Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush

Squishy, sweet, niche treats for my vulva and partner play.

The sex toy world is so much big­ger than dil­dos and vibra­tors, extend­ing to sleeves and squish­ables aplenty.

Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush 1
Left to right: Banana Pants b.cush, Pris Toys Basilisk, and NS Novelties Firefly Yoni

Enter the NS Novelties Firefly Yoni, a glow-​in-​the-​dark SILICONE stro­ker. While it's mar­ket­ed as a penis mas­tur­ba­tor, it's also a fan­tas­tic option for squish­ing against vul­vas. Non-​vibrating exter­nal toys for cli­torides are clear­ly in demand, hence my read­ers' excite­ment over the Pelle Whim.

Some found the Whim's price tag shock­ing, though, so I want­ed to elab­o­rate on some more afford­able options. My boyfriend and I put the more afford­able NS Novelties Firefly Yoni stro­ker to the test, along with the Banana Pants b.cush. The lat­ter is a cush­ion­ing and cli­toral­ly stim­u­lat­ing "sad­dle" you can grind against, hump, and stick to the bases of dil­dos for harnessing.

Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush 2

Both the Firefly Yoni and b.cush are unique, but since the glow-​in-​the-​dark one prob­a­bly caught your atten­tion more, so we'll start with that one.

NS Novelties Firefly Yoni glow-in-the-dark silicone stroker review

The Firefly Yoni is made of non-​porous sil­i­cone and super afford­able, a com­bo rarely found among stro­kers. If the blue seems too oth­er­world­ly for you, a pink ver­sion is avail­able, too.

Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush 3
Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush 4

Why is a silicone masturbation sleeve a big deal?

Penis mas­tur­ba­tion sleeves tend to be made of TPE (ther­mo­plas­tic elas­tomer) or TPR (ther­mo­plas­tic rub­ber) for stretch­i­ness, putting them in a gray area when it comes to body safe­ty. TPE and TPR are cer­tain­ly bet­ter for the body than mystery-​concoction, chemical-​leaking "jel­ly," but they're still porous and can breed microbes over time.

Simply put, porous stro­kers have a shelf-​life once used. Non-​porous sil­i­cone is the way to go if you want a soft but inert mate­r­i­al for sex toys that will last.

NS Novelties Firefly Yoni realistic vagina silicone strokerr review

Unlike most oth­er mas­tur­ba­tion sleeves in this price range, you can actu­al­ly dis­in­fect the Firefly Yoni sil­i­cone stro­ker by boil­ing it or using a 10% bleach solution.

Provided that you:

  • Wash it regularly
  • Don't dam­age it with fingernails
  • Use a water-​based lubri­cant with it (NEVER a sil­i­cone one!)

…you could hypo­thet­i­cal­ly use a sil­i­cone mas­tur­ba­tor for years and years to come.

The oth­er thing about sleeves is that TPE and TPR tend to be more sup­ple and stretchy — and cheap­er — than sil­i­cone. It wasn't super easy to make a sil­i­cone sleeve with the right soft­ness and tight­ness and do so at a low price until rel­a­tive­ly recently.

Soft sil­i­cone stro­kers cer­tain­ly have exist­ed for a while, most­ly in the lux­u­ry price range (think fan­ta­sy toys and techy gad­gets).

While the Firefly Yoni glow-​in-​the-​dark sil­i­cone stro­ker may look unas­sum­ing, what NS Novelties did with sil­i­cone here is a big step for­ward for penis toys.

Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush 5

NS Novelties Firefly Yoni stroker measurements & specs

  • Length: 5.39" (13.7 cm)
  • Diameter across the lip side: 2.44" (6.2 cm)
  • Vaginal slit length: 1.18" (3.0 cm)
  • Hole diam­e­ter on the oth­er end: 0.59" (1.5 cm)
  • Depth of the labia majo­ra: 0.59" (1.5 cm)

Colors avail­able: pink, blue

Other sil­i­cone stro­kers to check out: BJ, Rear Entry, Moon

For added con­text, my boyfriend's penis is well above aver­age girth at 2" wide, and this the NS Firefly Yoni stro­ker hasn't giv­en us any issues with fit.

NS Novelties Firefly Yoni silicone stroker internal ridges

This silicone masturbation sleeve vs. other strokers

A silicone stroker for his penis

The tl;dr ver­sion: My boyfriend actu­al­ly likes the NS Novelties Firefly Yoni sil­i­cone sleeve more than cup-​style strokers!

The NS Novelties Firefly Yoni is suu­u­u­u­per soft — soft­er than any oth­er sil­i­cone I've touched before and even soft­er than the Pelle Whim. Again, though, it's not quite as squishy as TPR, and that may be a good thing here. Compared to some oth­er TPR stro­kers, the Firefly Yoni's open­ing starts a bit big­ger, but because the sil­i­cone is a tad firmer, the ten­sion is adequate.

Though the "default" tight­ness feels good, the lack of a hard exter­nal means you can adjust pres­sure and tight­ness with your hand. Plus, I like watch­ing his penis tip peek out of the oth­er end. 🙂

NS Novelties Firefly Yoni Silicone Stroker vagina representational textures

There's noth­ing remote­ly wild on the inside — no tri­an­gles or dia­monds or spi­der web tex­tures — just some basic rib­bing. The tiny ridges aren't super notice­able to my boyfriend, but he said they feel more real­is­tic than oth­er stro­kers he's tried before. Depending on how you grip, it can feel "sur­pris­ing­ly like oral."

