Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width

Galactic glitter, girth, glow, and gloss

The Pris Toys Basilisk packs it all into a wild­ly eye-​catching semi-​realistic dil­do. Its dual-​density sil­i­cone is just the cher­ry on top.

Pris Toys Basilisk Vixen Randy Size Comparison
I didn't have a soda can with me for size com­par­i­son, so here's a mason jar instead. Also pic­tured here is a black, single-​density Vixen Creations Randy, which I've reviewed in the past.

Oh, and did I men­tion that it's 2.3" across — about the same width as the top of a soda can?

If you've nev­er felt a dual-​density dil­do before, I'll sum it in one word: meaty. These spe­cial mem­bers feel flesh­like, with their firm inner cores and squeez­able out­er lay­ers. The com­bi­na­tion of sil­i­cone den­si­ties yields sta­bil­i­ty for thrust­ing and a com­fort­ably soft, some­what real­is­tic feel. All that, and it's body-​safe and BIFL.

Pris Toys dual-density silicone vs. Vixen Creations' VixSkin

Pris Toys might be a new indie mak­er on the scene, but some­thing about their Basilisk dil­do tells me they've paid close atten­tion. Their dual-​density sil­i­cone feels famil­iar — uncan­ni­ly sim­i­lar to Vixen Creations' VixSkin. And that could only be a good thing … right?

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 1

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 2

VixSkin dil­dos were among the first body-​safe dual-​density dil­dos done well. Most shops I work with sim­ply don't send Vixen Creations out for review any­more because they're already high­ly acclaimed cult clas­sics for the dil­do con­nois­seur. Vixen is to real­is­tic dil­dos what njoy is to stain­less steel: maybe a lit­tle pre­ten­tious, but deserv­ing­ly so.

The out­er lay­er of the Pris Toys Basilisk is on the same tier. It is a chef's kiss emo­ji. It has the same squish lev­el as the tip of an actu­al penis or a relaxed mus­cle, with a glossy sur­face for min­i­mal drag.

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 3

Where Pris Toys' dual-​density diverges from oth­er mak­ers is the inner core. It is fuck­ing HARD. Literally hard­core. The base also has min­i­mal flex­i­bil­i­ty. For me, that trans­lates to a super easy time grip­ping on the Basilisk and aim­ing it. Another dif­fer­ence is that the core goes high­er up — there's less to squish at the tip than with Vixen Creations' VixSkin.

How the Pris Toys Basilisk looks and feels in use

Nothing is bor­ing about the visu­al pre­sen­ta­tion. The Pris Toys Basilisk has tex­tures galore, includ­ing a slight­ly abstract­ed frenu­lum and fore­skin and cor­pus spon­gio­sum. On paper, it offers hor­i­zon­tal ridges to pop against your G‑spot or ver­ti­cals and diag­o­nals to twist.

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 4

In prac­tice, wish the Pris Toys Basilisk felt as good as its undu­lat­ing shaft looked. Though it seemed promis­ing on the out­side, there's not much that it spe­cial­izes in.

Yes, its out­er sil­i­cone is the same den­si­ty as VixSkin but doesn't pad the tip near­ly as much as, say, the VixSkin Outlaw. So it doesn't yield or con­form eas­i­ly behind my cervix dur­ing deep pen­e­tra­tion as the VixSkin Johnny or Gambler does.

Shape-​wise, the Pris Toys Basilisk's head lacks def­i­n­i­tion. It feels like I'm fuck­ing my G‑spot with noth­ing. Further down the shaft, the sil­i­cone is too soft for me to feel much of the tex­tures unless I'm reeeaaal­ly focus­ing on them.

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 5

Though the Pris Toys Basilisk is super fill­ing, its firm­ness and squish aren't dis­trib­uted in the right places for me.

What I'd recommend instead of the Dual-Density Pris Toys Basilisk

I need the Dual-​Density Pris Toys Basilisk to shout its inten­tions with its chest. If it wants to be a G‑spot dil­do, it needs more cur­va­ture and a thick­er mush­room head to reflect that, as the scream-​inducing Vixen Randy does. The Basilisk's soft tex­tures also lack the va-​va-​voom of the Uberrime Night King.

In its cur­rent form, the dual-​density sil­i­cone doesn't add much to the Pris Toys Basilisk. It fills a void but also feels too shy and non-​committal, not know­ing what it wants. It's poten­tial and noth­ing more. I may be more fond of the bold­er and firmer single-​density Basilisk if I gave it a chance, but the dual-​density ver­sion I have in front of me is far from a "fuck yes" — which makes it a "no."

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 6

Think the Pris Toys Basilisk would be a "fuck yeah" for you?

Get one from SheVibe! Or browse the rest of their Pris Toys selec­tion.

Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 7
Pris Toys Basilisk review: dual-density dildo with soda can width 8

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12 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    This is such a beau­ti­ful toy, glad to hear that the 2.0 ver­sion is much more satisfying.

  2. JB says:

    I want­ed this toy as soon as I saw it on SheVibe’s site, but was so dis­ap­point­ed to find it got mul­ti­ple bad (as in skip over this toy) reviews. I think I would like that it has a very firm inner core. I saw on Instagram that Pris Toys is work­ing on a curve mod­el of this toy, so maybe that will work bet­ter. Thanks for the review.

    • Yeah, the Basilisk 2.0 is def­i­nite­ly a lot better!

      • Avi says:

        Do you know if the Basilisk 2.0 is avail­able for pur­chase? I've been eye­ing it on Etsy because I love tex­tures and got a bunch of gift cards, but I don't want to go for it if that's not improved on the new models.

        • They've def­i­nite­ly tak­en my feed­back to make the curve more defined, but I haven't tried the Basilisk 2.0 per­son­al­ly. Will con­sid­er reach­ing out to Pris Toys to review one this year.

          • Avi says:

            Got it! I actu­al­ly mes­saged them on Etsy and they said they'd be work­ing on a bet­ter sculpt + mold in the near future.

  3. Lisa Stone says:

    What a won­der­ful col­or scheme. I would buy it just for that.

  4. Prudence says:

    If only as much effort had been put into the phys­i­cal design of this toy as was clear­ly used in the col­or scheme, it could have been a great toy. Unfortunately, pret­ty col­ors don't fix design flaws.

  5. Trix says:

    I wasn't aware of this company…even though this toy wouldn't work for me due to girth alone, I appre­ci­ate the detailed review!

  6. Citrine says:

    I seri­ous­ly appre­ci­ate you being spe­cif­ic about the core and where it ends in addi­tion to the the squish of the out­er lay­er. I've had my eye on anoth­er Pris toy (the Ursula) since it came out but wasn't sure about get­ting it with no oth­er reviews in sight.

  7. G says:

    "It fills a void but also feels too shy and non-​committal, not know­ing what it wants. It’s poten­tial and noth­ing more."

    very nice­ly word­ed & anoth­er good read!!

  8. Kitten says:

    Just fin­ished bing­ing your blog after dis­cov­er­ing it through blog-​recommendation Reddit post and my damn. Where have you been my whole life. I've wast­ed so much of my pre­cious time and ener­gy doing lit­er­al­ly any­thing else but learn­ing valu­able infor­ma­tion about my pre­vi­ous toys, 80% of whom sucked (the oth­er 20% have recent­ly died). I appre­ci­ate all of the cons you've includ­ed in this arti­cle as this toy is TANTALIZINGLY beau­ti­ful and made it on its way to my wish-​list, but as an insertion-​noob, this would have put me off future attempts for sure. I appre­ci­ate this, and you. c:

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