the Laya II or Darling Devil. All fun­neled into potent, pin­point perfection.

There was nothing like the Fun Factory Volta when it first came out.

Other split or tongue-​like vibra­tor designs exist­ed, but they large­ly lacked suf­fi­cient motors to sub­stan­ti­ate the shape. Moreover, they didn't flick­er (con­trary to what the Cal Exotics Marvelous Flicker's name would sug­gest). And they didn't have the Volta's 1 cm range of motion.

For that rea­son, it's a trail­blaz­er. A wave of flut­tery vibra­tors have come out after the Volta, but as of October 2019,  I still don't think any­thing comes close. Zalo Hero? Powerful enough for the price and cool, but not "Holy shit." Also, loud. Satisfyer Flower Power? It's an afford­able alter­na­tive, and the vibra­tion qual­i­ty is okay, but it can't com­pare to the Volta. The Fun Factory Volta is lav­ish­ly priced, but "You get what you pay for" applies here.

A versatile AF vibrator for external stimulation

[Image: yes, the Fun Factory Volta totally can be used against a penis! Here, I'm spreading the tips over the head of an Avant D4 dildo]

The Fun Factory Volta's flick­er­ing flaps spe­cial­ize in pin­point vibra­tion, but let's not for­get that the motor's place­ment allows for broad stim­u­la­tion, as well. I can use the wider, flat area below the Volta's tips if I want pres­sure against more of my vul­va. Unlike oth­er G5 toys, the Volta's body isn't buried in espe­cial­ly thick sil­i­cone that damp­ens the vibrations.

My favorite way of posi­tion­ing the Volta is with both tips flut­ter­ing over the hood on my clit's right side. If your clit's a left­ie, you can do the same on your pre­ferred side, as well. I also have the option to splay the "tongues" apart to sur­round my cli­toris. Or around a partner's penis, espe­cial­ly under the frenu­lum. (Note: for a vibra­tor designed explic­it­ly for penis­es, con­sid­er Fun Factory Manta, Hot Octopuss Pulse III, and Hot Octopuss Jett.)

The Fun Factory Volta delivers the perfect type of power for me

The tips' back-​and-​forth move­ment shines best when there's only light finess­ing. As with the Zumio, the Volta's range of motion decreas­es the more pres­sure you apply. They're both rumbly oscil­lat­ing toys. So why is it eas­i­er for me to squirt with the Volta than with the Zumio?

Part of it is that the Zumio's rel­a­tive­ly firm stem feels harsh in com­par­i­son to the Volta's flex­i­ble, tongue-​like flaps. I still find that the for­mer serves as an "instant orgasm" but­ton for me, but it more often feels harsh after orgasm. Oversensitized, I reflex­ive­ly tense up and back off with the Zumio (and sim­i­lar­ly with the Magic Wand).

With the Volta, there's a sense of com­fort as I pull it away the slight­est bit. The vibra­tion main­tains its sharp­ness, but I don't want to stop. (The three-​button con­trol pan­el def­i­nite­ly helps.) And as the orgasm builds up, I feel far more relaxed— more like­ly to let the ejac­u­late come out.

My verdict on the Fun Factory Volta vibrator

[Image: Fun Factory Volta blackberry pink vibrator top 3/4 view next to Blush Avant D4 striped dildo[

I can't wait to see what Fun Factory comes up with next. Just like their Stronics were gen­uine­ly rev­o­lu­tion­ary, the Volta lives up to Fun Factory's claim of pro­duc­ing a pletho­ra of sen­sa­tions and does so incred­i­bly well. It com­bines char­ac­ter­is­tics of my oth­er cli­toral favorites: as tar­get­ed as the Zumio and as rich in tim­bre as the Eroscillator.

After trying the Fun Factory Volta, I feel like I might never review a bullet again.

Give me weird. Give me, "so crazy; it just might work." Never before had I squirt­ed so con­sis­tent­ly! Give me soaked sheets and sex toys that ele­vate my expec­ta­tions as much as the Fun Factory Volta has.

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18 Responses

  1. nightingale says:

    First i saw your review and was REALLY inter­est­ed but was afraid i would­nt like it (flick­er­ing is definete­ly new for me), so i avoid­ed buy­ing it for like a few months. Saw a mas­sive dis­count on it and decid­ed that "fuck it i want it" and well it was deliv­ered to me lit­er­al­ly 30 min­utes ago. And i already had like 3 orgasms with it (+PT sassy as insertable) AND DAMN IT WAS SO GOOD. Feels like some­thing SLAPS my clit with a very high speed (but i like it)
    Would be prob­a­bly even bet­ter if the edges were a lii­it­tle bit less sharp, but that's lit­er­al­ly the only com­plaint i have. Oh and also it col­lects ALL THE LINT from my house lol. Still absolute­ly worth it.
    I cur­rent­ly have we-​vibe tan­go as the most reached exter­nal, and big plug-​in le wand, which i only take out when i need some­thing STRONGER. Volta seems like a nice inbe­tween, but much rum­bli­er than le wand(maybe because of the flick­er­ing?). Cant wait to try it on my boyfriend, i have a feel­ing that the "petals" might feel nice on the dick too.
    Thank you so much for this review. I guess if i did­nt read it i would­nt decide to actu­al­ly get it.

  2. Mad.m says:

    So did it make you squirt when you played it with your clit or cervix? Or what was the pattern?

  3. Trix says:

    I won­der how the tips com­pare to the Volita…The Volita’s sides feel amaz­ing lubed up and pressed down against my labia or clit, but the tips can feel a lit­tle sharp. It would be great if these had more finesse!

  4. G says:

    it's still so inter­est­ing read­ing pos­i­tive reviews of your expe­ri­ence and how dif­fer­ent bod­ies can be bc this type of toy does noth­ing for me ^^

  5. Sam says:

    Do you feel the vibra­tion in your hand when you hold the Volta?

  6. Kat says:

    I was won­der­ing, do the edges of this feel sharp in motion or is the sil­i­cone soft enough that it’s still some­what gen­tle? I’m a fan of pre­ci­sion, but not super pointy /​ sharp fin­ger­nail type sen­sa­tions. I’m hop­ing for some­thing that will hit a small spe­cif­ic area, but will not feel stab­by. Haha I hope that makes sense.

  7. Jeff says:

    We have a Volita which she loves. She prefers the lighter touch over rumbly power.

  8. G says:

    Definitely my favorite Volta review.

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