For those who want broad­er bumps, though, con­sid­er turn­ing the Firefly Yoni inside out to rub the diag­o­nal tex­tures against your penis. My boyfriend said that the tex­ture is more notice­able against his shaft that way.

What's more, it "feels like doing it from behind," though that may be due to the pow­er of sug­ges­tion. The open­ing does look like a gap­ing but­t­hole when used this way, after all.

Review: NS Firefly Yoni silicone stroker & Banana Pants B.cush 6

Overall, the NS Novelties Firefly Yoni sil­i­cone stro­ker is made well for what it does. Another green flag? My boyfriend says that he'll con­tin­ue to use this sleeve con­sis­tent­ly! The added sen­sa­tion far super­sedes the minor incon­ve­nience of sneak­ing across the hall­way to wash it. Amid this sil­i­cone stroker's tex­tures, longevi­ty, and price, it's a steal.

Just don't leave it out if you're try­ing to be dis­creet, espe­cial­ly at night. All eyes will dart to the Firefly Yoni's phos­pho­res­cent glow.

A queervertible for my vulva

As a vagina-​owner who enjoys gen­tle cli­toral grind­ing at times, I much appre­ci­ate hav­ing soft sil­i­cone toys to squish against my exter­nal bits. I call it a "queervert­ible," but don't let that port­man­teau pigeon­hole you. Whatever your gen­der or ori­en­ta­tion, if you enjoy soft stroking, it's for you.

Toys for clitoral grinding

Sex toys don’t have a gen­der, they have a purpose.

— Carly S. in Spectrum Journal

Putting a cheap, egg-​style sleeve on a wand isn't unheard of, but the NS Firefly Yoni stro­ker's struc­tures are a whole dif­fer­ent kind of lux­u­ry for vul­va mas­sage. The lips and con­vex­i­ties bump up against my inter­nal cli­toris with just the right resis­tance lev­el in the right places — "labia" against labia. Broader sen­sa­tions than my fin­gers and more fleshy (read: less bony) than my palm.

Using this sil­i­cone mas­tur­ba­tion sleeve against my vul­va feels just as good as Pelle Whim to me — love at first grind. The only down­side is that the Yoni takes a lit­tle more effort to grip and aim, but I can't com­plain much. Consider the NS Novelties Firefly Yoni if you want to sam­ple Pelle's marshmallow-​soft mas­sage with­out the lux­u­ry price tag.

Further readings for more glow-​in-​the-​dark sex toys:

Banana Pants b.cush soft stimulating dildo bumper base top view

Banana Pants b.cush silicone dildo base review

If the Pelle Whim Dune's more cen­tered and direct designs appeal to you, try the Banana Pants b.cush. It's about the firm­ness of gum­my can­dy, con­trast­ing with the Firefly Yoni's more blub­bery consistency.

The glossy side fea­tures two bumps: one focused on the cli­toral glans and one near the vagi­nal open­ing. On the oth­er is a tacky tex­tured side to stick to dil­do bases if that's some­thing you want to add to your har­ness play. All sil­i­cone, no adhe­sive — rinse or wipe with water to re-​activate the stickiness!

banana pants b.cush dildo base on Pris Toys Basilisk

(Alternatively, Banana Pants also makes the BumpHer, which is sim­i­lar but instead has a sheath to fit over dil­do bases.) I enjoy grind­ing up against a hard and rumbly bul­let dur­ing strap-​on play, but the Banana Pants BumpHer and b.cush are broad­er and less harsh in comparison.

At the same time, it's decid­ed­ly for those who want a soft vul­va grind­ing toy that gets to the point — slight­ly yield­ing but very direct. It's not for users who want full-​vulva mas­sage along the cli­toral cru­ra, too. For that rea­son, I find myself using the Pelle Whim and NS Firefly Yoni more often for solo play than the b.cush.

For me, the b.cush is more of a bump­ing toy, com­ple­ment­ing thrust­ing motions with a strap-​on rather than a grind­ing and rub­bing toy. I think the con­cept is a lot of fun, and it's a nice bal­ance between firm and gen­tle for acoustic mas­tur­ba­tion, but I'm not quite its tar­get audience.

What about you? Do you like pillow-​humping and grind­ing? What toys have you impro­vised or "queervert­ed"?

Further Reading About Clitoral Grinders

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6 Responses

  1. Sadqueer says:

    The b cush just did not work with my anato­my at all as a stim­u­la­tor of any kind on the back of a strap on for har­ness play — it just hits the pubic mound with zero con­tact with the clit.

  2. E says:

    Oh I real­ly appre­ci­ate how you bring up var­i­ous ways to use dif­fer­ent toys! As a queer per­son who’s work­ing with sex ed, I think it’s nice that we can broad­en the way we talk both about sex in gen­er­al but also about sex toys. That way it’s more inclu­sive for all!

  3. Ttix says:

    Nabbed the Firefly Yoni on Black Friday and I love it! It’s also great with a lubed Touch X in the cavity—much eas­i­er to maneu­ver than press­ing a vibe against the sleeve. I have pret­ty promi­nent nip­ples, so I’ve been exper­i­ment­ing with using the open­ings (either one, lubed or unlubed) for nip­ple play too…

  4. Trix says:

    The Firefly Yoni looks excel­lent, though I might have trou­ble get­ting it to stay in place (I’m not much of an on-​top grinder or humper, so I like things that lie flat on my out­er labia)…

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