Zumio X review: pinpoint oscillating clitoral vibrator

The Zumio is the absolute closest a clitoral toy has ever come to being an "instant orgasm" button for me.
Zumio X review: pinpoint oscillating clitoral vibrator 1

I'd nev­er before tried any­thing so dizzy­ing­ly pin­point­ed, so adept at tar­get­ing that spe­cif­ic point on the right side of my clit, like a laser.

It's a mighty and par­tic­u­lar sex toy that I wouldn't rec­om­mend to the faint of the clitoris.

Purple Zumio Classic vibrator sitting in its charging base

To its credit, the Zumio X is unique

The Zumio X's dain­ty SpiroTIP™ is designed to rapid­ly revolve in tiny cir­cles, rather than shift in pressure.

It isn't nec­es­sar­i­ly bet­ter or more intense than a con­ven­tion­al vibra­tor, but the inten­si­ty is all focused at one rigid point, a lit­tle nar­row­er than a pen­cil eras­er. The move­ment eas­i­ly has the high­est ener­gy den­si­ty I've ever tried in a clit toy.

Contrary to what the mar­ket­ing wants you to believe, the Zumio X's 2mm range of motion feels noth­ing like a fin­ger cir­cling my clit. I can't com­pare it to fin­ger rub­bing or even the back-​and-​forth oscil­la­tions on the rum­bli­er Eroscillator.

But the pin­point nature of the Zumio X does com­ple­ment how much I enjoy press­ing my fin­ger­nail through my cli­toral hood for pre­cise pres­sure. In oth­er words, the Zumio's move­ment is more sharply tar­get­ed than the Eroscillator, but as a result more iso­lat­ed and not near­ly as deep.

It has nev­er failed to give me a quick­ie orgasm, and often the first speed out of 8 is more than enough. On those occa­sions where I have a lot on my mind or just want to come faster, I can turn the speed up. Just as impor­tant­ly after the orgasm, I can turn the speed down. Even with my clit's increased sen­si­tiv­i­ty after com­ing, the 3‑button con­trol pan­el means I can come again and again.

Zumio pinpoint tip compared to VeDO Bam Mini, We-Vibe Tango, and tablet stylus

Orgasms are all but forced out of my cli­toris, which I'm all for. I like the slight­ly uncom­fort­able orgasm tor­ture feel­ing where I can't stop com­ing, my breath­ing is bare­ly with­in my con­scious con­trol, and my vagi­na just wants to crush what­ev­er might be inside of it.

Update: Read how the other Zumio models compare to the Zumio X!

But what about when the first setting is too pinpoint after an orgasm?

Zumio Classic vibrator control panel

It's usu­al­ly one-​and-​done if I only use the tip; I'd have to wait a few min­utes before I could use the Zumio X again. Switching to the stem, though, yields more gen­tle oscil­la­tion. It makes the sen­sa­tion more com­fort­able and con­ducive to mul­ti­ple orgasms.

So let me re-​emphasize: the oscil­lat­ing tip is very pin­point and pow­er­ful. I absolute­ly can­not use it direct­ly on my cli­toris, so I always use it through my hood. And as some­one whose cli­toris is finicky after orgasms, the stem is essen­tial for me to get the best expe­ri­ence out of the Zumio X.

Alternatively, try a Zumio S for slight­ly gen­tler stim­u­la­tion or Zumio E or Zumio I for more versatility.

Zumio's downsides: pressure, buttons, and batteries

Using the stem isn't always prac­ti­cal, how­ev­er, because the Zumio's motion is eas­i­ly damp­ened by pres­sure. For some­one with big­ger labia majo­ra, their anato­my can get in the way and reduce this sex toy's move­ment. Parting one's lips to posi­tion the stem isn't a deal break­er for every­one, but it might be for some­one who wants to pair the Zumio with an insertable toy dur­ing solo play.

