Fun Factory Has Been Spoiling My Pussy For 10+ Years

Their mar­velous engi­neer­ing set many of my stan­dards from the start — pow­er­ful pul­sators often imi­tat­ed but nev­er dupli­cat­ed, rumbly motors with basslike flut­ter­ing and tap­ping, and more.

Collecting insertable per­vert­ibles from Fun Factory for 10+ years has absolute­ly spoiled my pussy.

Fun Factory medical grade silicone sex toys

If you like deep, purring vibra­tion, you’ll love Fun Factory’s line­up, from Big Boss to Vim to the ver­sa­tile AF Volta. This com­pa­ny and I have a his­to­ry going way back to 2014, and my love for Fun Factory’s inno­va­tion has only grown since then.

Fun Factory Sex Toy Review Timeline

Here’s an abridged time­line of our jour­ney togeth­er — my favorite Fun Factory toys I tried each year, from 2014 to 2024.


How can I decide on just one favorite?

Double-​stuffing myself with the Ryde is a drool-​worthy expe­ri­ence, and so is fan­tas­tic fel­la­tio with the Fun Factory Manta sur­round­ing my partner’s cock.


Fun Factory’s Vim wand mas­sager is the absolute best cord­less wand I’ve ever tried, with its weight­ed head and bassy thud­ding. Not much else tops it. When I’m in a rut with my ol’ faith­ful Doxy Die Cast, Vim has such a dis­tinct, deep tim­bre that I cum with­out need­ing all that much power.

Fun Factory VIM vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable comparison


It’s hard to pick a favorite from this year, too — so why not com­bine two toys? Pairing a dil­do like The Boss with a cock ring like Nos is one of my favorite ways to do dual stim­u­la­tion. Mix and match dif­fer­ent dils with Nos and adapt to var­i­ous moods.

Fun Factory Nos vibrating cock ring on The Boss dildo and Abby G vibrator


Fun Factory’s Tiger G5 packed a purr into an intense­ly tex­tured pack­age that both gripped at my walls and bumped against my clit.

The ridges took it from “wow” to “WOOAAAAAH.”

Fun Factory Tiger G5 textured insertable vibrator India Red swatch


Their Sundaze pulse vibe is ver­sa­tile as fuck, rang­ing from broad tap­ping to sharp vibra­tion sen­sa­tions, all while at an ide­al deci­bel lev­el for dis­cre­tion. It’s tru­ly whisper-​quiet and has the best strength-​to-​sound ratio I have ever encoun­tered in a pow­ered toy.

Fun Factory Sundaze Pulse Vibe Pistachio Green


Fun Factory’s Volta’s tips flut­tered along either side of my cli­toral glans for sur­round sound, effec­tive­ly mak­ing me squirt from exter­nal stim­u­la­tion alone — a first expe­ri­ence from a recharge­able toy at the time.

Fun Factory Volta powerful fluttering vibrator with flaps


Their Stronic Real and Stronic Surf made me cum stu­pid­ly quick­ly, sat­is­fy­ing me in a way that most tra­di­tion­al vibra­tors couldn’t.

I propped a pil­low in front of me so I wouldn’t eject the toy entire­ly when its self-​propelled thrust­ing made me cum again and again.

Fun Factory Stronics

2014 – 2017

Fun Factory had just released their tried their Stronic pul­sators. They inno­vat­ed lin­ear self-​thrusters that jolt­ed back and forth with flaw­less con­sis­ten­cy like a partner’s fin­gers that just won’t quit.

Use one inside or out­side; it’s deli­cious either way.

Fun Factory Has Been Spoiling My Pussy For 10+ Years 1

(Real talk: the Bi Stronic Fusion shown in the pho­to isn't great as a rab­bit, but I quite enjoyed it as a G‑spotter. Only dur­ing a sale would I sug­gest some­one get it.)

Want the FUN to keep going? See my full list of FUN FACTORY favorites.

Fun Factory silicone sex toys ethically made in Germany

This post was spon­sored! The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

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2 Responses

  1. Adriana says:

    Some great pho­tos in this! As I'm going through my archives, there are plen­ty of Fun Factory toys. Sadly, some real­ly awe­some ones are no longer available

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