Holding the Zumio slim pinpoint vibrator in my hand like a pen

And depend­ing on the thick­ness of my under­wear, the Zumio is one of the few clit toys I can't always use through my panties. There are times where the fab­ric reduces the motion too much for the toy to do much for me. It is a minor grum­ble, but one of the first things I noticed.

Other quirks include but­tons' place­ment, which is super close to the tip, and not exact­ly intu­itive. Vibrators typ­i­cal­ly have but­tons on the oth­er end, that so the user can press them with a thumb. When I hold the Zumio like a pen, press­ing the "increase" and "decrease" but­tons takes some awk­ward feel­ing around and get­ting used to.

Zumio vibrator in charging base with micro-USB plugged in

Last but not least, the charg­ing time is 16 hours long to get up to 3.5 hours of play. It doesn't both­er me because I can charge it a lit­tle at a time or leave it overnight.

The "60-second experience"?

To be clear, a cli­toral toy mak­ing me come fast (even under a minute) is hard­ly remark­able. For me, reach­ing orgasm in less than five min­utes is the rule rather than the excep­tion. However, any­one who tests sex toys knows that orgasm speed isn't the be-​all and end-​all of plea­sure. Let's just dis­card that idea now.

Reaching orgasm in one to five min­utes with the Zumio is "typ­i­cal," says the instruc­tion man­u­al. That's an unnec­es­sary expec­ta­tion, espe­cial­ly when there are plen­ty of rea­sons this toy might not work super well for some­one. They might, for example:

There's noth­ing wrong with tak­ing longer to orgasm. And there's noth­ing wrong hav­ing pref­er­ences that don't align with what the Zumio offers!

...but the Zumio X experience certainly is one-of-a-kind

Zumio oscillating vibrator in a purple and gold flower petal plate

None of the renowned sex toys I men­tioned in the pre­vi­ous sec­tion are quite like the Zumio X. That's the point (no pun intend­ed). You can't prac­ti­cal­ly com­pare a bull­doz­er to a dead blow ham­mer to a laser cut­ter, but you can choose which one (if any) suits your needs best.

As far as spe­cial­ized pow­er tools go, the Zumio's con­trols and type of pow­er suit peo­ple like me well. I care a lot about being able to turn a toy up and down. Pinpoint stim­u­la­tion works bet­ter for me than broad stim­u­la­tion, and I find that if a vibra­tor is pointy and rumbly enough, I don't need pressure.

This review comes from some­one who often uses a fin­ger­nail press­ing through her hood to mas­tur­bate. With that pref­er­ence in mind, the Zumio is about as mes­mer­iz­ing­ly focused as you can get.

Read my reviews of other Zumio models:

A special thank-you to Spectrum Boutique!

Zumio X review: pinpoint oscillating clitoral vibrator 2

Spectrum Boutique has sent me the Zumio in exchange for my hon­est review. They're a local (to me) sex shop, right in the gayborhood.

Thank you, Spectrum Boutique!

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9 Responses

  1. G says:

    Thank you for shar­ing such a won­der­ful review!

  2. DizzyD says:

    I’m inter­est­ed in the Zumio, but I’ve noticed that there are two types. Do they func­tion dif­fer­ent­ly? How do they compare?

  3. Anna says:

    Intrigued, but def­i­nite­ly wouldn't buy due to the price

  4. Clara says:

    I love this review so much! Especially your bull­doz­er to laser metaphor. I’m a fan. Thanks for the review!!

  5. Trix says:

    Judging from some of the things you men­tion, this toy may not be the ide­al choice for me…

  6. Denise Smith says:

    i would like to have one of these dur­ing times when my hus­band isnt around

  7. Kalliopeia says:

    It's weird to have so much lust for such an unsexy look­ing toy. Alas, if only it wasn't so expensive.

  8. J says:

    My wife loves her Zumio for solo play, but be care­ful using it dur­ing PIV sex. She 'stabbed' me with it once and it was…unpleasant.

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